The Protagonist System

160 Repercussions

160 Repercussions

It had been a bit of a shock that the town council chose to not negotiate for more of the walkie-talkies. They wouldn't give an explanation for it, either. It was Tammy that stepped in and arranged trades for them and kept them for herself to lend out when a scout patrol left the town to protect the area from any encroaching infected. The guards usually sent out really appreciated it, especially Marius.

Sandra and I stayed in constant contact with Tammy and Sandra's friends in her old hometown and they kept us up to date with everything that was going on. We couldn't travel across two states constantly to visit all the time, because that just invited unnecessary danger into our lives and neither of us wanted to lose the other one. We also didn't want anyone from town to risk their lives to come all the way to us, either.

Over the next few months, I worked my ass off trying different things to create the best weed-killer ever. The tricky part was not killing off all the normal vegetation, since that was really easy to do. I already had something that could remove all the plant life in an area, killing it permanently. The problem was, it was highly toxic to plant life and nothing would grow there ever again. So, that was shelved.

Married life was pretty fun, especially since it gave Sandra the excuse she needed to cross that last line and we could enjoy ourselves fully. The best part about that was all the teasing and heavy petting for months on end that we had done to each other before getting married, had made her excessively horny and she couldn't get enough of me.

We could be in the middle of eating a nice meal and she would suddenly jump to her feet and tackle me to the floor to have her way with me, making me laugh every single time. I eventually figured out that she was testing me, just to see if I would ever say no or tried to stop her. Since I wasn't an idiot, I never did.

Once the weather started turning cold again, we chanced another trip back to Jackson and I tried out my latest batch of weed-killer along the way. I wasn't stupid, so I didn't try to attack a main nest or a central growth area of the fungus or anything. Instead, I lightly sprayed it on the ground along the route we took. I was essentially burning a clear path from Colorado to Wyoming to see how long it would last.

We arrived at the town in much better time than the last time, since we didn't spend time going around to mark any new growths or expansions of the fungus. Tammy and Jenkins greeted us at the gate, as did Janine, and both Sandra and I were surprised to see her holding hands with Jenkins.

“You guys are holding hands! How scandalous!” I joked and Sandra whacked my arm.

Jenkins laughed and let Janine's hand go to put an arm around her shoulders. “What can I say? She saw a great guy and rejected him, so now she's stuck with me.”

Janine gasped and blushed. “Th-that... that's not true.”

“She's right.” I said, not wanting anyone to mistake the situation. “It was only flirting and carrying on. Even when I jokingly asked her to be my birthday present, she adamantly refused. My age was only an excuse for her to politely decline my advances.”

The four of them stared at me with surprised faces.

“It's not that hard to believe, is it? I could say I wasn't operating at my best back when we first met; but, it's more accurate to say I'm not everyone's first choice for doing things like dating and hanging out.” I said and slid off my horse on the left side and landed on the dirt. “We come bearing gifts again.”

Tammy sighed and motioned for the two stable hands to take over control of the horses. “What do I need to warn the council about this time?”

Sandra slid off her horse and patted it. “You mentioned running low on flour and that the wheat crops were a bit low this summer.”

I pulled out a large 100 kilogram bag of flour from each of my saddle bags and rested them on the ground. I went to Sandra's horse and pulled out a 100 kilogram bag of oats from each of hers.

“Geezusss.” Jenkins said with a whistle. “They can haul that much?”

I patted Aphrodite's flank and then patted Hermes. “They can haul a lot more than that for shorter distances when they train.”

“Ah, I get it. Heavier for shorter, longer for lighter.” Jenkins said with a nod of his head.

“You got it. Endurance and encumbrance training.” I said and walked around the horses to stand beside Tammy. “200 kilograms barely slows them down and they can trot for miles without stopping.”

Hermes neighed and nodded, looking proud.

“I don't know if I can ever get used to seeing that.” Tammy commented, making me chuckle.

“We could be around here more if it wasn't so dangerous travelling so far.” Sandra said and hugged me. “Eli's made some progress on his project and we tested it on the way.”

Tammy perked right up at that. “Oh? What was the result of the latest batch?”

I shrugged slightly. “It's mitigating so far. There were no real visible signs so soon after treatment, so I'll be checking extensively on the way back.”

“I'm sure it's going to work well, sweetheart.” Sandra said and kissed me. “I'm going to steal Janine from her husband for a while.”

“Right, girl talk. Don't let me stop you.” I said and shooed her away.

Sandra giggled and Janine looked amused. They let Jenkins and I go and then grabbed onto each other and walked in sync together. They went deeper into the town with their heads pressed together and seemed to talk faster than should be possible to understand.

“I don't know if I can ever get used to seeing that.” Jenkins joked, repeating what Tammy said about Hermes.

Both Tammy and I laughed and he chuckled along.

“Come on, Eli. We set up that dart board thing you told us how to make in the bar.” Jenkins said and motioned for me to follow him. “It's surprisingly popular after people have a few beers.”

“I told you they would like it.” I said and started to follow him, stopped and turned back to Tammy. “I hope we can get together after supper and talk like we usually do, only in person this time.”

Tammy smiled warmly. “I'd like that, Eli.”

“Me, too.” I said and jogged to catch up with Jenkins.

“Marius is gonna be angry if you monopolize his woman so much.” Jenkins warned me.

“He hasn't said anything for the last few months.” I said and he gave me a pointed look. “Yes, I know it's different in person. I've just grown to know Tammy a lot better since we've been talking so much and I don't want to disappoint her by not continuing that, just because we're face to face and not over a radio.”

Jenkins shook his head. “All I can do is warn you, Eli. It's up to you to listen to it.”

I patted his shoulder and opened the bar's door. “I appreciate the concern, Jenkins. Really.” I said and waved him inside the bar. “You don't have to worry that Marius will do something to me. I won't antagonize him or anything, either. I promise.”

Jenkins sighed and led me over to the dart board. “I don't want to see anyone get hurt, not just you.”

I made a pained sound and put a hand over my heart. “I'm so touched!”

Jenkins chuckled and swatted at me, so I dodged. “I'll get us a couple beers.”

“Thanks.” I said and handed him a bunch of ration tickets. “The rest are on me.”

Jenkins looked at the month's worth of food tickets in his hand and laughed. He walked towards the bar that had an actual bartender now and handed a week's worth over to the very happy woman.

“I'll run a tab.” She said and tucked the tickets into her shirt.

I picked up the two sets of darts and felt them. They were slightly unbalanced, probably because they didn't have a proper lathe to mill them finely. I discreetly fixed them with magic and touched up the dart board a little to repair some of the damage and cleaned up the details to make them stand out more.

Jenkins came over with two mugs of draft beer and set them on the small table next to the dart board. “We're good for a few hours and we'll have to stop to eat.”

I handed him one set of three darts. “I'll go grab some pretzels and chips.”

Jenkins nodded and held up one of the darts, rolled it through his fingers, and shrugged. He lobbed it at the dart board and the thunk was nice and solid.

The bartender grinned at me and put a bowl of pretzels and plain chips onto the bar as I approached.

“Thank you.” I said and slipped two large chocolate bars between the bowls.

“No, thank you.” She said and the two bars disappeared under the bar before I moved the bowls.

I nodded and went back over to Jenkins and saw he had used both sets of darts already. “How's the warm up?”

Jenkins gave me an odd look and then chuckled. “Better than the last six times I played.”

I put the bowls down on the table and smirked at him. “Did you just say you needed me here to be your good luck charm?”

Jenkins laughed and retrieved the six darts. “You're not full of yourself or anything.”

“What are you talking about? I'm fucking awesome!” I replied and he laughed again.

“Just shut up and play.” Jenkins said and handed me three of the darts.

Needless to say, we had a great time and the gathering crowd cheered us on.


“I knew you liked him better than me, Tammy. I just didn't think you'd rub it in my face like this!” Marius said angrily as he stomped around the living room of the house.

“Where the hell is this shit coming from?” Tammy asked, just as angry as him.

Marius motioned to the broken walkie-talkie he had previously smashed onto the floor. “I could take you talking to another man behind my back, because it was just talking. Now you're going to meet your other man in person and in front of the entire fucking town! I won't stand for it!”

Tammy's hackles had been raised and she wasn't going to back down. “You won't stand for it?” She asked, her tone turning deadly. “What are you going to do about it?”

Marius turned to her and pointed a finger right into her face. “I absolutely forbid you to see him!”

“You... you forbid me...” Tammy asked, her voice barely above a growl.

“I refuse to let you make me the laughing stock of the town!” Marius shouted. “I'm sick of the jokes and the jibes from the younger men about how a fucking teenager is better than me! Every day I suffer through constant comments and...”

“Get out.” Tammy said, her voice flat.

Marius stopped ranting and his eyes were wide. “Wh-what?”

“If you're so worried about what other people think instead of me, then you can worry about it somewhere else.” Tammy said, her voice rising in pitch. “How dare you try to control my life after everything I've been through! After all the years we've been together! How dare you FORBID ME from talking to a friend!”

“Tammy...” Marius whispered.

“GET OUT!” Tammy yelled and pointed over his shoulder. “You can send Mac over tomorrow to get what's left of your things.”

Marius blinked his eyes at that implication and he realized he had majorly screwed up. “Tammy, I'm sorry. I didn't mean...”

“Get. The fuck. Out.” Tammy said as her left hand forming into a fist. “Unless you want a bullet in the leg, you better start walking.”

Marius took a step towards her and the click of a gun being cocked made him freeze.

“The other way.” Tammy said and her right hand slid out from behind her back and held a revolver.

“Tammy, there's no need to overreact...” Marius started to say.


Marius flinched so hard that his teeth clacked together. When the gun clicked again, he felt the blood drain from his face.

Tammy raised the gun from pointing at the floor to point it at his thigh. “Eli says he's become a great medical doctor. How ironic would it be to have him dig a bullet out of you?”

Marius raised his hands up in surrender and tried to walk backwards, only he kicked the coffee table and stumbled, flailed his arms, and caught himself on the side of the couch. He stood up again and started to sweat, because the gun was now pointed at his crotch. He got the point and turned away from her, expecting the gun to go off, and walked out of the house.

The door shut behind Marius and he never heard Tammy's sobbing cries or the gun being dropped on the floor. Thankfully, it didn't go off, despite still being cocked to fire.


Both Sandra and I rushed over to Tammy's place after her sobbing call on our walkie-talkies. She had asked for us to help her and we didn't know what was going on until we entered her house and saw a pile of men's clothes in the fireplace going up in flames.

Sandra and I exchanged knowing looks and went to a still sobbing Tammy and helped her to stand, then we led her over to the couch and sat on either side of her. We didn't say anything and just let her cry herself out. It was all we could do until she was coherent enough to give us the details of what happened.

After about twenty minutes, Tammy finally calmed down enough to tell us what happened. We kind of knew Marius had left and only wanted to know the details. By the time she was done talking about it, then telling us what happened to her years ago, we both agreed that Tammy's side was the right one and hugged her to let her cry some more.

Sandra was the first to move after Tammy's breakdown and she stood up, helped Tammy to stand, and motioned for me to help. We took Tammy to her bedroom and sat her down on the bed and I looked to Sandra to silently ask what we should do next. I probably shouldn't have left it to her.

“You know what has to happen now, right?” Sandra asked and both Tammy and I gave her our attention. She smiled sexily and knelt on the floor in front of me, then her deft hands moved and I was suddenly exposed to the air and she started jerking on me.

Because she was my wife and I loved her, I sprang right up for her.

“We have to prove Marius was right to be jealous and not just an idiot.” Sandra said, her voice confident, then she started sucking on me right in front of our friend.

Tammy's mouth dropped open at the blatant sexual act being performed right there in front of her.

Sandra pulled her mouth off of me. “That's a great idea, Tammy! You don't have to wait for your turn.”

Tammy let out a squawk as Sandra pulled her down off of the bed and guided her open mouth right onto my prominent erection. To both of our surprise, Tammy let out a fairly indecent moan and then accepted that she really was going to go through with it. I started to moan as well, because goddamn she could do some great things with her tongue.

While Tammy worked me over, Sandra stripped off and then carefully took Tammy's clothes off as well. I mentally admitted that for someone that was nearing 50 years old, Tammy was in great shape. Even her breasts were still a little perky and had some heft to them.

“That's it, Tammy! Show this young buck that you're not out of the game yet!” Sandra encouraged her.

“I think... you're mixing up... you metaphors.” I said between panting moans.

“Hmm mmm.” Tammy agreed and then did a particular swirl around the tip and I couldn't hold it in anymore.

“There he blows!” Sandra cheered at seeing me tense up.

Tammy started swallowing me down like a champion and she had a look of triumph and satisfaction on her face. She pulled her mouth off of me and she licked her lips, letting out another moan at the great taste.

“Now for the fun part!” Sandra said and helped Tammy stand and then pushed her onto the bed. “Spread those legs wide, Tammy! Eli's fantastic at this!”

Tammy looked doubtful and I gave Sandra a pointed look.

“I meant you have to warm her up first.” Sandra said and I nodded.

“Are you sure about this?” I asked and climbed onto the bed.

“It's the only way to save both Tammy's and Marius' reputations. You have to take all the blame.” Sandra said.

I finally got it and looked at Tammy. “I hope you don't mind that I seduced you away from your old man.”

Tammy's eyes dropped to my still prominent erection. “Ask me again when we're done.”

Sandra laughed and laid down beside her. “That's the spirit! Eli, give her the works.”

I chuckled and laid down to position my head between Tammy's thighs. “You better hold onto something.”

“What do you meeaaaaaHHHHHH!” Tammy screamed as I vibrated my tongue and she instantly came. She was already breathing heavily and her left hand grasped Sandra's and her right hand grabbed my hair and pulled me in tighter. “You're fucking awesome!”

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