The Protagonist System

98 A Slight Complication

98 A Slight Complication

It was surprisingly easy to have a normal conversation about finances with the embodiment of sexiness that was the Head Succubus. Yes, I know how punny that sounds, especially since she was currently sucking that head down her throat. It was my fifth load during our business meeting and all of the succubi were writhing on the floor around us.

Harvesting my sexual energy second hand had pretty much made them insensate. I had been celibate for the last ten years or so, because my wives had been old ladies and didn't have much of a sex drive left. I couldn't cheat on them, or so they claimed, so I was relegated to wait until I moved on to relieve myself.

The succubi definitely benefited from that particular side effect of my system. When I became Satou, everything seemed to reset inside of me, including my sex drive. I was nearing the end of puberty, so I wouldn't be suffering from that condition for very long.

The pretty woman on her knees in front of me moaned as I unloaded another shot down her gullet. Not surprisingly, we quickly discovered a second loophole in her contract that restricted her progeny and other summons from having sex. As the Head Succubus, she could absorb sexual energy through willingly given ejaculations, as long as they weren't through her vagina, because that would kill anyone that tried.

With that stipulation in place, she could filter any excess energy she gained, down through her connections to her progeny and subordinates, both from birth and through established contracts with other succubi clans. It was a huge loophole that she was more than happy to exploit, now that she knew she could screw over the Lord of Axel for blackmailing her for the last ten years.

She also adopted my suggestions to run her business into the ground. She reassured me that it would only be a little over a month before she would have to close down from going so far into debt... with herself... and screwing the Lord of Axel over just as much as he had screwed her over. He would no longer be getting any more free money from her.

Of course, I offered my 'yet to be built' Tower as a new home for her and her succubi to start their new business. If I had their help to gather supplies, like stone and wood for the construction, we could have it all built up and operating in about a month. Both she and all of her succubi agreed immediately.

I climbed into the pretty woman's bed, careful of leaving my asset guarded, and she purred as she felt the protective barrier between her hand and my erection. I joked and said it might have been worth dying to sleep with her, if I didn't know she would die soon afterwards, because of her breached contracts with the Lord of Axel.

She softly laughed and kissed me passionately. She knew I was more concerned about her welfare than my own, so she gave me full access to her body to try and tempt me. The funny thing was, I really was tempted. Her tiny stature, while also being fully mature, just seemed to resonate within me. I dry-humped her for half an hour and then went down on her for several hours.

She loved every second of it, because I poured as much sexual energy into her that she could stand. All of the succubi were extremely happy and bubbly after being well fed.

The next day, after sleeping in for about four hours past the crack of dawn, the succubi proved their value by arranging a meeting with several influential people in the town. One for access to a stone quarry, one for hiring labour, and one for transportation for both things.

By the time lunch rolled around, the property I bought the day before had a one storey building on it that encompassed the entire lot. There was no yard anywhere around it and the men that had worked on it were very proud of their achievement of building something so big in so short a time.

A single storey was all I could manage on such short notice, no matter how much money I had to spend. The workers returned to their normal jobs after lunch and I was stuck with piles and piles of stone and no one to build for me. Thankfully, I had observed everything for the entire time they had been there and took out my adventurer registration card.

I chose the appropriate skills for working with what I had and also used my magic to duplicate, enlarge, and cut apart the stones and bricks to give me a pretty much unlimited amount of materials to work with. I took over from the work crew that had to leave and continued to build... and build... and build some more.

Over the next week, I had to order more bricks and stones to keep going, just to keep up the ruse that I needed them. It also let me spread my money around and kept the locals happy as I built my tower. I really should start saying that with a capital letter, my Tower, because I wasn't going to stop until it was at least thirty stories high. I would have to decide later if I was going to build higher than that.

I also modified things with metal to enchant the inside to massively expand the space, because why wouldn't I? Needless to say, the succubi all loved having their own rooms on the tenth floor. They also had large windows that were enchanted like an owl access window, only altered for succubi, and could be flown through without having to open it.

I spent a bit of time in the evenings of the next week making new wardrobes filled with clothes for them, too. Some loved the frilly outfits more than the practical ones, while some adored the more provocative outfits and how sexy they looked in them.

All of them tried on everything and made sure that I had a great time during the impromptu fashion shows every few days. During those shows, they each soon discovered they had an innate ability to feed on passive lust without having to concentrate on it.

I refused to admit that I had anything to do with that, no matter how often they pestered me. They already loved me a lot for everything I was doing for them, especially because of all the sex toys they had never seen or heard of before, and I didn't need them obsessed with me. The passive feedings I gave them kept happy smiles on their faces, too.

The Head Succubi could never convince me to admit I had unlocked their abilities, no matter how many times she sucked on my balls. She suspected it was true, though. All of her girls were much happier than ever and they all accepted my suggestions for naughty dreams and fed very well instead of barely getting any energy like usual.


Two weeks later, or a month after I had arrived on this world, I was putting the finishing touches on the thirtieth floor of my Tower when an armored group of knights marched down the street and stopped in front of it. I sighed when the one in front knocked on the massive oak doors, because I suspected whatever they were here to tell me was going to annoy me.

I teleported to the ground floor and walked over to the door. I cleaned myself up and changed my clothing to receive guests, then nodded at the succubi dressed as a maid. She easily opened the left door without trouble. Her strength and speed had increased, as did her magical power, thanks to the regular sexual energy feedings.

“Good afternoon Special Prosecutor Sena.” I said and the woman with glasses looked shocked I recognized her. I didn't and had used my knowing random names trick. She was also the only one not wearing armor and wore a uniform suit and skirt combo. Her long black hair was straight and wasn't very flattering, especially with that little round hat hanging off to the right.

Sena's shock disappears and she frowned. “How do you know who I am?”

“Doesn't everyone know the Kingdom of Belzerg's representative assigned to Axel that investigates serious crimes like treason and conspiring with the Devil King?” I asked her. It had been the Head Succubus that had filled me in on everyone that was anyone in the town. Yes, we actually talked and didn't just have oral sex all the time. Yes, it was a novel experience for the both of us.

Sena shook her head and took a deep breath. “Satou Kazuma, you have been accused of collaborating with the Devil King and building a bastion to launch an attack on the town.”

I gave her my best smile as I cast the truth spell on her. “Who falsely accused me and why?”

“The Lord of Axel. You cost him his illegal source of income with the succubi and your tower disrupts his view of the countryside. He wants it torn down as soon as possible.” Sena responded, gasped, and snapped her mouth shut.

“I see.” I said and took out the land deed and my building permit. “As you can clearly see, neither of these official documents, that I paid a lot of money for, do not say I am restricted in the height of the house I can build. I could make it a hundred stories high if I wanted to.”

Sena held her hand out for them.

“I'm not an idiot, despite what everyone thinks.” I said and created copies of them and handed those to her.

Sena looked surprised briefly and read the two documents. She looked at the money amounts on them and looked a little sick. “Lord Axel has... ahem... revoked your building permit.”

“Oh? Then it's lucky I just finished my Tower, isn't it? I don't need the permit anymore and shall head to the town center to retrieve my payment for it.”

Sena folded both papers and put them into her jacket pocket. “I'm sorry, that money was used for...”

“I don't care what it was used for. If the Lord of Axel can revoke it at any time, then I can retrieve my money at any time. You saw how much I paid for the right to build on my own property.”

Sena sighed, probably because she couldn't lie. “If you try to get that money back, it won't be your property for long.”

“It won't?” I asked and she shook her head. “What can he do?”

“He will claim it for the essential defense of the town and you'll be tossed out.” Sena told me.

“Which he will then tear down because it's in the way?” I asked and she nodded. “Very well.” I said and stepped out it the street.

Sena and the squad of knights took a step back and the knights drew their swords.

“Relax, I'm not going to attack you.” I said and took out my wand and pointed it at the tower. I tapped it and the entire thing shimmered and then disappeared. “There, problem solved.”

Sena and the knights all looked shocked.

“Is there anything else?” I asked her and she didn't react, so I put my wand away. “I suggest you drop those false charges and investigate why the Lord of Axel is bothering to send you out to do his dirty work for him and is too cowardly to do it himself.”

“He's not a coward! He defended this town...” Sena started to say.

“Over a decade ago. Yes, I know. I also know he's a fat tub of lard that abuses his position.” I said and stopped smiling. “If you're smart, you will warn him to return my stolen funds before I have to visit his nice fancy mansion and retrieve them myself.”

Sena frowned at me. “How dare you threaten...”

“It's not a threat. A threat is implying something. I'm literally telling you I'm going to do it.” I said and started smiling again. “By the way, that's not a crime. You also can't arrest me until I commit one, unless you abuse your own position as much as he does.”

Sena didn't respond and only glared at me.

I probably should have phrased that as a question. I thought and stepped back inside my Tower. “Have yourself a great day, Sena.” I said and nodded at the succubus maid.

She shut the door with a slam and a giggle.

“It seems I need to update my defensive wards a lot sooner than I planned.” I said and she nodded. “After I do that, I'm going over to the Adventurer's guild to post a notice. I have all this money that I'm not spending and there are a lot of skills I don't have.”

The succubus maid giggled again. “I don't think anyone has ever thought of doing that.”

I gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead to make her glow pink briefly. “That's because no one had the skill points to spare for it.”

She put her arms around me and sighed happily. “Are you sure I'm not allowed to suck you off?”

I chuckled and gave her another kiss on the forehead before I let her go. “The contracts are still in effect for another week at least. Once they are cancelled, you have to negotiate with your boss again to see what she will allow and with whom.”

“Dammit.” She said and giggled once more, reached around me and briefly grabbed my butt with both hands, then she ducked my reaching arms and ran. She deployed her wings and flew away as quick as a flash.

“Get back here, you!” I shouted in fake anger and shook my fist at her to make her laugh.

The Head Succubus faded into view about ten feet away. “You spoil them too much.”

“And whose fault is that?” I asked her with a smirk on my face.

She softly laughed and took my offered arm. “No comment.”

I winked at her and led her down into the basement that no one knew the tower had. The whole floor was lined with small ward stones that all combined into a full enchantment to cover the entire tower. It was similar to the ones I had encountered back in Avalon on the Familiar of Zero's world.

“You're not going to activate it, are you?” She asked me and petted the center stone.

“No, I haven't added any offensive capabilities yet. Making the Tower float above the town won't benefit anyone. Not yet, anyway.” I said and started to update the defensive wards. Reflective enchantments, magic absorption, physical attack redirection and partial negation, and a few other things like tasers if the tower is ever climbed on the outside by anyone not keyed into the wards.

The Head Succubus watched and admired me as I worked. “You are much more knowledgeable than a normal adventurer.”

I nodded and added one last surprise if anyone ever tries to blow the place up. “That's why I haven't fought too much against everyone thinking I'm an idiot for only choosing the basic adventurer class.”

“They severely underestimate you.” The Head Succubus said and smiled. “Like I had at first.”

“Hey, my act is a good one. Don't blame yourself for falling for it.” I joked.

“Yes, it's only an act.” She joked right back and then laughed.

“Ha!” I said and stepped close to her.

She put her arms around my neck and pulled me down to her height, gave me a sexy smile, and kissed me. She purred like a cat as she glowed bright pink and then I was on the floor and she had me down her throat. Her powers had grown as well from regular and direct feedings, and she couldn't have been happier.

She also enjoyed it a lot more because I was fully willing to let her feed. That always got the both of us off quickly... the first time, anyway. We both worked hard for the second, third, and fourth times, which was a great time and made it worth the effort.

When we were done, I cleaned us up with spells. She thanked me again for everything I've done for her and her people before she led me up the stairs to the ground floor and the front door. With a kiss goodbye, I left to go to the Adventurer's Guild. I had an easy quest to post on the notice board and lots of money and skill points to spend.

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