The Rebirth Of A White Robe Man: I'll Follow You This Time

Chapter 125: Such Pettiness... You Think I Can't Act The Same Way? So, The Strange Play Continue On.

Chapter 125: Such Pettiness... You Think I Can't Act The Same Way? So, The Strange Play Continue On.

"My dear~ You finally found me~ I have been waiting for you the entire time! You took so long and now a perverted and spoiled rotten brat has been captivated by my beauty~"

Said perverted and spoiled rotten brat has choked from the air after hearing those brazen and rude words coming out from the supposedly beautiful woman that is clinging so stickily to the smaller young man that has suddenly appeared.

Although those sweet and lovely voice speaking in a rather pampered sound seemingly asking to be protected while voicing her grievance on what happened to her is making the young man felt like there is a small kitten scratching his heart.

Especially when those eyes catching grey pupil light up charmingly that has easily taken his attention instantly despite having already two beautiful women by his side.

While he swiftly observes about the clothing quality on the beautiful woman body, especially on the suppose lover that causes numerous thoughts to emerge on his mind while a flash of slyness appears on his eyes.

"My dear~ Aren't you going to defend my innocent? At least confront them for my sake, alright my dear~?"

Practically hearing the pleasing purr from that last word, Shao Cheng continues to silently gaze on Ren Yuan that has already forgotten why he has left in the first place and was now acting so coquettishly with a touching and beautiful appearance of a woman trying to get a man attention and protection.

Especially when he can practically feel the way that Ren Yuan has also move his fake chest to sensually rub it on his arms.


Did you learn how to act from those women in the red light district? You sure know how to perfectly perform as a woman despite all the complaints and whining I heard before.

Anyway, you are being like this is because you wanted to make me feel uncomfortable and embarrassed right? Such pettiness Do you think I can't be petty too? I usually perform like that during my Advisor rank before you know?

To handle those corrupted and stubborn people, being small-minded and spiteful will let them act out in a careful manner in order to not get my attention. 

"Hmph! Even though you spoke about him being your lover, there is no way I'll believe that! Which lover leaves their woman all alone while drinking wine in a restaurant? How about you show me a piece of evidence? I'm sure that you are just friends and looking for a way out of this situation."

Shao Cheng turns his attention at the young man that has taken a rather well-made fan and pointing it to their direction with a self-righteous expression on his face although Shao Cheng notices the way that young man eyes have been greedily gazing upon Ren Yuan figure the whole time he was speaking.

This is the reason why Shao Cheng wanted to keep Ren Yuan's fake appearance to an average beauty level, but who would have thought that his narcissism attitude has acted out and refused to yield of having a beautiful appearance that catches people eyes?

"Perverted Brat! No matter what you say, in the end you only desire my beauty!"

Glancing around the people that have surrounded them in order to watch the lively drama, Shao Cheng can only inwardly sigh when he can see that Ren Yuan is having a good time at their strange circumstances.

And so, Shao Cheng with a cold and indifferent expression has suddenly taken the surprise, Ren Yuan, into his arms and letting him lean on his left arm while the other hand has raised over to gently glide his finger upon the shocked man cheek in a gentle manner.

"Babe quiet or I'll kiss you to shut you up..."

Let see how long you can play after all, Shao Cheng is not an inexperienced person regarding this certain matter.


Ren Yuan's mouth has swiftly opened while his grey pupil eyes widening up with utter disbelief at what he just heard especially on his current position since he was placed in a way so that he is looking up at the young man face that is deeply gazing down upon him.

And there is only one thought that runs on Ren Yuan's mind about his shocking situation and that is, what the hell? Why is it so different from what he imagines it to be?

Seeing as the man has become frozen and silent on his arms, Shao Cheng lip raises up a bit causing his average handsome appearance to suddenly become rather eye-catching that causes the other people that have been watching the entire situation to become dazzled upon it.

While Ren Yuan faces has become in deep crimson color despite the fake face that he is using, suddenly feeling awkward and bothered about what is happening while suddenly having the feeling of regret that he shouldn't have played around.

"Come Babe let show our proof of love with each other"

And without waiting for Ren Yuan to reply about his word that causes the charming grey pupil to become wider, Shao Cheng has suddenly lean over, causing their lips to become so dangerously close that when it is merely an inch apart of locking into each other.

A hand has speedily raised up and blocked the wonderful view from everyone's eyes, that long blue sleeves swaying gracefully have quickly caused everyone to feel utterly annoyed about unable to see such a pleasant scene.

Although the real truth is that Shao Cheng has only let his lip slightly ghostly touched the corner of Ren Yuan lip, especially when there is a barrier of the face mask that Ren Yuan is using so Shao Cheng doesn't really think nothing of what he is doing, his fake brown eyes remaining cold and indifferent without any waves of their intimate actions.

Completely unbothered of what he has done, after all, in the hidden cave during that snowstorm, Shao Cheng has already sacrificed his lip in order to keep feeding the unconscious Ren Yuan from his food, water, and medicine.

Although, Shao Cheng couldn't help but raise his eyebrow in question when he heard Ren Yuan have let out a rather strange gasp completely appearing like a breathless sound of a person being kiss passionately along with a sudden movement of gripping his robes.

Of course, to the other people's eyes, the beautiful woman in the arms of the young man is being deeply kissed passionately just pass those swaying long sleeves by the handsome young man that appeared cold outside but seemed to be fiercely passionate inside.

Xixi who has taken a random adorable young man that was blushing on her arm from her sudden action has almost lost her consciousness at the bold movement of her cousin while making sure to witness the whole event and ingrained it deeply on her mind in order to paint it later on.

She definitely needs to show it to Shao Yan later on in order for that man to wake up from the reality of her cousin's grown-up matters.

While Tian Ying has his eyes and mouth wide open up with utter disbelief, after all, for Ren Yuan to remain stilled and not even trying to kick or punch the young man away is already a miracle itself.

Nemesis! Truly Ren Yuan has finally met his nemesis! Damn, he will need to tell the others what happened today, it doesn't matter if he got beaten up by an embarrassed Ren Yuan after learning about it later on.

Since Tian Ying is completely determined to share it even at the cost of his life!

Finally leaning back while lowering down his raise hand that has blocked the view, Shao Cheng has gently and tenderly pulled the man closer to his chest in a rather possessive manner that causes everyone to sigh in envy while finally believing that the two of them are a true lover.

However, most of everyone still felt a pity inside because all of them recognized that young master identity, the person who likes to pick up the people that catches his eyes no matter what, completely brazen because of his closeness to the son of the official that govern the town.

And just like they assumed, like always, that young master has suggested the same offer to the people that have gotten his complete attention.

"Hey, since you two are only a lover and not married. Young man, how about you give me the woman in your arms and I'll pay you a hefty price in exchange? You can even get her back when I have gotten bored with her." 

Shao Cheng didn't even deem to waste his breath on answering back at the spoiled rotten individual anymore and only giving him an indifferent gaze before returning his entire attention at the embarrassed Ren Yuan on his arms that have remained frozen the entire time.

Completely preferring to watch the man's rather interesting reaction than some insignificant person that has coveted the person on his arms which is definitely asking to be killed in Shao Cheng's opinion.

Anyway so, you still want to play with me? Base on the thickness of the skin, I also have the same level that you have, I just don't use it often.

While he observes Ren Yuan's reaction, the young man in the distance has finally lost his patient and has given a ruthless order without mercy to the two beautiful women by his side when he perfectly perceives that gaze that spoke volume of how much he was being looked down like an ant while being completely ignored.

"Take the beauty away from that person and make sure to beat him up to death."

"Yes, Young Master Chai."

The two beautiful women that have been quiet the entire time, has made a beautiful bow before moving to execute the order without any question and hesitation.

Shao Cheng can only inwardly sigh while suddenly remembering those cliches scene in a novel, if a person cannot get what they want with just a conversation then in the end those people usually use forceful methods.

And while he was about to get an attack, Shao Cheng has just lean closer to Ren Yuan that has finally awoken from his stupor and watching him with a rather strange gaze in those wide grey pupil that he is unable to decipher.

"Babe, like you requested I'll protect you from that perverted brat that wanted to covet you."

So without another word, Shao Cheng has swiftly gone ahead to deal with the two martial arts that wanted to steal the person that remains on his arm.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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