The Protagonist System

34 A Short Dry Spell

34 A Short Dry Spell

Word seemed to spread like lightning across the city that the Soma Familia was being sanctioned by the Guild for robbing them and another Familia. Their alcohol was prohibited for sale and anyone caught selling it or buy it, would be barred from both the Guild Hall and the dungeon.

It was a huge scandal, especially when a high ranking Familia was hired for a moderate fee to arrest and bring in the head of the Soma Familia for his illegal policies of robbing people with both the excessive profits of their wines and anyone that they worked with in the dungeon were scammed.

The whole sordid mess was revealed and a judgment was levied against the entire Soma Familia. They were to hand over their entire stock to the wronged party or they would be forcibly disbanded, not that there were many left that could protest anything. Their god hadn't been seen in almost a decade and was more concerned with perfecting his wines than he was for taking care of his Familia.

To everyone's surprise, the Hephaestus Familia stepped forward to defend the Hestia Familia, their contracted ally, and took possession of the Soma Familia's compound. The remaining Soma Familia were easily defeated and sent to the holding cells in the Guild basement to be judged. Only a few people were surprised when they were all found guilty, since their former Head named Zanis Lustra had ordered them to become crooks and thieves.

The only ones to escape retribution was one of their retired members named Chandra Ihit and their sole support person, a 15 year old prum named Liliruca Arde. She had been welcomed with open arms into the Hestia Familia that the Soma Familia tried to rob and she seemed very happy about the entire thing. She was glad that her old Familia had been wrecked so thoroughly and no one would ever know that it was her testimony that had sealed the fate of her old Familia.


I walked through the warehouses of wine barrels and was tempted to burn it all. I knew of the slightly addictive nature of the wine and how people would go deep into debt to get one more glass of the divinely enchanted wine. The sad part was that I knew they were given a cheap substitute for the real thing and only sold the regular failures of the brewers to the people.

The Soma Familia members kept the good stuff for themselves and only a select few, namely the gods, goddesses, and their Familia executives, ever received the real wine that was considered the god Soma's prized vintages. Even gods and goddesses, with their divine natures, could get drunk from them.

I instead brought out transfigured chests with expansion charms inside of them and summoned all of the barrels. They were stored properly and then I teleported them to the Hestia Church, because no one was around and I didn't want to reveal that I could teleport to any teleportation circle from anywhere and not only from another circle.

The judgment of no wine was pretty harsh on the entire city, which was the point, and it would take a long time for the Soma Familia to both rebuild their members and then to brew up the wines needed for sale. They were lucky that I only asked for the current stock and not for their supplies as well.

If Soma was careful, he could brew up a decent vintage in under a year, a good mid-range one in three, and if he was ambitious, a solid vintage in ten years. It was almost funny that I knew about that, which made me realize brewing wine could be a skill anyone could learn. I laughed about giving Soma some pointers and chose not to, because I was thinking of trying it out for myself when I had the time.

After clearing out the warehouses and tucking a single trunk into my backpack, I found Tsubaki near the front gates as she held off a group of recovering drunks trying to bribe her into letting them inside. I chuckled at this and took all of the offered money and asked Tsubaki to step aside. She sighed and did so, then the mob ran by us and into the compound. They wouldn't find anything.

“Let's go. We're done here.” I said and Tsubaki made a loud whistle sound and the rest of the Hephaestus Familia members that came to help us, ran over to us. “Drinks are on me.”

“YAAAY!” They cheered and both Tsubaki and I were carried back to the Hephaestus Familia compound to have a party.

Half an hour later, I learned that I couldn't get drunk and that everyone else could, except for another person. Liliruca Arde. We both retreated from the party before it got too rowdy and I wasn't surprised when she ended up with me inside Tsubaki's room.

“Why?” Lili asked me as she looked up from her 3 foot 7 inch height to my 5 foot 8 inch height.

“I told you I needed you.” I said and took off my backpack.

Lili did the same and sighed. “They lied like that, too.”

I held in my chuckle at remembering her asking me if I was an idiot like them. “That's the difference between them and me. I meant it.” I said and slipped off my chest and back armor.

Lili's eyes followed the movement and closed her mouth when I put the armor inside my backpack.

I took off the rest of the pieces and kicked off my boots. “If you're asking why I let you complete the deal to bring the treasure chest back to the guild, it's a bit complicated.”

“Why?” Lili asked and her eyes roamed over me, because I was left in just my bodysuit.

“Because.” I said with a smirk and she huffed.

Lili stopped breathing when I pulled the bodysuit off and I was only wearing my boxer shorts.

“I removed most of the valis from the chest to save it, since half of it wasn't mine to play with. I also left enough inside to be easily divided into quarters, because I figured that there might be a magic contract involved. It is the Guild we're talking about and they ensure that they are protected.”

Lili took a breath and let it out. “The receipts.”

I smiled when she got it right away. “We are completing a verbal contract by signing for the payoffs.”

“That... why does that make so much sense?” Lili asked.

“Because you're smart. Smarter than a bunch of drunk idiots.” I said and saw the pleased look on her face, until I motioned to the bed. “Would you like to join me? To sleep I mean. Everyone else will be busy for the rest of the evening.”

Lili's eyes narrowed at me. “Just to sleep?”

I had to chuckle at her reaction. “I freely admit that you are absolutely adorable and I may not keep my hands to myself. My personal Goddess is Hestia, after all.” I said and she blushed. I climbed into bed and patted the blanket beside me.

“I'm keeping my clothes on.” Lili said and took off her old cloak. Her clothes were still frayed and worn in spots, because she refused to spend any of the 25,000 valis I had paid her.

My eyes drank in her perfectly shaped body and Lili blushed again.

“How can you look at me like that?” Lili asked as she climbed into bed with me.

“You do realize that if you were my height, you would be considered one of the most perfect women in the world?” I asked her and she gasped. “Your proportions are perfect and in direct scale with your height, so if you were two feet taller, you would turn everyone's head with how gorgeous you are.”

Lili could do nothing but stare at me with that revelation.

“Unlike everyone else, I can see past what you think is a detriment, your height, and I can see you for who you really are.” I said and I reached for her.

Lili didn't resist as I pulled her in and turned her around to spoon at her back. “A thief and a liar.”

“Yes, you are. It was the only way you could survive where you were and I don't blame you for it.” I said and lightly kissed the back of her neck, which made her shiver. “However, like My Goddess said when you joined our Familia, we are your home now. Our family is the hearth you need to warm yourself against.”

Lili hugged my arm across her waist and shook slightly, probably from a silent sob.

“We are the people who care for you, because we know what it's like to have no one else.” I said and gave her neck another kiss. “We had nothing before we found each other a few weeks ago and now look at us. We're on our way to earning a lot of money and becoming well known. That we found you so soon was a blessing from the gods and goddesses.”

“You... you were... looking for me?” Lili asked between silent sobs as she wiped at her eyes.

“Of course I was. After I made enough money to be sure I could support my Familia, I've been keeping my eye out for giant backpacks. I suspect your movements were nowhere near the same as mine, though. I've been so busy with everything going on and running around the city that I've only been to the dungeon once.”

“And caught the legendary Jack Bird.” Lili said, her voice flat.

“Actually, it pretty much assaulted my face and impaled itself on my awesome flame-shaped helmet.” I said and she stiffened. “I had two black eyes and a bruised nose for a while, too.”

Lili's snort and muffled laugh made me smile.

“I shouted, what the hell, chicken? Get in my pot! I'm gonna cook you for that!” I said with a high pitched voice and she shook in my arms as she laughed, still trying to muffle herself. “Then it went poof and the egg dropped into my hand. I tried to crack it and make an omelette, because I was hungry and who doesn't want a golden omelette, and it broke the pan.” I said with a sad voice.

Lili burst out laughing and hugged my arm tightly.

“I know, I know. My revenge on the chicken will be unrequited forever...”

Lili laughed and laughed, her body almost moving on its own, and her clothes were soon on the floor. She was now facing me and her face was full of happiness and had tears in her eyes. “Do you really...”

“I would like nothing more.” I whispered and kissed her.

“MMMM!” Lili moaned as my hands went to her cute little ass and she felt my distinct hardness grow between us and it pressed against her. She rocked her hips, as if she could move my underwear out of the way by her force of will alone, so I quickly whipped them off and slid just the tip inside of her extremely wet and tight slit. “OHHHHH!”

I felt like I was soaked down there and regretted having the blanket in the way. I tossed it off and rolled Lili onto her back. Her face was bright red and she looked both fearful and full of anticipation. If just that bit made her do that, what would all of it do?

I kissed her passionately and pushed my way inside her, inch by inch, and her moan went louder and louder until I was almost all the way inside and bottomed out. Lili cried out and was muffled by the kiss, then her legs wrapped around me and urged me to keep going. I did.

I slowly backed out and her grip was like a vise. It felt wonderful and different than anyone else I had ever been with. I whispered that to her as I slid back inside. Lili moaned into my ear and told me to go faster, then she bit my earlobe as if to hold on and put her arms around my neck.

I didn't need any more prompting that she was okay, so I started working her over. My light touches, my constant movement, and my lips on her neck, drove her wild. Her panting moans were still loud, even with most of my ear in her mouth, and we were soaking the bed as she kept getting off.

I was getting close, so I figured I better warn her of one of the benefits of being in my bed. “By the way, I can't get you pregnant until I use magic to make sure.”

“AHHHHH!” Lili screamed as I filled her up and her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

I pulled out and laid down beside her. The very happy expression on her face let me know that I had done my best with her for our first time together. Teaching her about foreplay could wait until later.

“You'rrre a cheatinnnng basssstard.” Tsubaki's slurred voice said from the doorway.

“You don't believe that any more than I do.” I said and her eyes widened. “How many men have you slept with over the years? Were you cheating on them with me?”

Tsubaki looked confused.

“Come to bed.” I said and she stepped into the room. She stumbled, actually. Her hand reached back and grabbed something, and pulled.

“Brrrought you a presssent.” Tsubaki slurred as none other that Hephaestus appeared. Her white shirt was opened to the waist and her cheeks were flushed red.

“Drunken one night stand?” I asked her.

Hephaestus nodded. “You said... seduce for... the armor secret. I want it.”

I gave Tsubaki a look and she nodded. “I guess that's one way to ensure we never break the contract.”

Hephaestus softly laughed and walked over to the bed. Her tight pants were already open and barely hung on her hips.

“Tsubaki got you going first?” I asked and Hephaestus tossed off her shirt and her pants dropped to the floor. She was not wearing anything underneath.

“Took... a while.” Tsubaki said and dropped onto the bed beside Lili. “Huh. She's cute.”

“I'll have more fun with her tomorrow.” I said and gave my full attention to Hephaestus. “Do you want a full round or just a quick go?”

Hephaestus gave Tsubaki a look, only to see the woman close her eyes and start to snore.

“You heard us a few times, so you need a full round.” I said and stood up to let Hephaestus lay down on the bed. I dove between her legs for her dripping opening and she cried out, as if she was shocked I would do that, then she gripped my hair and ground herself against my mouth and tongue.

I stayed there until she got off twice and cast a cleaning spell on myself before I moved up to look into her eye. “Eye patch on or off?”

Hephaestus looked a bit scared.

“Off it is.” I said and pulled it off before she could react, then I shoved myself inside of her and kissed her ruined eye instead of her lips.

Hephaestus cried out with both pain and pleasure as I did that. I started to pick up the pace and kissed her on the lips. She seemed to really enjoy doing that as her tongue came in to play and her moans turned soft and inviting. I wasn't sure if it was the intimacy or because I had kissed her eye and accepted her, damage and all.

In any case, the Goddess of the Forge was really getting into it and encouraged me to as well. I did and made sure to wallow in as much of her as she could stand. When it was time for me to finish, I gave her the same magic explanation about pregnancy and she laughed.

“The gods and goddess can't have children, not even with each other, Bell.” Hephaestus said.

Since I was currently inside of her and about to blow my load, I ignored her response and let go. She moaned as she felt me fill her up, more than she probably had before, and she kept her arms wrapped around me to stop me from moving or pulling out.

I checked with the system and it said the same thing it had the last time I checked in the last world, only it also showed a new scale with the different races added. The biggest addition was the one in bold at the very bottom that had just activated because of my query.

“What if I told you I could... eventually... get a goddess pregnant?” I asked her.

Hephaestus softly laughed. “You want to do the impossible? What a weird fantasy to have.” She gently kissed me once, twice, and guided my head to rest on her shoulder, which meant she wasn't going to be letting me go anytime soon.

I did not tell her that I really could do it. I just had to gather 1,000,000 Karma somehow.

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