The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off

Chapter 69: Rhythm Master Little Roger

Chapter 69: Rhythm Master Little Roger

Chapter 69 Rhythm Master Little Roger

The Queen of Eternal Night is a good student who respects teachers and respects Taoism, and she is also a tough girl who is always upright.

So even though it is different from Hall's point of view, she will not refuse to communicate but will try to refute the other party head-on.

So this time Bo Hall failed to open the door, and the one who interfered was the "Good boy" he considered, Roger.

He taught him that 0-3 can be as brave as 3-0, the world's most catchable Queen of Eternal Night.

a few days ago

The Queen of Eternal Night discussed with Roger that her teacher, Hall, the dean of the Royal Academy of Magic, would oppose the "New Arcane", and how to deal with it at that time.

She hopes to use Roger's trick to give herself a theory that can convince Hall and avoid being ganked by the teacher.

But Roger opened her up to the path she never imagined:

"Dean Hall is the most traditional and stubborn aristocrat. The possibility of him supporting the industrialization of magic is lower than that of me becoming a legendary mage tomorrow. Then why waste words, emotions, and time on unnecessary arguments?"

You can't be right, let's change lanes, girl!

Roger's attitude is quite sincere.

After all, there was also a keystroke, pressing down on the gangster boyhood of eight hundred sand sculpture netizens with their eyebrows lowered.

After carrying it a lot, Roger realized that reasoning could never convince the other party.

Only one party can shut up the other party with absolutely powerful conclusions and achievements.

But even if you do this step, you usually won't get the recognition of "You are right".

The other party will disappear, stop playing with you, and look for new topics to show superiority.

So over time, Roger felt that the efficiency of language arguments was quite low.

Especially when you become a video maker, you either have to show your face with hard evidence, pass the test with cuteness, or turn a blind eye, or you will never face-to-face.

People who support you don't need reasons, and those who oppose you can always find 10,000 reasons.

Seeing that the Queen of Eternal Night was still hesitating, Roger added, "You don't have to worry that Dean Hall will be angry, "New Arcane" will give him a chance to vent his dissatisfaction with you, and it is also a means for us to attract the attention of the world ."

"Are you going to use my teacher as a gun?" The Queen of Eternal Night showed displeasure.

"Anyway, Dean Hall is always going to scold him. Whether he scolds him in person or a magazine, the choice is yours."

The Queen of Eternal Night couldn't help sighing.

Thinking of Mr. Hall's stubbornness, she also had a headache.

If you follow what Roger said, you can avoid being scolded, you can increase the sales of "New Arcane", and you can increase the magician's understanding of the industrialization of magic...

Three birds with one stone!

We are not afraid of scolding, we are for this empire!

Yes, it is like that!

In the game, there was a scene where the door won't open, and Roger asked Hall for the door schematic/plan

Hall is the teacher of the Queen of Eternal Night. He is powerful and stubborn.

In the Great Patriotic War in which the little princess fought back with blood, she worked hard and made a lot of contributions.

In the empire, he is one of the few older generations who is qualified to openly confront the Queen of Eternal Night.

Roger was very relieved, with Hall taking the lead in rushing to the tower and holding back the hatred, there must be a traditional magician who shared his views behind him.

Magicians are all smart people, but in many cases, the smarter they are, the easier it is to go into paranoia.

What's more, "Master" is still a creature that is held by people every day, how can it be possible to do the production jobs they think are inferior talents?

The real failure is not being sprayed out, but your masterpiece is sent out, no one cares, and it sinks into the sea.

Otherwise, why would there be a saying in the future that black and red are also red?

If you want to have sales, you must first have traffic.

To avoid the situation of being too deserted, Roger must of course take the initiative to be a rhythm master.

Send out the news that Hall is going to publish a statement to refute the Queen, and naturally, there will be a large number of people who have ideas such as "The law is not responsible for the public" and "The sky is falling to the ground".

And "New Arcane" continues to claim the position of objective neutrality.

Articles of the Arcane Sect that support the industrialization of magic should be published, and articles of the Chonggu Sect that oppose it should also be included.

It is even necessary to balance the combat power of the two sides so that this debate can spread as long as possible, carry out in-depth, and affect more people.

And a steady rhythm expert will naturally not only sell one flaw.

Therefore, in the first issue of "New Arcane", it is not only a point that is easily controversial, such as the industrialization of magic.

What Roger has prepared for them is a pilot package!

"A Humble Opinion on the Improvement of Spells".

A detailed comparison of the casting speed, effect, and stability of more than 100 spells of Green Vines characters.

In the end, it was proved that in most cases, the effect of ivy writing is equivalent, but the learning cost is lower.

When this article was read internally, it aroused the physical dissatisfaction of a large number of magicians.

Most magicians believe that the pronunciation and rhythm of ancient Eliezwen are more beautiful, and can also establish a powerful and mysterious image of magicians.

When translated into Green Vines League, any peasant can understand the magician's incantation, and many magicians express that it is unacceptable and has no force.

This is a phenomenon similar to "Mother tongue shyness", which is bound to become a great hindrance to the improvement of spells.

"Public Discussion Paper on Standardization of the Casting Process", jointly published by the Secret Law Society and the Imperial Academy of Magic.

The spells of their major schools are classified, and a series of standard spellcasting actions have been formulated based on the practical experience of thousands of mages.

Although the speed is slightly slow and cumbersome, it can guarantee the highest success rate, and it is recommended to promote it nationwide.

But most traditional mages in this era believe that magic is a private matter.

Is the standard spellcasting thing to turn the noble master into a craftsman and stifle the magician's creativity?

Naturally, there are countless spray points.

"The Inadequacy of the Current Magician's Classification System", by the pseudonym "Kaz" by the Queen of Eternal Night, analyzes the masterpiece that the current "Nine-level" system of magicians is too rough.

She thinks that in the ninth-level system, the assessment of strength under the magic guide is very vague, and the judgment of the combat power of the magician above the magic guide is quite vague.

Therefore, "Kaz" hopes to quantify a series of more detailed indicators such as magic power, mental power, range, magic control accuracy, etc., to facilitate a horizontal comparison of a magician's combat power.

And with the comparison, can also guide the magician to practice, and it is easier for young people to find their shortcomings.

This article can be regarded as a direct cut on the sensitive belt of traditional magicians.

Ever since the ancient Elezes created the Lower Ninth Standard, they have never dared to revise this "Perfect system".

This Kaz is a lunatic, and it is strongly recommended that the queen kill him directly!

"Comparison of the ultimate output of battle mage and turret mage" "Ultimate fire mage and fireball are invincible" "Detailed description of the pros and cons of morning meditation and night meditation" "A guide for choosing whether a magic pet is a combat or auxiliary type"...

The articles on "New Arcane", each of which are dry goods, are the works of famous masters, and even the insights that gather the wisdom of a group of bigwigs.

Human beings are a creature that can quarrel over the smallest thing and debate to show their superiority

What's more, the sorcerers who have always been proud?

I am Luo, a little expert with rhythm, who can become a gold medal undercover boxer who can break into the enemy's interior and blow them up. Don't be too good at finding controversial topics.

The magicians haven't "Deeply communicated" for a long time, or they have never thought about some things that they took for granted in the past.

Suddenly, many things from "New Arcane" were brought to the table, and many people were surprised that so many people were different from themselves, and they couldn't help but have the desire to express themselves and participate in discussions.

As an up-and-coming owner of a well-received meal, although Roger mainly relies on making game plots to dig in-depth videos, to maintain his daily popularity, there are also techniques to arouse the enthusiasm of the audience.

After all, it only takes a simple vote to get twice the usual amount of barrage, so why not do it?

The sales of "New Arcane" began to skyrocket afternoon.

Because of the lunch break, many magicians eat together, and there will inevitably be some exchanges.

Those who bought "New Arcane" couldn't help but complain to their friends whether they supported or opposed it. Some of the above articles were "Quite outrageous".

There are always people who are intrigued or tempered and feel that they have to buy a copy of this "New Arcane" to spray.

The magicians just thought five gold coins were worthless, but they didn't afford them.

Originally, I wanted word of mouth to fly for a while, but the articles in this magazine were so irritating that many people who lived in Bengbu, bought the magazine, and joined the discussion.

The spread of the discussion has affected more magicians.

In addition, the things on "New Arcane" are all real stuff, who knows who uses it, and there are many people who quietly benefit from it.

This led to a new round of growth in sales.

By eight o'clock in the evening, "New Arcane" had sold more than 10,000 copies.

This popularity rate has been able to be spread and discussed privately, ensuring that most of the magicians in Odu have a certain understanding of the content of "New Arcane".

Some people say that it is a god, and everyone should explore more possibilities of magic under the leadership of the queen.

Someone said that the magazine was full of absurdity, there must be a villain who blinded the queen's eyes!

And outside the mysterious capital, magicians in other cities in the empire heard the name of "New Arcane" and wanted Kangkang too!

Ordering is naturally highly supported.

However, because the teleportation magic circle has not yet been covered, other cities cannot enjoy the convenience and magic of a "Spell subscription".

The spell "Make magic great again" is also part of the sense of opening the box.

At present, the demand can only be counted by the magician associations in various places and reported to the "New Arcane" magazine.

Then, through the military's emergency material transmission channel, the "New Arcane" will be shipped in batches.

Roger has suggested that the Queen of Eternal Night should set up positions in the major cities of the empire.

Not only for the convenience and timeliness of "New Arcane", but for all the magicians to shout the slogan "Make Magic Great Again".

The so-called three people become tigers, and everyone speaks loudly. If you tell a lie, it will become the truth. Everyone shouts slogans together every day.

The Queen of Eternal Night naturally supports it.

The church is an old method of brainwashing. Why can't the empire use it if they can use it?

Roger also told the Eternal Night Queen that this teleportation formation system will continue to strengthen and develop and reduce costs.

"It doesn't matter if it's a loss or not. As long as other countries don't have it, we have built it here, and the scale is so large that they can't easily copy it, then we can build it!"

The Queen of Eternal Night heroically supports her.

She had no idea that the teleportation array logistics system she was laying would leverage a cross-era product similar to e-commerce, and would add the new feature of "Infrastructure madman" to the empire.

At this moment, she is only pleased with the wonders of the empire +1.

Roger doesn't want to explain, anyway, if you support me, it's over.

The emperor who is so overjoyed is so foolish!

The next day, twenty-four hours after the release of "New Arcane".

The sales volume of Mystery City is saturated, mainly due to the demand orders from various places, which helped the total subscription of "New Arcane" to break through 30,000 copies in one fell swoop!

Considering that the price of five gold coins is not cheap, there will definitely be a phenomenon of circulating and reading together, so it is conservatively estimated that these 30,000 copies can cover 60,000 people, right?

This base is enough to form the first wave of discussion.

Regardless of whether everyone supports or opposes the industrialization of magic, at least it won't go unnoticed and then quietly abort.

"Roger, you did a great job, can the second issue be released in advance?" The Queen of Eternal Night was very happy.

Two happy events today.

The first is that after the initial results, the sales of "New Arcane" became more and more fierce, reaching a number that he was satisfied with.

The second is that Rommel has found the main force of an orc tribe. It is expected that the encirclement will be completed in the afternoon, and she can go to the front line to open the unparalleled.

Wenzhi and martial arts, I want all of them!

"Your Majesty, the second issue of "New Arcane" is best to be released in a month. You can't just look at the current situation and try to catch up. Cultivating the reading habits of magicians has the highest long-term benefits. This is also our promise to our readers." Roger replied with a smile.

[Your Majesty, you are on a narrow path. Even if I have enough manuscripts now, I can't accompany you to get windy!

[Originally, if you want me to change it to once a month, wouldn't the workload quadruple?

[Now that "New Arcane" has no competitors, will I roll myself? Oh, the young master can't do such a loss-making business!

The Queen of Eternal Night compared Roger's answer with her inner voice, and she immediately understood the whole situation.

I can see at a glance that you brat is dishonest!

It is indeed important to cultivate reading habits, but as long as it is released at the agreed time, it is not a breach of commitment, right?

The monthly update and the daily update are both updates!

So the core reason for making a monthly magazine is that you want to be lazy and don't give me full power to work!

You have strength, but you don't need it, right?

She seemed to see that Roger was a man, but he had the soul of a dove in his body, and his mouth kept making a "Coo" sound.

Will the old lady make you wish? snort!

The Queen of Eternal Night made a thoughtful look and praised, "Roger has indeed considered more comprehensively, and the cultivation of reading habits benefits a lot. That's how the "Long Live the Queen" is so successful... It's not as good as " New Arcane also makes a daily newspaper, right?"

Roger almost vomited blood when he heard it, feeling like he shot himself in the foot.

[Shit! I almost forgot, His Majesty has done "Long Live the Queen", so naturally he understands the long tail effect very well!

[If you want to be ruthless or you are ruthless, I thought Zhou Geng was the limit, but you asked me to update it another day, this minister really can't do it!

Roger hurriedly refused, "Your Majesty, the "Long Live the Queen" is a time-sensitive news newspaper, and our "New Arcane" is still academic, and the articles above must guarantee the weight. One book a month is the limit of a magician. Now, there really cant be more! Even if our magazine can work overtime, you cant let the Secret Law Society and all the imperial magic schools work overtime every day to do experiments to catch up with manuscripts, right?

The Queen of Eternal Night looked at Roger playfully, "Oh, the magazine can still work overtime, right? Indeed, "New Arcane" should not be increased in volume. If you want to go the high-quality line, then you can run a tabloid such as "Arcana Talk". , publish everyone's comments, don't be so serious, make it a daily or weekly, what do you think?"

Asking prices all over the sky, and repaying the money on the ground.

Do you think the old lady doesn't understand psychology?

With only bad and worse options in front of him, what can he do? He is also very desperate!

"This, this weekly magazine may be feasible..."

Roger responded aggrievedly.

[Just now I thought that this queen is so foolish, why is she better than a monkey all of a sudden, it's like opening a mind-reading technique, all my careful thoughts were preempted by her?

When Roger returned to the ice room, he saw little Joey who had finished overtime and returned to work here, so he hurriedly closed the door.

He asked nervously:

"Hurry up and find out for me, have I ever been invaded by mind-reading?"

Little Joey: ? ? ?

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