The Protagonist System

40 Morning Fun

40 Morning Fun

I slept well all night and woke in the morning feeling great. That I had two naked women in my bed was just a bonus, mostly because I had been too hurt the night before to ravage Lili and couldn't ask Hestia to leave to give us privacy. Surprisingly, Lili didn't look disappointed by that and made me promise to give her another proper date when I could, only without an explosion at the end this time.

I had laughed and promised as I gave her a goodnight kiss and then I thanked her again for taking care of me. Hestia gave me an expectant look and I chuckled as I also promised to take her out on a real date on her next day off and we could visit her favorite bookstore. I gave her a chaste kiss and thanked her for taking care of me, too.

The three of us had hunkered down in my bed after that and my regeneration let me heal completely. I felt a lot stronger today and I suspected that I needed to have my Falna updated. The explosion yesterday was surely a feat that had gained the attention of the gods and goddesses.

I laid there in bed with two pairs of very nice breasts pressed against my sides and my erection was hard as a rock. I really needed to relieve some of the pressure and thought about whispering to Lili to give me a hand, only I didn't want to annoy Hestia by doing something like that in front of her.

It took me a few minutes to use my lubrication trick on them, since they were pressed against me so tightly, and I slipped out and replaced myself with two fluffy towels with my face on them. It had worked on Hephaestus and Lili hadn't said she was angry the last time they talked, so it should work again.

I dressed in a pair of pants and a shirt before I went to the kitchen to start cooking breakfast. It felt a little odd that I wasn't making a huge amount of food for a bunch of people to eat. I chuckled under my breath at becoming used to that so quickly, because I wasn't a cook by nature and had fallen into the role as an afterthought of spending time with someone from another Familia.

I finished up and did up three plates to put under stasis charms, then made lunches for us. Hestia had work again and Lili and I had things to do today. A visit to the Guild would be first to cash in the loot drops and I would need to drop off a barrel of wine for Ouranos as a thank you for his help in dealing with the Soma Familia.

“Morning.” A naked Lili said when she entered the room and her hand reached up to scratch at her messy hair.

“Sleep well?” I asked and she nodded. “What about the lack of clothes?”

Lili blinked her eyes as she looked down at herself, then she shrugged. “You've seen it before.”

I quickly discarded my pants as I walked over to her and her eyes didn't lift from where they were looking, because my rock hard erection was now pressed against her breasts. Without a word, she slipped her mouth over the tip and started sucking. I moaned for her and she hummed happily, her small hands slipped around my hips, and she gripped the cheeks of my butt to hold on.

I was soon shooting down her throat and Lili swallowed it all. She looked very pleased with herself for getting me off so quickly, then she climbed up my front to give me a kiss and then sat down on me. I forgot all about eating breakfast and carried her over to my couch and created a blanket to cover us and used a silence spell. Hestia was still in bed and I didn't want to take the chance that she might walk in and see us in a compromising position.

Lili moaned under me and I kissed her and moved in and out of her to give her a great morning. When I unloaded my second shot of the morning inside of her, Lili silently moaned and hugged me tightly. I slipped out of her and cast cleaning charms on us, then I spent a good ten minutes or so devouring her breasts.

Her whispered comments about me being a big baby and wasn't going to get any milk out of them, had the both of us giggling. I moved down after that and Lili spent another twenty minutes feeling me devour her soaked opening. I experienced first-hand one of her gushing orgasms and it was surprising that such a small woman could produce that much liquid.

Lili silently begged me to take her again because she wanted to feel full once more, so I did. We both cried out silently as we finished together a surprisingly short time later. After a short rest, we cuddled under the blanket.

“Are you two done yet?” A fully dressed Hestia asked from the hallway and peeked out at us. “You are? Finally! I'm starving and I'm going to be late if I don't leave soon.”

I apologized and nothing came out, so I silently chuckled and cancelled the silence spell. “I'm sorry about that.” I summoned my pants and cleaned myself up and slipped the pants on under the blanket. “When Lili appeared naked in the kitchen, I completely forgot about serving breakfast and served myself to her instead.”

Lili blushed and ducked her head under the blanket. “Don't say it like that!”

I laughed and slipped out from under the blanket after using a cleaning spell on her. “I'm not going to lie to my Goddess after my huge confession yesterday.” I said and pulled the blanket down enough to kiss her. “I'll take Hestia to work and will come back for you.”

Lili nodded and I sat with Hestia at the kitchen table and we quickly ate.

I checked the time on the invisible clock in my head and nodded. “Hestia, could you update my Falna before we leave? I have a feeling I need it done to get the full benefits.”

Hestia looked like she was going to refuse.

“I'll teleport us to the Hephaestus Familia compound and carry you to work. We'll be there in five minutes or less.” I said.

Hestia smiled with a nod and waved at the other couch.

“Thank you, my Goddess. Praise be to you for putting my immediate needs before yours.” I said and laid down on my belly. I only wore pants, so my back was already exposed.

Hestia glowed slightly and climbed onto my back. “I suppose I should have done this last night while you were asleep.”

“It might not have worked well with one of my skills fully active.” I said and she added a drop of blood to my back. I felt the familiar flow of magic and the tingle over my back, then I heard Hestia gasp. “We don't have time to discuss anything. I just wanted it updated. You can make me a copy later.”

Hestia didn't say anything as her fingers roamed along my back and she spent a full minute running her fingertips over my lower back where my skills were. “All right, it's done.”

“Thank you, my Goddess.” I said as she climbed off of me. I hopped up and ran to my room and dressed in my full armor with my sword and ran back out to the main room.

“You look so good like that, my Bell.” Hestia said.

“Lili and I stand out when we walk together wearing our full outfits.” I said and smiled at Lili. “Minus the helmet. It blocks too much of her sight.”

“Then change it into a tiara or something.” Lili said and sat up with the blanket wrapped around her.

“It would still block your sight because of the enchantments. It's the price we pay for wearing protective armor. It's restrictive.” I told her and scooped Hestia up into my arms. “I hope you're ready for this, My Goddess.”

“I've run with you before, my Bell.” Hestia said.

Lili and I chuckled, because we knew something she didn't.

Lili waved to us. “Have fun.”

I walked up the stairs and out into the main room of the church, then used the teleportation circle to appear in the Hephaestus Familia compound. Then I ran full out.

“AHHHHH-HAHAHAHA!” Hestia's scream turned into a laugh as we blurred through the back streets of Orario. Her twin pigtails of hair whipped around behind us and snapped like flags in a high wind.

I was sure she could still see everything, just like I could, as we moved at a ridiculous speed. There was a reason why I wanted to upgrade my armor and give Lili her own. It gave us both a huge advantage that we could exploit when necessary, like when we were dungeon diving and had to move fast around attacking creatures and had to carry a lot of materials.

The best part was that no one expects our armor that looks so expensive, and actually is expensive, would also be fully functional. Most of the high tier adventurers only wore basic pieces for looks and it didn't really protect anything, because it covered so little. It was maddening, as if they thought they didn't need it anymore because they were so high level.

I came to a stop in front of the shop Hestia worked at and everyone around on the street had gasped, because we had just appeared in front of them like magic. A happily giggling Hestia hopped out of my arms and then hopped back up to peck me on the lips.

“Thank you, my Bell. I might want to pretend to be late every morning I'm working if that's the ride I'll get every time.” Hestia said with a bright smile.

I chuckled and gave her a bow. “This lowly mortal is pleased to serve you, My Goddess.”

Hestia softly laughed and patted my hand, waved at all of the staring people around us, and entered the shop to greet her boss. He looked just as stunned as the crowd, as did his wife. I waved to them through the window and then slowly turned around and let everyone see the Hestia Familia emblem on my chest. Once I did that, I waved to the people and walked down the street to the closest alleyway.

I entered it and made sure no one could see me, or had followed me, before I used a teleportation spell to jump back to the church. I wasn't surprised when I went back downstairs and saw Lili siting at the kitchen table eating. She was also still naked.

“You have to stop tempting me so much, Lili.” I said and knelt beside her and placed several kisses on her neck and shoulder.

Lili blushed and didn't look at me. “Why? Can't you control yourself around me?”

I tore open my bodysuit and picked her up just enough to slip myself inside of her. She moaned loudly and had a very difficult time trying to finish eating as I had my way with her. I did try to not go to hard or fast, just so she could eat, and it didn't matter to her. She had apparently liked teasing me like she had and whispered that she never knew she could have such power over someone, especially me.

I whispered back that I would be a fool to ignore such a beautiful and confident woman. Lili looked back at me over her shoulder and her eyes seemed to see right through me. I looked down at her ass and back at her face, then I stuck my tongue out and flicked it at her. Lili's eyes widened and she blushed again, because she knew I meant what I said and had already proven I'd do whatever she wanted.

Lili gave me another gushing orgasm as I filled her up again, then I cleaned us up, repaired my bodysuit, and helped her get dressed in her matching armor set. We put a barrel of moderately good wine into her backpack and went to the teleportation circle. We jumped to the first level of the dungeon and gathered the monster crystals inside the barrier.

Of course, this set Lili off and we had to go to each teleportation circle to get the rest that was almost guaranteed to be there, especially on the thirteenth level. There was a massive amount on that level and Lili squealed with delight at getting even more crystals to pile into her front storage compartment.

We went back to the first level like we had initially planned and walked over to the circular stairwell. As we started to ascend them to exit the dungeon, as if we had been gathering all night, a bunch of various adventurers walked down them and stared at us as if they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

It was either because our full armor sets matched or because we didn't look like we had spent the night fighting in the dungeon and gathering materials. We hadn't; but, they didn't know that. Lili looked quite pleased at all the talking about us braving the dungeon during the most dangerous time to explore, at night.

Lili also did an occasional wiggle of her hips to let the sounds of monster crystals echo off the walls. That definitely had everyone talking with proof we had done a lot of gathering. We walked proudly out of the entrance to the dungeon and more adventurers saw us and commented about our appearance.

It didn't take us long to reach the Guild Hall and all conversation stopped when we entered. The adventurers there all seemed to be frozen at the sight of us and stared as we walked over to the main counter.

“Hi, Rose!” I said and waved to the redheaded werewolf. “Has someone taken over the Guild Section Leader's job yet?”

“Yes, she... she is kind of expecting you.” Rose said and nodded at the side of the counter.

“Kind of?” I asked and led Lili to the opening and we went behind the counter to walk over to the office at the back of the room.

“She has standing orders from the Ouranos Familia to allow you entrance and to deal with you directly.” Rose explained.

“Ah, I understand. I'm glad Ouranos had someone trustworthy to take over from Rehmer.” I said and Rose stumbled. I reached out instantly and caught her before she fell, then gently held her and let her regain her balance.

“Th-thank you, Bell.” Rose said, her face red.

“That was kind of my fault.” I said and let her go. “I think I know who he chose.”

Rose looked at my face and nodded before she knocked on the door.

“Come in.” A familiar voice said.

Rose took a deep breath and let it out, then she opened the door and stepped in. “Miss Tulle, Bell Cranel of the Hestia Familia is here.”

I ignored the distressed sound Eina made and entered the office with Lili behind me. I motioned for her to go to the side of the room and nodded to Rose. “Thank you for the escort. We have a lot of monster crystals and loot drops to sort through and I doubt the sole person manning the exchange counter is going to be enough to count it all. Can you call in extra help or something?”

“I'm sure the current staff will be enough for what you have.” Eina's calm voice said.

“I hope you mean everyone in the office, because there's a lot.” I said and turned around to look at her. She had bags under her eyes and she looked like she hadn't slept much the last few days. “You should make Rose your personal assistant and let her handle some of your workload. You look dead on your feet.”

Rose gasped and blushed at the compliment I gave her and her tail swished happily. The extra pay would help her a lot, not to mention it would take her away from the main desk and having to deal with adventurers directly, too.

Eina looked thoughtful and then nodded. “I think I might do that.”

I nodded to her and turned to Lili. “First delivery, please.”

Lili took off her backpack and opened the back, then handed out the large barrel of wine. Both Rose and Eina sucked in sharp breaths at the clearly marked Soma Familia wine barrel.

“It's illegal to sell this to anyone and I have a couple of warehouses worth of them.” I said and set the barrel beside Eina's desk. “As per my agreement with the Ouranos Familia, one barrel will be delivered each week as a gift for services rendered.”

Eina stiffened and then sighed. “Just a moment.” She said and stood, gave the barrel an almost piercing look, then quickly left the room.

“Bell, do you know how much that's worth?” Rose asked me.

“The medium quality wine inside is technically worthless because it can't be bought or sold.” I said with a crooked smile. “The wooden barrel however...”

Rose gasped and covered her mouth with a hand and Lili laughed.

Eina came back inside the office and shut the door. She had a stack of papers in her arms and walked over to her desk and set them on top. “These are the contracts for everything we've created from the idea we bought from you. The head of our Familia has graciously seen fit to split the profits with the originator of the idea, as long as the no competition clauses are adhered to.”

I smiled and nodded. “I won't make or give anything resembling it to anyone and I will destroy the one I have as a sign of good faith.”

Eina nodded back and we quickly went through the contracts and I signed everything after reading them. She filed it all again and handed me a voucher for the first month's split of the profits. That piece of paper had just given me 75,000 valis for free and I smiled at her.

“Shall we occupy your entire work force for the next hour? Lili's been waiting two days to see your faces when she dumps out her backpack.” I said and motioned to the giant backpack.

Lili put the backpack on again and the four of us left the office to head over to the exchange area. We were allowed in behind and Rose waved and gathered the other workers around to watch. Lili waited for everyone to settle and slipped off the backpack again, opened the front storage area, and then tilted the entire backpack to 45 degrees. A loud shower of monster crystals started to pour out like water from a nearly full bucket.

“You might want to stop them from rolling away.” I warned them as Lili tilted the backpack more, and more, and then a torrent of crystals spilled out to pile up into a small mountain of them. The workers scrambled to keep them contained and Lili started laughing at their shocked faces. The crystals just wouldn't stop pouring out!

My laughter joined Lili's when she had to pick up her backpack and finish tilting it to be upside down and the rest of the crystals came out. Some of them were fairly large, thanks to the larger creatures like Silverbacks and Baby Wyverns that Tsubaki and I had cleared out the other day. I was surprised at how many large ones we had, considering how quickly we had moved around and how far we travelled.

“When you're done counting all of that, we have potion ingredients and other loot drops to sell, too.” Lili said and patted the side compartment on her backpack. Her face was red from laughing so hard.

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