The Protagonist System

183 Cleaning Up

183 Cleaning Up

The wand turned around after I cast the spell and it flipped over in my hand and pointed straight down instead of in a normal direction. That let me know there was an underground chamber and I cast the spell again as I asked for the entrance.

I ran over to where it indicated and vanished the hidden wall to reveal an elevator shaft. I jumped down and landed on top of the elevator and went in through the safety hatch and opened the doors. There was another lab, only this was more like a hospital.

In the middle of the medical lab was an angled stretcher and on it was a trussed up and secured All For One. He had a misshapen head with no eyes, no nose, and no mouth. All he had were tubes stuck in him in different places all over his body to keep him alive.

“So, you've finally come for me.” All For One's voice came from the air around him and my Danger Sense blared at me. “I've been wanting to meet you for a while, Izuk-AGGGLL!”

My disintegration sword slid into his head and I twisted it and let it go. The process to harvest him was automatic now and I stood there as his head dissolved near instantly, ending the man before he could use any of his other powers to affect the area. He also knew who I was somehow, probably some predictive quirk or combination of quirks, and I couldn't let him use that info against me or my girls.

I felt all of his stolen quirks filter through my mind and become basic skills, then another surge of pure power like One For All filled me up. I didn't even look at the other options and chose to level up the skills I had, taking about a fifth of his centuries of building power, and converted the rest into Karma Points.

Let me tell you, it was a huge rush to feel so many Karma Points accumulate at once. Apparently, when I didn't have a Divine Body, I couldn't feel the difference between a small amount and thousands of points. I nearly choked on my own spit when the surge ended and I checked the total.

Karma Points: 546,235,676

I was now up to over half a billion Karma Points! I was shocked, because I had broken the record after getting a million points not that long ago, and now... yeah, it was just ridiculous. There must have been small soul remnants attached to the thousands of quirks he had stored and their sale to the system had pushed my total points up to an insane amount.

Apparently, All For One had been a power pack-rat and had taken everything he could get his grubby evil hands on and not just the quirks he could actually use. There were quirks for everything and I honestly couldn't sort through all of that information using only my mind, so took out my Adventurer Card. It was now a foot square instead of the normal size in order to hold all of the skills and abilities I had now.

With all of the new skills and abilities, it would give me a practically unlimited number of combinations for new and unique effects that I could pass on. The best part? All For One's main quirk had folded into my already maxed Power Sharing skill and it now worked both ways.

I could take powers from people, give them to other people, and I no longer needed to use my DNA to pass them on. I still would, though. Getting eager blowjobs from the girls was the best, especially when they could feel the difference in their powers and abilities afterwards.

I left everything in the newly discovered lab where it was, because I was sure they had ways of detecting it if I did touch anything, and I went back up the elevator shaft and came out into the warehouse lab.

The girls were still outside and I shut the door behind me again to stop them from seeing inside. I told them I found who I was looking for and had erased him. They all visibly relaxed and I was hugged and kissed from all sides. I also told them All Might was coming soon and they had to evacuate to the Safehouse. It made them laugh because that was the codename for the living room back at the apartment.

I received goodbye kisses from them and they stealthily moved away into the alleyways. They knew the heroes would be coming in with everything and running across rooftops would give them away almost instantly. I silently approved of their choice and stored my armor suit and then equipped my workout outfit, only to remember I hadn't bought one that should be seen by anyone but my girlfriends.

Barely a minute later, All Might showed up with pretty much everyone I had ever seen was a hero in the show. It was awe-inspiring to see so many colorful costumes that were worn by enigmatic characters with presences that were so much greater in real life than they had been on an animated show.

“Young Midoriya!” All Might called out as he landed and everyone else seemed to form up around him, just like one of those ensemble cast pictures.

I had to hold in my laugh at them doing it so naturally, as if they had constantly practised to give themselves the right flair of presentation. The thing was, I was pretty sure they had. PR was just as important to them as stopping crime was.

“Stay here. We will investigate and check everything.” All Might said and he and a bunch of other heroes entered the building.

Surprisingly, almost of them were men and they were leaving most of the women behind. It made me think he had passed on my warning about how bad it was inside. Just like my girls, most of the female heroines didn't want to see it and only a few die-hard ones tried to enter to prove themselves.

“Helllooo, there!” The 18-plus hero Midnight said in a sexy voice as she approached me and that gained everyone's attention, because they all looked from her to me. “Are you sure you're only 15, Midoriya?”

I was six feet tall and built like an Adonis, so it was a valid question. “That's the date on my birth certificate.” I said and she pouted, probably because I hadn't reacted to her. “I also have five girlfriends already.”

Midnight let out a little moan and all of the female heroines blushed as they gathered around us. They also gave me a much more in-depth look than they normally would have, if I had been any other teenager. Of course, my skintight bicycle shorts and barely there muscle shirt let them see a lot more than was normally decent.

“My girlfriends wouldn't let me buy anything to replace my workout clothes.” I said in my defense.

“Why would they ever ask you to cover that up?” Midnight motioned at my body and let out another moan as she licked her lips invitingly. “You look delicious.”

I couldn't help teasing her back. “They all swallow and clean me up afterwards, so they must agree with you.”

Several gasps came from the other women and Midnight let out a throaty moan. The sound alone was enough to give me a hard-on and all of their eyes dropped down to look, because my tight form-fitting shorts left nothing to the imagination and any movement down there could be easily seen.

“Oh, sweet lord.” Midnight moaned again, this one was quite indecent.

“How much can you bench?” Mirko, The Rabbit Hero asked as she came out of the warehouse. Her dark skin glistened in the sunlight and her breathing was a little heavy, as if she had run a long way. I didn't remind her that she should have stayed outside with the others and might be having nightmares about what she saw inside the warehouse.

“They don't make equipment strong enough for me to use.” I admitted instead and looked down at her, because she was almost a foot shorter than me.

“Midoriya, is it?” Mirko asked as she stepped close.

I nodded and held a hand out to her. “It's nice to meet you, Mirko.”

“Of course it is.” Mirko said as she took my offered hand and grinned as she squeezed it. “You can call me Rumi.”

I squeezed back with equal pressure. “Then you can call me Izuku.”

Rumi kept the pressure on and the smile on her face. I stood there and didn't react at all.

“I think this is the first dick measuring contest I've witnessed that didn't involve actual dicks.” Midnight commented and a few of the others laughed, breaking the tension.

Rumi let out a laugh and slapped my arm. “You're lucky you weren't boasting about your strength. I've made most men cry when they couldn't beat me with a friendly handshake.”

“I was supposed to beat you and not match you?” I asked and everyone stared at me. “I didn't want to crush your hand, so I only copied you. When you stopped squeezing, so did I.”

“Damn, kid. Do you want her to try and pound you?” A woman wearing a half-mask made of metal dragon claws asked me. She was the Dragoon Hero, Ryukyu, and she could transform into a huge scaled dragon.

“I'm sorry, I'm saving myself for marriage.” I said and a lot of the women around us looked sad before they could stop themselves. Midnight didn't even bother trying to hide her frown, because she knew her teasing wasn't going to work on me.

“What hero school are you applying to?” A blue-skinned girl asked me. She was the Bubble Hero and was Sir Nighteye's sidekick. She also wore a top that exposed the underside of her breasts and she wore a clear face mask like a firefighter's.

“UA.” I answered and nearly all of the women nodded. Someone as strong as me had to go to the best school in the country or it would be a waste.

“They'll probably stick you in class 1-A.” Midnight said and gave me another longing look.

“Why? Isn't that for the problem students?” I asked and her eyes widened. “I'm going for the recommended exam, too.”

“Really? Who's your sponsor?” Some else asked.

“That would be me.” All Might said as he left the warehouse. He looked a little sick too, just like Mirko had. “Young Midoriya, did you use the elevator to go down to the lower level?”

“No.” I said, honestly. I jumped down the shaft and jumped back out.

All Might relaxed. “Good.” He said, thinking he had saved me from seeing what was down there, and he clapped me on the shoulder. “Are you sure you want to do the easy entrance exam instead of facing the same as the other normal students?”

I smiled. “I'm not a normal student, All Might. I could teach there if I wasn't restricted by not having a valid teaching degree and a hero license.”

That shocked all the heroes, even the men that had come out of the warehouse behind All Might to share their findings with the women they had left behind to protect their tender sensibilities.

All Might nodded and let my shoulder go. “I'll speak to Nezu about your placement.”

“Thanks, All Might.” I said and reached behind my back and pulled out the bundle of documents I had raided from the bar. “By the way, I found this earlier and that's why I knew there was something near here.”

All Might opened the bag and caught his breath at what was inside. “Nighteye!”

The tall man wearing glasses rushed over and looked into the bag. “We need to get this to HQ.”

All Might closed the bag and handed it to him before he turned to smile at me. “Thank you for this, young Midoriya. You don't know how much this is going to help us in the fight against villainy.”

I smiled back and nodded, because I did know. I also had plans to make sure that most of those villains never had the chance to cause the trouble they would in the future. My team and I had a lot of work to do before the heroes messed everything up or let the villains get away.

Then again, I could wait for that and catch them after the heroes had dealt with them and remove any suspicion from myself and my girls. Yes, I think that was the better path to take and having complete deniability would ensure we couldn't be connected with their disappearances.

The police were also called to gather all of the evidence up and to investigate it all. There were hero identities to confirm and families to console over their deaths.

“What's your quirk?” Midnight asked after All Might left and the rest of the heroes and heroines spread out to protect the warehouse.

“You can't wait to find out when I'm your student in four months?” I asked and she shook her head. I thought about keeping it secret and mentally shrugged. They would all find out about it eventually. “It's Power.”

“Power?” Midnight asked and looked confused. “What do you mean?”

I gave her a sexy smile as I held my hand out to her. Surprisingly, she blushed a little before she took my hand. Since I had resolved that I would only share power with my DNA, I pulled her in and kissed her.

Midnight wrapped her arms around my neck automatically and kissed me back. She gasped when she swallowed some of my saliva and I shared a bit of power with her. I chose to increase the range of her Somnambulist quirk, which was a power that let her release sleeping gas from her exposed skin. It went from 'drifts nearby' to 'instantly fills the room'.

“M-m-marry me.” Midnight said when she broke the kiss.

I chuckled and patted her back, despite her trying to make me lower my hands to pat her ass. “I'd have to ask my girlfriends about that and I'm sure they'll say no. They are saving themselves for marriage as well and it wouldn't be fair if I left them behind.”

Midnight gave me a sly smile. “If they agree, can I get in on some of the power sharing fun?”

“Only to a degree. We do have a lot of fun, just not all of the fun.” I clarified and she nodded. “I need to go. They're waiting for me back at the house.”

Midnight sighed and let me go. “I don't suppose you'll ask them right away?” She asked and I chuckled. She gave me a longing look before she walked towards the approaching police cars and the other heroes.

I waved goodbye and jogged away. I had to do it the normal way, just in case anyone was spying on me, and I let my Danger Sense guide me and I made it home without incident. I told the girls what happened when All Might and the others showed up and they enjoyed it until I reached the end and Midnight's marriage proposal.

They all became deathly quiet and had bright red faces. I wasn't sure what was wrong until my mother pulled me into the kitchen to quietly talk to me.

“They're sacred no one will want to marry them because of their lifestyle choices.” Inko whispered.

I then realized their outrageous Gyaru personalities would rub some men the wrong way, especially if they started dating and the girls didn't calm down or changed their behavior to be more respectable. The bleached hair and make-up would also go against a normal Japanese man's upbringing to conform and fit in, even in a world full of quirks. Traditions were weird like that.

“You know what you have to do.” Inko whispered and gave me a knowing smile and went back into the living room.

I stared at her back and couldn't believe what she just gave me permission to do. I mean, it wasn't like I hadn't had several relationships that had multiple partners before. It was just odd to have a mother approve of me offering to marry them all to make sure my girlfriends would never be disappointed by another guy's expectations.

It took me a few minutes to wrap my head around that and then I turned towards the living room and saw Inko happily chatting with the five of them. It was then I realized she had been just as reclusive and sheltered as Izuku had been and I wasn't going to let that go on. Someone important to me was about to have a sudden choice to make about joining in on our training sessions and getting into shape.

I spent a few more minutes checking my inventory and brought out the appropriate gems, the birthstones for my girlfriends, and mounted them in transfigured rings surrounded by small diamonds. I also enchanted them into permanent portkeys to go to each other and added locator maps to show where the others were. I made appropriate boxes and stored them before I walked into the living room.

All talking ceased and a serious feeling filled the room as all six females looked up at my face.

I stored the living room table and then knelt on the floor on one knee. “Hibiki...”

“YES!” Hibiki lunged and kissed me passionately. The other girls laughed at her reaction.

“You're supposed to wait for him to ask.” Inko said with a huge smile and looked really pleased.

“I'm sorry! I couldn't wait!” Hibiki said and kissed me again.

“I didn't even get the ring out yet.” I said and they all gasped. I took out the first custom box that looked like her costume.

Hibiki made an odd sound and her face was full of disbelief. “Izuku...”

I opened it and showed her the ring and she squealed and trembled. I took the ring out and it slid onto her finger to show it was a perfect fit.

“I love you.” Hibiki whispered.

“I love you, too.” I said and gave her another kiss, then I let her go and turned to the next girl. I was smarter this time and took the box out first. “Akari...”

“YES!” Akari yelled and lunged at me to kiss me passionately, making the other girls laugh.

“What did I just say?” Inko asked and laughed, too.

“I couldn't wait, either!” Akari said and wagged her hand at me. “Hurry, hurry! I want to see it!”

I opened the box and she squealed happily. The ring fit her perfectly and she gave me another kiss.

“I love you, too.” Akari said and stepped aside.

“And I love you.” I said with the next box in my hand and turned towards the girls. All five of them accepted and we were all engaged. We would worry about the legality of the whole thing later and celebrated for the rest of the night with a crying Inko that was really happy to welcome five daughters into the family.

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