The Rebirth Of A White Robe Man: I'll Follow You This Time

Chapter 146: Dale Numerous Thought, Dai Alertness and Shao Cheng Decision.

Chapter 146: Dale Numerous Thought, Dai Alertness and Shao Cheng Decision.

"This is different from what you mentioned from before..."

Dai was absolutely guarding his younger brother while focusing all his entire attention on a dangerous Shao Cheng while unable to stop the drop of cold sweats that have flown down his forehead with how stressful he felt.

This is the reason why Dai couldn't help but be a move by this person's offer, just sitting there already cause all the hair of his body to raise up in utter alarm.

Especially when Dai could sense that this person has grown far stronger than last time.

Someone will be dying if Dai wanted to run away with his life intact, that thought couldn't help but run in his mind causing the grip that he has on his younger brother to tighten up, unlike last time, he has someone he needed to protect by his side and couldn't fully fight in seriousness without worrying the life of his younger brother.

"Now, don't blame me. Who would have thought that you won't follow the instructions and bring your younger brother along with you or is there a reason why you bought him here with you?"

Shao Cheng has coolly leaned back on his chair while gazing with cold chilling eyes to the pale face young child with a smile that seemed to imply something that the two brothers don't understand the meaning of.

"I really want you however, you seemed to have forgotten on that fateful day, there is a high possibility of my older brother dying by your hands"

I am already being nice and giving you a chance don't try my tolerance...


Dai's body shook a bit after hearing the young Shao has declared his wrongdoing while the young Dale has stared with wide large eyes at the person sitting opposite of him, somehow, he finally understands what has caused his older brother to take a gamble with an unknown person.

Dale felt such a huge presence and oppressive pressure coming from that young man, it basically felt like there is a tall figure of a shadow gazing down at his small body along with a cold gaze that can bestow his death on a mere whim.

It's reasonable now why his older brother has chosen this person after meeting him in just a mere few days, however, this person is dangerous, extremely so, to the fact that every single idea that has come to his mind in order to get away from their dangerous situation and changing this person's mind will never work out.

The usual deception, lying, trick, swindling, and acting pitiful while using his young age to be seen as a harmless and innocent child wouldn't be able to deceive those cold eyes that remain crystal clear despite how dangerous it appeared.

A gaze that expressed an ability to see any sort of hypocrisy, even if it was hidden in obscure and disguise isn't capable enough to block that person's eyesight, while the terms that come in his mind about this person is fundamentally brimming with coldblooded, decisiveness, ruthlessness and outright cruelty.

Although Dale older brother is also smart while extremely talented in the form of combat especially when it's all about assassinating matter but between the two of them, he was the one who is capable of comprehending people's nature, attitude and personalities while there is a time that he is able to perceive an individual inclination that easily gets him in other people good side.

Dale was born with that ability, he doesn't know why or how, but it was so useful and helpful in their dreadful situation in the Ma family.

It makes it a bit easier to fool those hateful people while playing them around, and unconsciously make them do what he wanted without them even knowing that they are being manipulated by a person they despised and treated as a tool, although it was not perfect or else he would have been able to get their family out from their circumstances.

However, for the first time in Dale's life, there is a person that he can't easily completely comprehend and perceive, because a moment ago, he didnt even figure out that there is something wrong with the waiter before everything occurred.

And now, when Dale gazes at the cold gaze that chills his entire being, he was somehow able to perceive that this young man is their dead-end, and also a new beginning.

Ah such a conflicting and variable individual that the ability Dale was so proud of has finally failed its usefulness.

Such a person is truly dangerous, however, it also a worthy person to follow, as long as they showed their usefulness, not endangering the people that this person wishes to protect and showing absolute loyalty to never betray him then this young man named Shao Cheng is an extremely reliable Master.

Dale isn't naive enough to think that they will be able to live a safe and peaceful life if they are able to get their freedom back from the Ma family, but now that an extremely worthy person has appeared, then there is no reason to always remain obscure, especially when he won't let his older brother carry all the burden and responsibilities by himself.

So, although Dale's face remained pale from dread at such dangerous and terrifying existence, a sharp smile unbefitting his young age appeared on his face while the innocent and childishness light on his eyes has completely replaced by sharpness along with shrewdness upon it.

"... In order to let us live, please tell us what you actually wanted from us."

Rather than trying to figure out what this person truly desires, Dale absolutely believes that it's better to honestly inquire about it to the young man in a straightforward approach because there is no way that he is capable enough to easily guess the mind of a person such as this young man.

Rather than gamble in guesses, its better to remove their defense and show absolute sincerity, after all, Dale unquestionably understands that one single mistake will cause them to lost their lives today.

For the first time in Dale's life, he doesn't mind lowering his proud head and showing utter defeat to a person who has given him such a devastating blow that there are only two choices left for them, either die hopelessly today or give their absolute loyalty.

And without any single hesitation, Dale will choose the one that will allow them to live, rather, isn't everything perfect right now?

They have a higher chance of being free and a worthy Master to follow, isn't it for the best?

Well, besides having a high chance of dying right now, but that is beside the point.

"... Well now"

Shao Cheng has been quietly observing the young child the whole time has shown a please smile while at the same time greatly alert at Dai despite knowing that the young man couldn't properly struggle a fight against him at the moment because of being more worried and concern about his younger brother's life.

Soon, after an hour later, Shao Cheng has finished eating the meal with Dai and Dalle in a comfortable atmosphere before finally standing up and of course, after making sure that everything appeared absolutely normal and nothing suspicious and doubtful has just happened.

While the young man names Jia has been awake the entire time, only having a blank gaze while holding a chopstick on his hand and eating a bit of food in an unconscious manner.

What is occurring to the young man was a bit of hypnotism and mostly using the drugs he has learned from his previous life master, which happened to be Spring young uncle.

If Shao Cheng didn't learned the medicinal and poison skill from him then there is unquestionably a high chance that he would have died earlier in the previous life.

"Just follow my instruction and 99.9% that everything will turn out alright."

"What's the other .1%?"

Shao Cheng that has already walked off and was about to open the door didn't even glance back when the young child has curiosity asked while Dai as always remains quiet, just letting his younger brother do all the talking because there is no denying the fact well that Dale is far more talented in that area rather than himself.

"Better remember this, there will never be a perfect planned, anything can happen."

And with the sound of the door closing, the young man that has empty eyes the entire time has suddenly regained his consciousness back, although there was a slight pause on his movement while blinking his eyes in a slow manner, Young Master Jia has just continued eating his food after a second before smiling to an inwardly curious Dai while ignoring the gaze of the young child.

"Dai? Come on, eat more, their food tastes great."

"... yes, Young Master Jia"

Gazing downward, Dai has taken a portion of food and placing it on his younger brother bowl before placing some on his own a second later, this time, he couldn't stop the slight tilt of his lip causing Young Master Jia to completely assume that the young man likes the food he ordered while inwardly feeling entirely happy.

And Shao Cheng that was acting as one of the waiters has taken a few more steps in which the three hidden guards consciousness has finally returned back to normal and with one last glance as he turned around the corner, a gentle smile couldn't help but appear once more on his lip before disappearing.

Of course, without causing any suspicion and doubt about the entire situation.

And a few more minutes, in another place, a man wearing a blue robe and a black outer coat with a fur wrapped around his neck has entered a restaurant restroom in which a blurred small figure has sudden dash toward him.

The man has swiftly caught the small figure with a quick reflect and letting it dangle over in the air causing it to squish uncomfortably, well it turned out to be a rare special animal, an adorable rabbit with smooth pink fur before the other person in the room that has been leaning against the wall slightly move, which was a young man wearing a snow-white robe and having a simple half mask covering his face.

"... all good?"

The man that has entered the room has finally turned his attention back at the young man wearing a snow-white robe while casually slightly embracing the pink rabbit on his arm while gently caressing its head, although the noisy complain that he heard from it isn't much appreciated. 

"My Beautiful Master! I miss you so much! How can you leave Pinky along on such a barbaric person for so many days? Although I got his majesty Purple with me but I also finally want to see my new home!... and the young beautiful sister!"

Letting out a helpless sigh, the man has raised his hand toward his collarbone before quickly ripping off the fake skin and false appearance mask he has been wearing in which completely showing a familiar beautiful face that was the same one as the man wearing snow-white clothes standing a few distances away that has finally taken his simple mask off while quickly showing a grinning expression.

"Icy, I didn't think that you have such a powerful background so your name is Shao Cheng huh? Glad to finally know and now... nice to meet you, Cheng~ "

Shao Cheng just ignored the grinning PengFei that is wearing his appearance before throwing the tantrum Pinky back to him and entering the private room to change his clothes to his usual one since he was finally done for today.

"Let's switch back."

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