The Protagonist System

45 Magic Is Magical

45 Magic Is Magical

Ryuu Lion caught her breath when I entered the room set aside for my magic lesson. Just like Hestia, she could feel the magic emanating from my various party buffs. I hadn't ended the party yet, mainly because the bonuses the other four gave me with such high levels, was just too sweet to give up before I had to.

I knew who she really was, of course. I also knew her story. She had survived a TPK, or Total Party Kill, when the Astaeria Familia encountered the One Eyed Dragon. The others sacrificed themselves to give her a single chance to cast her most powerful magic spell to take the beast down. It had almost worked, too.

Ryuu succeeded in hitting the beast, except it had mostly dodged and didn't take the entire attack full on. It was seriously hurt and fled, rather than try to stick around and finish her off. It had taken her a long time to recover enough to move and she eventually made her way back to the surface.

When Ryuu had been fully healed and was back to full strength, she fought hard and travelled alone and returned to the site of the battle, only to see that all traces of the clash had disappeared. She knew then that either the local monsters had eaten the bodies of her comrades or the dungeon itself had absorbed them and their powerful weapons.

Completely dejected at the loss, she retired from adventuring and became a barmaid at the tavern owned by a retired adventurer. It seemed appropriate, considering they had both given up their Familias and wanted nothing more than to wallow in their guilt and to live a simple life, which was something they had never thought they would ever have after being an adventurer.

“Hello, Miss Lion.” I said and took her hand, kissed it, and held it tenderly. “Please, I beg of you. Teach me how to use healing magic.”

Ryuu looked stunned. She could feel my magic, as I suspected that all high level elves could, and she didn't say anything in response. It took her several minutes before she could recover enough to speak.

“My healing magic isn't what you need, Bell Cranel.” Ryuu whispered.

“Why don't you let me be the judge of that.” I said and smiled. “You teach, I'll learn, and when the lesson is over, then you can decide if it was worth it.”

Ryuu let out a sigh, as if resigned, and then began her lesson.

Thanks to my holding onto her, I added her as a party member and then spent the Karma points needed to learn her lessons. When she imparted her Noal Heal, which healed a target and restored their stamina, I added it to my skill list. It took time to enact and required an excessive amount of mental stability to use. Since I had Mind Block, I easily qualified and learned that it healed 5 levels of damage for a single level of magic.

Ryuu taught me her other healing spell, Ria Vindemia, which was an area effect spell that could also heal various wounds and restore stamina. Thanks to my spent Karma points, I learned this skill as well. It was honestly a very potent spell, considering there was no limit to the amount of people around me that would benefit from the healing.

I had thought the personal one was powerful and now I had a multiple one that could heal 3 levels of damage for a single level of magic spent. That was... honestly, it was ridiculous. I could, theoretically, spend 10 levels of healing and heal 30 levels of damage for everyone within my range, including myself. Like I said, completely ridiculous.

Ryuu looked stunned that I had learned both spells and could use them without having to be near nature, which would boost them by another level of healing each. It was then that she told me that she had learned about my problem of magical backlash and she was stumped with how to deal with it.

I showed her the amulet that Tsubaki had given me and she gasped. Her hands cupped it and she whispered about how it could change the world. I agreed, except it was excessively difficult to make and expensive.

Ryuu softly laughed and shook her head. “I meant the enchantment itself.” She said and stepped close to clutch the pendant to her chest and closed her eyes as she pressed her chest to mine. Her hands started to softly glow and I received a pop-up.

Ryuu Lion has initiated a Karma point transfer. Do you accept? Yes / No

Yes. I thought and that glow flowed from her hands and into me.

You have received the Blessing of Balance. Your magic and your defense stat are now locked to each other. Your skill Magic Manipulation has been updated to every three ranks of magic cast will result in one rank of damage.

Oh, holy hell. I thought and read the popup again. That was... that was a game-changer. A complete game-changer. I wrapped my arms around Ryuu and she opened her eyes to look at me in surprise. “Thank you for helping me, Miss Lion.” I said and gave her a tender kiss.

Ryuu blushed, despite her years of being emotionally cut off.

“Thank you very much for the lessons, my lady.” I said and stepped back to bend over to take her hand and kissed it. “Would you be open to accepting an invitation to join my Familia? They are in need of a magic user that can support them in everything they do.”

Ryuu looked both surprised and afraid. “Bell, I... I can't... I can't just...”

“No, no, my lady. Don't misunderstand. You won't be asked to fight. That won't be your job.” I said and she looked relieved. “You primary job will be to heal them and to ensure they are fed and watered as they traverse the dungeon.”

Ryuu looked at me like I had a second head. “What... what would my second job be?”

I chuckled. “To accept that people can love you for who you are and accept you, faults and all, and won't judge you for what happened before you joined our Familia.”

Ryuu had a conflicted look on her face. “Bell...”

“You don't have to accept, Ryuu. It's an offer. My Goddess Hestia will welcome you, whether I am the one to introduce you or not.” I said and placed her hand above the emblem on my chestplate. “We are the hearth that warms you and the home that will always welcome you.”

Ryuu gave me a searching look before she nodded. “I believe you. For some reason, I believe you.”

I bowed to her and kept hold of her hand as I led her from the room to where I knew Hestia and the others were waiting. My detection range was up to 500 feet now and it let me pinpoint everything.

“My Bell? Did it work?” Hestia asked me as soon as she saw me enter the main room.

“So far, my Goddess.” I said and bowed to her as I handed her Ryuu's hand. “A potential recruit, if she can accept that someone else can forgive her for what she thinks is her fault and can never be forgiven for.”

Hestia gave me a pointed look, nodded, and took the elf woman's hand from mine. “Welcome, Ryuu. You will always have a hearth to warm yourself against, even if you believe you don't deserve it.”

Ryuu looked like she was going to cry, which was completely against her nature.

“I told you that she would accept you, even if it wasn't me that brought you to her.” I said and kissed her cheek, then kissed Hestia's cheek. “We have a short time before we need to head to the Tower of Babel. I have something to unload before we head over there.”

Hestia nodded and I pulled out all of the valis I had from my expanded money pouch, hundreds of thousands worth, and handed it all to Hestia. She looked shocked at being given so much money. I gave Lili a pointed look and she giggled as she handed me some of the larger monster crystals and piles of the smaller ones in exchange.

“You've paid off your debt to Tsubaki already. The mythril sword is yours.” Lili said.

I nodded and gave her a deep kiss. “Thank you, Lili.”

Lili blushed. “Bell, you don't need to thank me for that. You're the one that let us all gain so much...”

“That reminds me.” I said and looked through the party options and chose to change the party leader. I picked Lili and gave her the same options I had, then also spent the 300 Karma points to make her magical and turned over the teleportation circles to her.

Lili gasped when the information was given to her. “B-B-Bell, you... you...”

“As the appraisal expert, you are the perfect one to take over teleporting people through the transportation network.” I said and gave her a passionate kiss. “I believe 10% of a party's haul is an appropriate charge for taking them to and from their chosen level.”

Lili caught her breath. “But... how... how would I ensure...”

“Only you can lead them to the circles, as both the avoidance wards and damage wards are yours to alter and command.” I said and her eyes widened. “If they use you to go down, it's free to come back. If they try to avoid you or rip you off, then blacklist them. They will no longer be able to go near the circles or use them to go to any level you have access to.”

Lili's face changed from shock to an almost evil smile. “I love you so much, Bell.”

I chuckled and kissed her again. “Keep the scam going, my dearest Lili. I trust you.”

Lili nodded and let me go to step back beside Aiz.

“Dearest.” I said to Aiz.

For the first time in her life, Aiz blushed. “I will use your teachings and I will avenge my mother. I solemnly swear.”

“Good. Don't rush it. Zeus and Hera had sent entire Familias against the dragon and they failed.” I warned her and then smiled. “They didn't have you there, however.”

Aiz smiled slightly and then kissed me. “I will reach Level 10 before seeking my revenge.”

I nodded and motioned to Lili. “Keep your party leader alive and you will continue to get stronger.”

“Without your help?” Aiz asked with a slight tilt to her head.

“Unfortunately, I need to be judged by a god and goddess tribunal. I doubt you'll see me again after I leave here.”

Aiz looked sad and then kissed me passionately. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” I said and caressed her face. “Never doubt that you will always have me in your heart. I might not be two steps behind you; but, I will always be with you to give you strength.”

Aiz nodded and stepped back to let Lili hug her.

“My Bell, it's time.” Hestia said.

I checked the invisible clock in my head and nodded. I hugged her close and smiled, then used a teleportation spell to transfer us from where we were to the outside of the Tower of Babel. A bunch of the civilians there gasped and the adventurers exiting the dungeon stared at us.

Hestia looked on the verge of tears as she took my hand and led me inside. We went up several levels to the proper room and entered. Inside was a huge gathering of gods and goddesses from all walks of life, or all walks of life they chose to represent. The one I saw missing was the goddess that represented the poor, which meant Enyo had already killed her to hide his machinations.

“So, the peasant finally decided to show up for a divine summons.” A man's smooth voice said.

“I was given the summons late at night two days ago. It said to be here in two days. I'm actually quite early and you should be mindful of who you call names, Enyo. I mean Dionysus.” I corrected the blond ponce and he looked angry. “Oh? Did I let your secret out too soon? I don't think so. Have you killed Penya yet to cover up the evidence she has that you murdered your own Familia members to start your sick fantasy of causing humanity to sink into fear and despair?”

All of the gods and goddesses seemed to freeze as they all turned to look at the angry god.

“Not going to lie and deny it? There's too many others to catch you out, hmm?” I asked and he stayed quiet. “While you try to figure out how to escape your peers, I have another bit of personal business to take care of.” I nodded at Hestia and she left my side for a minute and returned holding hands with Hephaestus.

“Bell.” Hephaestus said as Dionysus was surrounded and was being accused by everyone.

“Goddess Hephaestus.” I whispered and stepped close.

Hephaestus blushed and looked shy. “You shouldn't... do anything questionable... in public.”

I smirked at her and then pulled her in to kiss her as I activated her own blessing to increase the heat of my passion for her. I spent the much cheaper Karma points to cancel the curse on her eye and then cast the targeted healing spell. I spent 2 tiers of magic and healed 10 levels of magic on her. Since it took several minutes to complete, I continued to kiss Hephaestus the whole time.

When the healing was done, I broke the kiss and Hephaestus looked both embarrassed and really turned on. I whispered an apology that I didn't have the time to do her properly and reached up to flip her eyepatch off of her previously damaged eye. Her healed eye blinked at me and her face showed shock, so I flipped it back down and whispered that she should keep it a secret and a surprise.

Hephaestus took a moment to recover and then nodded as she stepped back from me to give Hestia a hug. “Thank you. Both of you.”

Hestia blushed and nodded.

“Can you send Demeter over here? I have two more things to do before the tribunal starts.” I said and Hephaestus nodded and joined in the mob around Dionysus. A couple of minutes later, a beautiful mature woman with long wavy golden honey colored hair and orange eyes came over to us.

“Punching that god's smug face was so satisfying!” Demeter said with a smile. “Thank you for pointing him out to us, Bell Cranel.”

“You're welcome, Goddess Demeter.” I said and took her hand to bend over it and kissed it before I let it go. “If you believe that was a favor to you, perhaps you could do a favor for me in return?”

Demeter giggled like a little girl. “Oh? Are you asking to give me the same treatment as my severely blushing friend Hephaestus?”

“No.” Both I and Hestia said at the same time. I chuckled and Hestia blushed from embarrassment.

Demeter giggled again. “Then what can I do for you, Bell Cranel?”

I reached into my backpack and pulled out a monster crystal worth several thousand valis and a small bit of ore. Several touches of magic later and I had a huge diamond ring. Both goddesses stared at it like obsessive crows after something shiny.

I bent on a knee and took Hestia's hand. “My personal Goddess Hestia, will you please marry me?”

“WHHHHAAAAAATTTTTT????!!!!????” Nearly every goddess screamed.

The bloody and unconscious body of Dionysus on the floor was completely forgotten.

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