The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off

Chapter 201: Fortress Demolition, the Fall of the Black Shark!

Chapter 201: Fortress Demolition, the Fall of the Black Shark!

Yes, the frontal battlefield expedition has resulted in the deaths of over one hundred thousand soldiers in the siege battles. The magicians have exhausted their magical reserves numerous times, and the intense battles between the vast numbers of archers and wielders of magical equipment were all part of a feigned attack.

...all part of a feigned attack meant to create opportunities for the enigmatic Collins, the Master of Secrets.

Nicole never expected to rely on the soldiers at her disposal to directly breach the Black Shark Fortress.

The faithful place their utmost trust not in comrades but in their deity.

As the main force of the expeditionary army pressed forward, the blood-red flag of slaughter was hoisted, without hesitation in prematurely revealing the trump card of the Streptococcus bacterium. All of this was done to demonstrate their unwavering determination to launch the attack, in an attempt to capture the attention of Dael.

The destructive power of the Streptococcus bacterium is such that, in the absence of any magical defenses, it is capable of directly breaching the walls of the Black Shark Fortress.

Therefore, Dael and his Court Sorcerer Corps must constantly focus their attention and carefully guard against the incoming Streptococcus bacteria, ensuring sufficient mana reserves to prevent any sudden attack by the Naga.

This resulted in their spirits being highly tense.

And prolonged tension will undoubtly result in fatigue.

Even though the physical stamina and willpower of high-level professionals are several times greater than those of ordinary individuals, three days of non-stop battle finally pushed the taut nerves to a certain breaking point.

It doesn't take many people to be unable to hold on. With spellcasters at the Black Shark Fortress possessing anti-invisibility abilities, as long as one person makes a mistake, Collins can seize the opportunity and slip in through the loophole.

A magical being bestowed with the ability to carry out covert operations by divine intervention, carried fifty Streptococcus bacteria, entered the interior of the Black Shark Fortress.

The city was desolate, and aside from the wounded, even ordinary civilians climbed up the city walls to transport supplies to the garrison, doing whatever they could to contribute.

The battle was incredibly intense, with the Naga's attacks never ceasing. The continuous fighting had everyone on edge, with the pressure of the city's imminent destruction looming overhead. Almost everyone's attention was focused on the city walls.

That is what their lives depend upon.

At such a moment, who would pay attention to a stream of water gently meandering around crucial points of the fortress, sprinkling specks of starlight along its path.

The Streptococcus bacteria are miniaturized and placed into the stomach pouch that has spatial properties as described by Collins, and upon release, they immediately revert to their original size. They are strategically arranged for detonation at specific locations.

This is not an act of carelessness by the Doar Legion, nor is it Roger's deliberate concealment of information, but rather Nicole's sheer ruthlessness.

Her attitude of risking her life and everything, employing the tactics of a fanatical devotee, launching a feigned attack without hesitation, sparing no lives who could have anticipated such a turn of events?

Even the generals of the Naga and the priests under Nicole's command, not to mention her own brother, Sackray Qianxuan, were unaware of such an arrangement. They were all still racking their brains, contemplating how to take control of the Black Shark Fortress.

Besides Nicole and Collins, the other Naga only knew that this was in preparation for the holy war of the Lord.

Under the repeated blessings of the priests, they stepped onto the battlefield regardless of their own lives, wielding their weapons with full force against the enemy.

At the cost of more than a hundred thousand soldiers, an opportunity was created for the magical beings who excel in covert operations to thrive.

Roger, as intelligent as he may be, would not have anticipated Nicole placing the outcome solely on Collins' shoulders, without even considering the utilization of the King's Bacteria.

This is a judgment that ordinary generals would not make, as the battlefield is ever-changing and it is customary for everyone to prepare multiple contingency plans.

Only fanatics would place unwavering trust in him, believing that the power bestowed upon Collins was a divine gift from the sea god, and would be willing to invest heavily in him, leaving no room for retreat.

In the group chat, everyone's impression of Nicole is that of a caring girl who shows concern for the living conditions of the Naga children, shedding tears due to the poor nutrition of the small fish and crustaceans, embodying kindness.

Knowing that she is a fanatic, willing to do anything for her deity, yet their preconceived image of her has been deeply ingrained.

Even if one could merely guess, it would still be unstoppable.

Could Roger possibly remind Dahl that within the seven-day war, he must diligently observe every inch of land at Black Shark Fortress without missing a single detail?

That is impossible; it surpasses the limits of human capability.

Moreover, it is unknown whether it is confidence or if Nicole has some kind of mysterious premonition, but she didn't allow Collins to carry the tyrant bacteria.

Otherwise, it would be like Yao Mei riding on top of the Crown Prince of Lanling, afraid that others might not see his invisibility.

Therefore, it was only when Collins carefully placed down forty-nine embroidered hyacinth bulbs and eventually began moving towards the direction in which Dahl was positioned on the city wall that a mermaid sorceress finally detected this extraordinary current of water.

"Everyone, be cautious, there's an assassin!"

The unsettling cries quickly spread throughout Dahl's personal guard, and the warriors drew their weapons. The spellcasters cast the "Piercing Gaze" upon themselves, finally catching sight of that elusive and indistinct figure.

However, everything was already too late.

The radiance of my Lord embraces all!

A glimmer of starlight burst forth from within Collins, as he flew towards the direction where Dahl was positioned, almost instantaneously tearing himself apart and expanding into a blazing sun!

Apart from the conventional shockwaves, high temperatures, radiation, and other damages caused by the fission explosion, there was also the dispersal of that faint trace of divinity residing within Collins.

"Protect His Highness!" The guards rushed towards Dahl with their final determination, and the sorcerers risked their lives, pouring out their magic power without hesitation to erect a shield barrier.

The purifying light that could sweep across the land, rose from the inner side of the city walls, devastating nearly half of the walls from within and tearing apart the bodies of the people upon them, transforming them into fragments engulfed by the boiling and tumultuous water current.

And this is only the beginning.

Explosions could be heard throughout various parts of the Black Shark Fortress, coming from all directions, as if a catastrophic disaster was unfolding.

Over forty explosions, directly destroying the fortress's structure, turned it into a castle made of sand encountering a colossal wave, with fragmented bricks and stones collapsing and collapsing. At its core, it even melted into slag.

The despairing cries, countless in number, abruptly ceased, and a red viscous fluid seeped out from between the stones.

The total destructive power of those fifty cluster bombs is definitely insufficient to cover the entirety of the Black Shark Fortress.

However, Collins roamed within the city, setting traps with nuclear warheads in critical locations ranging from the fortress foundations to seabed structures.

Just as in a controlled demolition, the explosive power was maximized within enclosed and semi-enclosed spaces, triggering a chain reaction that resulted in the catastrophic collapse, annihilating the entire fortress.

The resulting consequence is even more dreadful than a bomb ten times as powerful striking the city walls.

Not a bombing, but rather internal excavation!

Of course, in such a powerful explosion, Collins didn't have time to retreat, so he directly launched a self-destructive attack, charging towards the current location of Prince Daol, the commanding officer of the seas.

The soldiers on the city walls made desperate attempts to move outward, be they mermaids or nagas. In the face of such a devastating force, only the instinct to escape remained.

However, they were too close and had no chance of escaping the shockwave that pursued them from behind.

The gentle sea, on ordinary days, transformed into the most furious and aimless projectiles and blades under the unleashed energy of atomic self-rupture.

Even though it is just a very rare occurrence of heavy element fission, the released energy is terrifying for carbon-based life forms.

The Naga expeditionary force outside the city was also left dumbfounded.

The wounded soldiers, their bodies wrapped in bandages, couldn't help but sit up, disregarding the risk of reopening their wounds. They stared in disbelief, their eyes wide open, as they murmured and called out the name of the sea god.

They launched continuous attacks for two months, and now this fortress that took three days of fierce fighting has suddenly collapsed?

The soldiers of the maritime nation and the Naga, together, were unable to escape, merging into one indistinguishable mass of flesh and gore.

The continuously rising mushroom-shaped water column resembled closely the newly acquired explosive weapon they called the cluster fungus.

The commanding officers of the expeditionary force also wore bewildered expressions, their minds rendered blank by the sudden and dramatic upheaval before them. It took a considerable amount of time for them to gradually regain their capacity for rational thought.

A single nuclear explosion is not terrifying, but the scene of a single person destroying a city by instantly tearing apart permanent fortifications through this invasive method truly shook them.

They wondered if the enemy had prepared a self-destructive means, planning to wait for us to enter the city and then send us to the heavens. However, the unintended operation led to them sending themselves to the heavens instead?

Wait a moment, this isn't right!

The ones they were using appeared to be those super weapons we purchased through loans...

"Your Grace, could it be that this is... your arrangement?" Kamilah LanShanhu looked towards Nichole, whose expression remained consistently indifferent and aloof.

Nichole shook her head, her expression gradually becoming fervent, as she raised her arms and exclaimed, "No, this is a miracle."

Kamilah: ???

Well, this is what you've done.

The military commanders instantly understood, and then erupted in furious anger.

This damn charlatan acted with such heartless cruelty, completely disregarding the remaining Naga soldiers and making no effort to negotiate with them, proceeding directly to using a nuclear explosion.

They took turns charging into battle, and in this round, the commanding general who led the fight has been laid to rest at Black Shark Fortress.

If, at that moment, it were me leading the charge... wouldn't I be...

Do not dwell on it, I too am unaware of when the explosion would have occurred. This is the work of the divine, how could I possibly consult with it? I deeply regret the casualties on our side, but this sacrifice is necessary.

Nicole's calm voice responded to the questions raised by the generals present.

No one knew the truth, so nobody argued with her.

What is the use of arguing?

As long as there is victory, the Sea God Cult will be the greatest hero, highlighting the incompetence of the military. Upon returning, Queen Naga will surely praise Nicole.

Nicole gazed upon the desolate ruins of the Black Shark Fortress, which had fallen into complete silence. She turned around, facing the entire expeditionary force, and with fervor, called out:

Soldiers, this is the victory bestowed upon us by our Lord. The enemy's fortress lies in ruins, their commander has fallen in battle. In this moment, let us praise the Sea God, let us praise the ascetic Knight Collins Summer's Eve!

Praise be to the Sea God, praise be to Collins Summer's Eve!

The clamor resounded outward from the center of the Nagas' expeditionary forces.

The Nagas, initially filled with awe and disbelief, heard of the enemy fortress's fall as a divine miracle, and suddenly nodded in realization...

Indeed, it is only fitting and truly a feat that only gods can accomplish!

Of course, this is merely the perspective of ordinary people. Those military commanders, on the other hand, are certainly familiar with the name Collins Summer's Eve and are more knowledgeable about Nicole's actions.

This surely is Nicole's arrangement, she enticed Lord Collins into an irreversible journey to infiltrate the Black Shark Fortress and carry out sabotage!

The cold-blooded saint, a terrifying religious leader!

As fellow believers, from that moment on, there was an involuntary sense of terror towards some of Nicole's actions.

Collins Summer's Eve, the younger brother of Marshal Cromwell, actually had greater fame than Cromwell himself ten years ago.

Because he is the mortal spokesperson of the Sea God, he is the sole Holy Son of the Naga's Sea God Church since its establishment.

He is also Nicole's mentor, nurturing and supporting her step by step to ascend to the position of the Holy Maiden, becoming the new leader of the Sea God Church.

Afterwards, Collins became a penitent monk, leading a life of seclusion.

To everyone's astonishment, after Cromwell's death, the former Holy Son unexpectedly emerged from seclusion and, in an unimaginable manner, directly demolished the enemy's fortress!

What role did Holy Maiden Nicole actually play in all of this?

Does she possess a heart that is completely devoid of light beneath her kind, beautiful, and virtuous appearance, to the extent that she can even personally lead her own teacher to the path of death?

As long as doing so is beneficial to the deity she serves, she is willing to carry it out!

Nicole's voice resounded once again throughout the entire army:

Expeditionary warriors, let us charge through the Black Shark Fortress, proceed to the landing point, and embrace a new era belonging to Nagas! Along the way, every life you encounter, whether military or civilian, is an enemy; all possessions belong to the first one who lays eyes on them. From this moment until the sun rises once more, it is a festive moment reserved for the brave!

Praise the Sea God!

The Naga soldiers surged with excitement.

War has always been cruel, and even soldiers on the winning side incessantly bear immense pressure, which gradually accumulates and leads to the distortion of their souls.

Under prolonged warfare, the release through means of violence, plunder, and even sexuality is a yearning residing deep within the souls of many sentient beings.

Especially in the era of melee weapons, soldiers were driven by glory and wealth, particularly aiming to awaken the primal instincts deep within their hearts. The act of pillaging a city held an allure beyond the comprehension of ordinary individuals.

The Naga soldiers, in the past, were suppressed by military discipline and faith. However, now that the High Priestess has personally commanded the sacking and looting of cities, an unimaginable fervor has immediately erupted!

Praise be to the Sea God! Praise be to the High Priestess!

The Naga formation charged forward in a chaotic manner, causing the fall of the Black Shark Fortress. However, the eruption didn't engulf the entire city, so undoubtedly, there are survivors and valuable resources worth plundering.

Here, an imperial prince could be stationed!

Moreover, after storming through the Black Shark Fortress, all along the coastline that stretches to the mainland, numerous coastal villages and towns of the maritime kingdom now lay open before them.

Nicole witnessed many soldiers with faces twisted in both excitement and ferocity, a hint of unwillingness flickering in her eyes as she gently closed them.

However, when she opened her eyes again, she had regained her composure.

For the glory of the Lord, all sacrifices are worthwhile.



The blockade line of the Nagas, led by Commander Nicole, is currently engaged in a battle with the forces under the command of Shac.

At this vantage point, they could visibly witness the water column rising from the Black Shark Fortress, causing both warring factions to instinctively cease their actions, gazing at the distant spectacle in a state of perplexed astonishment.

This is a situation that surpasses the expectations of both commanding officers, as neither of them had received prior notification, leaving them astounded by such commotion.

The ground continuously trembled, and on the magic sand table, a chaotic and unpredictable expanse emerged, large enough to directly encompass the entire Black Shark Fortress.

"It's over, the Black Shark Fortress has fallen, the maritime nation is doomed, utterly doomed..."

Inside the Whale Prince's carriage, Shac crouched on the ground, weakly holding his head, unwilling to accept this reality.

Any attempts to establish contact with Dorl have received no response, indicating a bleak and uncertain outcome.

The reconnaissance guards, operating covertly on the sea surface, reported that the Black Shark Fortress had collapsed into ruins due to an undisclosed attack.

In the previous moment, Shac was eagerly anticipating collaborating with his fourth brother to make dumplings for Na'ga.

In a blink of an eye, they received the news that Dorl's forces may have been completely wiped out and that the maritime nation had suffered a defeat on the frontline.

Do not howl! This war is far from over!

The little demon gave Shac a stern look and reproachfully said, "The soldiers outside haven't given up yet. As the crown prince, what right do you have to surrender?"

After the shocking turn of events, the soldiers of the maritime nation's immediate response was to launch a fiercer offensive, seeking to break through Nicole's blockade and investigate the frontlines for themselves.

"Even if Dorl won , I... I cannot carry on." Shac, clutching the area where he had been kicked, curled up into a ball.

Roger emerged from the carriage and gazed towards the direction of the Black Shark Fortress.

He realized that he wasn't surprised by this situation, and there was even a sense of relief in finally seeing the other party make a move.

Unknown is the greatest fear, and Nicole was waiting for something. He had been worried, and now this worry has finally turned into reality.

Arrange the personnel, I need to go over there and take a look. Dorl couldn't have died so easily.

Roger addressed the unsettled little Joey who followed after him with an uneasy expression on his face.

At this stage, he had already roughly guessed Nicole's intentions, and now it was his turn to take the lead.

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