The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off

Chapter 165: Embrace Beyond the World

Chapter 165: Embrace Beyond the World

Chapter 165 Embrace Beyond the World

"Your Majesty, we should return to the mortal world now."

Roger averted his gaze, not answering, and instead looked at the deep sea outside the window that was forever clear and calm.

This is a landscape that the Yuanhai doesn't change, which made it appear even more barren than a normal ocean.

"Please answer me directly!" The Queen of Eternal Night exclaimed displeasedly, strongly protesting against the abrupt changing of the topic at hand.

Even if her magical power was about to run out, she was confident that she could destroy her stinky little brother in battle.

However, relying on the false strength provided by her magic, when she lost her magic, he lost his as well. Then, were they reduced to mutually pecking as weaklings?

Roger pointed to his head and shrugged helplessly. "Your Majesty, please don't worry. It's not yet time to uncover the mystery, because even I have forgotten it."

The Queen of Eternal Night furrowed her brows and asked, 'Did you seal away your own memories?'

Roger nodded and said, "Yes, because our enemy was too powerful, I completely forgot about them after making arrangements."

"But are you really so cautious that you cannot even tell me?" The curiosity of the Eternal Night Empress grew even stronger.

"I was too nervous at the time and forgot," Roger said apologetically.

With the power of the Eternal Night Queen, it is entirely possible to discuss and delete together.

But he gave his brilliant idea a thumbs-up at the time, dispersed the preparation steps into a series of projects, and then chose to forget about it.

"Hmph, you've used up all your accumulated vacation days!" The Queen of Eternal Night grumpily kicked his shin.

But she didn't pursue it any further, because Roger's actions were actually a necessary step in order to defy the gods.

Because their adversary was a god.

Although the Eternal Night Queen disdained walking the path of faith and godhood, she still regarded them as puppets bound to fixed routes.

Possessing divine power, divinity, and a divine throne, true gods did indeed have many powerful attributes.

For example, the immune system is mostly dormant.

Many powerful deities also have a peculiar sensitivity towards destiny.

It's not just a matter of prophecy, but rather the interaction between deities and the laws of this world; even non-believers, when thinking of a certain deity, may have their thoughts intercepted.

Especially the thoughts that could truly threaten him, even if they haven't been put into action yet, might be foreseen by God in advance.

This kind of sensing is likely to occur, and often seems unfair: The mortals have already lost before the battle even begins.

Roger sealed away his memories, likely having thought of some pivotal step that might have a significant impact on one or more deities.

But once this method was exposed, it would no longer be useful.

Therefore, Roger forgot about it, so even if he got to the endgame, it would not be revealed.

When the time was right and the final arrangement's completion was witnessed, those memories would naturally unravel, and the opponent would no longer have time to prevent it.

The Eternal Night Queen was not unhappy with his operation, but rather unhappy with being excluded by Roger.

Even if he didn't do it on purpose, this behavior also indicated that the other party, subconsciously, didn't trust her enough.

In the face of the Queen of Eternal Night's melancholic holiday, Roger too was helpless, not arguing back.

[Fortunately, these days happen to coincide with my scheduled vacation time, so any losses incurred during the period of vacation are still within acceptable limits!]

Queen of the Eternal Night: ???

What kind of spirit is this? Shouldn't you come to flatter Us?

So easy to coax!

In the midst of a somewhat aloof silence, the two departed from Yuanhai.

A plain and uneventful exploration has come to an end, with no noteworthy moments worth recollecting or remembering.

After floating in the void for a while and waiting for the Eternal Night Queen to restore some of her magic through meditation, they were transported back to the Tower of Heavenly Sea.

The magicians dressed in uniforms rushed up, highly skilled in inspecting and maintaining the Source Sea Ark, retrieving salvaged information, and providing a new round of charging for the Source Sea Ark.

"I, your humble servant, take my leave." Roger prepared to return home and rest.

Although it was an unremarkable exploration journey, and even he and His Majesty had taken time off to play games, the psychological pressure of venturing into such treacherous territory always existed.

They have always been on guard against the possibility of Yuan Hai mutating, and are also vigilant about the consumption of energy. If any abnormalities occur, they must immediately retreat to the material plane.

Returning from the Source Sea, fatigue was inevitable. Roger felt he needed a good night's sleep to cope with tomorrow's work.

The Queen of Eternal Night interrupted his transportation and spoke firmly, "You are not allowed to withdraw."

"Does this despicable queen still hold a grudge?"

"Tomorrow is New Year's Day, come with me back to the palace to celebrate the new year."

She suddenly laughed, took hold of Roger's hand, and smoothed down his hair that had stood up because of fear.

I, still full of dignity!

The fellow who once only wanted to lay flat and be lazy, finally changed his lying posture and began to calmly face everything fate had bestowed upon him. He became a cog in the machine that supports the functioning of the empire, and greatly valued his job and work.

However, this screw, although deprived of the additional holidays earned through meritorious service, is still qualified to enjoy the nationwide holiday with the rest of the country.

"Is it almost New Year?" Roger asked, feeling somewhat dazed as some inexplicable thoughts flowed through his mind.

These days have indeed been busy, and I have not even noticed the passing of time.

"Let's return to the palace together."

The Queen of Eternal Night pulled him into the newly opened portal.

The scenery in front of my eyes twisted and turned as I entered a space channel that was as dazzling and mysterious as fireworks. Unlike previous trips where the destination was reached in just a fleeting glance, this time it seemed endless and interminable.

Roger was also a little confused by the scenery unseen in the world, suddenly feeling the soft and hot body leaning against him.

"I am feeling a bit tired, may I borrow a shoulder?"


His response was somewhat stiff.

The completely unexpected sudden attack automatically made her sense the majestic size of the queen's body, the pressure when pressed against her body, which easily aroused one's imagination.

However, Roger had already become adept at controlling the reactions of his body.

Their alone time increased as he had grown accustomed to the sudden playful teasing of the Eternal Night Empress.

Like a cat playing with it's prey, she took pleasure in it and was proud of it. Any shyness or hesitation would be seized upon and mocked by her counterpart.

But if you want to counterattack and make the topic even more ambiguous, that cat can always transform into a liquid and slip through the cracks of your fingers.

Not only could she not catch him, but she also looked at him contemptuously with her eyes.

Little brother, did you turn this color just from this little bit?

Unconsciously, the Queen of Eternal night had already filled up the fairy's enchanting ability to captivate hearts.

Of course, this side will only be revealed to Roger.

Externally, she was the unpredictable monarch on the throne, with a mind as profound as the ocean.

Even though she often smiled, there were fewer and fewer courtiers willing to risk crossing her and plotting against her, as she seldom resorted to bloody massacres and oppressive measures.

A direct and domineering empress may inspire fear, but astute individuals can always devise a strategy to deal with her, as her points of vulnerability are clearly evident, and loopholes within the system can always be discovered.

But now, the queen has hidden her true thoughts like a spider in the shadow, and no one can be certain whether the loopholes are opportunities or traps intentionally laid by her.

Thy inscrutable technique, which she had thoroughly comprehended, left thee with no power.

Unfortunately, no matter how effective a strategy may be, its effectiveness decreases with overuse. After practicing it only a few times, Roger has already mastered the technique of adapting to any situation by remaining constant.

Especially now in the opponent's created home field Roger was vigilant waiting for the opponent's next move and decided to cleverly act like a shoulder-length wooden rack.

As long as I'm not blinded by beauty, I have enough wit to decipher any trap.

Blood Mother thought she was on the second floor, but in fact, she was already on the fifth floor.

Strangely, the unpredictable fairy from the past didn't make any further move.

She rested her head on his shoulder like that, and her breathing became soft and regular.

[Would she really fall asleep like this?]

Roger felt puzzled in his heart and glanced sideways at the face of the Eternal Night Queen, which was incredibly beautiful. Then he closed his eyes lightly, like a lazy cat finding a comfortable nest, so he could feel her comfort and relaxation.

[Do mischievous little fellows also get tired of playing?]

[So, was I just now engaging in a battle of wits with the air?]

"Don't make noise, hold me." The Eternal Night Queen placed her hand on his lips, closed her eyes and whispered in complaint.

"Okay." Although he didn't know how he had made a noise, Roger still responded involuntarily.

Facing the Evernight Queen, who was different from before, he restrained the slight uneasiness in his heart and embraced her slender waist.

As a social animal, humans have an innate tendency to draw warmth from their fellow beings.

Sometimes it's not about love or romance, it's simply a primal need of the body. Embracing can provide a sense of security beyond what one expects.

Moreover, the two of them already had feelings that were hard to express at this moment.

More than friends, less than lovers.

Sometimes intimacy has become natural, yet there is an unbridgeable line that unintentionally or deliberately gets overlooked, and both individuals don't contemplate the underlying meaning behind it.

The current relationship was already comfortable, whether moving forward would lead to heaven or hell was still unknown, but humans tend to resist the unknown risks.

Because it was deemed too precious, even the slightest possibility of failure may not be tolerated.

Under the guise of friendship, engaging in covert boundary crossing actually provides stimulation for adults?

Some things are inexplicable in terms of perception. How can people who are not involved in it understand its ups and downs?

Inside this slow-moving space channel where there is absolutely no room for a third person, the Queen of Eternal night truly relaxes.

Put down the mask of being invincible and be a willful girl for a little while.

It was an incredibly long year, with too many events that occurred, and she, too, had undergone many changes along the way.

The good and the bad are unknown, and the road ahead is difficult.

But because of holding this person, it seemed like the loneliness wasn't as intense.

There will be no interference from outsiders, nor any external noise beyond the earthly realm. She hopes that this moment of embrace will last Eternally.

Even if we make an effort to slow down and cherish every romantic moment, the relentless flow of time will still move forward without mercy.

A colossal clock projection appeared before the two, with the hour, minute, and second hands aligning perfectly, all pointing towards the largest numeral on the clock face.

At the same time, it also represents the beginning, the smallest zero.

The Queen of Evernight stood on tiptoe and whispered in Roger's ear, "Happy New Year! I am really happy to have you by my side."

The scorching breath near my ear held a hint of languor and regret, as if a beautiful dream was coming to an end. Roger instinctively knew that this stolen moment was coming to a close.

He reluctantly hugged her tightly for a long time, then slowly released his arms and lowered his head, saying seriously, 'Let's continue to fight side-by-side for more happiness in the new year.'

The girl, whose soft gaze once resembled water, steadied into a determined stare. The unparalleled pride and sharpness returned to her being as she turned to peer at the dimly discernible glamorous palace and murmured softly:

"Indeed, continue the battle... Happy New Year to my empire!"

The Queen of Eternal Night and Roger appeared side-by-side in a side hall of the Starry Palace.

Arjelina, Margaret, Rommel, Hall, Calire, Frankenstein, Sophie, cabinet ministers, secret council advisors, and imperial dignitaries from various regions have already held a small yet lively ball over here in advance.

Among them are also rising stars like Isabelle and Joey who shine in many fields.

This is the most steadfast royalist celebration of the past, and it is a magnificent sight of the newly ascended empire builders.

There was no buzz of people like during the Victory Celebration Day, but the atmosphere was more relaxed and casual because their queen, whom they looked back at, was celebrating the glorious achievements of the past year.

Four years have passed in the everlasting night.

The slowly lengthening night shrouds this world, as a faint spark rises, burning fiercely and calling for dawn. Whether it will be extinguished by the Eternal and mighty force, the outcome remains unknown.

But a battle between man and god, once started, cannot be stopped, and will inevitably produce the fiercest sparks, leaving no room for compromise.

Under the brilliance lies a battle that determines the fate of the world.

"Long live the empire, long live the Empress!"

In that magnificent palace, there were tidy blessings.



Outside the Palace of Star River, a great snowfall has already descended.

A heavy, white curtain draped over the entire city, rendering the heavens and the earth immaculately pristine whilst also absorbing the sounds of the entire world.

In terms of the productive capacity of this world, this is a rare New Year that brings joy and happiness to more ordinary people.

The New Year on this continent always falls in the heart of winter, where hunger and cold are common disasters that ordinary people find difficult to withstand.

The barrenness of the land, the exploitation by the aristocracy, and years of non-stop warfare mean that without sufficient hoarding of food and firewood in autumn, people will inevitably die in winter.

Whether there were many or few deaths depended on how many noble lords had benevolent hearts in the past year.

For the most part of the years in this world, the celebration and anticipation of the so-called new year is but a romantic notion that exists solely within the realm of the petit bourgeois whose livelihoods exceed a certain standard of living.

The grassroots people have been repeatedly tortured numb in hardships, and the New Year is just a long melancholy and sentimental but equally difficult moment in the harsh winter.

Fortunately for the people of the empire this year, due to the widespread use of secret magic techniques to improve the seeds in the empire's state-run farms and the addition of maggoty slag to increase soil fertility, an unprecedented bumper harvest was achieved.

Angelina skillfully managed the resources, excluding a certain class of people who were demanding, the cold weather still persisted but 99% of the empire's people were no longer at risk of starving to death.

Along with the distribution of rations, there was also a fuel known as "honeycomb coal", which greatly reduced the harm brought on by the cold.

Even in remote rural areas, many families have the means to prepare a simple yet joyful New Year's Eve dinner.

"I hope that in the coming year, the empire will be better!" Many farmers couldn't help but sigh with a long-awaited hope for the future they felt a natural surge of energy as if they had an inexhaustible strength inside them.

Once well-fed and warmed, the human heart yearns for beauty.

A large library.

The lights here are still bright, never extinguishing throughout the night, but there are hardly any people around.

Even the most rigid wizard, on this day of the lunar new year, will be pulled by their family and friends to unwind.

In a corner of a certain reading room, Shana opened a thick tome before her, watching the snowflakes outside and muttering to herself:

"Tedious humanity insists on adding these inexplicable holidays, but I have no interest in celebrating the Lunar New Year!"

At this moment, as she gazed at the vacant tables, she felt the pangs of loneliness for the first time in her life.

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