The Rebirth Of An Ill-Fared Consort

Chapter 128 - The Shadows Within The Fu

Chapter 128 : The Shadows within the Fu

The stars shone serenely in the night sky just as they always had, but the world below had undergone earth-shattering change. On the surface, all was as usual within the palace, but staggering differences had already begun to take place behind closed doors.

Grand Preceptor Hui Jue continued with his duties as per normal, and his position had become more secure after the incident. Fifth Prince, Xuan Hua, and Imperial Consort De had not shown much happiness, and were even more prudent and cautious than before. The Emperor was now despondent, and no one wanted to do anything to bring misfortune upon themselves.

Moreover, Xuan Li, who had always been recognised as both virtuous and talented, as expected continued to show himself as a filial son. After prostrating himself in front of Jing Yang Palace for three days and three nights, he had finally reached the limit of his physical strength and fainted. The Emperor was fuming, and had Xuan Li sent back to his fu while forbidding him to enter the palace.

Amidst all this upheaval in the palace, Jiang Ruan was calmly preparing to return to the Jiang fu; Jiang Li had died.

If Imperial Consort Chen had not lost power, Jiang Li’s death would undoubtedly have set off an even greater storm, but Imperial Consort Chen had been banished to the Cold Palace, and Jiang Li’s death was merely a pebble thrown into a vast lake, scarcely setting off any ripples as it quietly sank to the bottom. Furthermore, any gossip stirred up among the common people due to Jiang Li’s death had been overtaken by the rumours pertaining to Imperial Consort Chen being the demon star of national calamity.

However, no matter what was said by outsiders, Jiang Li was still a daughter of the Jiang family. In her position as the eldest di daughter, Jiang Ruan could not give any plausible reason for staying in the palace rather than hastening home to attend the funeral. The Jiang family did not say anything, but Second Yiniang seemed to have a nervous breakdown. Therefore, she had taken her own family members with her to raise a fuss at Langzhong fu, only to be treated harshly. The people of Langzhong fu simply said that daughters who had married out of the family were like spilt water, and that Jiang Li had been deflowered before the marital consummation; Second Yiniang was absolutely unable to speak her piece or seek further explanation. When Jiang Quan heard of this, he rushed to Langzhong fu to take Second Yiniang away, and her status within Jiang fu plummeted.

Initially, Jiang Quan had thought that, with Jiang Li becoming Langzhong Furen and Xia Yan sent to the small Buddha hall, Second Yiniang would become the dominant figure in the Jiang fu. Who could have known that such a scandal would occur on the occasion of Jiang Li’s marriage. Now, with Jiang Li’s death, Langzhong fu had shed all pretence of cordiality. Jiang Quan had already been enraged at Jiang Li’s conduct and deeds, but when he witnessed Second Yiniang’s lack of shame in visiting Langzhong fu to demand an explanation, he was aggrieved and full of resentment, and placed her under house arrest without any qualms.

Due to the vicissitudes of fate, discounting First Yiniang, who had never cared about matters in the fu, the authority of the main wife, in the end, finally fell into the hands of Fifth Yiniang, Hong Ying.

When Jiang Li died, Langzhong fu did not inform Jiang fu immediately. Thus, Jiang Li’s funeral was held only one day after Jiang Ruan had returned to the fu. Since Jiang Li was viewed as belonging to Langzhong fu, they had handled all the funeral arrangements. With Jiang Li’s death, it was inevitable that people would talk about Langzhong fu. A deflowered wife dying not long after entering the fu – if it had not been for Zuo Jiang’s meritorious service, no matter how slight, no one would have found this believable. The Zuo family also seemed to have misgivings about this very issue, for no trace of negligence could be seen in Jiang Li’s funeral arrangement. It was just that everyone who came to offer their condolences could clearly see Zuo Jiang’s unhappiness.

Zuo Jiang’s reputation was in tatters, the person he relied on, Imperial Consort Chen, had fallen from grace, and Xuan Li would categorically never make use of him again so as to salvage his own reputation. Thus, Zuo Jiang’s official career and prospects had died due to Jiang Li’s scandal. Given all this, it was not surprising that his barely concealed anger was evident when he saw the Jiang family coming to offer their condolences.

Jiang Quan had not brought Second Yiniang with him as he was afraid of what she might do. Jiang Ruan walked behind Jiang Quan towards the funeral hall, where they would burn incense before Jiang Li’s memorial tablet. Dressed in his mourning clothes, Zuo Jiang eyed Jiang Ruan coldly. In his opinion, Jiang Ruan had had a hand in the situation at Langzhong fu. If it was said that Jiang Li had humiliated him, then Jiang Ruan was the mastermind behind the entire situation.

Jiang Ruan studied him calmly. His skill did not match up to hers, and if he agreed to bet, then he must accept the loss as well. Zuo Jiang thought that he would be on the fast-track to success[1], but it turned out to be the shortcut to hell.

[1] 飞黄腾达 (Fēihuángténgdá) – lit. the divine steed Fei Huang gallops (idiom) / fig. to achieve meteoric success in one’s career.

Jolted by the contempt in Jiang Ruan’s eyes, Zuo Jiang’s expression became a little crazed. He felt that all the terrible memories, all the disgrace that he had to endure from people who whispered behind his back, all of this was threatening to overwhelm him. It was at this time that he heard a soft voice say, “Jiefu[2], restrain your grief and accept fate[3].”

[2] 姐夫 (jiefu) – older sister’s husband.

[3] 节哀顺变 (jie ai shun bian) – typical phrase of condolence. Out of respect and concern for the living, the mourner is encouraged to accept the person’s death (as this person now rests in peace), accept the turn of events, and focus on the present.

This phrase was not uttered by the pensive-looking Jiang Su Su standing at one side, but the delicate and timid Jiang Dan.

At present, the Jiang family only had three daughters left. Jiang Ruan was lovely and charming, Jiang Su Su was beautiful and exquisite, and the remaining daughter, Jiang Dan, seemed to have abruptly shed her former humble self to become someone entirely different. Although her looks did not compare to the two di daughters, she had a kind of delicate, softly feminine temperament, a temperament which had the best probability of arousing a man’s protective instinct. Zuo Jiang was arrested by the sound of that voice, and his gaze fell upon Jiang Dan, who was wearing a white silk mourning dress. It was habitual of Jiang Su Su to wear white, and she possessed an ethereal quality as she did so. In contrast, Jiang Dan had a good personality, like a youthful yet beautiful next-door girl who was pure and lovable, as well as gentle and demure.

It was only now that Zuo Jiang remembered, this slim and graceful young lady should have been the woman he was engaged to three years ago. At that time, he had saved a life, and came away from it with a marriage arranged by fate. He had never dreamed that that marriage, by some strange combination of circumstances, would involve the wrong person. When Langzhong fu and Jiang fu came to an agreement for Jiang Li to be his bride, he could only agree tacitly. He had already made inquiries and discovered that Jiang Li’s disposition was much worse than Jiang Dan’s, so, from the outset, he had not been entirely happy with Jiang Li. Then, the scandal had occurred, and before she died, Jiang Li must have wanted to drag Langzhong fu down with her. Whenever Zuo Jiang thought about all this, he was full of rage.

Moreover, looking at Jiang Dan today, he could not stop his eyes from brightening as he thought about how this young lady before him ought to be his wife, and that his wife should be as gentle and virtuous as this young lady. The more he thought about this, the more he thought about Jiang Li’s shameless and domineering nature, and the more aggrieved he felt.

Jiang Dan seemed to be somewhat frightened by Zuo Jiang’s pointed stare. She took two steps back and said, “Jiefu . . .”

Zuo Jiang suddenly came back to his senses. He lifted his eyes to meet Jing Quan’s displeased gaze. Jiang Ruan was not looking at him, and Jiang Su Su’s expression showed her interest in what was happening, while Hong Ying was supporting Old Jiang Madame. Zuo Jiang bowed his head and said dispassionately, “Thank you, Fourth Sister, for your condolences.”

The appellation ‘Fourth Sister’ seemed laden with some inexplicable meaning. Jiang Ruan lowered her eyes, while her long eyelashes sketched out an unusually bewitching curve. The corners of her mouth lifted up in an unexpected smile.

Tian Zhu noticed this minute movement of Jiang Ruan’s and her expression changed. She regarded Jiang Dan and Zuo Jiang thoughtfully, and with an air of bewilderment.

Perhaps due to the excessively awkward atmosphere hovering over them, they attracted the watchful attention of everyone else. Jiang Quan hurriedly said a few words before walking away. Old Jiang Madame appeared to have aged a decade overnight; they had lost one of the Jiang daughters for no good reason, and in such a dishonourable manner. The clean image that the Jiang family had built up over the decades had been completely shattered in just a few short years.

Jiang Su Su’s expression betrayed more complex emotions. On one hand, she felt no small degree of schadenfreude at Jiang Li’s misfortune, but her mishap had also implicated the reputation of the other Jiang daughters, and affected her own future marriage prospects. Thinking of how Xia Yan was, at this time, still confined to the small Buddha Hall, with Jiang Quan showing no intention of letting her out, Jiang Su Su could not help the tinge of vexation and irritability rising in her heart.

Looking once again at the pathetic Jiang Dan, who looked like a chrysanthemum bud about to bloom, Jiang Su Su’s tone took on a mocking note as she said, “Fourth Sister, just now, Third Meifu[4] treated you with utmost concern. On thinking about it, this marriage destined by fate was originally between you and Meifu, who would have thought that Third Sister would snatch it from you. Therefore, when we talk about this fated marriage, it should not have been so carelessly determined. Fourth Sister, now that Third Sister has died of illness, perhaps the heavens are hinting that it is not too late. Wouldn’t it be better to resume this destined marriage with Meifu?”

[4] 妹夫 (meifu) – younger sister’s husband. Jiang Su Su is older than Jiang Li, so she would address Zuo Jiang as Meifu, while Jiang Dan, being younger, would address him as Jiefu.

Jiang Su Su was still angry with Jiang Quan because of Xia Yan, so she was not as respectful as previously. Jiang Quan was at the other side of the hall at present, so he did not hear what she had said. Even though Jiang Su Su spoke so boldly, Jiang Dan merely smiled timidly and said, “Second Sister, please don’t tease Dan niang.”

At such a tepid response, lacking in anger, Jiang Su Su’s eyes flashed briefly while an irrepressible melancholy arose within her. Jiang Ruan had always been an expert in scheming, and she had the Empress Dowager and the Zhao family backing her up. Now, even Jiang Dan had become so difficult to handle. Jiang Su Su felt her resentment and indignation grow by the second.

Jiang Ruan had apparently not heard their conversation, and her uncaring and unconcerned attitude stirred Jiang Dan to glance at her several times.

* * *

So this was how the offering of condolences at Langzhong fu went. Generally speaking, it passed without mishap, but in the midst of it, Zuo Jiang’s eyes once again strayed to pass over Jiang Dan’s figure, although his manner appeared to be completely respectful. His intention was difficult to discern. Consequently, Old Jiang Madame once again flew into a rage and heaped a torrent of verbal abuse on Jiang Quan, saying that if it had not been for Jiang Quan and Second Yiniang creating such a big fuss, the Jiang family would never have fallen to such depths of becoming a laughing stock at present. Jiang Quan steeled his face in response, but his expression was so sombre that one could almost see the gloom hanging over him like a cloud[5].

[5] 沉得能滴出水来 (chen de neng di chu shui lai) – lit. the atmosphere is so submerged in gloom that one could squeeze water out of it.

The courtyard where Jiang fu’s Second Yiniang resided was now a desolate place. The flowers at the window had not been watered for a long time, and all of them seem to have died overnight. Weeds grew everywhere. Second Yiniang had always paid particular attention to all these, and as she loved splendour and majesty, there had always been a multitude of jade, gold, and silver artefacts placed in the courtyard. Now, it seemed as if the courtyard had been looted, for the shelves and racks were completely bereft.

The ground was festooned with dust and cobwebs, and the air reeked of decay. The windows of the residence were all shut, as if those inside feared the smallest hint of sunlight. The curtains were closely drawn, and in the summer heat, emitted a damp stench.

The person on the bed was curled up in a tight ball with her hands wrapped around her shoulders. Those elegant, almond-shaped phoenix eyes with their touch of arrogance were now blood-shot, and hysteria lurked within them.

The maidservant moved the bowl of medicine in her hands closer to the figure and said softly, “Yiniang, you should take your medicine.”

Second Yiniang jumped up, as if shocked out of her imagination, and grabbed the maidservant, muttering urgently, “No time to take medicine, Li’er is being bullied in Langzhong fu. Damn that Zuo family, how dare they treat Li’er like this, I must seek a proper explanation on Li’er’s behalf!”

That maidservant’s arm was throbbing in Second Yiniang’s grip, but she dared not struggle free. Her eyes reddened, and she said, cautiously, “Yiniang, Third Miss has already died.”

“What nonsense is this!” Second Yiniang said as she slapped the maidservant across the face. “If I hear such disgraceful and disrespectful words again, I’ll tear off your mouth and sell you to the lowest brothel!”

The maidservant tearfully held her face but said nothing out of fear. Out of the blue, Second Yiniang then looked at her apologetically and said, “Yang Liu, I didn’t mean to slap you, the only person I can trust right now is you . . .”. She suddenly grabbed her head and wailed in agony, “My Li’er is dead, she is dead! She died in Langzhong fu, the Zuo family is responsible for her death, she’s dead, my Li’er!”

Second Yiniang’s deranged behaviour so scared the maidservant that she did not notice the pain in her arm and said in a rush, “Yiniang, Yiniang, you’re sick again, just take the medicine, take the medicine and you’ll feel better.”

After Second Yiniang started to become problematic, Jiang Quan had confined her to her residence, with only Yang Liu to wait upon her. When the fits of madness came upon Second Yiniang, there was no way Yang Liu could hold on to her alone. Jiang Li’s death had been a tremendous shock to Second Yiniang, such that she had a nervous breakdown. The doctor had simply prescribed some medication to soothe her nerves. Thus it happened that such an ambitious and wilful person plunged to a distressing end, truly a sight to sob over.

Yang Liu was at her wits’ end, when she heard the door ‘squeak’ open. Then, a gentle, clear voice sounded in the room, “You can go now, I am here.”

Yang Liu was taken aback as she turned around, and stuttered, “Fourth, Fourth Miss.”

The visitor was dressed in a light yellow skirt, with a shy yet tranquil smile upon her face. In a soft voice, she said, “I am here to console Second Yiniang.”

Yang Liu looked at Second Yiniang with some concern. However, when she looked at Jiang Dan and met the gaze directed at her, she was utterly astonished. The eyes of the previously cowardly and incompetent Fourth Miss were now like knives, sending chills down the spine of anyone who saw them as they brimmed over with the intent of a snake lying in wait for prey. Yang Liu clenched her teeth and summoned up her courage to say, “Then, this servant will trouble Fourth Miss.” She bowed her head and ran out.

Second Yiniang was still clutching her head and thrashing around in agony on the bed. Jiang Dan walked silently to her. After a long moment in which she seemed to enjoy the sight before her, she said, “So, Second Yiniang, what’s the consequence of seizing someone’s fated marriage?”

Second Yiniang trembled all over, and her low wails became even more agonised. Jiang Dan took her time to say, “Second Yiniang is a clever person, and has always been ruthless, which is how you were able to move so swiftly and decisively to take Dan niang’s destined marriage away from her. What now? Are you trying to feign madness in order to evade suffering?”

Second Yiniang finally raised her head and stared fiercely at Jiang Dan. “That should have been your fate, Li’er died in your place, you evil jinx[6], it was you who caused Li’er’s death, you changed place with my Li’er . . .” When she finished speaking, she made as if to spring up threateningly. However, she had been confined in the residence for a long time, and had become increasingly haggard in the past few days. With a slight twist, Jiang Dan easily escaped her.

[6] 扫把星 (sao ba xing) – lit. broom star. Bearer of ill luck / person with the evil eye / comet. Comets were often regarded as evil omens and are called ‘broom stars’ because, when they move, their ‘tails’ are shaped like a broom.

“Second Yiniang’s words are very strange,” Jiang Dan said laughingly. “At that time, was it me who wanted to toss the marriage to Second Yiniang? No, it was Father and Second Yiniang who thought of a way to snatch the marriage from Dan niang’s hands. Third Sister might have been happy for a long time, but who knows why Second Yiniang chose this marriage for her which ultimately became the means of sending her off to the underworld.” Jiang Dan sighed softly before continuing, “Truly a sin.”

Second Yiniang’s body went soft and she collapsed on the ground. “You . . .” She could not utter anything more than that because Jiang Dan had not spoken falsely, it was all because of her, because she wanted this marriage, because she was unwilling to allow Jiang Dan to achieve such a good marriage when both she and Jiang Li were shu daughters. She had rashly allowed her own father to come and persuade Jiang Quan to change the geng tie so that it would be Jiang Li. Who could have known the person who would suffer for her single act of selfishness would be her own daughter; Second Yiniang bitterly regretted what she had done!

Jiang Dan observed Second Yiniang’s grief with satisfaction for a good while before she said, indifferently, “I can sympathise with Second Yiniang’s sorrow. I am here today to remind Second Yiniang not to blame the wrong person and in so doing, allow the real murderer to escape to enjoy a happy life.”

“The real murderer?” Second Yiniang looked up abruptly.

“Yes.” Jiang Dan’s tranquil smile flickered into something a little peculiar for a split second. “Doesn’t Second Yiniang think that the circumstances of Third Sister’s death are too strange? It’s true, Third Sister’s marriage should have been my responsibility to assume, so I intentionally made a few inquiries. Who would have guessed that while everything looks all right on the surface, but once I started to ask around, I found out something very interesting.”

“What was it?” Second Yiniang grabbed Jiang Dan’s hand, her impatience showing in her eyes. Jiang Dan smiled faintly as she patted Second Yiniang’s hand and said, “Speaking of this matter, it’s something I did not dare to believe because, in the end, it has to do with Da Jiejie.”

“Jiang Ruan?” Second Yiniang’s expression changed, and she said, “How could it involve her?”

“Da Jiejie is a naturally outstanding beauty, and every young nobleman in the capital is full of admiration for her; Third Prince was no exception. On the day of the wedding between Third Sister and Zuo Langzhong, Third Prince asked Zuo Langzhong to help him arrange a meeting with Da Jiejie. At first, this was not a big deal, but Da Jiejie bragged that she was an unmarried, virtuous lady, with close connections to the Emperor and people of power, and naturally, did not want to bring any shame to the royal family. Third Sister merely wanted to help Jiefu, and never thought that Da Jiejie would get so angry and take it out on her. It was Da Jiejie’s anger which landed Third Sister and Jiefu in their predicament on the second day.” Jiang Dan said all this unhurriedly, her tone blase, as if retelling a story, and made Second Yiniang feel even more depressed.

Different emotions crossed Second Yiniang’s face; she seemed to want to cry and laugh at the same time. After a long time, she gritted out, “You say all this, but where is your proof?”

Jiang Dan laughed lightly and said, “Second Yiniang still doesn’t believe Dan niang’s words. Don’t tell me that Second Yiniang doesn’t feel that something is off? That day, after Third Sister’s wedding ceremony, Da Jiejie entered the palace. If not for the protection of someone in the palace, how could Da Jiejie behave in such an unscrupulous manner? If Second Yiniang still doesn’t believe me, you can always go and ask around for yourself. However, at the moment, it is still difficult for Second Yiniang to go out, and the only person you can believe is me.”

Her every syllable, every word pierced Second Yiniang’s heart and mind. After Jiang Dan had finished speaking, Second Yiniang believed her. Even if it was a lie, the lie was absolutely flawless. More importantly, the pain of bereavement rendered Second Yiniang completely unable to bear the burden of any responsibility. Whenever she thought about how what had happened to Jiang Li was due to her actions, Second Yiniang desperately wanted to claw out her heart. Now, with Jiang Dan’s words, Second Yiniang had a means to unburden herself; she could channel all her hatred and bitterness onto Jiang Ruan. How could she not be happy about this?

“Jiang Ruan, she harmed my Li’er. I want her buried with her!” Second Yiniang clenched her fists, her eyes practically spitting fire.

“Currently, Father is very angry with Second Yiniang , if Second Yiniang wants to avenge Third Sister, you must not behave impulsively. Otherwise, not only will you fail to win justice for Third Sister, you will implicate yourself.”

Jiang Dan’s voice was cool and indifferent, causing Second Yiniang to come to her senses. Jiang Dan continued, “If Second Yiniang still wants to avenge Third Sister, the best way is for you to obediently listen to me.”

Second Yiniang took stock of Jiang Dan’s tranquil, smiling expression, and could not repress a shudder. For the first time, she realised how frightful this cowardly, incapable, solitary young woman was. With this kind of scheming mind, if it had been Jiang Li having to face off against her at that time, Jiang Li would have been no match for her. She murmured, “Why are you doing this?”

“Da Jiejie is living too good a life,” Jiang Dan said as cruelty flashed in her eyes for an instant. “She’s living so well, but I’m struggling in the quagmire. How can I resign myself to such a life? Why not drag her down with me?”

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