The Protagonist System

65 Which Witch is Which

65 Which Witch is Which

Amelia Bones sat at her desk and she read the well written letter again. It contained a few things she would have to investigate, a few things she wasn't allowed to investigate, and a few things that made her laugh. She would save the pantie versus nappy prank story for a great conversation piece.

The letter was signed by Harry Potter himself, in red crayon no less, and he had sent her a picture of himself. He was absolutely adorable in his fancy and expensive suit with a cape-like robe and a glittery jewel as a clasp. She would have to contact his guardian to find out if she could get a similar outfit for her little niece, Susan.

That was another thing the letter had and one of the things she wanted to investigate. Harry apologized that he was too late to save the Bones Family from Voldemort and his death eaters while he also pointed out that Peter Pettigrew and Severus Snape were both spies for the Dark Lord and had given him the information on the Order of the Phoenix members.

Since Pettigrew was dead, Amelia could only go after Snape for it. Then again, Albus Bloody Dumbledore had already stepped in and saved the greasy-haired potions master from being tried and sentenced to prison. Admitting he was a spy for him and was essential in the downfall of Voldemort, had bought the both of them a lot of leeway and gave them credibility.

Amelia didn't know it was because of Snape giving up the prophecy that the downfall happened in the first place. If she did, she would have charged both men with conspiracy to commit the murders of both the Potter and Longbottom families... and wasn't that last one a surprise attack for the record books.

The surprise being that it failed and four of Voldemort's fervent followers had died in the attack. The scene alone didn't make sense. Someone had stepped up and dealt with 3 evil wizards and 1 witch. She had been left for last, so she had inherited everything from her husband, and all of it folded back into the Black family's coffers.

Amelia chuckled at that, because the last Black family member was sitting in prison for killing his friends. All of that money and prestige was going to waste and no one could capitalize on it. As far as she knew, Narcissa Malfoy used to be a Black and her baby could be an heir. Then again, she had fled the country and moved back to France as soon as her husband became a squib.

Surprisingly, the Malfoy Mansion had been sold off for a fair market price and then sealed off. Since the new owner's name wasn't known, they couldn't be contacted and asked to allow the DMLE access to tear the place apart to search for the secret room full of dark artifacts it was rumored to contain. Of course, the rumors originated from their political rivals in a bid to discredit them even more.

That fact made Amelia chuckle again, because most of the Conservative Faction in the Wizengamut were currently sitting in cells in Azkaban prison for being a part of Voldemort's campaign of terror. They had also squibbed out and there was no explanation, besides what Lucius Malfoy had claimed about how Voldemort must have taken their magic to try and save himself.

Amelia didn't believe that for a second. All of them still had the dark mark on their arms, faded though it was. It was impossible for them to claim they were cursed with it after they were interrogated and viritaserum had been given to them. Their claims of the law exempting pure bloods didn't apply, because they were without magic. Squibs were kicked out of pure blood families automatically.

She shook her head at that horrible practice and put Harry Potter's letter aside and looked in the box it came with. His reasons for sending his problem mail to her and no one else, had made Amelia feel warm inside and gave her a sense of accomplishment. The idea to start legislation against potioning people was a great idea as well and something she could definitely get behind.

Amelia glanced at the photo again and smiled at the ridiculous hero pose Harry tried to pull off. His cape flapping in the wind was a nice touch, as was the castle behind him. Her thoughts of him having a good home life after what happened to him, eased her heart about the whole thing.

She took out the food that was potioned and noted the potions were keyed to both Dumbledore and the Weasleys. Amelia didn't need confirmation of Harry's idea and knew he was right about how there wasn't much she could do, except perhaps sending the Weasley family head a strongly worded letter that any repeated attempts to potion the Boy-Who-Lived, would be added to the criminal file she had already started on them.

Amelia worked for the rest of the morning and recorded everything down, especially the portkeys, because their destinations just so happened to match the home addresses of several prominent prisoners that used to be active members of Voldemort's terrorist organization. That was another charge to add to their sentences and she was quite happy about that.

A few letters sent to their wives to ask if they knew about it, since they were sent both during and after the trials, might calm down their very vocal protests over arresting their husbands. It might also stir them up and she could sweep up the whole lot of them. She hated allowing criminals to walk away without punishment.


Life in the castle became a happy normal routine over the lead-up to the Christmas holidays, thanks to the elves and their hard work. Vernon was losing a bit of weight and gaining muscle after I had healed him, which made Petunia pay a lot more attention to him.

It was a little thing I had Cookie the cook slip into both Dudley's and Vernon's food to stop them from gaining weight and give them proper nutrition for healthy bodies. I did the opposite for Petunia. She was always thin and bony, so some weight gain and nutrition were starting to show on her as well, which made Vernon pay more attention to her.

It was quite odd to see how happy that made them. Vernon laughed on the regular now and Petunia did quite a bit of teasing with her increasing curves, especially her breasts. The background whispering by the house elves that they were hoping for another little one to appear from that behavior, made me laugh in my head.

Who would have thought such a simple thing as being obscenely rich and good looking could change their personalities so much? Me, of course! The best Harry Potter!

Now it was time for me to set up the background for the presents I would give out at Christmas. I waddled into the living room and Petunia smiled warmly at me from the comfy couch. I held my arms up to her and she scooped me up and hugged me to her chest.

“Hello there, little man.” Petunia said and tickled me.

I giggled my baby laugh and she laughed, too. “Tunie bank. Want presents.”

Petunia shook her head. “It's too early to give you presents, Harry. You need to wait for Christmas morning in a couple of weeks, just like everyone else.”

I took out my Gringotts vault key. “No, me bank. Buy presents.”

Petunia blinked her eyes at me for several seconds without speaking, then she sucked in a sharp breath. “You mean the special bank Lily used to go to during school? The one in that magic alley?”

I nodded. “Books. Brooms. Wands.”

Petunia gasped. “Oh... oh, god. I didn't think... I mean, I knew you fixed me... I just thought I'd have to wait for...” She stopped talking and gave me a pointed look. “You already know something about what's going on, don't you?”

I nodded again. “I, Harry Potter, best Harry Potter.”

“How?” Petunia asked me.

“Elves smarter than old wizards.” I said with a huge smile. “New witches smarter than elves.”

Petunia looked surprised for a second, then she huffed and laughed. “I suspected you were a lot more mature than you've been letting on.”

I nodded once more. “Magic stronger than anything.” I said and created a little ball of fire in my hand, had it do a little dance, and then changed it to ice and reformed it to look like a miniature Dudley and made it permanent.

Petunia stared at it for a moment and then picked it up. “It's cold but it's not melting.”

“Permanent.” I said and she caught her breath. I made three more little figures, one for her, Vernon, and myself. I was in my full costume, too.

Petunia took them from me and set them on the coffee table. “Harry, these things... how...”

“Magic.” I said and patted her cheek. “Get books. Wand. Practice.”

Petunia looked at the figures and back at my face. “We can go in the morning after Vernon leaves for work.”

I beamed a smile at her. “Have fun. Magic ice cream. Dudders scream like banshee!”

Petunia snorted and then laughed. Dudley reacted like that with normal ice cream. She could only imagine what he'll do with magical flavors. “All right, I'll bring him, too.”

“Nanny will follows.” The nanny elf said and popped in to show off a double pram, which was a 4 wheeled carriage to carry babies.

“Oh, thank you! That's going to help so much while we're out shopping.” Petunia gushed.

Nanny blushed and ducked her head. “Youse bees welcome.”

“We'll need a bag with supplies as well. Extra nappies, bottles, and some snacks until we stop for lunch.” Petunia said.

“I bees doing that right now.” Nanny said and popped away.

“It's so great to have house elves taking care of everything.” Petunia said and hugged me. “Thank you for arranging it.”

“Make Tunie happy.” I gave her cheek a kiss. “Happy wife. Happy life.”

Petunia smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek back. “Wise words from the mouth of a baby.”

I tried to do my hero pose again and she laughed.


Petunia was in awe. She had seen it before when she was a little girl of 12. At the time, she could only think of the resentment she felt that she wasn't allowed to have anything of that world. The magical world. And now... now because of Harry... she could have it all if she wanted. And she wanted it.

The first stop was the goblin bank and Harry mentioned something about stopping all outgoing withdrawals that didn't go through him first. The goblin gave him a squinted eye and then chuckled. He said there was no one accessing that account because the key had been reported lost.

Harry took out the key and said it wasn't lost, someone stole it and he got it back from the thief. That got the goblin's attention. Thieves were bad for business. When the stolen key was checked, it had been Albus Dumbledore that had reported it and asked for a replacement as Harry's magical guardian.

Harry said to cancel that new key, since his magical guardian was right there with him, and had Petunia hand over the letter Dumbledore had given her. The goblin did a quick check, saw that Petunia was magical, and he stamped the cancel order on the new key. If the thief came back to the bank to use it, or tried to make other arrangements with it, they would deal with them.

Both Harry and Petunia thanked the goblin and asked to go to the vault. They rode on the mining cart and both had a great time on the underground roller coaster. Petunia took out a lot more gold, silver, and bronze coins than she really thought she needed, just in case, and they left there and went back to the surface. Then the shopping bonanza began.

Petunia was a whirlwind as she went through every store they had, some just to browse, and she spent a lot of time in the secondhand bookstore. The clerk was very pleased when she cleaned out sets of Hogwarts books for every subject they offered for the last ten years, even all of the electives, except for Muggle Studies. She could pass the NEWT of that with her eyes closed.

As each trunk was filled, an elf popped in to take it home, saving her from having to carry anything. She thanked them every time and the elves always left with a blush and a happy smile. They stopped for ice cream and Dudley really did scream like a banshee as he dug his hands into the most delicious ice cream he had ever tasted, peanut butter and jelly!

The last thing Petunia had to buy was a wand. Needless to say, Ollivander was quite surprised to see both Harry Potter and his muggle aunt enter his store. He immediately refused to sell Harry a wand before his eleventh birthday, no matter how famous he was. Both Harry and Petunia laughed, because they both knew he didn't need a wand to perform magic.

Petunia told the old man that she wanted the wand for herself and Ollivander was stunned. She had to stifle her laugh at the look on his face and said she didn't have a lot of time before she had to go home. That shook the man out of his trance and he pulled out his measuring tape. Petunia gave him a very pointed look that seemed to go right through him.

Ollivander mumbled something about not needing the distraction and started the wand-finding process. It only took ten minutes to find a compatible wand and Petunia gasped at the blue sparks and the feeling of magic rushing through her. She happily paid the 7 galleons and felt reassured that she really was a magical being like she had always wished she was.

Petunia didn't notice Ollivander's slightly blank look as she picked Harry up and hugged him. She left the shop and thanked Harry again, especially for giving her the very thing she always wanted. She still regretted losing all those years to jealousy and anger; but, she was moving past it with increasing speed, thanks to Harry's help.

The drive home passed quickly and they entered their castle. Petunia almost absently went to the nursery, dropped onto the fluffy couch to recline, and pulled off her top and bra to let both Dudley and Harry suckle away.

Even though it had been weeks since she had nursed and they had been weaned off of her milk, Petunia was pleased that both of her boys latched onto her and relieved the pressure she hadn't realized she had been building up. She cuddled them both, told them she loved them very much, and that she was very happy to have the both of them in her life.

If she had looked down, Petunia would have seen a blush on little Harry's face. After the babies were put to bed, she went into the kitchen to have a cup of tea, and saw a small folded card in front of where she usually sat.

Petunia picked it up and her heart melted at what she read scribbled in blue crayon. I luv u 2, Tunie.

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