The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off

Chapter 206

Chapter 206

With a darkness guardian, the sixty-thousand strong army formed a formation outside the range of the biofish that swarmed in the back, covering the sky like an eclipse.

The newly planted and fast-producing base corals didn't form hatching sacs, but instead plundered the organic material in this area, feeding the biofish that were brought from afar.

The biggest problem with these genetically modified creatures, the base corals, which possess the attribute of swarm, is their excessive metabolism. Without being in a dormant state, they consume one-tenth of the required organic material for production in just a few days.

Otherwise, why would the produced biofish go into hibernation and be produced as close to the front line as possible?

It's all to reduce consumption.

It's like the combat radius of a fighter jet. Although it has strong speed and firepower, its fuel tank limits its endless endurance. It needs the help of an aircraft carrier to increase its combat radius.

After all, reality is not a game. Once the bugs are created, they become like perpetual motion machines, devouring one target after another like a tidal wave.

They need to eat!

The real battle of the insect group is like a locust disaster, where nothing can grow. By increasing the population, they also gain a lot of energy. It is these insects that consume what they need to survive.

That's why the insect group spreads a fungal blanket. The fungal blanket can produce battle snacks that the bugs love, providing them with constant replenishment. This helps them maintain their metabolism at the highest level, making their fighting ability higher than in their natural environment, and they don't have to worry about energy supply.

The coral base that the maritime nation has now is not fully equipped yet. It is only the beginning, and the diversity of troops urgently needs to learn from this real battle in order to have a broader adaptability.

Now, the biochemical fish group led by Shake has swum all the way from the second defense line to here, and their weight has decreased by 30%.

This state of hunger not only reduces their fighting ability, but also significantly decreases the power of their self-destruction.

Assuming the energy release method remains the same, the power and quality are positively correlated.

After receiving feedback from Roger regarding this series of problems, Lydia urgently used the genes of the maritime nation's giant whale to modify a vehicle that is suitable for the biochemical fish group.

This idea is equivalent to a biochemical version of an aircraft carrier, which can greatly enhance the combat radius and maneuverability of the biochemical fish group. It can be directly deployed into battle when transported to the front lines.

However, even if the genetically modified creatures evolve quickly, they still need time. They definitely won't make it in time for this battle.

As for whether Leviathan, the Eternal night world, will appear in the future, it depends on whether the empire can find relevant creatures for Lydia to experiment with, as well as her luck in drawing cards for mutations every day.

Even though the biofish swarm cannot be deployed for battle yet, it still brings a real sense of oppression to the Naga expeditionary force.

The final strength of the expeditionary force was ruined by an inexplicable explosion caused by a King Bacterium.

At this moment in the Dark Tree camp, including General Nicole's personal guards and several formations that gathered before nightfall, the total strength is less than five thousand.

The good news is that there is a high proportion of strong individuals, legends and nearly legends in the profession, who are used to life and death and won't release pressure due to a few battles. So, the fighting power of these five thousand expeditionary forces still exists.

However, facing an enemy force ten times larger, even with the defense of the Dark Tree, it is impossible to hold on until the Naga Empire sends out a second wave of troops.

The Naga Empire has staked its national destiny on this attack. Seizing the landing point can solidify the determination of the Naga Empress, mobilize more soldiers, and pledge more of themselves to sustain the state of war...

But all of this takes time.

Originally, Nicole hoped that she could rely on the destructive power and deterrence of the King Bacterium to hold out in the rear and replenish the military forces.

But because she didn't understand the reason, the sudden explosion made her plan come to nothing.

Just wanted to ask for a reason, but was kicked out of the group. She was upset, unable to accept it, and filled with anger.

If it weren't for the blockade set up by the Sea Kingdom, blocking the teleportation, she would even want to go to the desert to ask Tasika what it meant!

Right now, she didn't know how to explain to those military leaders.

In fact, Nicole also knew that this attitude indicated that Master Copperbeard definitely knew something. The sudden explosion of the King Mushroom in the Naga stronghold was definitely not an accident, but...

A conspiracy?

Unfortunately, now is not the time to ponder this question.

Nicole stood on top of the automatically generated lookout tower in the treetop of the Dark Tree, looking at the high morale of the Sea Kingdom's army, suddenly not knowing what she should be thinking about.

This was a deadlock she couldn't solve. Other than praying for a miracle from the gods, she couldn't think of any other way to resolve it...

And on the other side.

Among the naval coalition forces, Prince Shaq, with his shining armor, held a blood-stained battle sword. He looked at the towering dark tree, which was over a hundred meters tall and had a crown radius of three kilometers, without any fear.

This underwater giant tree was a miraculous creation of the creator, a natural fortress.

The dark guardians that appeared around it, along with the magic power of the dark tree itself, could form a considerably strong offensive and defensive system.

If there were enough soldiers to support it, the defense of the dark tree camp would definitely not be inferior to the black shark fortress built by the naval force. It could withstand a large army ten times its own size for several months without collapsing.

Unfortunately, the biggest problem for the Naga expeditionary force now was that they didn't have enough soldiers to support them.

With high morale and a strong desire to unleash their anger upon the Naga's 60,000 troops, the gradually returning bio-fish group, and more and more powerful navy warriors gathering here, victory was only a matter of time.

It might only take one or two waves of attacks for the landing point that the Naga had worked so hard to capture to fall back into the hands of the naval forces.

Because the enemy was outnumbered, they didn't dare to use the remaining King Fungus and didn't even dare to bring it near the dark tree camp.

Afraid that there would be another explosion, they didn't want the camp to be destroyed, so they were very worried.

But despite winning easily, Shaka didn't feel happy at all.

He remembered the Black Shark fortress being bombed to the ground, his fourth brother being swallowed by the coral at the base, and all the people of the ocean country who had been bullied and mistreated along the way.

While they were attacking and surrounding the city, there was a mermaid girl, who was messy and dirty, pulling on Shaka's pants, crying and asking him to kill her.

Her family had all died, she had suffered a lot of humiliation, her fish tail had been cruelly cut off, and there was no desire to survive left in her eyes.

Her wounds could be treated, her disability could also be treated, but she probably didn't have the money to pay for the medical expenses. Will all this pain one day be forgotten as time goes by?

Maybe not, even if she survives, she will forever be tormented by the nightmare-like present. What joy is there in life anymore?

Shaka didn't know what thoughts were running through his head in that moment, but faced with such innocent yet lifeless eyes, he couldn't refuse or console her, he could only respect her wish.

As she wished, he thrust his sword down, receiving a very light "thank you" in return.

Perhaps they were all cowardly running away, and all Shaq could do was to kill all the Naga who invaded this village.

But as he looked at the village that no longer showed any signs of life, he only felt waves of powerlessness.

When Shaq met up with Roger, he asked him, "What meaning does everything we've done have?"

"Revenge? But too many things have already happened, the dead cannot be brought back to life, and the living are in unbearable pain."

"No, it's about becoming stronger, so that today's events won't happen again."

Roger gave him a definite answer.

As they raced all the way to the Dark Tree, Shaq kept pondering the difference between "revenge" and "becoming stronger", and finally had a faint realization.

Revenge is killing the person who hurt him, it's a targeted and equivalent action.

Becoming stronger, on the other hand, is keeping anyone who might harm him outside the country's borders.

It is brave to have no goals and declare war on the whole world!

He suddenly understood what the Green Vines Empire was doing.

Even if it means being enemies with the world and the gods, they want to establish an ideal country with a strong backbone, protecting the people who live and work within its borders.

If following such a country means becoming a subordinate, it wouldn't be bad, right?

Shak instinctively tightened his grip on the sword in his hand.

He still felt fear towards battles, and the color of blood made him feel horrified.

But from today onwards, he won't retreat because of this fear.

When he shouted "Charge with me!" inspiring the morale of the naval army, and broke through the blockade that Nicholas had worked so hard to maintain, he suddenly understood the responsibility and honor of being the prince of the naval kingdom.

He doesn't need exceptional talent or to be the best in every aspect. He just needs the courage to take responsibility and fight alongside these people who desire a normal life.

In that battle, he cut off Nick's head with his own hands. The liquid that was hotter and stickier than seawater splashed all over Shaq's face, but he no longer felt scared.

He could even grab the hair of the person's head and lift it up high, leading his subordinates all the way to the Black Shark Fortress.

Now, his mount still carried the head that represented his first military achievement.

He patted the seahorse and broke through the army formation, entering the range of the Dark Guardian.

But no arrows were shot at him. The naga knew that Shaq must have some sort of life-saving equipment on him. Long-range attacks from this distance wouldn't work at all.

The eyes of both sides in the battle were focused on him. In the past, this kind of pressure might have made Shaq nervous, even trembling and vomiting, but at this moment, he just pressed his lips together and raised the head in his hand.

"Where is Karmi Coral? Come and see your son. See how scared he was before? He was calling for daddy to save him!"

A waterspout came towards Shaq, but was easily blocked by the guards behind him.

Vice-Marshal Karmi of the Naga Expeditionary Force stood on the wall of the camp, his face fierce as he shouted, "Don't insult my son! You have already defeated him!"

"I didn't insult, I just stated the facts. It's okay if you don't believe it, soon you can return to the kingdom of God and ask Nicky, the little child, about his final moments... Did he call for help from his mother or his father?"

Shake whistled playfully, and the soldiers from the sea country behind him couldn't help but laugh.

It's so funny, adults don't usually ask their parents for help, only children would do that.

It's surprising that the general of the Naga, would also be such a cowardly person.*

Kamil's eyes burned with anger on the city wall. If it wasn't for his colleague holding him back, he would have charged out and fought Shake with all his might.

But he wasn't the kind of individual with unparalleled personal combat skills, he was a commander known for his exceptional management and coordination abilities. Even if it's a one-on-one fight, he might not necessarily defeat Shake.

At this moment, the morale of the sea country rose, and the Naga's military confidence wavered. If the deputy marshal goes into battle and loses again, it's likely there won't be a need to continue the war.

Shake suddenly stopped smiling, straightened his body, and looked towards the direction of the Naga, "Mermaids want to live, Nagas also want to live. We, ordinary individuals, don't really have much difference. We all carry simple desires, just wanting to keep on living. And the ocean is incredibly vast, so why do our two countries need to go to war?"

"Because you are heretics," Nicole answered Shake's question.

"Oh, heretic! Because they worship different gods, they are called heretics. And because they are heretics, they fight and kill each other... Don't you think it's absurd and troublesome?" Shak looked at Nicole and suddenly raised his voice, questioning, "Why don't you just not believe in gods?"

Nicole was confused for a moment, unable to understand how there could be people in the world who didn't believe in gods. Instinctively, she responded with religious doctrine, "God gives us light, God bestows us grace, and we must praise the name of God, humbling our sinful heads..."

"Nonsense, all of it! The sun gives us light, our parents bestow us grace, what does God have to do with anything?"

"You are speaking blasphemy..."

"I said it, so what? What can you do to me? You and your god, both should go die! Only mortals are enough to be alive!"

Shak roared with a hoarse voice, "In my eyes, god only brings conflict to us, brings death to us, loots our beliefs and wealth, contaminates the land where we make a living... There shouldn't be gods in this world!"

"You damned heretic, shut up!" Nicole couldn't control her anger anymore, and countless holy lights surrounded her as she raised her hand, accompanied by spikes from the fortress of the Dark Guardian, raining down on Shak.

However, the powerful people of the coastal nation wouldn't let them attack their commander like this, and promptly sent a magic shield to protect him.

Shak trusted his subordinates, so he didn't retreat. Looking down on Nicole with extreme disdain, he said, "The gods are still too distant, so let's start with these zealots..."

He pulled out a fresh, blood-stained blade from his waist and yelled, "Charge the enemy and send them back to their homeland!"

"Go back to your homeland!"

The warriors of the sea clan were filled with excitement. Soldiers equipped their weapons, while mages chanted spells. Explosive schools of fish rushed towards the lush, dark tree.

This was the final battle, where no tactics were needed. It was about overwhelming the enemy with absolute advantage!

Everyone had witnessed the dangers of gods and their followers through the corpses they encountered along the way. Shaque's speech resonated with their emotions.

It was a battle without any suspense, and Nicole's prayers for a divine miracle remained unanswered.

The colossal dark tree toppled, and the Naga's camp was overrun. Countless leaders chose suicide.

Before Nicole could take her own life, she was found by the Night Guards who severed her connection with the Sea God. This prevented her from using even the simplest divine magic.

Nicole's expression was filled with confusion. Although she was angry at Shaque's words, her anger stemmed from truly listening and contemplating.

If there weren't prophecies, Nagas wouldn't have killed so many people, right?

In front of her appeared a young man wearing the uniform of the imperial army.

"Roger Charles?"

"You can also call me Joestar!"


Nicole suddenly widened her eyes, her heart skipped a beat in astonishment.

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