The Protagonist’s Sister Is Actually The Strongest [An Action-Packed LitRPG Transmigration and Progression Fantasy]

Chapter 22: Hunter License Acquisition

Chapter 22: Hunter License Acquisition



An enormous four-meter-big Silver Golem fell to the floor. With its entire Magic Core being shattered into pieces, it was unable to move once more. It was much tougher than I imagined, and my fists alone could not easily damage the metallic body, even less my magic which it easily reflected. Silver, as normal as the metal was compared to all these fantastic materials, had the natural ability to reflect a bit of magic. However, the way to go was by smashing its core, hidden beneath a silver plate I had to take out first.


[Various Constellations are amazed over your performance.]

[They have tipped 100 Plot Points]

“Phew, that was easier than I imagined. I guess the trick is shattering the core with as much strength as I can!” I said happily.

Currently, I have just finished the Physical Test to become a Hunter and acquire a Hunter License. Having used my knowledge of the novel, I easily finished the Written Test with an almost perfect score. And under five minutes, I defeated the Silver Golem, a monster comparable to an E+++ Rank monster all by myself. Everyone that was watching across the transparent walls of the Physical Test room dropped their jaws. Even my brother and Henrietta, who decided to accompany me were just as shocked.

“I-Incredible! Well done!”

“S-She beat the golem in under five minutes?!”

“She has an incredible amount of talent and innate strength.”

“Does she have any Constellation sponsoring her?”

“She’s a Light Attribute Magic Fighter too!”

There were also, of course, a few Representatives of other Guilds hunting for new talents. When they saw how great I did they were rather interested in me. I could notice their faces full of avarice, they probably wanted to use me for their own goals.

Guilds are usually no different than exploitative companies. Well, most of them, the main cast’s guilds were always different, including Henrietta’s Guild and my brother’s. I can now understand, however, why my brother dislikes joining guilds. I can’t really join them after they look at me like that. Nope. I’m not just an object, you know?

“…But she’s Hunter Jack’s sister.”

As someone said that everyone quickly fell silent. Some seemed completely disappointed and immediately changed their minds. Damn, my brother has a terrible reputation! What have you been doing this entire time?! Well, I know what he has been doing, but still!

…Actually, I’m quite thankful for that bad reputation. This way I don’t have to reject them personally and end up pissing them off.

“Well done Anna. Though how did you figure out the golem’s core position so quickly?” My brother wondered, already feeling amazed by my talents yet intrigued about my excessive knowledge.

“I just sensed it. I have the Mana Sense Skill.” I said with a proud smile.

“Makes sense!” Said Henrietta. “So are you considering joining a guild?”

Henrietta quickly handed me over her own Guild Card, the Golden Shield. They were a special righteous Guild composed of good people she chose specifically using her Skill. It was one of the strongest guilds of Stronghold.

Unlike other guilds that just care about themselves and only hunt monsters to earn money, the Golden Shield Guild works together with the government and its members protect the people from disasters, rescue civilians, and fight monsters in areas no other hunters care to go because it’s not worth it, and more.

It’s like being a cop with extra steps in these new times… But I don’t really care about that.

“Sorry Henrietta, but my sister will surely join my guild, not yours.” My brother said, slightly defensively.


[The Cosmic Throne {Divine Judge of Flames} dislikes your brother’s rudeness against his Chosen One.]

Ah, of course, the simp Gabriel is going to get mad my brother doesn’t treat her well…

“E-Eh?! Jack, please don’t get so mad now…” Henrietta tried to calm my brother. He was giving her a deadly stare.

“Actually, I don’t plan on joining any guild for the moment,” I said with a smile. “If possible, I’ll eventually make my own guild! But you two are free to eventually join it if you want to.”


The two felt surprised someone so young and “naïve” like me would say something so revolting. But I had already figured it out, if I belonged to my brother’s guild, he would control my every move, and I don’t want that. To open my own Guild I need money and a Guild Executive, I’ve gotta find myself a yes man that can do me all the paperwork like Leo. But that’s for the far future. I’m not even sure I’ll be able to do it before the Second Awakening. There are a lot of things I must prioritize.


[Many Constellations are shocked over your decision!]

[The Cosmic Throne {Butterfly That Flies Across The Universe} thought you were going to join your dumb brother’s guild.]

[The Cosmic Throne {Monkey that Dances in Chaos} seems interested in what you’re plotting with that thick head of yours.]

[He throws 40 Plot Points.]

Huh, the Monkey’s growing a weird fixation for me.

[The Cosmic Throne {Maiden that Watches Over Nature} seems worried. She wonders if it wouldn’t be better to just join your brother for protection…?]

[She has gifted you 50 Plot Points.]

Don’t worry about it, sweetheart.

[The Cosmic Throne {Warrior That Seeks Calamity} is bored! He wants fights and bloodshed, get to the action already!]

[He says he won’t give you anything unless you bring proper entertainment…]

Yeah, yeah, I’ll bring you some action soon, relax.

“Here’s your Hunter License, from now on you’ll be known as Hunter Anna Riviera, please make sure to not lose the card. You’ll have to pay for a second one.” A Guild receptionist quickly handed me my new card, it was shiny and glowing with a nice bronze glow. “Also, your Tamed Pet has been registered too, here, please equip this adjustable collar on him so he can be recognized as a tamed monster.”

“Thanks a lot!”

The bronze card said in big letters: “E Rank Hunter”. I had yet to truly become as strong as a D Rank, so an E Rank Hunter is a nice rate for now. If I want to improve that, I’ll have to hunt monsters, complete dungeons, and overall gain “renown” to improve.

Hunter Ranks and Overall Battle Power and Utility Ranks are separated. So a person that has S Rank Overall Battle Power can still be an F Rank but will easily rise the ranks by clearing dungeons and protecting the city. This is how my brother did it, easily jumping from his former F Rank to A Rank in a matter of months.

Normal people can still grow stronger even without a system, but those who possess a Constellation as a backer can do so very quickly. According to the novel, people can grow stronger by absorbing Magic Crystals from monsters, which would slowly improve their magical power and then their overall physique.

I have tried doing it myself, but the thing is, aside from the Boss Crystals, I don’t seem to be capable of doing that! Instead, I’ve got the easier way, to just gain EXP and Level Up, so it’s not like it is a bad exchange. It’s pretty much the same way my brother grew up.

Oh, and there are special “Trials” that are similar to quests that people with Constellations can go through, which once completed might reward them with an improvement to all their stats, new skills, and even items. In the Second Awakening, these trials will appear, but won’t be personal anymore, up for grabs for anybody that gets to them first. Sometimes, however, only certain Incarnations are allowed to enter, and others don’t. Such as the Floating Continent of Asgard Themed Dungeon, where only those Incarnations of Norse Gods can enter, usually. And many more.

“Well, now that you’re finally registered, we should get out of here for now. For the next months, you should relax and begin studying to do your exams online. Once you finish your studies then you can start hunting, and only with me at your side.” My brother said.

“Eh? No way.” I said. “I am legally an adult! So you can’t just go ordering me around, nope. I love you but don’t be a tyrant!”

“A-Anna…” My brother sighed, although he blushed a bit when I said I loved him.

“I’ll study AND also hunt and earn money. I’ve got big plans!” I insisted.

“You’re… not like I expected you to be, it has only been a day since you woke up and you’re feeling like hunting more monsters?” My brother felt worried.

“She has a righteous spirit!” Henrietta said with a smile. “Anna, are you interested in doing some Newbie Hunter Courses? In these places, newbie hunters create a group and go explore low-ranked dungeons to get the gist of it. My little brother recently became a Hunter too, so I was thinking that you two could create a party for your first Dungeon Dives?”

“Wait, we didn’t talk about this! And why are you talking like you have a saying? You’re not part of this family, Henrietta.” My brother said with a cold stare.

Geez, calm down and be nice to her! How can’t you tell she’s into you? His density is so immense he’s about to create a black hole. I want to slap my big brother for being rude to a cutie like her.

“But Jack, she has a big future ahead of her! Wouldn’t you rather have your sister develop as much as possible?” Henrietta wondered. “Come on, that’s what she wants. Are you going to deny her freedom after all this time she has been in a coma?”

She was certainly less annoying than in the novel.

“Yeah, I’m in, sister-in-law!” I said with a nod.

“S-sister-in-law?” Henrietta giggled a bit. “If you want to you can even call me big sis, hahaha.”

“You’re in?!” My brother felt surprised once more.

In the novel, Anna was a very passive and calm girl, she never wanted to get into dangerous situations either and was constantly sheltered by her brother. This time, my brother is having heart attacks every second I talk because of how different I am compared to his perception of his little sister.

I still have that side within me, after all, I have Anna’s memories and lived as her this entire life. Yet… the more I think about it, the less I want to be a burden for him, I want to be someone who can help him progress through the challenges and dangers of his life from now on, not a burden.

“Come on brother, if you agree I’ll make your favorite pancakes with extra whipped cream,” I said with a smile.

He simply couldn’t resist that.

“F-Fine…” My brother gave up, giving me a head pat. “But not immediately though! Henrietta, when is this starting?”

“Oh, around next week?” Henrietta said. “But there are many more through the next weeks, there are many courses through several months. She doesn’t have to come next week either, but I would recommend it.”

After having checked the Hourglass of Calamity, I was able to see several dungeons in countdowns. These dungeons had yet to exist and were in the countdown because they were soon about to appear in a Dungeon Break.

Amongst them, I found the “Abandoned Temple” the Dungeon I want to explore, which is actually a double dungeon that will show up from within another one. It will be happening in a few more weeks from now. I think that’s two to three months.

It is dangerous but this might be the best opportunity to get there without my brother’s intervention. Having his help would be great, but with him slaying all the monsters I won’t be able to grow stronger.

“I see, a week from now is fine, I want Anna to rest and settle down for a bit before anything.” My brother sighed.

“Yeah, I want to rest as well.” I nodded.

“Then it is decided! My brother’s going to be so thrilled!” Henrietta seemed so happy; she was literally a sunshine so bright it burnt our faces.

Like that, we moved back home after having lunch at home. For dinner, I made my brother his favorite pancakes, which were mom’s special recipe that utilized a bit of cinnamon and vanilla extract for extra flavor. For the first time in a while, my brother was showing an expression of bliss and happiness.

“Hmmm… Oh… This is such a nostalgic flavor.” My brother sighed, eating the pancakes happily.

“Oi, give me some more, these are to die for! Why are they so fluffy?! And this cinnamon flavor… I want more!” Fenrir had shown up after Henrietta was finally gone.

“Alright, alright, I’ll make some more!” I continued making piles after piles of pancakes.


[The Constellations are drooling over the delicious pancakes.]

[The Cosmic Throne {Monkey that Dances in Chaos} is biting his nails in envy.]

[The Cosmic Throne {Divine Judge of Flames} approves of your culinary talents but still doesn’t like you that much.]

[The Cosmic Throne {Maiden that Watches Over Nature} is happy that you’ve made your brother enjoy such a nostalgic meal.]

[She has gifted you the Special Skill: [Cooking (E): Lv1]!]

Eh?! I got a Cooking Skill?!


[The Cosmic Throne {Trillion-Legged Millipede That Swarms The Cosmos} asks you to free her from the Sealing Jewel and feed her some pancakes!]


[She begins to sob like a baby…]

Ugh, fine, I’ll save some for you.

[Her mandibles begin clicking in happiness.]

Let’s just get along, okay?


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