The Red Hand

Bonus Chapter 2 – A New Magical Girl?!?

Bonus Chapter 2 – A New Magical Girl?!?


I regret nothing.

"Ohohohohoho!" Demon Princess laughed evilly as she chucked blasts of dark energy toward Magical Girl Star Guardian. The two had been fighting in a large park that had been emptied of civilians, leaving them to fight their battle of good versus evil in peace. "If that's the best you can do, then perhaps I should finish you off right here and now, Magical Girl!"


"Keep laughing, but I'll defeat you just like I always have, Demon Princess!" Star Guardian said as she fired blasts of her own that matched and nullified those coming from her opponent. "Lest you for get that I won during our last battle when you had Sungglekins' power, and this time, you've got no one else's power but your own!" She said as she rushed forward, clashing her wand with a black staff summoned by Demon Princess.


"Ah, but that's where you're wrong." Demon Princess laughed as she summoned a small black wand in her off-hand. "You see, Magical Girl. I've taken a page out of your book and delved into the power of friendship!”

“What?!?” Star Guardian gasped in disbelief.

“But unlike you the person that I've found is someone shares my dreams of a world without good!" Demon Princess cackled as she flicked her wrist, shooting a black beam from the wand toward a nearby slide. "Now then, let me introduce you to one of my new friends!Assist me, Guon!"

{Again, what?!?} (Star Guardian)

As the slide was struck with the black beam it began to twist and morph as the dark energy corrupted its very form. After a few moments it started to grow arms and legs, slowly standing up as it ripped itself from the foundation.

"What is that?!?" Star Guardian yelped as she was thrown back by a quick push from Demon Princess. "A monster?!?"

{Since when can she summon monsters?!?} (Star Guardian)

"Uh-Uh-Uh.“ Demon Princess tutted. “You see, Magical Girl, it's not just a monster, it's Guon!" She said as she leaped back and landed on the, now massive, slide's shoulder. "He is a gift from my new Master, the Dark Lord who will rule this world and bring it to ruin!"

"GUON!" The slide yelled from its newly formed, and cartoonish-looking mouth. Its form vaguely resembling a cartoon character with proportions that were not exactly realistic or practical, though somehow it worked perfectly, and its eyes were covered in a black pointy mask that Star Guardian likened to something from a circus.

"A Dark Lord?!? Who is that?!?" Star Guardian gasped as the giant slide began lumbering toward her, its red over sized shoes crushing the ground below her as it unleashed a mighty stomp.

"The Dark Lord is the most amazing being I've ever met! Their hatred for this world even exceeds my own! Ohohohohoho!" Demon Princess cackled as she appreciated her position of power. "Now, Guon show this Magical Girl the power granted to you by the Dark Lord! Crush her into pixie dust with the power of our Dark Friendship!"

{DARK FRIENDSHIP?!?} (Star Guaridan)

"GUON!" Guon crashed forward, smashing its boxing glove-clad fists into the ground where Star Guardian had been only moments prior, creating a massive crater as it impacted that kicked up rocks and debris and sent them flying like shot gun pellets.


"It's so fast!" Star Guardian said as she leaped away, barely doding a large chunk of concrete as it flew past her head. "How can it move so quickly even though its so big?!?"

"GUON!" The slide monster roared as charged forward, its legs blurring due to the high speed and reminding Star Guardian of a blue hedgehog she'd once seen.

{Does he eat chill dogs too?!?} (Star Guardian)

"This isn't the time for silly thoughts! Star Shield!" Star Guardian formed a blue star-shaped shield in front of her that the slide monster pounded on with its giant fists.


“GUON!” Guon yelled as it continued its assault, cracks forming in the shield with each punch.

"Its... Too... Strong..." Star Guardian groaned as she buckled under the weight of the Guon's assault. Its power was so great that brought her down on one knee as she struggled to hold back its unrelenting attacks, her shield fading quickly under its sheer power.

{At this rate, the city will be destroyed!} (Star Guardian)

"Ohohohohoho!" Demon Princess cackled from her position on the Guon's shoulder. "It would seem this would be the end! It's time to finish her off. Guon, use your most powerful attack and end the Magical Girl once and for all! And once she's gone we' find that disgusting Snugglekins and show her true sadness! Ohohohohohoho!"

{She shall be forced to watch as I eat all the pudding cups! Such an evil woman I am!} (Demon Princess)

"GUON!" The slide monster winded its fist back for a blow that was sure to destroy Guardian's shield, but just as it seemed all hope was a voice in the distance bringing it roaring back to life.

"Niko-Niko Beam!" A pink beam of warmth and goodness struck Demon Princess in the back, sending her flying off the Guon and momentarily startling the beast due to the warmth and happiness.

"Gack!" Demon Princess cried out in pain as she hit the ground, the pink beam having filled her with all that was good in the world and causing her great pain as it flooded her body with sparkles and snuggles.

"Now! Attack the beast together!" A young pink-haired girl called out to Star Guardian in the distance. She was standing on top of a nearby lamp post, her flowing pink, purple and white outfit and white floppy bunny ears making it obvious that she was a magical girl.

{YO!} (Star Guardian)

"I never thought I'd be happy to be saved by you!" Star Guardian gave a wry smile as she used her still barely clinging-on shield to push back against the Guon monster and knock it off balance since it had become distracted.

"Guon?!?" The slide monster stumbled backward, nearly falling over as it was struck from behind by a full power kick in the back from the mysterious pink magical girl, its body bending into an L shape from the sheer force of the attack as it was sent flying into Demon Princess who'd only recently gotten up.


"Nice kick!" Star Guardian said as the other Magical Girl landed next to her. “That was amazing!”

{AND SHE'S SO CUTE!} (Star Guardian)

"It's all thanks to my Niko Energy! Niko-Niko!" The other magical girl made a cute pose as she lightly squished her cheeks with the tips of her fingers. Her face showed absolute happiness, but her eyes told a slightly different story.

"Pffff.... Sorry..." Star Guardian laughed for a moment but quickly recovered.

"Another Magical Girl?!?" Demon Princess growled as she pulled herself out up under the Guon monster. “Who are you?!?”

"Me? Why I'm Magical Girl Lovely Heart! Friend to all and bringer of Smiles! Niko-Niko!" Lovely Heart said as a rainbow flashed behind her.

{How many pillows did this cost?!?} (Star Guardian)

"I see. There are more of your disgustingly cute and kind kind out there!" Demon Princess said.

“We are made from the good in the world.” Lovely Heart said. “Wherever there is darkness a Magical Girl shall be there to defeat it!”

“Yeah!” Star Guardian said before nodding to Lovely Heart.

“And now its time to defeat you!” (Lovely Heart x Star Guardian)

The two formed up shoulder to shoulder and clicked their wands together above their head.

“Miracle Heart, open!” (Lovely Heart x Star Guardian)

“What?!?” Demon Princess hissed as the two were covered in a bright light that made her burn from how pure and good it was. It didn't take long for it to fade, but once it did it revealed the two Magical Girls had evolved, their clothing becoming much puffier and frillier, while their power had doubled in strength.

“This is the end, Demon Princess!” Star Guardian and Lovely Heart said as they pointed their wands at her.“Snuggle beam!”

The two charged up a large rainbow colored blast that zoomed toward Demon Princess at incredible speed, engulfing her in a moment.

“Nooo! This warmth! Aahhhhhhh!” Demon Princess shrieked as she was being purified by the goodness energy, but just as it was about to completely destroy her she managed to kick off the ground and land on top of a nearby tree.

“Heh.... Heh...” Demon Princess huffed and puffed from the severe damage she'd taken, burns on parts of her body.

“She escaped?!?” Star Guardian yelped. “But the Snuggle beam should purify all evil!”
“We'll just have to do it again!” Lovely Heart said as she pointed her want at Demon Princess

“I think not. Let's end things here, Magical Girls!” Demon Princess said as she opened up a black vortex next to her. “You may have won today, but next time you won't be so lucky! This was only a taste of Guon's power. Ohohohohoohohoho!" She cackled as her form slipped into the darkness before disappearing along with it.

"Coward! Come back here!" Star Guardian yelled out futilely. "We'll find you and your master one of these days! And we shall defeat you!"

“Yeah!” Star Guardian agreed as they reverted back to normal and looking at Lovely Heart. “So... How much did-”


“Shut up.” Lovely Heart whacked Star Guardian on the back of the head with her wand, causing a comedic lump form.

“Owchie! Lovely Heart has gone evil! Quick lets take you to Snugglekins to purify you!” Star Guardian said while holding in a laugh.


"I see, so the Guon lost..." A deep, dark, distorted voice came over the large static-filled screen at the top of the room. Demon Princess had retreated back to her layer post-defeat and was giving a recap of events to her new Master. The Guon experiment had been defeated but its value had been proven. Had it not been for the intervention of Lovely Heart, its likely that Star Guardian would've been defeated and the good people of Fluffy Town corrupted into evil.

"Yes, Master." Demon Princess said from a kneeling position. "A second Magical Girl appeared right before I could destroy that wretched Star Guardian. I know its no excuse for my failure."

"Hmm... More Magical Girls... But that's okay. The next Guon will be far... more stronger... than this one, yeah. It... It uh was just a weak... pro-to-type?" The Dark Lord seemed to almost stumble over a few words as it spoke. "Um... Keep up the good works and together we shall rule the world together!"

"Of course! Together nothing can stop us, my Lord!" Demon Princess said right before the feed cut off.


<??? POV>

"Hmmm... Those words were hard..." A familiar looking young girl with short green hair said as she sat in an over sized computer chair. "But that Demon Princess lady was funny! And she looked so pretty in that dress! I wanna wear something like that!" She said as she spun the chair around. "Can I wear something like that since I did good, kitty? I said all the words you had on that paper!" The young girl said as she looked at the sight of Snugglekins sitting triumphantly on a dark throne surrounded by flames, while also eating pudding.


“Hurray! Snuggles and a cute dress!” The young girl cheered as she walked up the dark stairs and pet the kitty for what was likely hours.


Magical Girl Lovely Heart.



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