The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off

Chapter 194: Precious Equipment

Chapter 194: Precious Equipment

Frankenstein understood the comparison of military power between the Maritime Country of the Nagas. The Swordfish submarine's first appearance must have a strong overwhelming effect when the enemy is not well prepared.

But now, she only cares about how her own submarine was instantly destroyed.

Nicole analyzed the battle that took place between Cromwell and Roger, because she could not believe it. Later she recalled the scene several times, so she had a very detailed understanding of it.

The Swordfish submarine was originally thought to be a trump card, but it was directly scrapped, and even a marshal was lost. Can't you see how troubled and heartbroken Nicole is?

Now, when she looks at the remaining fifty Swordfish submarines, she doesn't know if she can trust them in the next battle.

Of course, the defeat in battle cannot be entirely blamed on the equipment, the arrogance of the Naga military is also a major reason.

That guy Cromwell didn't do any reconnaissance before the war, and finally he went out by himself. Unless a miracle comes, no one can save him.

"It was our neglect in supporting the Green Vines Empire that led to such results. Master doesn't have to blame yourself" In the end, Nicole had to comfort the depressed Frankenstein.

But when Frankenstein heard Nicole's description of the coral reefs and the bio-fish schools, he already knew that this was Lydia's doing, and then he heard Roger's name...

It's no longer a feeling of depression, but a high morale and an outrageous anger!

I thought I knew what was going on, it turned out to be that cunning Lydia, using the latest version of modified creatures, targeting her own masterpiece!

Frankenstein quickly wrote on the ultra-dimensional drawing board, "I understand the situation and will update the equipment catalog for you immediately!"

She quickly added a series of targeted lethal equipment based on the characteristics of the base coral and bio-fish schools.

Using torpedoes to eliminate these things would be like using high-powered guns to kill mosquitoes. But, what about improved and strengthened bug sprays that specifically target bio-fish schools?

In addition, there are many similar concept equipment with different prices, and Nicole is free to choose according to her needs.

Frankenstein and Lydia both belong to the system of secret magic society. There are regulations on technology sharing within the system. Both sides compete against each other and snatch orders, so naturally they will know what the other is manufacturing...

After providing a bunch of targeted equipment, she still felt a little dissatisfied. After thinking about it, she added two types of equipment that should not have appeared on this list.

Streptomyces: Fission bullets. Tactical nuclear weapons with a power ranging from 5,000 tons to 300,000 tons.

Agaricus blazei: Fusion bombs. Strategic nuclear weapons with limited sale, only two of them at 5 million tons level.

This is a secret weapon developed by the empire for the children of the paration for the final battle. The entire series is named after fungal organisms because the empress said that the explosion looks like growing mushrooms and it made her hungry.

The minimum-yield Streptomyces has a destructive power that is comparable to a legendary spell meteor shnd it also has the characteristics of being flexible, fast, and capable of large-scale coverage and strikes.

Streptomyces can be used as a replacement warhead for the Water Dragon Roar. It may not be as effective as magic, but it has more flexible characteristics in terms of quantity pper limit of power.

Moreover, nuclear weapons detonated underwater have a much higher lethal radius because the density of water is much higher than that of air at equivalent yields.

Although Cromwell was a gambler, his evaluation of the hot weapons provided by Frankenstein was not wrong. They provided an extra spear besides the original spear and shield.

But previously, the empire only sold ordinary spears to the Nagas, which were transformed from manure forks of agricultural products.

But now Frankenstein, angry, has also added the standard equipment of the army to the list.

Although the pricing is in compliance with the regulations, it is not in compliance with the rules to sell it under the name of an experiment without applying for approval.

For example, someone in the group, like Roger.

But Frankenstein is not afraid either!

If she didn't know that both of them were undercover and not suitable for confronting each other in the group, she would have directly questioned Roger's intentions here!

Why use Lydia's stinky fish and rotten shrimp to bully one's own masterpiece?

However, Frankenstein is not really angry or holding a grudge, it's just that she feels a little discontented. She could feel that Roger used to like talking to her about new ideas, but now he's always going to the Life Meter side...

There is also a large amount of funds flowing into the Night Watch and Terra investments, which is obviously supportive.

Although Frankenstein doesn't lack research and development funds, it feels like she has been betrayed by a "theoretical genius" who used to have a very good relationship with her and has now abandoned her for Lydia, which makes her feel like she has been outsmarted.

Especially when losing such an unfair match!

Lydia's genetically modified creatures don't have any technical content. Just let them mutate by themselves. In three months, they could transform into a completely different species.

Looking at her magic crystal machinery, it doesn't have such rapid updates. Each change requires them to go to great lengths, repeatedly deducing and demonstrating it, you know?

It's still under control!

Frankenstein thinks that Lydia's research is very barbaric, just letting genetically modified creatures mate with each other.

As long as the number of offspring is sufficienr and there's enough time, interesting results can always be obtained!

In theory, there is no guarantee for drawing cards for these barbarians, but Lydia is lucky enough to always get some strange and interesting things.

Now she can still "coincidentally" crack her Swordfish submarine.

Naturally, Lydia also doesn't like Frankenstein's research.

Too many constraints and considerations such as this parameter or that attribute, it's like dancing with shackles on...

Unfortunately, because machines are more powerful and aesthetically pleasing, from the Queen of Eternal Night to the imperial army, they are willing to purchase the junk made by Frankenstein, which is ridiculous!

After hearong the report from the front, Roger used the reasonable layout of the biochemical fish group to easily defeat the Swordfish submarine designed in the "Unbalanced Chapter". Lydia couldn't help but cheer!

Perhaps, this wave will usher in a new era for biochemical war beasts?

Suddenly, the weight of the Coral Base series project in Lydia's eyes rapidly increased. She invested more energy in related research and development, trying to make Roger win more beautifully and easily.

The two chief researchers of the Secret Magic Society thus started an "arms race" under the sea.

When Nicole saw the new "purchasable equipment list" and learned about many of its functions, she had the same excitement as a player who installed a new DLC in a game and her eyes lit up.

Her favorite, of course, are the two types of nuclear bombs. They are really enjoyable to explode!

Surprise, shock, with these (items), we can definitely fulfill the divine oracle of our lord!

Seeing the mushroom cloud rising from the ground, she inexplicably felt a chill and at the same time, an uncontrollable excitement built up inside her.

Even if I have to gamble away everything, I must get them!

There's nothing wrong with a kind saint falling into a war frenzy, right?

Kindness is for treating believers, fanaticism is for treating enemies. These attributes, due to the exclusivity of faith, can indeed coexist in one person.

However, Nicole had no money; all the church's property had been invested in development and construction during peacetime.

The application written in the name of the Supreme Commander of the Expeditionary Force had been sent back to the Nagas' Palace along with the battle report, but upon seeing the list sent by Frankenstein, she realized she should probably go back in person...

With the blessing of the Nagas, victory is certain with these equipments!



The Nagas werent natives of the Eternal Night World, but rather a group of elves who studied dark magic.

Due to their audacity and arrogance, they caused great harm to the Elven Empire, and were ultimately punished by the God of Nature and banished to the sea, where they had to seek refuge under the sea god in order to survive, gradually adapting to the ocean environment and becoming what they are now.

In terms of the time span, the rate of this physical change is very un-Darwinian.

There is quite a big difference between the delicate and graceful pointed-eared elves and the Naga tribe with their powerful snake tails, sturdy bodies and the tendency to mutate and develop multiple limbs.

However, in terms of appearance and physique alone, the Naga tribe still has many handsome men and beautiful women, and they also inherit the tradition of matrilineal clans, where the highest leader of the tribe is a queen and the highest leader of the church is a saintess.

The rise of the Naga Empire is inseparable from the generations of wise and ambitious empresses who never forgot their hatred of being driven to the sea, dreaming of occupying the four seas and then seeking revenge on the surface elves.

Well, the Dark Elves of the Shadowy Region have the same idea. They are also one of the core followers of the goddess of war, succeeding directly from the God of Nature.

This is also the reason why Olsaria and Tybella hold a grudge against each other. Every time the wool is taken from themselves, they become very angry.

Therefore, when Nicole received the sea god's divine oracle to seize a brand new landing point. Which was the Naga Queen's long held wish the Naga Queen eagerly provided her with the greatest support.

The first wave of equipment for the Terra Kingdom was an aid agreement between the Sea God and the Goddess of War, and the second wave was purchased with great amounts of money by the Naga Queen.

As a result, there were continuous victories in the beginning, but suddenly news of a devastating defeat came, with Marshal Krenville forced to commit suicide and the expeditionary force retreating two hundred miles. The Naga Queen made a direct speech at a court meeting.

Nicole wrote the battle report now that she has actual control over the highest command of the expeditionary force. She clearly pointed out that the reason for the failure was first, the sudden participation of the Green Vines Empire, and second the military's arrogance and slackness.

Faced with such responsibility, the military had no way to refute it. The prince, who was known for his cowardice in the maritime kingdom, suddenly led the army. As a commander, it is important to be vigilant and not to take anything for granted, and to leave no sign of enemy movement unnoticed.

Krenville committed suicide by taking poison, not only because he didn't want to be humiliated by the maritime kingdom, but also because he felt guilty for betraying the trust of the Naga Queen, ending his once glorious career in shame.

After the battle report, Nicole proposed to actively prepare for the next round of attack, and of course, the demand for the rear was - soldiers and money.

"My dear ministers, you may now begin to discuss the needs of the Holy Maiden." After the Naga Queen finished her temper tantrum she impatiently twiddled her fingers, and allowed the civil and military officials she trusted to start discussing the next round of attack.

As mentioned before, the Naga Empire's territory, population, and actual national strength are far inferior to that of the Mermaid Maritime Kingdom.

However, the Mermaid Kingdom has divided its territory too much for too long, plus the countless vassal races loyalty to the Sea Emperor's bloodline has worn away after all these years.

The Naga Empire has repeatedly invaded, and the support provided by the territories and vassals to the royal family is quite limited, except for the several major families that are co-opted through marriage and blood, the rest are just symbolic contributions of money and grain, and then mostly left unattended.

Most of them have a mentality similar to that of the previous Shak.

Anyway, the Mermaid Kingdom has a big business to take care of, and if the war spreads to their own head, just fight a little bit to keep the Naga away, who would be foolish enough to spend money and effort!

The life under the sea is just too comfortable, the marine tribe has more than enough to eat, with all kinds of species in abundance. When the aristocracy loses their ambition, their posture is really quite disgusting.

Compared to the Naga Empire, they have much more vitality. They don't dream of returning to the land, and every battle is fought with the determination to take a piece of the Mermaid Kingdom's flesh. Over these hundreds of years, there have been numerous talents emerging, which led to the suppression of the Mermaid Kingdom's situation.

Despite years of war and the support from the Church of the Sea God and the efforts of Saint Nicole to develop new cities, in reality, the Naga Empire has suffered the side effects of being in a state of constant warfare:

The population of the main ethnic group has hardly grown, the tax burden is heavy, and the people are actually quite impoverished. The recruitment of troops is also quite difficult.

To reap the benefits of those territories, it actually requires a population to fill them.

However, the Naga evolved from immortals beings such as the elves, so they suffer from low reproductive ability and a considerably long growth cycle.

If it were not for the fact that male and female Nagas both serve in the military, a gender imbalance problem would have arisen long ago.

The territories are actually all filled with dependent races, and to make those races feel at ease, the Nagas cannot impose too high a tax burden. In fact, the main ethnic group has been at a disadvantage for years, and there have also been many voices of opposition to the war within the internal operations.

In this expedition, the Naga Queen has made maximun effort, and only by cooperating with the Church could she dispel any doubts and organize such a force.

If a permanent landing point could be established, the Queen also agreed to pause the war and begin a cease-fire.

In addition, with the support and purchase of equipment from the Terra Kingdom, the army's combat power was greatly improved, and the expeditionary force was finally able to set off.

As a result, before the strategic goal could be achieved, such a serious setback suddenly occurred and many officials who were already anti-war stepped forward to criticize the Queen vigorously.

At this moment, the military and the Church are the only ones who are truly determined to see the battle through to the end.

There are too many comrades of Churchill among the military leaders, and they want to avenge him; and the Church naturally wants to fulfill the prophecy of the Sea God.

The hawks and doves bickered incessantly, and during this time, Queen Naga sorted out her thoughts and patted her dragon throne to calm them down.

"I hope to continue fighting and achieve our dream of capturing the landing point which we have been longing for years. But we cannot ignore the strength of the Green Vines Empire. Can any of you give me a specific number on how many troops we need to add to ensure victory in this battle?"

Her sharp gaze swept over everyone present, hoping that they could give her a positive answer, without any element of deception.

Regardless of whether they were civil officials or military generals, they all lowered their heads under her gaze.

Whoever dares to give an exact answer to this kind of question will have to take responsibility.

An eerie silence fell over the hall, but Queen Naga didn't show any surprise. Instead, she smiled in relief.

Dreams are just dreams, and the Naga Empire must continue to exist. Although it is regrettable to fail at the critical moment, they have bitten off enough territory from the Seafaring Nation. They will manage it well and can launch an even stronger expedition next time.

"If all the ministers cannot answer, then I feel that this expedition should come to an end. We will hold onto the land we have already occupied and prevent the Seafaring Nation from counterattacking..."

Just then, a guard knelt before Queen Naga in the hall and announced loudly, "Report! The Holy Maiden is seeking an audience. She says there is urgent military information that she must discuss with Your Majesty."

As Nicole entered the hall and explained the power of the two new weapons, the blastomycete and the tyrant bacteria, and tried to persuade them that victory could be bought with money, the hawks in the Naga's faction boiled with excitement.

Just as Queen Naga had just gained control of the situation, she found that she had lost control completely. Most of the officials were fervently requesting to participate in the war.

"Lords, we simply cannot afford the prices of these equipments." Queen Naga shouted to stop everyone.

"Terra Kingdom can provide low-interest loans," Nicole said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, fight! As long as we win, we will be able to have the ocean!"

Both civil and military officials knelt down. The voices of those calling for a ceasefire had been completely drowned out, and even the queen could not go against the wishes of her supporters.

Stimulated by the powerful equipment, the Naga Empire finally decided to risk everything.

Rather than taking out a loan, we would rather take a gamble and fight it out.

Anyway, as long as we win, we can break even... right?

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