The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off

Chapter 200: »

Chapter 200: »

Second defensive line, headquarters.

Margaret, gazing upon the magic sand table, witnessed the emergence of an enemy submarine fleet. Before she could fully comprehend the situation, the radiance indicating her own deployment point vanished.

Simultaneously, multiple magic observation posts along the front line vanished!

Where is my stronghold? I had such a vast stronghold. How could the enemy have stolen it just like that?

She instantly felt unwell, her entire being shaken. She angrily demanded to know what exactly the enemy had done.

The explosion of a fission bomb causes damage through light, heat, and intense electromagnetic waves. These waves are tremendously disruptive and lack any discernible pattern, exerting a powerful interference on the transmission of magic.

Therefore, in the locations where those explosions occur, the surveillance outposts at the core immediately become ineffective, rendering even those further away useless. The sand table displays a total of ten large-scale intelligence black holes.

Such a tremendous and astonishing turn of events naturally also caused panic and disarray among the other personnel at the headquarters.

Originally, they held the upper hand, relying on an inexhaustible swarm of biochemical fish to relentlessly harass the enemy.

Waiting for the Naga's flanking force to exhaust themselves, and then launching a search to encircle and annihilate them.

Naval forces are engaged in local combat, while the Naga undertake distant expeditions. Therefore, annihilating the enemy's active forces always remains the most effective means of approaching victory.

From the very beginning, the strategy agreed upon by Margaret and her team was not to break through and support the Black Shark Fortress, but rather to annihilate this flanking force led by Nickel on the blockade line.

As a result, their deployment was well-executed, and the enemy was overwhelmed by the disintegration of the biochemical fish swarm...

Until just now, the ten nearby production bases known as Coral Settlements were wiped off the map, a development that completely surpassed the expectations of Shaq and his forces.

In everyone's eyes, the Coral Settlements are considered quite resilient.

After all, what truly forms the coral structure is not the coral polyps themselves, but the inorganic skeletal materials they secrete, which undoubtedly makes them more resilient than ordinary living creatures.

The skeleton of the Coral Settlements has been modified by Lydia, akin to artificially enchanted armor, possessing defense capabilities equivalent to fortress walls.

However strong its defense might be, the Coral Settlements are still unable to withstand the force of legendary magic or explosives that release their inherent energy in an instant.

However, the tremendous commotion caused by the exploding bacterial colonies naturally cannot go unnoticed.

The distant outpost guards and magical sentinels, patrolling nearby naval forces, relayed the scenes occurring at the ten coral settlements back to the headquarters.

The sight of the underwater mushroom clouds rising left everyone in awe.

As the chaotic electromagnetic waves gradually subsided, magic began to function normally. The merfolk, wary of directly entering the explosion zone, dispatched individuals to capture footage of the explosion scene from the surface of the sea.

The core disintegrated and evaporated instantaneously, causing the seabed to rupture within a few kilometers. The enraged ocean is gradually calming down, while the melting high-temperature zone swiftly cools under the influence of seawater, leaving behind peculiarly colored scars on the ocean floor.

However, within the explosion zone, there still lingers a potent radiation hazard, rendering it unsuitable for any form of life activity in the immediate future. It is estimated that this residual damage may persist for several years or longer.

Shak and his staff were frightened by this weapon. They hastily ordered the front-line decoy troops conducting breakout harassment to withdraw, while everyone remained on high alert and focused on searching for the Swordfish submarine fleet, ensuring they would not approach the second defense line.

Although the torpedoes used by the enemy are indeed formidable, they are not invincible. With the limitations of range and detonation time, coupled with our own more potent defensive magic, we still possess means of resistance.

This turn caught the maritime nation off guard, as they had not anticipated the enemy possessing such a weapon. As a result, they neglected their defense, and the coral bases on the front lines, in order to conserve energy, didn't establish shields capable of withstanding attacks of this magnitude.

The main structures on the second defense line are, without a doubt, not afraid of such explosions.

If a skirmish line charge is deployed, this kind of weapon would be unable to cover the entire battlefield, leading to a significant reduction in its actual destructive effect.

At the same time, magic also possesses sufficient means to protect the true core structures of the second defense line.

Now, the maritime nation is concerned about the extent and maximum yield of this type of weapon in the possession of the enemy.

The Shuck forces are rapidly consolidating, and they require more intelligence.

As Margaret observed their commanders maintaining composure, she refrained from intervening and stood up, her expression solemn, addressing Roger.

Come out, we need to have a talk!

Little Joey instinctively distanced himself from Roger, as if to signify that he had no idea what was happening, and was unjustly blamed by the malevolent little demon of low pressure.

Once outside, the malevolent demon cast a soundproofing spell and exclaimed with resentment, "Frankenstein sold this equipment to the Naga. Does the Night Guard have any knowledge of it?"

"I do." Roger, unprepared to lie, admitted candidly.

"Why didn't you stop her? Or inform me in advance? It's quite intriguing to see our plan disrupted now, isn't it?" Margaret angrily interrogated.

This is essential observation. The emergence of a new weapon entails not only its direct destructive power but also the imperative consideration of the deterrent effect it may have on our adversaries.

Roger hesitated for a moment and said, "From what I can see now, the deterrent effect is not astonishing. We have all become accustomed to means of mass destruction, and we can calmly handle such explosions with ease."

"So, am I also just an observational subject?" Margaret said through gritted teeth. "I am your companion, your comrade. Would it have cost you anything to inform me in advance, to take precautions to prevent the loss of those bases..."

The necessary sacrifices are inevitable. Our true objective is not to assist the Maritime Kingdom in its victory, but rather to fulfill the strategic deployment of the Empire.

"So... you believe you are right?"

Of course, who asked for your subpar acting skills?

You make a valid point!

Margaret took a sharp breath and mercilessly stomped on Roger's foot.

Then, as if driven by lingering frustration, she repeatedly lashed at his legs with her tail, rendering his military uniform into tatters resembling that of a beggar's attire.

Of course, she exercised restraint, refraining from causing physical harm to Roger, but instead gave him a menacing glare.

Certainly, in reality, Roger didn't disclose the reason to her; he simply didn't feel inclined to go through the hassle of reiterating everything he said to Little Joey...

Quite troublesome, isn't it?

At this moment, once Margaret has vented enough, she will naturally conjure up sufficient reasons in her mind, and then she will have to personally perform the spell to mend the damages on his clothes.

Indeed, a fleeting glimmer of magical brilliance graced Margaret's hands, restoring Roger's clothing to a pristine state. Suppressing her emotions, she inquired, "May I ask..."

Can you tell me now, how much did Frankenstein sell for?

Though she behaved abhorrently, her outburst towards Roger also signified her acceptance of this explanation.

Indeed, if she had known this information in advance, she would not have been able to display such a degree of astonishment and anger just now.

The demons of hell are the ones who truly love to perform, we demons are extremely real!

Even knowing too much, her strategic arrangements would also assume that the enemy has contracted streptococcus, thus arousing suspicions from the Kingdom of the Sea.

So it's not that Roger didn't tell her, but rather that she became too engrossed in the battle, only focused on winning, thereby forgetting the larger objective they actually needed to achieve, which is far more intricate than the victory of a single battle or even the entire campaign.

The "trust crisis" between the two individuals has been resolved, so there is no need for Roger to continue concealing the truth. He answered straightforwardly, saying, "Three hundred streptococcus balls, primarily below twenty thousand tons; two Tyrant bacteria..."

"Wait, Frankenstein dares to sell even that thing?"

Yes, precisely so, Your Majesty is currently in the midst of the chapter of imbalance.

"So am I the only one in the whole world who doesn't know?" Margaret immediately realized something.

While they just confirmed the streptococcus warheads here, the Queen of Eternal night has already come to settle accounts with Frankenstein. This speed of retaliation is not normal.

Clearly, Roger's negligence allowed this situation to occur, resulting in the consequences on the battlefield. Then the Queen of Eternal night appeared to suppress Frankenstein, all of which is a mere theatrical performance.

All the world's a stage, but she alone is the unsuspecting guinea pig, cooperating in the performance of astonishment...

I'm quite irritated!

"Yes, that's right, little Joey knows too," Roger made his point.

That is an affirmative expressed through a rhetorical question, and you intentionally responded to mock me!

Margaret stomped her foot in frustration, realizing that she was no match for this guy's verbal sparring. She returned to the command center, feeling deflated.

Roger didn't follow, but instead turned his gaze towards the Black Shark Fortress, his expression revealing a pensive demeanor.

His intuition told him something was amiss.

The enemy wields a super weapon, but it is not invincible; undoubtedly, its initial release yields the best results.

In accordance with the strategic objective, releasing it on the essential frontal battlefield yields the best results.

Instead of using it haphazardly without lifting the blockade.

After the second line of defense suffers losses, it will undoubtedly serve as a reminder for Doll to be cautious of the enemy's possession of formidable long-range weaponry, thereby weakening its effectiveness.

Roger knew that Frankenstein had other means to quickly eradicate the bio-fish group for Naga, and using the streptomyces bacteria directly was by no means the optimal solution.

Naga will not fail to consider these factors, as evidenced by Nicole's calm and rational behavior following the previous defeat; she certainly won't employ reckless tactics.

Explaining it as a random occurrence of erratic behavior from a commander of a rogue army is too improbable.

With that saintess' level of control over the Naga expeditionary force, such a situation would never arise.

So, they certainly have other tricks up their sleeves, yet to be unleashed?

Roger looked at his prototype soul-link bracelet, his being a custom-made version that served as a portable command center and personal assistant.

The soul-link bracelet projected a map that displayed the locations of both King Parasite Mushrooms, both of which were positioned more than five hundred kilometers away from the second defense line and the Black Shark Fortress, indicating that the Naga had yet to deploy their ultimate weapon.

Retrieving the map discreetly, Roger's expression of perplexity grew even deeper.

What kind of gift did that saintess actually prepare for herself?



Second defense line command headquarters.

When little Joey saw Margaret return in a rage, silently gazing at the fiercely shifting magic sand table, he knew that Lord Zuoxiang and Lord Roger were "quarreling" again.

It couldn't exactly be called a quarrel, but every time it was Margaret falling into Roger's logic, and then being relentlessly humiliated on the high ground of intelligence...

"Lord Zuoxiang, have a cup of coffee," little Joey said with an impeccable smile as he prepared a cup of coffee for Margaret.

Although these two have been bickering all along, seemingly without any issues, little Joey still doesn't want to witness the day when Roger goes too far.

Margaret hesitated for a moment, picked up the cup, sniffed the aroma, took a sip, and whispered, "Thank you."

"Please enjoy, sir," little Joey said with a smile, bowing respectfully as he stepped back.

Unexpectedly, Margaret took the initiative to stop her and said, "By the way, how come you have such a good temperament, always putting up with those two idiots?"

Two idiots?

Little Joey arched his eyebrows slightly, realizing that Margaret must have been referring to Roger and Dio...

She knew about the adult's dual identity?

Immediately, little Joey had an epiphany, no wonder Roger showed no fear when engaging in verbal showdowns with Margaret, fiercely battling it out.

Turns out Margaret was also privy to this secret knowledge, having earned the complete trust of Mr. Roger.

While others were present, they conversed in a language unintelligible to the officials from the maritime country, like inside jokes between kindred spirits, instantly bridging the gap between the two.

Margaret empathized with little Joey's role as a fake girlfriend used as a cover, while little Joey, in turn, began to trust Margaret due to Roger's confidence in her.

After a brief moment of contemplation, little Joey smiled and responded, "Some people are just good at talking big... As for me, I usually don't dare defy the orders of adults."

"So, are you implying that I should take action instead of using words?" Margaret's eyes sparkled.

Actually, my main focus is on the latter part, as I highly recommend Lord Zuo to prioritize harmony.

No, I must win at least once, otherwise I won't be satisfied!

"Is it... that you haven't won even once?" little Joey was also taken aback.

Although someone may have countless absurd arguments, they are not truly invincible; losing consistently, to the point of losing to a transcendent specter, is beyond anyone's imagination.

Margaret also realized that she had made an embarrassing slip of the tongue. She coughed softly, lowered her head, and pretended to be sipping her coffee.

Little Joey couldn't help but feel a slight urge to laugh. From a different perspective, the spirit of Lord Zuo, who keeps fighting despite repeated defeats and continues to hit the iron plate, is somewhat endearing, isn't it?

"If you truly want to win, I suggest discussing the principles of magic directly," little Joey proposed an unconventional idea.

If you can't win the argument logically, then tackle the entire field of expertise.

Roger, despite his intelligence, also has the drawback of being unskilled.

As long as the discussion shifts towards the principles of magic and spatial computation, wouldn't the magic instructor effortlessly dominate and overpower a novice magician?

"Very well, next time, next time I will make him get lost in the ocean of mathematics!" Margaret's fighting spirit ignited once again.

Two girls exchanged a smile, secretly collaborating to do something naughty, feeling their bond grow a little closer.

Moreover, we are still the little comrades who share the same secret, aren't we?

Of course, the truth often brings tears to one's eyes.



When the hydrangea explodes underwater, the Queen of Eternal Night directly arrives at the Chapter of Imbalance.

She raised her hand to seal the ongoing magical experiment of Frankenstein, taking her to her own office and isolating all external perception. It was then that she asked in a deep voice:

Do you realize your transgression, Frankenstein?

She projected images of the coral base of Shaq being obliterated, as well as the accusatory letter sent by Margaret on behalf of the military, and so forth.

Hmm, that letter was indeed counterfeit, prepared in advance by the Shadow Night Guard.

Considering the loyalty of the little demon towards the Queen, I suppose he wouldn't mind his name being used by the Queen, would he?

"Ah, Your Majesty, this is... a normal experiment, for which there was proper authorization..."

Frankenstein immediately became flustered, his voice growing fainter with each word.

Covertly selling the Empire's latest weapons, he was caught red-handed by the Eternal Night Queen. Even the robots themselves would feel a sense of fear.

Moreover, Frankenstein herself possesses at least more than half of her brain tissue belonging to humans, granting her the cognitive abilities of a typical individual.

Do not attempt to deceive Us! You sold weapons to the Naga Empire in violation of regulations due to your jealousy towards Lydia. If there were to be any similar incidents in the future, the experimental funding for the Chapter of Imbalance shall be reduced by half, and Lydia shall be replaced as the Minister of Industry. Do you understand?

I know, I know, Lydia really isn't capable of handling this matter!

Frankenstein immediately became flustered, desperately explaining and offering numerous commitments regarding the progress of the experimental projects.

The Eternal Night Queen listened without expressing her opinion, her complexion slightly relaxing, and without saying much, she departed from the Chapter of Imbalance.

Frankenstein finally breathed a sigh of relief.

MD, they want to reduce funding and also make Lydia the Minister of Industry to suppress her?

That is absolutely not acceptable. Next, we must find a way to please His Majesty!

Having left the Chapter of Imbalance, the Eternal Night Queen reappeared in the orbit of the Life Instrument.

Similarly, the scene of the base coral being blown away was played for Lydia.

My dear Lydia, you still have a lot of unfinished tasks and cannot rest just yet!

Worry not, Your Majesty. I am filled with great determination and will certainly surpass that wretched machine intelligence!

Lydia emerged from the hibernation pod, her eyes filled with a fervent determination to completely subdue Frankenstein.

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