The Rebirth of Evelyn Knox

Chapter 35: Slaughter

Chapter 35: Slaughter

Bree in her puppy form was full of energy despite her abysmal stats, and Evelyn could only helplessly play with the dumb little thing to prevent it from bullying her little fox.

In addition to boosting the amount of energy available at her disposable for use in various skills, every point of increment in spirit power also increased her inventory size by around a square meter.

Even before her level up, the space was far larger than what she could currently find a use for.

So it was no wonder that as long as it was something people wouldn't mind 'going missing', it might as well go missing. Right into her inventory.

With over a hundred meters square of spare space, Evelyn had collected all sorts of knick-knacks.

"I really have to organize things a little better though."

She threw the soft rubber ball again, and the little puppy bolted off to catch it back.

She sighed. "Just how long is Amara going to take to fetch mom?"

Under normal circumstances she would just find it funny, or even adorable, but she couldn't help but worry for Bree after looking at her status.

Even if the so called 'Qilin's Tears' would prevent things from reaching a critical point, wasn't she already too weak?

The only source of comfort would be that the status showed that there was an unknown time left for recovery, which meant that it was possible for her to naturally recover.

Or maybe she might need some external aid, but it should still be very much possible.

"I just hope mom knows more about this. Shouldn't most of the guests have already left by now?"

The door opened right as Bree had just come back with the soft rubber ball in her mouth, tail wagging happily.

The little puppy jumped at the sound, and as she saw Isabella, she happily dropped the ball and bolted towards her.

Isabella smiled and bent down to pick the little thing up, but her smile disappeared soon after.

"Do you know what's going on, mom?"

"I I suppose I might as well tell you."

Her mother sighed as she sat down on the bed. Amara had already closed the door and left with Vivian, ignoring the little redhead's cries to play with the puppy too.

"Bree and I are like sisters, but we're not related by blood. I don't know where my mother found her. According to her, one of her parents must have been a very high level spirit beast, and she inherited some of their abilities."

Evelyn swallowed as she tried to process what she had just heard.

"So can all spirit beasts take human forms?"

"I don't know to be honest, I only know what Bree has told me. At least some of them should be able to do it, but probably not all. I think it should be quite rare, since I have never heard of it from anyone else."


The pink haired girl was both relieved and disappointed. Probably her little Ruru will always stay a fox.

"Bree hates being in this form though. She can't think clearly, and she's very weak. I've never seen her transform again since our childhood. I don't know what happened for her to do it now and why is she not turning back? Even if she can't think clearly in this form, she's never looked this dumb."

Evelyn coughed, wondering how to tell her mother about the backlash. Although her mother would probably never suspect her if she hid what she knew, as long as there was the slightest chance of helping Bree recover faster, it was better to just come clean.

A thundering BOOM resounded through their ears just as Evelyn opened her mouth to explain, sending the golden puppy whimpering and startling the sleeping fox awake.

"What happened?!"


Blaise gazed indifferently at the chaos and smoke around him.

The threat of the 'Justice Envoys' had been hanging over his head like an executioner's blade, and the sooner he got rid of it, the earlier her could live in peace.

And since there was no way for him to get rid the 'Justice Envoys' themselves, he could only desperately try to complete their 'request' before his right hand man returned and learned something he shouldn't.

But even if he was impatient, he waited until all the 'ceremony guests' left the Knox mansion, especially keeping an eye on the royal carriage. Even after it had left the Knox compound, he still had two of his men trailing after it.

And just when everyone inside the Knox family compound was settling down from the tiring day, his men struck like lightning!

The outer walls collapsed almost instantly from the explosion of the high grade spirit treasures, and hundreds of his men flooded into the compound with orders to slaughter at will.

Although he knew it was impossible to kill all of them in this one strike, as long as he dealt a crippling blow to this family, he could safely retreat and then strike back again at a much weaker force.

Of course, it was best if he killed the threats that could 'grow' first.

Just as he was about to head in personally, he felt the heat coming from the low grade spirit tool meant to convey a warning from his subordinates.

The green haired man's face changed instantly, and he escaped without a moment's delay, not even pausing to shout a retreat order.

Before the men he had left behind could realize their leader was already gone, a golden chariot tore through their ranks, sending blood, gore and torn limbs flying haphazardly.

The carriage came to a halt after running through dozens of 'intruders', and the third princess alighted from within with a grin on her face. Clearly, the slaughter was no accident.

"Ahahaha! Look at these fools! Bastard guardian, kill them already!"

The intruder's blood had already run cold the moment they saw that it was the princess who wanted them dead, but they couldn't even think of escaping at all.

If it was just the princess herself, there were many here who could crush her. As a group meant to deal a severe blow to the Knox family, some of them were quite high level.

The carriage driver had to be commended for accurately avoiding the higher level opponents, ensuring a truly grand and dramatic entrance.

But even these higher level intruders were helpless at this moment, because before the princess had even stepped out of the carriage, a horrendous pressure had descended upon them, rendering them completely immobilized.

The white haired man landed on the ground with a sigh.

"Please be more prudent, princess. The golden chariot is far too fast for me to keep up with at its full speed. This minion may not be able to serve you as well if you do not allow me."

The princess snorted.

"You dare talk back to me, bastard? Kill these insects, and once we're back, go receive a hundred barbed floggings from the castigators."

The white haired man gritted his teeth, but could only do as he was told. Such was the unreasonable nature of this third princess, not even listening to those who only sought her well being.

The pressure on the intruders intensified until intermittent splattering sounds rang out through the area.

Many of the Knox family who had been alarmed by the sudden intrusion and ready to defend themselves to death could only watch the scene with a pale face.

It was at this moment that Isabella rushed into the area along with Evelyn. She had tried her best to dissuade the girl from following, but her stubborn daughter absolutely refused to listen.

And it was impossible to hold her with force, since her daughter was already quite a bit stronger than herself.

The elders and Desmond all let out a breath as they saw that Evelyn was safe. The moment they had been attacked today, the one they were most worried about being the intruder's target had been Evelyn.

After all, she had just showcased her talent to the public. Perhaps there was someone who wanted to nip her in the bud.

Looking at the gruesome scene in front of them, Isabella didn't know whether she should be relieved that the threat was dealt with so swiftly, or distressed that her daughter had ended up seeing such an unsightly thing.

And although most of them were relieved that things had ended without any losses on their side, none of them could figure out why the royal carriage had returned.

Especially in the case of Osmond and the two elders, they couldn't help but be suspicious. Perhaps the entire thing was staged by this whimsical third princess.

The princess didn't seem concerned about their strange looks at all, and rushed towards Evelyn instead.

"My dearest! Lovely, I remembered I had forgotten to say goodbye properly, and I was worried if such a cute girl would be angry, so I returned! Who knows, a bunch of insects had crawled over here But don't worry, I have squashed them for you. I did well, right?"

Evelyn's lips twitched. Knowing that Bree was in no state to fight and that anything could go wrong at this time, she had issued a command to recall the princess as soon as the explosion rang.

But both her response time and the absurdity of her 'excuses' were truly 'exceptional'.

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