The Protagonist System

62 The Legend Begins

62 The Legend Begins

When my bowl was empty of the delicious mulch, Vernon was already elbow deep into reading the morning paper and Petunia looked very happy. I couldn't tell if it was the full stomach or having house elves taking care of the dishes and cleaning up her son's mess for her.

“MILKY!” Dudley yelled and slapped his hands on his high chair.

Petunia sighed and stood. “All right. At least I'm not sore this time and it won't hurt so much.”

I felt really bad hearing that and was glad I had healed her earlier.

Petunia walked over to Dudley and scooped him up, then she froze for a moment. Almost as if she wasn't sure she was going to do it, she stepped over to me and scooped me up, too. I was so shocked she would include me that I didn't try to protest as she carried us across the room.

“The nursing room bees on the left.” The nanny elf said and led us out of the kitchen.

“This place is gorgeous.” Petunia whispered and looked around at all the nice dark wood panelling and the high ceilings with wood accents and thick beams that would put mansions to shame.

“Castle Home be bestest in the world.” Moppy said and walked by us with a feather duster in her little hands. “It has everything youse bees needing.”

Petunia nodded and we entered a very cozy blue room with big plush couches, dressing tables, cribs, stacks of baby clothes and nappies, and stuffed toys galore. She barely acknowledged the nanny elf and sat down on one of the couches, only to sink into the puffy goodness and let out a soft laugh as she reclined.

“I'm dreaming. I have to be dreaming.” Petunia whispered and adjusted Dudley and myself on either side of her, pulled up her top, and revealed a special bra with removable cups. She popped them off and she hugged Dudley to her left side and then hugged me to her right.

Dudley sucked that big nipple right in and started to happily suckle. I stared at the thing and felt very conflicted about it. I mean, I was not really a baby and was just stuck in a baby's body. Could I really drink milk out of her breast like that?

“Donts bees shy, Master Harry. Mummy milk is best for youse for now.” The nanny elf said and she pushed my head right onto Petunia's nipple and it popped right into my mouth. “We bees working on changing youse out to bottles over the next few weeks and gives mummy a break.”

Petunia sighed contentedly as my mouth started to suckle automatically and relieved some of the pressure she felt. “Thank you, Nanny.”

“Its bees my job to takes cares of the little ones. You part of that til the littles are old enough, then Moppy and Butter helps takes cares of youse.” The house elf said and walked over to the piles of clothes and picked out a few different outfits.

To my surprise, despite the milk being warm, it was surprisingly tasty. Whether it was because my taste buds were underdeveloped or because a mother's milk really was the best thing for my baby self, was debatable. I still felt conflicted about sucking on Petunia's nipple, despite how natural it felt.

I tenderly held onto her breast and tried to not stress her nipple or squeeze too hard as I carefully massaged the breast to get the milk to come out easier. Apparently, that was a skill I was an expert at, because Petunia let out a soft moan and her hand cupped the back of my head and she petted my hair. It was a really weird situation as I fed from her and I was glad it would be over in a few weeks.

“Babies bees doing good feeding and helping mummy. Sleep soon.” The nanny elf said and she waved her hand over us.

I felt the gentle sleep spell being cast and I quickly switched my t-shirt out for a generic one of the same color and let the area spell take effect, even if it was going to focus on the amulet. Getting a good sleep before I had to leave would be good for me. I might have a lot of magic; but, I only had a baby's body. I wasn't going to be doing a lot of activities for very long.


Petunia watched as the two babies let out soft sighs and they drifted off to sleep. She was tempted to stay there with their comforting weights on her, mostly because it was quiet for the first time in a while.

“I bees taking them to beds.” The nanny elf whispered and snapped her fingers. Both babies lifted up and turned over, then floated over to two separate cribs and settled down inside. “Youse be napping, too?”

Petunia shook her head and sat up. Her left nipple felt like it had been under constant assault and was red and slightly inflamed, like usual after her Dudders had fed from her. Her right nipple... she didn't really want to think about how wonderful that felt. Whatever magic Baby Harry had used, made it the best nursing experience she ever had.

The nanny elf handed her a small jar of bruise creme. “Youse be applying that each hour and wipes with cloth and wash. Helps with eager babies being eager.”

Petunia nodded and popped the two cups back onto her bra and pulled her top down. “Thank you.”

“You bees welcome.” Nanny said and made a shooing motion with her hands. “Go bees mommy somewhere else now. Three hours for sleeps, then I bees changing nappies, then youse can play with them.”

Petunia nodded, almost absently, and left the nursing room. She needed to talk to Vernon about what had happened that morning and what was going to happen from now on. She went back to the large kitchen and Vernon was still there reading the newspaper and was smoking a huge cigar that had a pleasant musky smell.

“Vernon, we have to talk.” Petunia said.

Vernon grunted and took a long draw on his cigar. “Pet, there's a lot to talk about, especially about that box of jewels.” He said and blew out a cloud of smoke that seemed to dissipate right away. “I don't know where Butter got these things; but, they're great. They have all of the benefits and none of the drawbacks.”

Petunia sat at the table beside him and sighed. “Did you read both letters?”

Vernon nodded. “I'm sorry the whiskered wanker did that to you.” He said and then smiled. “But, it did let me meet you and you're the best thing that's ever happened to me.”

Petunia looked around at the expanded kitchen and back at his face.

Vernon chuckled and it rumbled inside his large chest. “That's still because of you, Pet. Would either of us have ever seen anything like this if you weren't who you are?”

Petunia had to think about that. Did she have to be bound and tossed away, just so she could have a life that was away from the craziness and to find someone that liked her for herself?

Vernon watched her face and nodded as she came to the same realization he had. “I've already asked Butter what everyone else sees when they look at the house. They see our old one. Number 4 Privet Drive.”

Petunia blinked her eyes for a moment. “We're living inside a castle... apparently the best in the world... and all anyone else sees is our old house? Really?”

Vernon nodded. “Butter said the magic of the place will only let them see the old house, even when they're inside. I'm not too happy about that.” He said and frowned slightly. “We aren't allowed to show off anything that could give the secret away.”

Petunia had to think about that. “Maybe we can have the elves set up certain rooms to match the illusion of the old house. We can make them into as posh as the rest of the castle is and no one should question it.”

“That's smart thinking, Pet! We can still show off this new wealth and not let anyone else in on it.” Vernon praised her and Petunia blushed.

“I'll get Butter and Moppy working on that while you're at work.” Petunia promised.

Vernon put out his cigar and reached over and patted the cardboard box. “I'll take one of the smaller necklaces, a bracelet, and the smallest sapphire with me. I'll shop around at a few of the upper class stores during lunch to get some appraisals and will let them know we have some family heirlooms to sell off. With luck, we might even get an invitation to an auction for rare items.”

Petunia felt proud of her husband for an idea like that. “Who's thinking smart now, hmm?”

Vernon chuckled and took her hand as he stood. “Our lives are going to change so much, Pet.”

“For the better.” Petunia added. She would make sure it was.

Vernon smiled and leaned down to kiss her. “I'll see you tonight.”

“Good luck at work.” Petunia said.

Vernon grabbed the three small things from the box to tuck into his pockets and left the kitchen with a bit of swagger in his step.

Petunia couldn't help but smile at that and she stood up. “Moppy? Are you busy?”

The maid elf popped into the kitchen. “Whats can Moppy bees helping you with?”

“Can I get a tour of the house? I mean castle?” Petunia corrected.

“Youse is the mistress of the home! Of course youse can!” Moppy said and took her hand. “I bees showing you all the bestest rooms first! Thens the walk-in closets! Thens the bathtub rooms!”

Petunia softly laughed at the excited elf and was dragged out of the kitchen to be shown the magnificence of her castle home.


I woke up and felt clean, dry, and toasty warm. I opened my eyes and looked down to see I was swaddled in a thick blanket and mentally laughed at being like that old saying, snug as a bug in a rug.

“Little master woke early. Naughty naughty.” The nanny elf said and smiled down at me.

I had to giggle at that and she grinned.

“Youse already changed and dressed, so mummy can take youse.” Nanny said and picked me up and walked over to the door of the nursery. It opened without her touching it and she held me out.

Petunia walked around the corner and saw me being presented to her, let out a soft laugh, and scooped me up into her arms. “Dudders?”

“He bees sleeping. More milk to go through.” The elf said and waved and shut the door.

Petunia walked into the kitchen with me and looked over at the tea pot.

“I bees getting you some teas.” Cookie said and did several snaps of her fingers to get things going. “Butter bees bringing it to the sitting room.”

“Thank you.” Petunia said and walked right back out of the kitchen. “Sitting room... hmm... where was... oh, there it is.” She said as a door opened for her.

It was an opulent room that was much too fancy for a middle class neighborhood and by the look on Petunia's face, she liked it a lot. The ornate tea set was already there and Butter made her a cup.

“This place is unbelievable, Harry.” Petunia said and sat down on a nice chair and accepted the offered cup. She took a sip and looked down at my face and blushed a little. “Goodness, your eyes just pop right out of your handsome face, don't they?”

I beamed a smile at her and she smiled back and cuddled me close.

“I know things are bad for you right now, after... after...” Petunia's smile faded and she looked sad.

“No hurt.” I said and struggled to get free of my blanket.

Petunia saw me struggle and put down her tea to unwrap me.

I reached up to pet her cheek. “Quick. No hurt. Bad man gone.”

Petunia took a deep breath and let it out. “I suppose I should be glad for that.”

I nodded. “Goddie Hollow.” I said and spread my little hands. “Big boom!”

Petunia blinked her eyes at me for a moment. “That name. I just remembered there was a small cottage in Godric's Hollow where Lily spent her honeymoon. Is that where you were?”

I nodded again. “Whiskered wanker pretend to hide us.”

Petunia giggled at me. “Language, Harry.”

I beamed a smile at her. “Wanker! Wanker!”

Petunia laughed and hugged me. “I shouldn't laugh. It's disrespectful.”

“It okay. Tunie happy.” I said and hugged her neck.

“I shouldn't be. I was so angry at her for abandoning me to that world.” Petunia said. “After reading that letter and knowing how she really felt...”

“Mummy sad. Want to fix.” I said and looked into her eyes. “You be fixed?”

Petunia let out a sigh. “Harry, I... I don't know. If Lily couldn't do it, I... if I had magic...”

“You choose. I fix.” I said and her eyes widened. “I save you. Have proof.”

Petunia watched as my t-shirt changed from the bright blue one to the black one with the 'saving the world' saying on it. She stared at it and stopped breathing for a moment. She adjusted me to hold me with one arm and her fingers traced over the words.

“H-Harry... you... can you really...” Petunia said in a soft whisper.

“I give magic kisses.” I said and she looked up from my t-shirt.

“You... you can't mean...”

“You want, me give.” I said and did my best hero pose, which looked ridiculous because I was a baby. “I, Harry Potter, best Harry Potter!”

Petunia snorted and then laughed as she hugged me again. “Yes, you're the best Harry.”

“Tunie smart! Tunie magic, too!” I said and hugged her neck as I planted a kiss on her cheek. I made her a temporary party member and chose the magic upgrade for 30 Karma points.

Because this world was a magical one, I also had options for different things. I upgraded her to double her magical potential for double the points and changed her body to match a normal magical's durability to handle the magic safely. It also opened up her ability to see everything a normal witch or wizard could see and use.

Petunia glowed as her magic was unlocked and she stiffened as the energy flowed through her. “Oh, dear god. I can feel it. I can feel...” She stopped talking when I removed her from my party and stopped kissing her cheek.

“Told you. Tunie magic, too.” I said and gave her another kiss. “Tunie strong.”

Petunia looked surprised for a moment, then she smiled. It was almost evil. “I'm strong, am I?”

“Magic huge!” I said and pointed at a lace doily on the coffee table. “Want frilly thing!”

Petunia gasped when the doily flew from the table to land in my hand.

“You do! You do!” I prompted her. “Butter!”

“Yes, masters.” Butter said and snapped his fingers to make the doily reappear on the coffee table.

“Go, Tunie! Go, go, go!” I cheered.

Petunia gave me a wide eyed look for several seconds, then it changed to a determined look. “All right, Harry. I'll try.”

“No try. Do. You do it!” I encouraged her. “Believe it!”

Petunia nodded and reached a hand out. “I want that doily!”

Only Butter and I were not surprised when the doily jumped from the coffee table into her hand. Petunia's mouth dropped open and she stared at the frilly thing in her grip, shock on her face.

“See? Tunie did it!” I said and hugged her neck. “Tunie strong!”

Petunia had tears in her eyes when she hugged me back.

Butter nodded and snapped his fingers to put the doily back on the coffee table. He poured another cup of tea for Petunia and popped away.

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