The Protagonist System

181 Testing Out Things

181 Testing Out Things

“With you slowly charging us up for the next year, we're sure to be able to stand out from the other common powers.” Rin Matsumoto said after I had eaten out each of the five girls and they confessed their love for me.

I didn't correct her misunderstanding about how my powers worked, though. With my Power Sharing skill maxed out, I could easily give her a skill and magic spell combination that would increase her listening powers exponentially and also grant her an enhanced body package.

Staying with a basic human capability as a hero was a handicap they didn't need. If they were going to be heroes in today's society, they needed the extra edge. Plus, I didn't lose the original copy of the power or ability and could keep giving them out after an arbitrary time limit.

The best part? I had Imagination Based magic again. I could make up whatever spell I wanted and could give them a copy of it as an actual power. I'd have to level up the new spell manually, since only the skills and spells I already had were maxed out when I sacrificed the One For All power. Still, it shouldn't take long to do that, bringing me back to Rin's statement about it taking a while to power her up. Apparently, she was right and I would take my time doing it.

I cuddled each of them and we set up a little training schedule for me to meet up with them tomorrow and so I could get a look at them using their powers and figuring out the best ways to improve them. We cleaned up with some makeup wipes the girls had in their bags and dressed, the time in the private room almost up, and we left the Karaoke Bar.

Each of the girls gave me a kiss on the lips and blushed slightly. It was a little odd that they thought kissing on the lips was a more intimate act to their sensibilities than sucking me off was. I took it in stride and helped them all climb into the taxi. The guy with goat horns was ecstatic to have such a huge fare and had fun driving us all over the city to drop the girls off at their homes.

I was the last to be dropped off and paid him, gave him a tip, and went to the apartment I called home. Inko met me at the door again, almost vibrating out of her clothes as she waited for me to take my shoes off. As soon as my toes left the second shoe, she tackled me and demanded I tell her everything about my date.

I couldn't do that, not with how the date turned into half an orgy. Instead of full disclosure like she wanted, I glossed over a few things and gave her only the essential details of when we were in the mall, like the food we ate, some of the things I bought them, and then going to the Karaoke Bar and the songs we played and sang.

When I ended with kissing my date goodnight and taking everyone home in a taxi, Inko let out a happy squeal and hugged me tightly.

“I'm so proud of you!” Inko said and let me go. “That was a perfect first date and I'm glad my advice worked!”

I smiled at remembering her telling me to just be myself and if my date liked me, things would work out. Well, it was good advice and it did technically work out. I just had five girlfriends now instead of just one. None of us were going to complain, though. We had a great time and we were planning on doing it again in a few weeks, because training time did not count as date time apparently.

I went to the bathroom and showered, then went to my room and went to bed. Tomorrow was going to be another full day, only it was going to be full of me analyzing their quirks fully. I just needed somewhere a little private to do it... and my mind immediately went to the trash beach All Might mentioned. Dagobah Beach I think it was called and it would be perfect to meet everyone, because no one ever went there.


Hibiki Yuzuko was doubtful about Izuku's chosen meeting place when she showed up there with her friends. His request to wear workout clothes and to be ready to show him everything they could do, made her feel a little afraid of getting caught using her quirk in public. It also made her a little horny that he was acting like such a bad boy and wanted her to break the law with him watching her.

Then her eyes caught her hunk of a boyfriend wearing bicycle shorts that clung to him like a second skin and a muscle shirt that was little more than a small piece of black cloth with straps he let flap in the breeze and it didn't cover any part of his large chest.

Hibiki might have only been 15; but, she definitely knew what she liked in a guy. He had to be nice and a little naughty, muscles without being brutish, and smart as a whip. Having money to spoil her was just a bonus that had pushed Izuku way over the top of her expectations for an ideal boyfriend.

“Wow.” Izuku said loud enough for her and her friends to hear. “You all look super-hot.”

Hibiki blushed deeply at his compliment. “Y-you don't look so bad yourself.”

Izuku let out a soft laugh. “I underestimated how much stretch my old shorts had and I'm stuck with them until I can buy new ones to replace them.”

“NO!” Hibiki and her friends shouted at the same time.

“You don't need to buy new ones.” Rin said and licked her lips. “Those ones are... adequate.”

Izuku laughed, now knowing they really liked that his clothes were so revealing, and he stepped forward to give Hibiki a kiss first. “It's nice to see you again.”

“You, too.” Hibiki said, her blush staying on her face. She watched him kiss each of her friends and didn't feel any jealousy or envy, because she was his first girlfriend, then she noticed he didn't repeat the same kiss with them that he gave her. She exchanged looks with Mai and saw she had noticed the same thing.

“I wanted to meet here because no one else ever comes here.” Izuku said when he stepped back.

“I think it's because of the smell.” Keiko said and waved a hand in front of her nose.

Izuku gave her a big smile. “You're lucky I arrived early and made sure we're upwind of that.”

“Ugh!” Keiko fake gagged and the other girls laughed.

“I've cleared out a spot over this way where no one can see us, even if they try looking.” Izuku said and took Hibiki's hand as he led her and her friends around several piles of garbage to a spot that looked like it had cleaned up even better than a normal beach could be.

“How did you do this?” Akari asked and bent down to run her fingers through the gleaming sand that almost completely reflected the sunlight.

“When I said I was here early, I meant I was here around 6 in the morning.” Izuku told them and they gasped. “I found some good stuff, too. I'll repair it later and it should sell for a good amount of money that I can spend on all of you.”

Hibiki opinion of what great boyfriend material was had just jumped sky high. She was sure that no one else was ever going to match her Izuku. Wait a second. When did I start thinking he was mine?

“You're the best boyfriend ever!” Rin shouted and jumped up to hug his neck. Hibiki and the others all nodded in agreement with her.

“Since you're already in my arms, I think we can start the quirk tests with you.” Izuku said and Rin looked happy. Her power was focused listening and shouldn't take long to test at all.

They were wrong. It actually took the longest. Izuku tested everything to see how her quirk worked and Rin looked very happy about how well she did on all the tests, as if she could ever fail them. They were designed for her quirk to use, after all.

“Okay, I think I have a firm grasp of how your quirk works.” Izuku said and waved everyone over to look at this new journal. They all sat down in the sand and cuddled into him as they stared at everything he wrote down.

“What... how...” Rin asked, stunned at his in-depth analysis of what she thought was a basic quirk.

“Your power is very versatile, Rin. You could be in a crowded train station and can listen to each and every person talking around you at the same time and then also perfectly recall what was said and can answer them just as clearly.”

“Woooow.” Hibiki said for all of them. “I knew she was good, since we never have to speak up when we're talking to her, even at the mall during meal times.”

“We never thought she could hold a conversation with dozens of people at the same time, either.” Akari added. “That's amazing!”

“She can also hear a pin drop through blaring background noises.” Izuku said and held up the pin. “I dropped this into the sand during one of the tests and she still heard it.”

Rin blushed brightly at the admiring stares her friends gave her.

“I can definitely work with this to make you into a phenomenal rescue hero, Rin. You could join any search and rescue team in the country and they'll be overjoyed to have you.”

“M-m-me? Rescuing people?” Rin asked, clearly surprised.

Izuku beamed a smile at her. “You can hear any noise, any movement, and any whispered plea for help within your range, no matter what other loud noises are around you. You can hear all of it as if it's right there by your ear and you can pinpoint where it came from. It's an awesome ability.”

Rin's blush somehow went deeper. “Th-thanks, Izuku.”

“AWW!” The other four girls said and gave her a huge group hug. Izuku joined in and liberal kisses were shared as well, making all the girls feel their hearts swell with joy.

“I'll go next, since it won't take long to test me.” Akari said, because her quirk Telescopic Forearms was so limited in both scope and use.

Izuku gave her a smile that was full of promise. “I'll be the judge of that, Akari.” He said and stepped back to give her a little room. “Okay, go to your full extent without hurting yourself.”

Akari did and he examined her arms and hands, then had her do a normal dexterity test to see if all her fingers worked and she hadn't lost either movement or feeling.

Izuku recorded the results and nodded. “Next, I want you to only go half that distance and repeat the same exercises.”

“Only half? Why?” Akari asked and she had to concentrate to only extend her forearms for half the distance. It was actually a little hard to only go that far and no farther and then to keep them at that length.

“It's to test your range of motion.” Izuku said and recorded her doing the same tests and the results. He also noticed her struggling and the light sweat on her forehead. “All right, relax.”

Akari let out a sigh and her arms went back to normal.

Izuku gave her a water bottle from somewhere and she drank some and handed it back. “This next test might be a lot harder, so take a few minutes to work up to it.”

“What is it?” Akari asked, curious.

“Only extend your forearms for one inch and hold it.” Izuku said and her eyebrows rose. “I noticed you had a hard time with keeping your quirk only partially active, so I want to see if you can only let it out a tiny bit and no more.”

Akari stared at him for a full 60 seconds before she spoke. “Is this really going to help me?”

“Yes, even more than you think it will.” Izuku said and put a hand on her shoulder. “Your brain is so used to only going out to your full safe distance. You were disappointed by that and never bothered to train yourself to only go the distance you absolutely have to go and no farther, so when you use your quirk, you're fumbling around with extra long forearms all the time instead of only making them the exact length that you need each time.”

All of the girls were staring at him now.

“I've gotten really good at analyzing quirks and their limits as I studied everything I could get my hands on about heroes.” Izuku admitted.

Akari took a deep breath and let it out. “You're right, Izuku. That's exactly what I've been doing. I haven't practised doing anything else at all.”

Izuku pulled her into a hug and held her. “It's not your fault, Akari. Everyone gets discouraged.”

“Even you?” Hibiki asked, just to be sure her thoughts about him before were correct.

“Especially me. I grew up with everyone thinking I'm quirkless.” Izuku reminded her. “Even though I have power now, it's going to take them a long time to not see me that way and to start treating me differently.”

All the girls nodded and he was engulfed in a group hug.

“I think I'm ready.” Akari said and everyone let her go and stepped back. She raised both hands to chest level and took several deep breaths.

Izuku had an idea and held his journal up and it was exactly an inch away from the tips of her middle fingers. “You only need to touch this and do nothing else, okay? Don't do the exercises this time. This isn't a dexterity test.”

“It's a control test.” Hibiki said and smiled. “You got this by the balls.”

Akari and the other girls let out laughs at reminding the girl what she did with Izuku the day before. Izuku gave Hibiki a very inviting look and a slight nod, silently thanking her for making everyone relax. A moment later, Izuku felt the journal move slightly and looked down to see both of Akari's fingertips were touching the cover.

“I did it.” Akari whispered and stared at her forearms that were exactly one inch longer.

“You can let it go and relax, then try again.” Izuku said.

Akari did it again and it happened a little faster. A smile grew on her face and she was happy.

“That was great Akari. Good job.” Izuku said and pulled out a 12 inch ruler to show her. “Now you can do the test for each inch.”

The other girls let out laughs as Akari groaned and slapped a hand over her face, her happiness replaced with resignation. Of course it wouldn't be that easy to pass one of Izuku's quirk tests, even if it was specifically designed for her quirk.


I did my best to make the tests a little fun and I had pages of notes for each of them that covered every aspect of their quirks and a few that they had never thought of. It was one of the benefits of being an outside observer and analyzing their quirks with fresh eyes and without any set expectations like they had.

The tests definitely made them think about their own quirks in a new light. The girls were inordinately pleased about the things they could do after my tests showed them how large the range of their abilities actually was. The kisses and gropes they gave me in thanks was worth spending the extra time coming up with the right experiments for each of them.

Of course, I had to bring them home to shower and change, mostly because my mother made me promise to bring my girlfriend over to meet her. I did warn her that she never went anywhere without her friends, so the food she made would need to cover the five of them, herself, and myself.

Inko squealed with delight when she saw I had 5 Gyaru girls with me and they looked fashionable, even while sweating. She greeted them all and welcomed them into our home, then the train of showers happened as I helped her set out the meals for us all. I showered last and dressed up, because this was an important meal for several reasons.

We gathered in the small living room and surrounded the small table there, making Inko giggle at how crowded it was. I shared the joke about how the table was only meant for three people and it was never supposed to have six pretty girls and a lucky guy around it at the same time. They all laughed and blushed, even Inko.

The meal wasn't awkward after I had broken the ice. Hibiki and the girls all had fun talking and sharing their views with my mom, whom listened with interest, probably because she wanted to learn as much as she could about my girlfriend and her friends in so short a time.

I turned on the television when the meal was over and I told the girls to relax on the couch as I helped my mother clean up. Inko gave me a surprised look for only a moment before a beautiful smile appeared on her face, because she was about to spend a lot more time with my girlfriend and her friends than she thought she could.

That was how the evening ended up passing by, with me surrounded by cuddling girls on the couch and a very happy mother softly interrogating them. Our time together soon came to an end, because the girls had to get home. I called for a taxi and asked for the same guy as last time if he was available. He was and he looked really happy when he showed up. He drove us around the city once more and dropped all the girls off at their homes.

I gave him another large tip for it when he dropped me off last and he gave me a thumbs-up before he drove away. I entered the apartment and Inko stood there and gave me a very pointed look. Before I could ask her what was wrong, she let out a very girlish giggle and proclaimed she was in awe that I had 5 girlfriends at the same time and I wasn't a cheating bastard, because I was dating them all and the other girls knew about it.

I thanked her for understanding and for not fainting when she figured it out. Inko laughed and said she did, I just wasn't there to see it. I laughed as well and hugged her, then helped her straighten up the apartment before we went to bed. All in all, it was a great day. I had school the next day and it was probably going to be the same as always, except now I had to help them study for a hero academy entrance exam.

I didn't mind doing that, because I always felt bad that none of the other students in our middle school even tried to apply to UA. In fact, when I went over the story in my head, I couldn't remember ever seeing any of them ever again, powers or not. We lived in the same area and never met again? That was just sad. I wasn't going to allow that to happen, now that I knew about it.

If I was going to be a hero, then I was bringing these five girls out of obscurity and along for the ride. They might not become famous heroes or even enter the top 100; but, they weren't going to be left behind, either. I didn't even ask myself why I picked them, because I didn't. They had picked me and I was going to do my best to help them as much as possible.

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