The Rebirth Of A White Robe Man: I'll Follow You This Time

Chapter 239: Shao Cheng Rare Embarrassment. "Stop Or I'll Really Beat You Up."

Chapter 239: Shao Cheng Rare Embarrassment. "Stop Or I'll Really Beat You Up."

Despite being in deep sleep and wanting to continue resting, Shao Cheng couldn't help but snapped his eyes open wide when rather intense and piercing eyesight has been gazing in his direction, which, he regrettably met the gaze of a surprise Xixi that has quickly let out a suspicious happy smile.


what a way to wake up fuck, who let her in my room?

Although Shao Cheng felt uncomfortable, he still quickly remember what happened before he lost consciousness before abruptly pausing from his thoughts while completely ignoring the excited Xixi when he finally notices the person clinging so stickily on his side.

Father Older Brothers why did you let me sleep in the same bed with Ren Yuan? Didn't I have other rooms around in my place? What is the meaning of this??? You guys... shouldn't have gotten some weird ideas right???

"Awww why wake up so early? Please continue sleeping! Watching the two of you cuddling each other and sleeping in the same bed just completely warmed my heart!"

While Shao Cheng was finally slowly learning how ambiguous he has been acting toward a certain man and giving the other people around them wrong ideas, Xixi that has been ignored continues to speak what is in her mind.

"I have finally been able to leave my mother tight clutch you know, Father was completely useless about his explanation and I have to bear all the brunt of his failure in making Mother understand my situation Ah! All those painful and boring days have been Hell! Fortunately, my Beautiful Cousin and Charming Brother Yuan has been able to easily healed my damaged soul~"

"Teacher! How do you feel? Master Yin and the Two Young Master have wanted to apologize after being unable to keep what happened last night a secret since Lady Xixi has suddenly appeared in the middle of the night so they couldn't keep it hidden from her and then coming to get me over in order to take care of Teacher well-being."

"Awww, Little Xiaolin, call me Big Sister!"

Fortunately, the sudden appearance of Xiaolin carrying a basin of water and towel has saved the newly awake Shao Cheng peace of mind, especially after explaining what was happening without being asked about it, after all, there was no way that Xixi would be able to quickly explain her presence.

Particularly when she has been creepily watching over them sleeping the entire time, although Shao Cheng felt a mix of emotion if he should feel fortunate or unfortunate that rather than gazing on Ren Yuan sleeping face, his cousin has preferred to gaze upon him more.

for me to suddenly have such a thought... Somehow, even slightly liking someone in a romantic way is making act really weird...

"... so noisy"

Abruptly, a low sleepy voice has resounded out causing Shao Cheng to turn his head toward the person clinging to his side, only to instantly meet a sleepy half-open grey pupils blinking in a lethargic manner before shooting a lopsided smile on his way.

Although the word 'adorable' couldn't help but flash in Shao Cheng's mind after seeing such a lovely Ren Yuan early in the morning, nonetheless, his dangerous thoughts were easily thrown away after seeing the abnormal flush cheeks in the man face.

"... sick?"

"... sick? Huh yeah, Whitey is still sick"

Shao Cheng's eyebrows instantly wrinkle at the mumbling Ren Yuan who has given a wrong answer since he was more injured than being sick before reaching over to gently touch the man's forehead, which is definitely unusually warmer than normal.

"Ah! Please don't worry Teacher since no one else will be coming to bother the two of you in a few days since Master Yin has already given everyone a reason why. So please rest with peace of mind and call us if you needed anything."

Shao Cheng watched as Little Xiaolin gently place the basin of water on the table close to their bed before gently grasping Xixi's hand that has been smiling widely while gazing at him with glittering eyes.

"Teacher, would you like me to personally prepared medicinal soup for the two of you?"

good student I definitely choose the right decision of taking you as a student rather than killing you off.


Luckily, Shao Cheng young student knows how to manage the excited Xixi and was able to convince her to leave them all alone, although he couldn't help but twitch his lip when Xixi has given him a suggestive look while pointing at the man clinging to his side before the door close.

rotten women

He was finally figuring out the reason why his cousin has a completely different reaction and treatment in the previous life after learning who has saved him from almost dying from drowning in the cold river. The evidence has been there before but he couldn't help but become completely blind about it.

was it also a denial so he couldn't figure it out when it's slapping him in the face?

Damn it 

The process of being bent is giving Shao Cheng all sorts of trouble although one person is only bedding him but it's already a great dilemma in his new life, especially to the planned he already considered.

Shao Cheng couldn't help but let out a deep sigh since his personal problem and trouble are giving him more of a headache rather than handling the Ma and Ding Family, especially when he didn't even consider such a situation happening to him.

It's the reason why he never considered having a partner in his life.

"Come on, let go of me."

" no Whitey feel good"

Trying to get away from the man's clingings, Shao Cheng unconsciously closes one of his eyes when Ren Yuan has lowered his head down to simply rubbed their cheeks together before mumbling how soft, cold, and smooth it was.


Damn, am I being sexually harassed?

No matter how complicated and chaotic the emotion Shao Cheng felt at having the person that could make his heart speed up being so close in his body, he still tried to remain calm while gently coaxing Ren Yuan to release him.

And after a few minutes of hard work, Shao Cheng can only sit down while leaning against the headboard of his bed with a tired expression on his face while Ren Yuan has stubbornly insisted to stay in his arm while leaning against his chest.

"... be thankful you are sick"

I just woke up and still injured and you are already causing me great trouble...

"...mnm Whitey need to take care of me"

Shao Cheng eyelid twitches before gazing down at the already complete conscious Ren Yua who keeps snuggling deeper in his arms and innocently blinking the grey pupils that have been brazenly peeking upon him while acting ignorant and oblivious about what he was doing.


Although Shao Cheng knows that Ren Yuan is sick but it wasn't the burning kind of sickness that has once happened during the snowstorm in Snow Mountain where the man doesn't have conscious of what is happening.

"... Little Cheng I'm hungry feed me"

Somehow, Shao Cheng felt the familiar feeling of wanting to beat up Ren Yuan emerging in his heart despite the fact that the man's voice sounds coquettish in his ears, and then throwing him outside their front gate and swearing to go back in the Ren residence to get well.

It seemed that the endless patience he has last night was already used up.

Damn, I'm definitely sick in the head last night to have gently and kindly act in a thoughtful manner...

"Little Cheng I feel hot let me snuggle closer you feel so cool"

"Little Cheng I feel weak I think I won't make it"

"Little Cheng can you fulfill my last wish? Please dress as a woman and show it to me before it's too late" 

Shao Cheng felt his blood pressure rising as Ren Yuan continues to speak softly in a pitiful manner, and much to Shao Cheng's dismay and great horror, he couldn't help but feel an unusual fondness at the way the man is acting despite feeling annoyed at the same time.

Ah I'm going crazy

It was already taking all of Shao Cheng's absolute control to stop himself from slapping the man with internal energy after hearing the brazen request of wearing female clothes.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, Little Xiaolin has made his presence loudly known before entering the bedroom and placing the warm medicinal soup on the table to dine in without showing a strange expression on his face despite the way that Ren Yuan was shamelessly continuing to act like an annoying and adorable baby in his arms.

. Ah my image as a dignified teacher 

Shao Cheng couldn't help but close his eyes in rare defeat after the young child has left the room with a perfect poker fake mask on his young face, while for some reason suddenly feeling completely embarrassed about their entire situation.

Little Cheng you are going to carry me right? Please, fed me too since I really feel weak cough cough."

"Stop or I'll beat you up even if you are sick."


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