The Rebirth of Evelyn Knox

Chapter 193: Domain Mastery

Chapter 193: Domain Mastery


Although the reputation of a throne was equivalent to inviolable beings in this world, Evelyn understood that it was only because of thousands of years of dominance. It made them neither omnipotent nor omniscient. 

And as long as there were things they couldn't know and couldn't do, no matter how strong an opponent was, there would always be a way to survive.

Regardless of Gwendolyn's strange attitude towards herself, Evelyn wouldn't poke an opponent she couldn't handle needlessly, especially with people she cared about around her that would end up being in danger if she did so.

Suppressing the turmoil in her heart, Evelyn gave the blue-haired woman a hesitant nod.

Gwendolyn looked satisfied with her response. "You're quite brave, huh? It would be natural for you to be skeptical of my intentions, though, and I do not take offense to it. But know that I knew of your existence since before you were born, and if I had wanted to harm you, you'd already be dead."

Although Aurora had already come to a similar conclusion herself, when the blue-haired throne used it in an attempt to win her student's trust, she still found it a little unpleasant. 'Just what is she planning, exactly?'

Evelyn couldn't help but feel a jolt of terror up her spine when she heard Gwendolyn's words. "B-Before I was born?!"

The blue-haired throne chuckled. "Naturally, all the blessed eggs in this world pass through my hands, and yours was no exception. At that time, I could already feel the exceptional aura from yours."

Evelyn breathed a sigh of relief. 'So she doesn't know about my origins, at least.'

Meanwhile, Aurora frowned, finally unable to contain herself. "Since you insist that it was you who let me know about her, why didn't you keep her yourself at that time?"

The skepticism in her voice was clear for all, and Gwendolyn sighed. "Listen, when I contacted you, do you remember what you were doing?"

Aurora furrowed her brows before she nodded. "I was trying to manifest the domain of water."

The blue-haired woman smiled. 

Of course, what else could she have been doing? Stuck at the very peak of her limits, trying her best to break through a layer that can never be broken. 

Poking at it in a futile, pitiful attempt, day after day, week after week. She had already persisted at it for so many years that Gwendolyn wondered when she would finally give up.

After all, the fate of this child, talented as she was, was bound to be hopeless.

The blue-haired throne didn't let her thoughts show on her face, though, and only kept smiling. "Since you know that is what you were trying to do, is it really that much a surprise that the master of that domain decided to chat?"

Although she wasn't very familiar with the concept, Evelyn felt that the woman's explanation made sense. But looking at Aurora's stunned expression, she realized that maybe there was more to it than she thought.

Her student may not know, but how could Aurora now know what 'master' of a domain meant?

Manifesting a domain and being a master of one were two entirely different concepts. 

One represented dominance and control over a limited area using that particular concept, while the other meant being the owner of the concept itself!

Even if Aurora was one day able to manifest the domain of water, she knew that at most it would allow her to exert far greater control and strength around herself, and greatly boost her power.

But if Gwendolyn had truly mastered the domain of water as she claimed, then she could not only make the element obey her will using spirit power, she could also make it disobey others!

Throughout the academy's history, Aurora knew of only one person who managed to go so far - and that was the Crimson Witch of Flames, who mastered the concept of fire. 

Even though the difference in their strength was quite overwhelming, Aurora knew that she could only marginally suppress the woman if it came down to it, which was why she had been so determined in manifesting her own domain.

The platinum blonde couldn't help but frown. "If what you say is true wouldn't you have been able to easily take Evelyn out of the lake?"

Gwendolyn chuckled. "I have a feeling you're misunderstanding something. Do you know what this thing even is?"

Nadia hissed when she was pointed to, and if not for Evelyn holding her hand, maybe she would have already started attacking the blue-haired woman.

Of course, Evelyn was quite interested in seeing how Nadia fought, but that thought was only momentary. After all, such a situation was more likely to lead to a disaster for them than not.

No matter how good-natured Gwendolyn appeared, Evelyn didn't dare to believe it at all.

  After all, there was no free lunch in this world, and Evelyn firmly believed that Aurora's goodwill had already exhausted the good fortune of her next hundred reincarnations.

Gwendolyn chuckled when she saw the platinum blonde frown. "Fake or not, the water that has been tainted by the presence of a primordial creature is already out of my control."

She sighed. "The most I can do is vaguely sense what's going on in there, and that too cannot exceed a certain distance, depending on the concentration of her primordial corruption. The deeper I try to sense into the lake, the more difficult it gets. I believe you understand now?"

While Aurora seemed to be lost in thought, Evelyn frowned. "Why did you use the word 'fake'? I don't understand"

The blue haired woman chuckled. "Obviously because this thing was created, and not born naturally. A primordial creature is one that comes into being along with the world it lives in, but this thing is clearly not that old."

Although Nadia's vocabulary was limited, and it wasn't yet enough to hold a proper conversation, Evelyn knew that she was more or less able to understand what someone was talking about. 

Even if she wasn't very clear about it, the mermaid should still be able to tell that she was the one being talked about, and the conversation wasn't exactly pleasant.

Evelyn couldn't help but squeeze her palm under the water. Although she was curious, she decided to put it off for later and move on. "Since lady Gwendolyn intended to help me, can you please tell me the reason?"

If someone said that it was because they were the 'same species', Evelyn would only think of it as a joke. After all, for most beings, their deadliest enemies were all from the same species. Without any other factors, it meant little to nothing.

Gwendolyn smiled, though there was something in her expression that Evelyn felt was strange, she couldn't quite figure it out. "Have you heard 'The Tale of the Blue Moon'?"

Evelyn blinked as she recalled the story that Aurora had told her back when she first got her cultivation technique. "You mean to say it's all true, and you're helping me to make up for the past?"

The blue-haired woman shook her head in denial. "That is only a part of it. It's true that I wanted to make up for the past if I ever had the chance, but I understand that you are not her, nor are you her reincarnation. At most, you resemble her a little."

Evelyn furrowed her brows in confusion. "Then?"

Gwendolyn smiled. "Obviously, there are things that you can do that no one else can. As for what they are you will find out, eventually. But first you need to grow."

The pink-haired girl frowned, suddenly having a bad feeling in her heart. 'The Lord of Bones seems to want to kill me immediately, but Gwendolyn wants me to grow? It seems like whatever it is that's motivating them it concerns wielding the full power of a throne.'

Although she wanted to dig for more information, Evelyn understood that since Gwendolyn refused to tell her, insisting on it would change nothing at all.

The blue-haired woman didn't seem to care for her thoughts as she sighed. "To be honest, our interference at this point in your life will probably do more harm than good when it comes to your growth, but with that disgusting man stretching his claws all the way over here, not interfering would just end up dooming you."

She turned her gaze to Aurora with a rueful smile. "For all the other troubles, I could still trust and believe in the little girl over here. After all, she is considerably strong, and quite dedicated to you. Far more than I ever expected, actually. But I don't dare to be lax when it comes to him."

Aurora seemed incensed at her words, and Evelyn couldn't help but think that this must be the most furious she had seen her teacher so far. Even when she had used her probe skill on her twice, the platinum blonde didn't get so angry, right?

"Don't make it sound like I did it because you told me to! The fate between me and my student is not something created by you, regardless of what you believe!"

Although she wholeheartedly agreed with those words in her heart, Evelyn couldn't help but tense as she closely observed Gwendolyn's reaction. After all, if a fight really broke out the one in the most danger would be her teacher.

Thankfully, Gwendolyn didn't seem to mind the platinum blonde's words at all, but what she said next only incensed Aurora further.


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