The Protagonist System

87 The Rest Of The Break

87 The Rest Of The Break

The next day I spent with Andromeda at her place. It was nice relaxing day, mostly because all we did was lay in bed after sex and then laid on the couch to watch television together and play with each other. We also absently snacked on our meals as we relaxed, not in any rush. It was technically our day off and we didn't want to do anything but be there for each other.

Andromeda's belly was starting to show as well. I didn't tell her that I liked seeing the loving smile she kept giving me when my hand would randomly reach for her and lightly caressed the bulge. I suspected she knew, though.

“Andi? I just had an odd idea.” I said when the episode of her favorite cooking show ended.

Andromeda softly laughed. “No, Harry. I can't get pregnant twice, no matter how hard you try.”

I barked a laugh and rubbed my hand over her belly again, which made her smile lovingly at me again. “I was thinking we could spend New Year's Eve together.”

Andromeda looked thoughtful for a moment. “As long as I don't drink anything to celebrate, I wouldn't mind having someone else in the house to ring in the new year.”

I couldn't stop my smirk. “In the house? Really?” I asked her and she nodded. “I was thinking maybe France or Italy... or maybe Australia.”

Andromeda looked startled. “Harry, you can't just decide to go to another country...”

“I've been doing that for years, Andi.” I interrupted her and her eyes widened. “I've planted teleportation circles in every major country in the world.”

“What? How?” Andromeda asked.

“Petunia is kind of addicted to travelling during the summers when she's not busy.” I said with a chuckle. “I have to admit that it was pretty difficult to convince her to visit those upstart Americans and laid-back Canadians a couple of years ago.”

Andromeda looked amused. “You told her about New York's shopping district and how much cheaper things are in Canada, didn't you?”

I tapped the tip of my nose to tell her she was spot on, and she laughed.

“All right, Harry. You convinced me.” Andromeda said and leaned in to give me a soft and tender kiss. “Make arrangements for France and I'll hunt down something nice to wear.”

I smirked at her again and took out a fancy silver sequined dress that had a bit of give in the abdomen area. Andromeda gasped and her hands immediately started petting it.

“Nanny, Butter, and Moppy have been going all out with the things they can do with clothing.” I commented and handed the dress to her, then took out matching shoes and a silk wrap, both with warming charms on them.

Andromeda let out a bit of a growl sound and grabbed me to pull me back to the bedroom.


Amy laid in bed with her head under the covers. It was New Year's Eve and the boy she loved above everyone else, even her parents, was out spending the night with someone that wasn't her. Normally, that would bother her, except she had finally told him how she felt and she wanted more than anything to start the new year with her lips on his.

“Hey, Amy?” A very familiar voice whispered. “Are you awake?”

“Harry?!?” Amy asked and yanked her blanket away from her face.

Harry gave her a warm smile that made her heart flutter. “I thought you were going to miss it.” He said and waved above his head. A countdown appeared and there were only a few seconds left.

Amy squealed happily and glomped onto his neck and smashed her lips against his. A little bell rang, soft cheering could be heard, and then fireworks started exploding.

Harry broke the kiss with a laugh and Amy giggled at him, because the sparkling fireworks were shooting from his ears. “Happy New Year, Amy.”

“Happy New Year, Harry.” Amy said.

“I better get back to my date.” Harry said and leaned down to give her a quick peck. “Goodnight.”

“Night.” Amy said and watched him sneak back out of her room. This is the best new year ever!


Hermione laid in her bed and regretted that she hadn't had the idea to invite Harry to stay over for the whole holiday break. His brief visit the day before Christmas to deliver presents hadn't been nearly long enough to spend with him. She was also getting really horny.

A soft knock on her bedroom window made her hop up and think it was really late for an owl delivery, only it was Harry floating there on his magic carpet. She let out a squeal of happiness and slapped a hand over her mouth to quiet herself, then saw Harry laughing.

“You prat!” Hermione hissed and opened her window.

“I'm only thirty seconds late.” Harry said and slipped into the room. “I barely snuck away, so I don't have long...”

Hermione growled at him and pulled him onto the bed and pretty much had her way with him for the next ten minutes. Not surprisingly, they both got off in record time.

“I really needed that.” Hermione whispered, sweaty and satisfied.

“Happy New Year, Hermione.” Harry said and kissed her.

Hermione let out a little moan at the tenderness and then she heard the fireworks. She broke the kiss and saw them popping out of his ears and had to slap a hand over her mouth to muffle her laugh.

“See you later.” Harry said and gave her another kiss, slipped out of the window, and flew off into the night.


Angelina sighed when she arrived home after the party with all of her friends and their friends. She really regretted not asking Harry to come along, mostly to stop all of the idiots from hitting on her. She had 6 different guys and 3 girls she didn't know personally ask to be their kiss to ring in the new year. She had solved that problem by snogging Alicia and Katie, one right after the other.

Not surprisingly her parents were already in bed, so she stayed quiet and made her way up to her room. She sighed when she kicked off her heels and reached for the zipper on her dress, then froze when she saw a suspicious lump under the blanket on her bed. She took out her wand and flicked it to pull the blanket off of her bed, only to gasp at seeing a very naked Harry Potter.

“It's about time you came home, young lady.” Harry admonished her. “Do you even know how late it is?”

Angelina abandoned all hesitation and jumped onto the bed as her wand clattered to the floor. Her clothing quickly joined it and then she was having a great time with a great guy that seemed to know exactly what she needed from him exactly when she needed it.


I stumbled into my room at nearly four in the morning, exhausted and bedraggled. All of the important visits I needed to do had been taken care of, so I wasn't going to piss off or annoy anyone, even if a lot of them had been much later than I had originally planned. The last one with Ginny had been hilarious, because just like Daphne, she had passed out after a simple kiss. I left her a note and a necklace before I left.

Having a date in another country first had worked out well, thanks to the time zone difference. Andromeda had her new year celebration in Paris an hour before I did my trek across Britain to make personal visits. Who knew that keeping so many witches happy was going to take up so much time?

I stripped off and Nanny popped in to clean up after me. I gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek, climbed into bed, and went right to sleep. I didn't hear her soft laugh or felt her lips on my forehead.


The last few days of the winter break passed quickly and it was time to ride the Hogwarts Express back to the school. Everyone I passed on the platform were in good moods and looked happy, especially the ones I had visited personally. I waved back when I was waved at, said hello and greeted people that talked to me, and I made my way onto the train and found an empty compartment.

As I sat there and waited for Hermione, whom I expected to be the first one to find me, I thought about the canon Harry Potter books. They were great stories and grew with the readers as the books progressed. The first one, The Philosopher's Stone, had showcased Harry's lot in life and made him out to become a tragic hero that dealt with a terrible threat to the world and set up future conflicts.

I couldn't publish it as a real book for my adventures, mostly because it would have to be edited to reflect what actually happened and I would have to change everyone's names, to protect the guilty. Then again, the real story would be less than a short story and there was no more threat to the world, unless Albus Dumbledore counted.

I had read a lot of stories about him being evil, a secret dark lord, a master manipulator, a senile old fool, completely good and trying his best with a horrible situation, and completely negligent. The reality was that he was so caught up in his plans and schemes while doing everything for the greater good, he completely ignored everything about how his actions affected those around him.

That reminded me about what I needed to do, too. After being away for the whole winter break and not staying in the castle for him to influence me, I expected that the headmaster was going to call me into his office as soon as I showed up at the castle. All I needed to do now was decide if I wanted to deal with him now or later.

Hermione interrupted my thoughts as she dragged her suitcase into the compartment. “Hi, Harry!”

“Hey, beautiful.” I responded and she paused putting her suitcase on the luggage rack just long enough to blush and then huff at me. “Sorry, I meant gorgeous. No, spectacular. No, wait! Delectably delicious!”

Hermione swatted at my head and then sat beside me. “I really should get angry at you for teasing me so much.”

I put my arm around her and cuddled in, then ducked my head down to nuzzle her neck. Hermione hummed softly and started to run her fingers through my hair. I kissed my way up to her cheek and then to her lips to give her a good snogging.

“Hey, you two.” Lavender said as she entered the compartment. “I'm just dropping my bag here.”

I waved at her and she waved back and left, probably to go find Parvati. I kept Hermione happy by not groping her, because I knew she didn't want to take things too far. There wasn't really anywhere on a train for us to safely sneak off to, so she didn't want me to get her worked up and not be able to satisfy her.

When I felt Lavender coming back, I eased off on making out with Hermione. She gave me a look that said she would accept that for now, so I pulled a book out of my expanded pocket. She snatched it out of my hand and gave me a quick peck before she opened it and was lost to outside stimuli.

I held in my chuckle and sat back as the compartment door opened. Lavender and Parvati entered and Lavender sat across from me. Parvati let out a sigh and stepped back out of the compartment for a moment, whispered something, and then dragged her twin Padma into the compartment and they sat with Lavender with Padma in the middle.

“I didn't expect you to bring me such a valuable present, Parvati.” I said, teasingly.

Padma blushed hard, Parvati looked surprised, and Lavender laughed. Hermione's hand let her book go for a split second and she whacked my head. That made Lavender laugh harder and Parvati smiled. Padma didn't stop blushing, though.

“Thanks, Hermione.” I said and stood up as I smiled warmly at Padma. I took her hand and gave it a light kiss. “It's nice to finally meet the other side of Parvati's personality.”

“Th-th-thanks.” Padma said, clearly nervous.

“Please relax, Padma. I'm completely harmless.” I said and Hermione made a sound of disbelief.

“I think he's trying to be funny.” Lavender loudly whispered to Parvati across Padma.

“He's failing pretty hard.” Parvati loudly whispered back and both girls giggled.

I let Padma's hand go and put my hand over my heart, let out a groan sound, and staggered backwards to my seat and plopped down. “Ugggh, right to the heart! I think I'm dying!”

More giggles came from them and I pretended to faint. None of them moved to check on me.

I waited a few seconds before I opened one eye to squint at them.

“We're not falling for that old trap.” Lavender said. “As soon as we're close enough, you'll grab us.”

“Damn, you're all smart and pretty.” I sighed exaggeratedly. “The deadliest combination.”

They all looked pleased at the compliments, even Hermione.

“Even if he's not funny, that was kinda charming.” Parvati commented and her sister nodded.

“I noticed he didn't deny it was a trap.” Lavender said and gave Parvati a pointed look.

Parvati smirked at her and then she and Lavender put their hands behind Padma's back and pushed.

“EEEK!” Padma squeaked as she half-rose from being shoved and waved her arms as she stumbled across the compartment.

I instantly leapt up from my reclined state and caught her, scooped her up into my arms, and sat down with her cradled on my lap in only a second. Complete silence filled the compartment at me moving so fast.

“Are you all right, Padma?” I asked her in a soft whisper and lightly rubbed her back.

Padma seemed too surprised to speak because her mouth only moved slightly and no sound came out.

I glanced at Hermione and she rolled her eyes at me and went back to her book. Good enough for me. I thought and leaned in to give Padma a kiss and matched her mouth movements. Her whole body seemed to shiver and then her arms clamped around my neck and she kissed me desperately.

I matched her at first, then slowed myself down. She felt the difference and did as well, so we ended up having a very nice snogging session that wasn't urgent or rushed. When I eventually broke the kiss, Padma was blushing and she looked like she wanted to go a lot further than that.

“Catch me next.” Parvati said and Padma was unceremoniously pulled off of my lap and twirled around before she landed on a laughing Lavender's lap.

Parvati stepped back a little and then pretended to fall. I didn't react as I debated punishing her for ousting Padma before I could talk to her. Parvati looked a little put out at me not playing along, so I glanced at her sister and back at her. She got it right away and sighed as she started to turn away. I tripped Parvati with a spell and waited until she was actually falling before I moved.

I caught her the same as I did her sister and sat down with her cradled on my lap. The look of shock on her face was the same as Padma's and her heart was beating fast, probably because the shot of adrenaline from actually falling had shaken her.

With her properly primed in the same way her sister was, I kissed her. Not surprisingly, she was just as desperate for the first few seconds as Padma had been for saving her from being hurt, then she relaxed and we kissed normally for quite some time after that.

“I don't need that kind of rush.” Lavender said and gently moved a happy Parvati off of my lap to sit beside me, then she climbed onto both of our laps and snogged me normally. She didn't need the adrenaline rush to get herself going, not after all of the things we did while sneaking around at school.

A bang on the closed compartment door gained all of our attention, then everyone started laughing at what we saw. George was dressed as a Swedish Barmaid, long blonde wig and everything, and let out a girly scream, flailed his arms in mock terror, and ran away.

A second later, Fred banged on the door and we laughed harder. He was dressed as Count Dracula, giant fake fangs and slicked back black hair. “Thanks for all the fun costumes, Harry!”

I waved and he ran after his brother and yelled about 'vanting to suck yer blood'.

About ten minutes later, Fred ran back the other way, yelling in terror. Barmaid George ran right behind him and was carrying a bloodstained wooden stake and hollering for revenge. The girls and I exchanged amused looks and laughed pretty hard.

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