The Protagonist System

79 Bookworms

79 Bookworms

We did sleep in the next morning and both Lavender and Parvati enjoyed relaxing and lounging in bed, mostly because I asked Nanny to bring us breakfast in bed. She blushed when the three of us gratefully thanked her and she popped away.

After we ate, we had another enthusiastic threesome and enjoyed making ourselves feel good. Of course, having a girl ride you while another girl licked you and the other girl, was the best feeling in the world. The color contrast between my lightly tanned skin, Parvati's brown skin, and Lavender's milky-white, made the various mixes we tried into a huge turn on for us.

Lavender and Parvati left briefly to gather their things to do their homework and I set my own up on the dining room table. When they returned, they had a wide-eyed Hermione behind them. She saw the apartment with a bunch of extra space that she didn't have in her dorm room and she gave me a glare for keeping it from her.

I held up my hands and barely had to motion to the bedroom to indicate I didn't spend a lot of time here, except to sleep. Hermione caught the other meaning when Lavender and Parvati blushed and giggled. She blushed as well and muttered something about not being ready, so I walked over to her and looked down into her eyes.

“Hermione, I won't pressure you for something you're not ready for.” I told her.

“It's true.” Parvati said and then explained how we had carried on at first and that I was fully prepared to stop when she said it was her first time and had asked her if she wanted to keep going. She emphasized that I made it her choice and she could stay and watch instead of going all the way.

Hermione had a thoughtful look on her face until Parvati started saying it was the most fun she ever had with someone that wasn't Lavender. Hermione's blush went to a bright red and she couldn't look at me.

I lightly petted her hair. “It's okay, Hermione. Even if girls mature faster than boys, you're all different. I wouldn't dare treat you as interchangeable or disposable. I like living, thank you very much.”

Lavender laughed and Parvati nodded in encouragement.

Hermione looked away from them and up at my face. “Prove it.”

“Are you sure?” I asked and she nodded. “Once I do, you're not going to be able to back out of this.”

Hermione frowned slightly as she bit her bottom lip. It took her several seconds before she nodded.

“All right, Hermione. I accept your challenge.” I said and smiled. “Nanny, bring me my trunk.”

Nanny popped into the room with my multiple compartment trunk. “I bees fixing the nasty books.”

“Thank you, Nanny. You're the best.” I said and hugged her.

Nanny blushed and popped away. I didn't miss the admiring looks on the three girls, either.

“The fifth compartment is what you need to see.” I said and turned the fifth lock and pushed it in.

“What's in the first four?” Hermione asked, her curiosity piqued.

“Let's save that for our second date.” I said instead of answering.

Hermione blushed while Lavender and Parvati giggled. I opened the trunk and showed off the huge expanded library inside, which made Hermione gasp and she swayed on her feet, as if she was going to faint. I caught her and held her steady as she gripped my shirt in a death grip. She took in a long slow sniff through her nose and shivered.

“I looove the smell of old books.” Hermione whispered.

“I think the oldest one in this collection is about 13 centuries old.” I informed her.

Hermione shivered. “That... that's hundreds of years before the founding of Hogwarts!”

I nodded. “The Blacks are a very old Family, as are the Potters. Of course, they weren't called Potters back then. They shortened it and changed it from the original name, probably to fit in better with all those uppity foreigners moving into Britannia at the time.”

Hermione snorted and giggled. “I think you're the only one that would call the country being invaded by enemies as moving in.”

I chuckled as I put my hand into the edge of the trunk. “Anglo-Saxons and the Viking Invasions, Second Edition.”

All three girls gasped when a huge tome shot out of the library and gently landed in my hand. I lifted it out and handed it to Hermione, whom hugged it like it was going to escape if she didn't hold it tightly.

“I have the first edition, too. It's behind protective wards and can't be summoned.” I said and patted the book. “This one is still quite valuable, even though I have it for reading. Please be careful with it.”

“I... I will, Harry. I promise.” Hermione pledged.

“When you want to put it back, hold it inside the lip of the trunk and say 'return'. It will go back to its spot on the shelves. If you want a list of books stored inside to make asking for other books easier, you can summon the self-updating index book.” I said and the three of them stared at me. “What is it?”

“You absolutely have to do that for the Hogwarts Library!” All three girls shouted.

I blinked my eyes several times at their insistence. “Doesn't it already have one?”

“No, just a knowledgeable librarian.” Hermione said. “I'm not sure how she keeps track of everything all by herself, though. There are thousands and thousands of books and at least a hundred students take some of them out every day.”

“That really is a problem, isn't it?” I asked and the three of them nodded. “All right. After we get our homework done, I'll head over to the library to talk to Madam Pince. If she's open to the idea of having a few invasive spells cast inside her library, I'll set up a proper index book for her.”

“Not for us?” Hermione asked.

“That would be up to her if she wants to let you peruse it. It's her library.” I said.

“But, why would you do that and not let us...” Hermione paused talking when Lavender touched her arm. She frowned slightly and then sighed.

“If she agrees, I'll be sure to ask if she minds if I make a copy... for myself.” I said with a smile.

“You... you...” Hermione almost growled.

“I'd say a kiss is a fair fee to have a brief look at it when it's done.” I said, teasingly.

Hermione snapped her mouth shut and actually did growl.

I winked at Lavender and she burst out laughing.

“What are you laughing at?!?” Hermione asked, angrily.

“Hermione, he's joking. Harry already promised you that he wouldn't do anything to pressure you, remember? What he just said is completely opposite of that.” Lavender said and Parvati nodded.

“Oh.” Hermione said and looked back at me. “That wasn't funny.”

“Lavender wouldn't have laughed so hard if it wasn't.” I said and motioned to the dining room table. “We should get started on our homework.”

Hermione turned towards the table and remembered she held onto the thick tome. She gave me a questioning look and I waved her towards the still open trunk and then waved to her backpack. She gave me a nod and went to the table, put the book down briefly, and took out what she needed from her backpack before putting the large book inside. Well, she tried to.

I chuckled and closed the trunk and opened the second compartment with my crafting supplies inside. I summoned an expanded backpack from it and walked over to her. I opened it without a word and easily slid the large book into it. She stared at it, at me, then at it again.

“It has featherlight and expansion charms.” I said and took one of her fingers to nick it on the zipper's edge. She hissed briefly and then gasped when the backpack glowed. “It's yours now and no one else can open it, steal from it, or take it from you.”

Hermione again stared at it, then at me.

“You're welcome.” I said and looked at Lavender and Parvati. “I know you two prefer form over function, so whatever bags you normally carry things in, bring them to me later and I'll modify them for you.”

Both girls smiled brightly at me. “Thanks, Harry!”

I went back to my trunk and closed the second compartment and opened the library again. “We might need some of the books as references for our homework.”

Hermione looked like she wanted to snog me senseless, shook her head slightly, and quickly transferred everything from her old backpack into the new one. I sat down at the table and told her the outside smaller pockets were also expanded, so she could sort her things and keep them separate if she wanted. Her lips were on mine a second later and she blushed, broke the kiss, and sat down beside me.

Both Lavender and Parvati looked amused and sat across from us. We got to work and talked about what we were doing, revised some of our essays, and kept asking questions as we worked. The library did come in handy a few times, especially the index book, which made Hermione give me several longing looks.

We finished up all of the homework that would be due on Monday and Lavender and Parvati packed up and left. Each gave me a kiss on the cheek and a wink. Both were still amused at me so easily seducing Hermione without even trying.

As soon as the door shut, Hermione let out a hungry sound and dragged me over to my bed. I didn't fight as she stripped me off, growling the entire time, and she pulled off her own clothes as if they itched her skin and she had to get out of them as quickly as possible.

“Good lord, you're sexy.” I said when she was naked.

Hermione blushed for only a moment, then she pushed me onto the bed and crawled up on top of me to stare down into my eyes. “Is... is it true that you can't get a girl pregnant unless they want you to?”

It took me only a single second to figure out how she heard about that, Lavender and Parvati. “I guess most of the school must know about that by now.”

Hermione reached down to position me in the right spot, so I cast the same spells on her as I did for Parvati. She sat down and gasped and moaned, then gave me a very sexy look. “They didn't lie.”

I pulled her down into a soft and sensual make-out session and she kept moaning as I started to thrust up into her. She rocked her hips to help me get as deep as possible and she wrapped her arms around my neck to stay as close to me as possible and still be able to move and breathe. It was terribly intimate for the both of us and Hermione almost had a full body blush while we had sex like that for quite some time.

Since I didn't want to disappoint her, I timed my own ejaculation to one of her orgasms. The fifth one, I believed, and she moaned so sexily as I filled her up that I moaned as well. Her tender kisses didn't stop as she whispered about having the best first time and that she would remember it for the rest of her life.

I whispered back about never forgetting our first time together, either... and she better be ready for random snogs and an occasional shag in a random classroom, just because I can't keep my hands and lips off of such a beauty for very long.

Hermione's blush rushed back and she looked both embarrassed and pleased, so I picked her up and brought her into the bathroom and introduced her to the fun that a couple of horny teenagers could have in the shower. She kept muttering about being caught in one of her mother's smutty fantasy novels.

That made me mentally laugh, because she admitted to reading her mother's posh softcore porn stash. Since I didn't want to disappoint her, I told her how beautiful she looked, how she had caught my eye right away, and how I was too nervous to approach her for more that what she wanted to offer.

Hermone's blush was bright red at me admitting that, so I also warned her that now that she had been in my bed, she was stuck with me and was never getting away. She was mine now and that was that.

“OHHHHhhhhh!” Hermione moaned and came hard. If I hadn't been pressing her up against the shower stall, she would have fallen when her legs gave out. She flopped her arms around my neck, almost absently. “I love you, Harry.” She said and then blushed. “I... I mean...”

I gave her a kiss and cut her off. “It's all right, Hermione. You feel how you feel.” I said and carefully sat her down on the toilet. “I hope it's okay if I'm not quite there yet myself.”

Hermione started to shake her head, then nodded, then looked embarrassed.

I chuckled and knelt in front of her. “I'm sure if you had been my first time, I would have said it right back... and meant it.” I told her and she blushed again. “I've never had such... intimate feelings... while having sex before. It was... it was wonderful, Hermione. You're wonderful.”

Hermione ducked her head and looked away. “H-Harry...”

“It shouldn't take me long to feel as deeply for you. You're intelligent, beautiful, passionate, and when you choose to do something, you do it with everything you have.” I said and glanced down at myself as my erection came back. “Especially me.”

Hermione softly laughed and her hand lightly grabbed me and stroked me. “Well, I am a Griffindor.”

I leaned into her hand as she stroked me faster. “You're more... of a... Griffinclaw.”

Hermione smirked at me. “A Griffinclaw. I like that.”

“Me, too.” I said and leaned in to kiss her.

After a few minutes, I moaned and let another shot go. It splashed up onto her chest and she moaned at getting me off so quickly. I broke the kiss and she looked a little proud.

“We need another shower.” I said and glanced down at her breasts.

“Just a shower.” Hermione said as I stood up.

“Sure.” I said and grinned at her.

Hermione huffed and stood as a smile grew on her face. She followed me into the shower stall and we went at it again. She didn't mind at all.


After I talked to Madam Pince about what I could do for her and for the library, she sent out an urgent school-wide announcement for all loaned out and wayward books to be returned before supper. No matter who it was, they were to return the books for the evening and they could be checked out again the next morning.

Anyone not returning the books on time would lose their house 50 points and earn a week of detentions, even the professors. Needless to say, as many books as possible were returned by the deadline. As if expecting a few stragglers, Madam Pince herself stood outside the library at the end of the hallway to ensure that anyone rushing towards her with books were being careful.

When the books were all inside, Madam Pince and I skipped supper and spent close to an hour and a half putting all of them back onto the shelves they needed to go on. Neither of us were surprised that there were still books missing and Madam Pince made a note of them, so she could check her records and who signed them out. She would make sure they were returned or replaced by that person, or their head would roll.

I believed her, because like Hermione, she absolutely loved books and would do anything to protect them. The index book would help her immensely with doing that and would also streamline her own job. Instead of searching on foot and with her eyes for a book, she could call for it and summon it to her hand.

We both had to step out of the library for me to cast the spells needed on the new blank tome I created. I had thought about copying the index book I had for my trunk library, except all the spells on it were linked to the books there and would have to be dispelled and recast for a new set of books anyway. I took a moment to cast a notice-me-not on the end of the hallway by the stairs to stop anyone else from coming near the library while I worked.

I created a plinth and a pedestal to set the open blank book on. It needed to be halfway across the threshold of the library for the magic to work. “This is going to take a while, Madam Pince.”

“I am well aware of how long a complicated indexing spell can take to look through so many books, Mister Potter.” Madam Pince said.

I turned my head from the book and raised my eyebrows at her. “You've done it yourself?”

“On myself, yes. I've personally read each and every book in the library, then used my own knowledge to cast the spell. The headache was massive and it lasted for three days.”

I chuckled. “That sounds surprisingly like what happened to me when I stupidly tried to cast a magic detection spell in the Entrance Hall.”

Madam Pince snorted and covered her mouth with her hand to stop her laugh from escaping. “You're lucky that you didn't blow your brains out with all that information slamming into your head!”

“It sure felt like it did, Madam Pince.” I said with a laugh. “I cancelled the spell almost instantly and then healed myself just in time... I think.”

Madam Pince had to chuckle at that. “Yes, it's difficult to tell if you have brain damage after suffering it, isn't it? It's not really detectable if you don't know you need to look for it, hmm?”

I nodded and looked back at the open book. “All right. First thing's first. Layering the protection spells and the updating charms for the book itself. Then adding the endless pages enchantment to the metal covers. Then prepping the self-inking charm, simulated quill writing charm, and information copying spell.”

Madam Pince watched me as I worked and I explained what I was doing, while also promising to give her copies of the spells for her to try and cast the same thing inside her own library at home. When the book was fully prepared, I moved on to start casting the spells needed on the room. Since the space had already been expanded and had a minor sorting enchantment, layering spells on top of it was easy.

Once the sorting, summoning, and return enchantments were in place, I cast the long and complicated spell on the book to start indexing everything. I didn't cheat and used Karma points to do it instantly, because there would be no way for Madam Pince to duplicate it. Instead, we stood there for the next four hours as the spells worked and the book started to fill in with information.

Book names, authors, spells, topics, shelf numbers, row locations, and everything else needed to find whatever you wanted inside the massive library. It was a ridiculous amount of information. It would have been a lot for a much smaller library, like mine. For the one in Hogwarts? The endless pages enchantment in the index book was put through its paces.

When it was finally done and the last of the pages flopped over and the spell ended, Madam Pince reverently closed the book. She ran her fingers over the embossed gold lettering on the front of it that said it was the Hogwarts Library Index Book, Madam Irma Pince, Sole Proprietor.

Madam Pince picked up the book and the plinth and pedestal faded away. She gave me a look and I chuckled and waved at the floor. She went to put the book down and the plinth and pedestal formed underneath it. Her soft gasp echoed in the deathly quiet library and she picked the book up again. The support faded once more and she nodded.

“Come with me, Mister Potter.” Madam Pince said and led me inside. A wave of her wand had shut and locked the doors and she carried the book over to her desk. She gave me a raised eyebrow and I nodded at her desk. When she tried to put the book down, the top of the pedestal formed and held the book properly.

“Only you can move and carry the book, so you don't have to worry about anyone taking it.” I said.

“Not even you?” Madam Pince asked.

“I can't even touch it without your permission.” I told her and she smiled. It practically lit up her face and I smiled back.

Madam Pince picked the book up and turned to the side and placed it beside her chair and behind her desk. The plinth and pedestal formed under it and she nodded. Her hand caressed the gold lettering once more and she nodded again.

“I must thank you for this wonderful gift, Mister Potter.” Madam Pince said and turned away from her new treasure and took off her witch's hat. She dropped it onto her desk and undid her collar.

I suddenly realized what she meant when she started unbuttoning her robes. Her very restricting robes. Her robes that were hiding a whole heck of a lot inside of them.

“You should feel honored, Mister Potter.” Madam Pince said and slid the robes off to reveal a short skirt and a blouse so thin that it was practically see-through. “Only one other man has seen me like this.”

I couldn't help asking what I shouldn't have asked. “And how many women?”

Madam Pince let out a soft laugh. “Ask me again afterwards.”

“Yes, Madam Pince.” I said and started undressing.

“Please call me Irma.” She said and took off her blouse.

“You can call me Merlin.” I said and she gave me a pointed look. “It's what most women say when I make them come.”

Irma laughed and pulled me into a hug and a gentle kiss. She was taller than me until she kicked off her boots and now we were the same height. “Well then, make me scream your name.”

She did. It really was the quiet bookworms that screamed the loudest and we were both quite thankful for the silencing charms embedded in the walls.

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