The Protagonist System

50 A Night To Remember

50 A Night To Remember

I returned to Louise's room and I wasn't surprised that she was waiting up for me. What did surprise me was she was still dressed in her casual clothes. I didn't comment about it as I closed the door behind me and locked it and set the same alert ward.

“You did that?” Louise asked and motioned to the door.

“I didn't want anyone entering without your permission.” I said and she looked pleased. I glanced at the four poster bed that was only big enough for a single person. “I should go ask about bedding and things...”

“It's fine.” Louise interrupted and turned her face away from me to hide her blush. “For tonight, anyway. We can worry about moving my things into the bigger section when you fix my closet and make a real dividing wall.”

I held in my laugh at her assuming she was getting the larger section for herself. Then again, with all of her large things in there and out of the way, this part of the room would be fairly big. I nodded and took off my backpack, hung it on the sole chair by the small table, and took off my expensive-looking clothes to pack inside and left myself wearing just my boxers.

Louise watched me out of the corner of her eye and waited for me to finish before she stood up. It was my turn to watch her as she stripped off. The difference came when she also discarded her panties onto the small pile of clothing she left on the floor.

My eyes dropped down to between her legs and there it was. The soft tuft of pink hair that I imagined would highlight her slit. Her dripping slit. Her glistening and damp slit that looked good enough to eat. Before I realized that I shouldn't do anything with her, I was already across the room and had her upside down and my tongue dug deeply into her eager opening.

“OHHHH!” Louise moaned loudly and came.

I lapped at her delicious nectar as I walked us over to the bed. I lifted her up and laid her down on the edge of the mattress, then I dove between her legs and suckled and licked her to make her come again. She almost screamed as she did and she wrapped her legs around my neck to make sure I wasn't going to stop for a long time.

Not surprisingly, I didn't stop until her moans tapered off and were barely whispers. When I looked at her face, it showed utter joy and satisfaction.

“No... no more. We can't... we haven't even...” Louise mumbled and then fell asleep.

That was when I realized I had gone way, way further than I ever thought I would with another woman after getting married. I sat beside the bed and stared at the well tended and drenched opening in front of me. I felt guilty that I wanted to keep going and I shook my head for losing myself in the act. I needed to get a hold on my impulses before I did something else I would regret.

On a whim, I checked my Karma points and saw I had gained almost 1,200 of them. It didn't tell me from what, though. I also checked the party screen and Louise's name was there, our partner bond had double lines now instead of a single line, and a new option for knowledge sharing appeared.

I didn't choose it, because it didn't say what knowledge would be shared, either from me or from her. The last thing I needed was to give Louise access to everything in my head. Until I could find a way to limit it or at least browse what was available, I would leave it alone and study this world the long way. With research.

I cleaned her with a spell before I picked her up and tucked her under the blanket. I laid down on top of it because I didn't want to tempt myself, even though I was rock hard and I was sure that she wouldn't say no, not after that marathon oral sex session. I gave myself a quick wank instead and then cleaned up with a spell, created another blanket, and drifted off to sleep.

The night passed before I knew it and I woke up with Louise under the blanket and snuggled up to my side. I wasn't sure how she managed that without waking me... and I realized that my underwear was gone, too. When I lifted the blanket, I saw that her hand was on my belly and in a huge puddle of white fluid.

She either jerked me off unconsciously or she was too curious to see what a guy's bodily fluids looked like. I thought to myself. Rather than wait for her to wake up and see her reaction to the mess she made, I cleaned it up with a spell.

As if I had requested that Louise wake up, her eyelids fluttered open and she smiled warmly at me... for about three seconds... then she blushed to a deep red when she realized she was pressing all of herself against my side. She let out a squawk like a chicken and rolled away from me and hid under the blanket.

“I'm glad you don't hate me for what I did last night.” I said instead of laughing at her reaction.

“I could never hate you for kissing me down there like that!” Louise shouted from under the blanket. Luckily, it was muffled just enough that it wasn't loud enough to escape the room. That thought did make me laugh and I felt her small fist hit my side.

“I'm laughing because if you had said that any louder, half of the girls in the female dorms would have heard you.” I told her and she squawked again. I slid out from under the blanket and stood beside the bed as I thought about taking a bath. I checked the invisible clock in my head and nodded, because we had plenty of time. “I'm going to take a nice relaxing bath. Do you want to join me?”

Louise slid the edge of the blanket back just enough to peer out at me from the dark depths. “You're not going to make fun of me for how I acted last night, are you?”

I thought about asking if she meant jerking me off and pushed that thought away. “I would never make fun of how cute you are, Louise.”

Louise blushed and looked thoughtful, then she slid out from under the blanket and stood beside me. Apparently, once she chose to let me see it all, she had no problem letting me see it all again. I offered her my elbow and she accepted it like a lady, so I escorted her to her personal bathroom.

Instead of using the tap, I filled the tub with water using my magic and then heated it with fire magic in seconds. Louise stared at me like she had never seen me before. I winked at her and helped her into the bath as I added the bath oils she pointed to, then I climbed in as well and started scrubbing her. Her blush stayed on her face as I worked and I didn't play with her, which seemed to surprise her.

“You know that nobles hire servants do what you just did.” Louise said as I started to wash myself.

I smiled at her and handed her the soapy cloth and showed her my back. She softly laughed and washed my back, then lower. Her hands roamed a lot more than necessary and I didn't comment on it, because I had pretty much touched her all over, too.

“I thought you were married?” Louise asked me and handed me the cloth back.

I cleaned it and hug it on the little rack meant for it. “I am.” I said and moved to the back of the tub and patted my lap.

Louise didn't hesitate as she turned around and sat down before she laid back against me. “Then why are you doing all of this?”

“When you dropped your panties last night, I got caught up in how beautiful you were and lost control of myself.” I admitted as I put my arms around her. “I'm trying to make up for that by showing you that what happened was my fault, not yours. I don't blame you at all and I wanted to show you that I can still act like a gentleman with you being naked in front of me.”

A blushing Louise turned her head enough to look at me. “Does that mean you're not going to react like that anymore?”

I opened my mouth to tell her exactly that and thought about it. “I honestly can't answer that.”

Louise looked pleased and turned her head back to face forward. “At least you have good taste.”

“So do you.” I said and she turned her head to look at me again, her blush still there. “I desperately wanted to keep going when you fell asleep. Make of that what you will.”

Louise looked thoughtful and then nodded before looking forward once more. She slowly relaxed and rested against me without any tension, even with my erection pressing against her back. In fact, I was sure she looked a little smug about it.

“Why did you have to be married already?” Louise asked me, probably rhetorically.

“It was a last minute decision so that I could sleep with her without us both suffering repercussions.” I said and she caught her breath. “Yes, it was surprisingly just like it is here with the upper nobility.”

“Not for Kirche, the slut.” Louise groused immediately.

“I assume she's the school's broom?” I asked and she gave me an odd look. “She deals best with dirty things and everyone wants to use her?”

Louise chuckled. “The school's broom. She's the school's broom and everyone uses her. Ha!”

I chuckled as well. “I was tempted to say she was the school's horse and that everyone gets a turn to ride her, except that would insult the horses.”

Louise laughed loudly and hugged my arms to stop herself from sliding off of my lap. “The poor stable horses... get ridden hard... all the time! Ha hahaha!”

I laughed with her and we had a great time over the next twenty minutes while we traded insults back and forth, each one worse than the last. Louise was almost hoarse when we climbed out of the bath to dry off. I told her that and she laughed and smacked me hard on the chest for calling her a horse, then we both laughed.

Louise asked me to help her get dressed and I knew she was trying to fit me into her social dynamic, mainly to make it okay that she had spent the night in bed with me and wanted to explain it to herself. Of course, I knew if she slotted me into the servant role, she would take full advantage of that. So, I agreed, as long as she helped me dress as well. She blushed and nodded.

I couldn't let her bland school uniform stay that way, so I gave her basic bra some padding to push her assets together and then changed her blouse to look much more expensive and I would leave the top two buttons unbuttoned. I handed her the bra first and she gave me the stink eye.

“Trust me, Louise.” I said and she sighed.

“Fiiiine.” Louise said and held her arms out in front of herself.

I slid the bra straps over her arms and slid it back to her body and held it. “Bend over and settle yourself into the cups.”

Louise gave me another stink eye as she did what I said.

I chuckled and made sure she was supported properly and secured the back. “This is a little trick an old friend of mine does with her own modest chest while around other girls with gigantic assets.” I said and waved for her to stand up.

Louise did so and glanced down, looking sure that she was going to be disappointed, and gasped. “I have breasts!”

I nodded. “Sona was slim as well and she wasn't embarrassed by that. She was just built differently. She wasn't going to let the others intimidate her, though. She still had nice assets, even if they weren't big and showy like the others that didn't have to try and accentuate them to be noticed in a school uniform.”

Louise nodded and motioned to her blouse. I put it on her and she felt the silky difference. Her eyes roamed over the expensive cloth and she waited for me to button it up before she said anything.

“Why are you doing this?” Louise asked me.

“We're partners now. I'm going to do everything I can to help you.” I said and opened her underwear drawer. “Are you feeling frilly or sex today?”

Louise blushed and mumbled sexy.

“Good choice.” I said and picked up a small pair of panties and transfigured them into white lace that covered and still showed off. I knelt at her feet and held them for her.

Louise put a hand on my shoulder and stepped into them. I pulled them up her legs and stopped just before the cloth cupped her. I created a modern panty liner and applied it, then pulled the panties up the rest of the way.

“What was that?” Louise asked.

“It's a piece of absorbent material that should let you get through the day without having to change your underwear several times.” I said and checked to make sure her panties were sitting properly. “How do they fit? I tried to make sure they are snug and not tight.”

Louise reached down and ran a fingertip along the top and then along the cheeks of her ass to check as well. “They're good so far.”

I nodded and stood to pick up her skirt. It was plain, so I added a double yellow strip along the hem and then added some fluffy internal cloth to make it billow as she walked and not show anything. I helped her put it on and Louise looked at it with admiration.

“My amulet.” Louise said and pointed to her dresser.

It was a fairly large pentagram amulet made of brass. I changed it to give it a bright shine instead of the dullness it normally had and I added a single red line inside the black lines. It made the pentagram almost leap off the amulet.

I put it on her and adjusted the red string to settle the amulet right below where the top buttons were. The last thing was the cape, a standard robe for mages, and I transfigured it to look much more expensive and added the double line of yellow along the hem.

“What's with the double lines?” Louise asked as I secured it around her neck with the basic button.

“You're a second year and people will see that as soon as they see you.” I said and went to my backpack. I opened the side compartment where I stored all those monster crystals and took out a small one.

Louise gasped when she saw it. “What's that? I can feel the magic in it!”

I walked back over to her and held it out. “This is a monster crystal. It's what drops from a monster when you slay them inside a massive underground dungeon that spawns them daily.”

Louise cupped it in her hands and it glowed slightly. “It's so pretty!”

“Where you summoned me from uses them like small magical reservoirs for things like eternal nightlights.” I said and she admired it. “I'm going to replace that button with it.”

Louise nodded and handed it back to me. I altered the shape of the crystal so that it looked like a very expensive jewel and then melded it to the button. I picked up her simple black stockings that reached her mid thigh and did a slight change to make them crosshatched and changed the tops to lace that matched her panties.

“I can't wear those!” Louise gasped.

I undid the crosshatched change and she relaxed. I knelt at her feet and she let me put them on her. I changed her shoes next and gave her an examining look, then added an inch to the entire bottom and then two to the heel. I also made them shine like they were mirrors.

Louise put them on and she stood ramrod straight as she looked at herself in the dresser mirror. “I... I... I'm gorgeous.”

“Louise, you always were. It's just now everyone else will see it.” I said and pointed at the bed. “Shall we fix up your hair as well?”

Louise gave me a pointed look. “What's wrong with my hair?”

I laughed and held my hands up in surrender. “I was thinking a French Braid or even a stylish English Bun, just for a change.”

Louise didn't lose the look. “For today... I think... just a good brushing. You can try to convince me about different hairstyles tomorrow.”

I nodded and we sat on the bed. I brushed her hair out, just how she liked it, and I cleaned the brush and handed it to her to let her do my own hair. Louise did and I handed her an elastic to put it into a ponytail. After that, I changed my clothes to different colors. She sheepishly dug my underwear out from under the blankets on the bed and handed them to me.

“Confident women are a turn on for me.” I whispered to her and cleaned the boxer shorts and changed their color to blue before I put them on.

Louise blushed at me reminding her about what she did and she helped me put on my fancy blue shirt and then my darker blue pants. She looked at me approvingly and took out one of her own capes.

“Ah, good point. I won't stand out too much if we match.” I said and changed it to match her cape, enlarged it to fit my taller body, and added a transfigured monster crystal to the button. I took her hand and walked over to stand us both in front of the dresser's mirror. “We're both sexy bitches now!”

Louise looked shocked before she snorted and laughed, which was why I said it.

“We best get going. Breakfast is starting soon.” I said and she nodded. We picked up our wands from her dresser and we left our room to face the masses.

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