The Rebirth Of A White Robe Man: I'll Follow You This Time

Chapter 80: Ren Yuan Choices And Shao Cheng Felt The Heavy Emotion Of Regret.

Chapter 80: Ren Yuan Choices And Shao Cheng Felt The Heavy Emotion Of Regret.

Somewhere, before Shao Cheng arrives in the tiny village, Ren Yuan was frowning deeply when another lost trail was reported from the evidence left to follow the young man lead, and it has been two days now after the young man has run to whoever he went to.

"Damn I never knew Little Cheng can be this proficient in hiding his trail."

And in another part of the room, Xixi has been laying down in a long couch, her entire form has the defeated and depressing atmosphere around her.

"... Why. Why does my Beautiful Young Master feel like his running away skill has raised up to another level? He isn't this difficult to find before! It felt like he has become more experienced but he was just gone a few days! How come it evolve? Now I need to train my tracking skill or else I will never be able to find him when he runs away again!"

Ren Yuan couldn't help but inwardly wince, remembering the time that they have been running away from the people that have been after them, the reason why they didn't catch up toward them despite lacking the time to completely erase their trail was because of Whitey help, so the young man skill became more proficient because of that?

And now even Ren Yuan was experiencing the frustration that those people have probably felt when they can't just catch up and deal with them.

Damn Little Cheng is extremely outstanding huh, Ren Yuan could only sigh in admiration and frustration.

He even went ahead and made his people follow the trail of the two females they met before Whitey has acted out, although Ren Yuan is also extremely suspicious after learning that those people have left the exact same night, seemingly leaving in haste.

Now, Ren Yuan will have to make sure to keep an eye out on them, their reactions are downright questionable, but for now, there is still a young man that he needed to find.

So with that Ren Yuan continue to stubbornly insist on tracking the runaway Whitey and as he goes frustrated the longer he cannot find the whereabouts of the disobedient Whitey, a suddenly frowning Xing Ning has entered the room along with a special letter on his hands, which was a bit surprising since Ren Yuan know only one person can use that kind of letter.

And despite that person has a connection to Ren Yuan, but he isn't working on his inner circle of the group but he obliges to do him a favor because of past events so he can't just ignore it.

"What are you going to do? It might really be extremely dangerous that he asked us to help him."

Xing Ning's expression is complicated as he stares at the letter that he has given to Ren Yuan, this has come from the nearest secret point of where they exchange pieces of information on and it was fortunate enough that they are close by which is the reason why it sent quickly on their way.

"... continue looking for Cheng, I'll take some men to go deal with the problem."

"Ren, take all the people you need, It's truly dangerous! He never truly asked for help unless everything has gotten out of hands that he requested our need."

Xing Ning knew that he couldn't stop his friend, but to leave them here and taking of their current people only is basically asking for trouble, is Whitey so important to the point that he isn't thinking straight anymore, where his life that will be in great danger could just change his orders?

He just almost lost his friend a few days ago, Xing Ning knew the danger they face, the Capital situation was being shrouded with storm and chaos, specifically for the fact that he has chosen to follow his friend that Xing Ning was prepared to deal with everything.

And if Xing Ning could make his friend safer for just a bit then Xing Ning will choose Ren Yuan over Whitey, he might sound cruel but his friend is far more important and Ren Yuan that was able to perceive the flash of emotion on his friend determined face have stood up and walked away, his back straight and footstep steady.

"Xing Ning, I know what I'm doing. Just follow my order and continue to look for Whitey."

If his friend will choose his well being over Whitey, then to Ren Yuan, Whitey safety is far more important than his friend's opinion, it's extremely confusing, weird and downright abnormal to be thinking and feeling this way, however, Ren Yuan will always follow what his heart and mind decided like always, simple as that.

And in another place, Shao Cheng is currently staying inside a room of a house belonging to the farmer head chief of the village while currently in the presence of a grinning tall handsome man that remains happy despite Shao Cheng's permanently cold eyes and indifferent attitude.

While at the same time, inwardly ignoring the other group of people that were currently surrounding outside and inside the house that he was currently staying and disregarding the curious and interested gazes upon his figure.

All of these people are tall men with firm muscled and a large body of a fighter, along with the bloody smell that they couldn't hide no matter what as it reeks out in their bodies and added with the sinister and bloodthirsty atmosphere, well this is the kind of people that the original Shao Cheng loathe the most.

Of course, Shao Cheng isn't surprised about these people one bit, after all, they are all a train elite group of soldiers that this man has built.

"Third Brother How have you been? Did you run away from Sister Xixi again? Didn't we tell you that its dangerous to keep doing it? Nevermind that, Third Brother are you hungry now? Do you want to eat? Please speak to me?"

If Shao Cheng is known for his coldness and indifference, then this person is the complete opposite, Shao Yan the oldest child and the first son of the main head of the Shao family which has a sunny disposition, bright and cheery, handsome with the darkest shade of blue eyes.

A worrywart, resolute and deceptively harmless in appearance which couldn't help but lower down the guard of mostly everyone who interacts with him, friendly with soldiers that they couldn't help but follow him, it might be the reason why at the young age of only 20 years old and he was already a lieutenant in the military.

And it was completely different when Shao Cheng first met him in the previous life, before Shao Yan only less dim smile, eyes always in pain, full of longing before it descends to gloomy, dark and outright depressing person.

It was a slap in the face, Shao Cheng finally knows what he has been trying to figure out the entire time, how stupid was he to not even remember it? Then again, it as just a mere mention that he didn't place as a very important event when he heard it in only passing in the past.

And that is when everything was already halfway to the breaking point of the Shao family falling apart.

Shao Yan was the start of the tragedy that happened in the Shao Family, he was the most talented military in the family, the oldest and heir with bright future and the pride of his father and grandfather, which unfortunately has fallen hard from grace, unable to stand up from the devasting ordeal that he has experience.

And it was because of a betrayal over fighting for the chance of raising a rank, the envy of a rival, and of course, the scheming aristocrat family that wanted the Shao Family prestige to diminish and if they could wishing that the Shao Family completely lost their power. 

It didn't help at all that numerous tragedies descends into their family continuously that they couldn't completely focus on Shao Yan's low self-esteem and self-doubt filled with depression and resentment, thus become a broken man.

Who is a better target than Shao Yan? Either taking his life, or most likely crippling the man just like what happened in the previous life, completely losing the bright future of the pride and hope of the entire Shao Family.

So this is the person that the Spirit of the Chang Empire wanted him to save? The person that is needed for this Land's sake? Well, if Shao Cheng remembers some of the trouble in the future, then everything makes sense now.

Shao Yan is needed, after all, a person with great talent and skill to lead the soldiers, charming them with his leadership skill and positively good in giving his soldiers determination to keep going on.

Even he can see it now, Shao Yan, standing mighty and powerful, leading the entire military army, guarding and protecting the Chang Empire and serving faithfully to Ren Yuan made Shao Cheng inwardly nod his head in delight, yes, that scene that flashes on his mind was amazingly wonderful.

Besides, this is also a good start for Shao Cheng to begin caring for his family, making sure that his older brother can reach the top in the military rank, becoming the Grand Marshal of the Chang Empire, though first, Shao Cheng need to show that he is willing now to interact with his family.

What is the best way, then to turn his absolute attention to his older brother?

"...I'm a bit hungry" no Brother call yet, Shao Cheng need to keep it slow so there will be no suspicion about being possessed by a spirit or being not their brother which was true though, but it didn't give him any guilt if he thought about it, after all, the original has stopped caring and long thrown them away as Shao Cheng did in the previous life.

They will become his now, starting today.

Although the utter surprise and shock that appeared on Shao Yan face cause him to inwardly smile, well, it seemed that Shao Cheng will also get amusement with his interaction with his family if this is how Shao Yan was acting now when he was just speaking back to him.

"Ooohhhhhh! D-Did you just speak to m-me? R-Really?"

Shao Yan only receives a pointed look with no other reaction aside from just staring straight at him, however, that is already miracle enough to Shao Yan and it meant that he didn't hear it wrong and wasn't dreaming at all.

His third brother has spoken to him, Shao Cheng has replied back!

And as Shao Yan seriously stares more at his brother, the young man looks far brighter than the usual dead light it always contains on Shao Cheng eyes for many years now and all this has caused Shao Yan to tear up, yes, the strong, powerful and decisive Shao Yan he is well known for in the military was tearing up.

And Shao Yan isn't embarrassed or remorse about it, besides there isn't any shame for a man to cry! He will not be those kinds of people that will try to put a brave front but only secretly crying inside in the end.

Besides his Third Brother is finally speaking to him, he finally answered back! No one knows how he currently feels at this moment. No one knows how long his entire family and he has been waiting for Shao Cheng to at least look at their way!

So with a shaky smile, Shao Yan basically went out to prepare and ready the food himself.

"Um, Big Brother is being stupid, of course, your hungry right? W-Wait for a bit and Big Brother will prepare it for you."

And Shao Cheng just stares without any other reaction, however, his heart was twisting in pain, feeling bittersweet on his mouth at what he just witness.

Ah this is the family that he has never bother to get to know in the previous life 

Shao Chengwe have been such a nasty, ungrateful person, see we have a family that love us so dearly and we have ruthlessly thrown it all away.

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