The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off

Chapter 128: Our goal is to capture Dio

Chapter 128: Our goal is to capture Dio

Chapter 128 Our goal is to capture Dio

The city of mystery, Minato.

On the forty-third day since Shaq, the mermaid prince left the sea, he missed it,

He felt that he had a brain twitch, was lame, and was disabled, so he wanted to take advantage of Tianming's tutor.

In the end, his IQ was crushed, and he locked himself in for preparations to capture Roger.

Although the port area is very close to the Rose River, it is well known that sea fish cannot be raised in the river.

It just so happens that Shaq is an ocean mermaid. Although he won't be killed directly by osmotic pressure in fresh water, it won't be more comfortable than being on land.

So he was helpless. So helpless that he didn't even have the strength to urge Shady to act sooner.

He felt that this woman was probably going to wait for Roger Charles to die before continuing to write a novel about tomb robbers.

Being idle and bored, Shaq could only experience life in Odo, lingering in the tavern listening to the news, true or false, and playing a game of Tekun cards popularized by the magician group with those sailors.

Not to mention, this thing is really good, it can even make him forget about the sea for a while.

Still in the past month or so what happened in the Green Vines Empire was wonderful and it is even more dramatic than the changes in Haiguo in hundreds of years.

First, the nobles boycotted The Queen of Eternal Night collectively but were directly slapped on the face by The Queen of Eternal Night with a "Dark Night Guard" backhand, and they immediately scattered.

Immediately following was the "Imperial Charter", and the aristocracy was directly abolished.

A new star hall with a spectacle level was also built outside the city.

The magical strength and mobilization ability of this huge empire ruled the creativity of the entire human race, which far exceeded the limit of the mermaid's imagination.

Interspersed with small events such as the escape of the orc princess, the unfortunate arrest of the escaped duke, the fall of Fergus Castle at the speed of light, and the publication of "Arcane Talk", each of which has countless topics for discussion.

This took Shaq a lot of time.

Although the feeling of waiting is helpless, the life of the prince of Haiguo is not much more exciting than that on the ground, so he finally endured it.

Shaq was even a little envious of The Queen of Eternal Night.

After this round of changes, although there is still an imperial parliament obstructing it, her control over the 400 million people of the empire has been greatly improved.

And the sea country he belongs to has a wider territory than the land, but it is still a feudal country in essence.

There are many races in the sea, and their allegiance to the mermaid royal family is only in name.

If his father wanted to start a big battle like a sea and land war, he would have to ask his grandpa to tell his grandma, so that it would be possible to coordinate the interests of the various families.

What's more, the Sea Nation and the Naga Empire, a new and powerful enemy, are constantly robbing them of the seabed territory, the warm active volcanic zone, the warm current zone, and the vassal races...

To be honest, the mermaid, the traditional king of the ocean, has been at a disadvantage for nearly a hundred years in the face of the Naga Empire, which is more powerful in magic, but barely maintains the majesty of an old powerful country.

Such a comparison, the rise of the Green Vines Empire, and the strong power of the Queen of Eternal Night, naturally made Shaq envious.

Of course, whether weakening the nobles and raising the status of the common people will affect the empire's combat power and lead to a shortage of talents still needs to be observed.

No matter what, it will take a big battle to verify the changes in the Green Vines Empire before someone will follow up and follow suit.

In Shaq, with the mentality of a crowd eating melons, she watched everything that happened in the Green Vines Empire with a cold eye, but it was getting bigger and bigger for shady

A piece of information came in, and the situation in the empire changed day by day.

That Roger is also very active, his strength is always updated, and the combat power of the Night Guard in his hand is also skyrocketing.

It seems... It's getting harder and harder to get started?

And at the same time, Dio Brando, who she once inferred to be the target of Roger's false identity, also became active again in the political arena of the capital.

Constantly attending cabinet meetings, undertaking the construction of the Hall of Stars, and even a precious picture of Dio and Roger in the same frame...

This made shady even more puzzled.

Analyzing the details, Roger and Dio's behavioral habits, small details, even knowledge concepts, and the tacit cooperation during the construction of the Nightguard headquarters made her feel that this is one person's dual identity.

But their appearance at the same time and place is the strongest evidence, suggesting that they are two people.

"One of the contradictory conclusions must be wrong." shady analyzed the information in front of her, feeling the fog, and she caught a flash of inspiration.

Roger and Dio are the same people, which I deduced through numerous information and details.

Roger and Dio are not the same people. This is a fact that everyone can see in the City of Mysteries.

After struggling for more than a month, based on all the information in hand, shady finally came up with a bold inference:

"The latter is the performance that Queen Eternal Night and Roger want to show to the world. The two are the same person. It's just that Queen Eternal Night uses her incredible magic methods to help a person who is only a junior magician to complete this scene. Incredible performance, I was misled by their performance!"

Shady rubbed the center of her brows wearily but her eyes became brighter with a sharpness of "I've got you".

After confirming that Roger and Dio are the same people the question before her is which one is the real Roger and which one is the magic method of the Queen of Eternal Night.

On this point, shady was very confident, and her fingernails scratched a very critical piece of information:

On the day Tequila Princess Tasika escaped from prison, there were too many traces of performances on the scene, and it was suspected that there was an element of showmanship by the imperial military.

At the same time, Roger showed extraordinary defensive power. He was undefeated against the three legendary powerhouses. This is not the strength of normal people can have at all.

At the same time, Dio also appears in the ice shop.

Based on this, it can be deduced that Roger on the surface is not himself, but an anthropomorphic puppet created by the Queen of Eternal Night.

Dio is the real Roger, the target he wanted to capture!

"If I wasn't cautious enough I would have been fooled by you!"

A hunter's smile appeared on the corner of Shady's mouth.

This feeling of breaking through the dense fog, ignoring the illusion created by the enemy, eliminating misleading information, and grasping the truth is great!

This is the most fulfilling moment for a believer in the God of Knowledge as he gets to rely on his reason to analyze and infer!

She rang the bell to summon Shaq and the action team leader of the Tianming Army, and soon a series of arrangements were made.

Shaq's face became weirder and weirder when he heard it, and finally, he couldn't hold back and asked, "Dio is the real Roger? Your Highness, are you sure?"

In the streets and alleys, he has heard many stories about this civilian cabinet, and he is too far away from the status of the Duke's brother and the young master of the Charles family.

These two people are the same person?

It's the first time he's heard of such an argument, it's so fucking outrageous!

How many cups of bard would it take to make up this?

Teacher, you dare to think, dare to speak!

When shady heard that someone finally asked, she couldn't help showing a relieved expression.

The Tianming Army felt good about their blind obedience, but they never gave themselves the chance to present their exquisite deduction...

Now, according to Shaq's suspicion, the sister can finally show high-end operations!

Shady developed her logical thinking one by one, and finally concluded, "Although not all impossibilities have been ruled out, based on the existing information, there is a 98% possibility of being correct!"

Shaq felt like he was hearing a book from heaven, although he doesn't understand it, he feels it!

It turns out that to protect Luo Jie, The Queen of Eternal Night specially set up a false identity to go outside, while her natural body was covered with a false identity...

Reasonable and well-founded, with every detail in place, wonderful!

Is this the legendary fight between immortals?

"Damn it, the human race has so many minds. Fortunately, we didn't target Roger at the beginning..."

He couldn't help feeling that the days of waiting were still meaningful!

Shady showed a proud smile that you only understood.

Thus, the hunt for Dio kicked off!



At the same time, at the Hall of Stars.

When the "Oath of Glory" magic ceremony was performed on the altar, Roger didn't appear among those nobles.

He was in the main control room of the Hall of Stars, monitoring the data with Frankenstein, and chatting with Frankenstein from time to time.

Outside the core control room where the two were, there were hundreds of magicians from the Mystic Society and the Night Guard, who specifically controlled the operation of the entire magic circle.

The oath of glory is a restriction on nobles, but also a gift to them.

After layers of optimization, the difficulty of casting spells has finally reached the quasi-legendary level.

The energy consumption and material prices are quite high. Based on the Empire's current prices, it is equivalent to about 3000 gold coins per person.

That is to say, thousands of nobles perform the ceremony at the same time today, and millions of gold coins are evaporated in an instant.

Of course, the time must be worth the money. In the future, they will work hard in their posts and everyone will be less corrupt, so they can earn back the expenses.

At the same time, the Oath of Glory contains many constant effects of positive buffs. A magic ceremony completed by a wonder-level building is more cost-effective than a temporary arrangement.

Of course, this kind of large-scale magic ceremony is also the first application of the empire. To ensure the completion of the effect, Frankenstein personally went to the scene to monitor the whole process to show his importance.

At this moment, the empire doesn't require all nobles to swear the oath of glory.

As long as The Queen of Eternal Night agrees, she can skip this link and continue to maintain her title.

Roger, Angelina, Margaret, cabinet ministers, and many nobles who hold important administrative and military positions can voluntarily choose whether or not to take the oath of glory.

This can also be regarded as a kind of recognition for the courtiers who have always been loyal to the queen. The past performance is still seen by the queen.

This collective oath is mainly aimed at those big nobles who were originally entrusted with vast land.

Whether they give up the land and support the imperial power is still unknown, so they'll need to use the power of magic as a guarantee.

In the future, there will be no such spectacular scenes. It is probably the new knighthoods of civilians who have made great achievements or the children of nobles who inherit the glory of their parents before entering the Hall of Stars.

"But it is foreseeable that this dome will be full of stars in the future." Although Roger was not affected by the magics effect, the dome he designed himself could be imagined as the most magnificent scenery in the eyes of those nobles.

Frankenstein said with some regret, "It's a pity that His Majesty doesn't agree to arrange a purification mechanism for the Glory Vow, otherwise you might still see meteor showers here!"

This Glory Vow has many characteristics of a soul contract because it has the setting of storing the resurrection of soul fragments and it is easy to add a control rule:

If the greed in someone's heart breaks through the constraints of the oath, then the Hall of Stars can deal with it and directly purify their soul.

In that case, if you don't die, you will be an idiot.

This is the basic function of the soul contract. Frankenstein believes that the human heart is something that cannot be controlled. Even if there is a contract to give psychological hints, someone can always break the hints (willpower test).

But Eternal Night Empress rejected her suggestion without hesitation.

The empress believes that everyone has moments of hesitation. Mechanized execution of judgments by procedures will completely turn the oath of glory into the shackles of the nobles, and also limit the energy possessed by the ultimate variable of people.

Mechanized execution cannot handle decisions that require flexibility or take huge risks.

The specific situation is always more complicated than estimated.

Because of the rejection, Frankenstein still broods on it to this day.

Roger listened to the complaints of the mechanical girl, but in this regard, he still stood by the Queen of Eternal Night, and asked, "If your majesty puts shackles on each of you, and guarantees that your thoughts are pure before you can reuse them, will you still follow them so hard?"

"Yes, looking around the world, there is no one more generous than his Majesty," Frankenstein said firmly.

Many of her fantasies in alchemy, if not for the support of the Green Vines Empire and The Queen of Eternal Night, would have been impossible to realize in a small country.

I don't know how many years of delay and accumulation, before it is possible to realize it.

Roger was suddenly speechless. So, is this the idea of the master alchemist?

The magic ceremony of the Oath of Glory was completed, and there were occasional fluctuations, which were also successfully resolved by the magicians of the Arcane Society. The final effect was perfect.

Frankenstein suddenly showed a playful smile, "Lord Roger, don't you feel very happy when you think that you will have more than a thousand sisters in the future?"

"This kind of situation shouldn't happen very often right?"

"The soul is too mysterious, and the magic is unstable. What if there's some abnormality?"

Frankenstein told jokes that he only understood.

The prototype of the psychological suggestion used in the Glory Oath Ceremony was extracted from Angelina's thinking.

She is a rare noble who can truly put the interests of the empire before herself and her family.

After confirming Angelina's intentions, Empress Yong Ye was quite moved.

She felt that she couldn't be as pure as Angelina.

The empress is willing to do a lot of things for this empire, because this is her country, and she can use it as a show of force if things are done successfully.

But Angelina is dedicated.

As long as the empire needs her, she will step forward.

This kind of sentiment is very noble and relatively soft, and will not give birth to extreme militarism that is fanatical and patriotic.

As a prototype of psychological suggestion, it can reduce the subject's resistance, and the increase in loyalty to the empire is also very obvious. It can be said to be a nearly perfect balance.

There is only one slight regret, and that is that the interests of the empire are higher than those of the empress in Angelina's heart.

The two are consistent most of the time, but the queen is also human, so there will inevitably be times when her own will is at odds with the empire.

Use Angelina's thinking to restrain the nobles. If a conflict breaks out, I'm afraid the scene will be very good.

But in the end, Empress Eternal Night chose to use Angelina's thinking as a prototype to develop the Glory Vow.

This was a challenge, and Empress Eternal Night is never afraid of challenges.

She didn't want to be surrounded by a group of mediocre bugs.

Just like what Roger Aiqing did many times, it is also a good thing for the empire if someone can point out his own mistakes and omissions.

Just like that, the Glory Pledge was finalized.

Although it is only the purest and most primitive psychological suggestion if something unexpected happens as Frankenstein said, one day these nobles of different heights, fat and thin will become their sisters, and they have to make up for the relationship between siblings' lack of feelings...

"It's terrible!" Roger shuddered as he imagined nobles like himself chasing after him for a hug.

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