The Regressed Blood Knight’s Strategy

Chapter 14

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Lucky]

Chapter 14

[Main Quest – “The Fall of the Giant”]

Grade: B

Description: Due to the conspiracy of the Hatzfeld Kingdom, the Duke of Rehinar has fallen deathly ill. His death will cause great turmoil within the Rehinar territory. To prevent this, he must be healed at all costs.

Rewards for Success: Unlocking the Territory System, increased favorability among all family members.

Penalties for Failure: Increased difficulty, -10m Gold.

‘Finally, I can unlock the territory system.’

This is a crucial quest that must succeed.

Kane took out a Mana Crystal Herb from his pouch.


Mana flowed from his hand.

[Blue Tiger’s Breath has been activated]

Juice flowed from the Mana Crystal Herb.

The liquid entered Duke Carl’s lips.

Cedric, observing this, spoke up.

“His Excellency has already taken the Herb of Life several times.”

“This is a Mana Crystal Herb. It’s a similar-looking herb that many people confuse with the Herb of Life.”

“What’s a Mana Crystal Herb…?”

Cedric tilted his head in confusion.

Seeing his expression, Kane realized his mistake.

‘I guess, nobody knows about this herb yet.’

The Mana Crystal Herb became known to the world after the death of the Twelve Stars Lords.

Starting with Duke Carl, many were poisoned by the Formlessness Poison.

Efforts to cure the poison were in vain until the discovery of the Mana Crystal Herb, a counteracting poisonous herb.

“Think of it as a toxic herb.”

“A toxic herb is antagonistic to the blood of the mutated troll. Are you seriously planning to give His Excellency both at the same time?”

“That’s the only way to cure him.”

“…His Excellency’s body is already very weak!”

“I understand. But if he doesn’t take this, Father might truly die.”

Kane spoke firmly.

The Formlessness Poison had already taken over his body.

Using another Formlessness Poison to cause mutual destruction was the only way to save the Duke.

“Please trust me and wait.”

At Kane’s words, Cedric stared intently at him.

Kane’s purple eyes glowed with a mysterious light.

There was no trace of the cowardly demeanor from before. In fact, it was the opposite.

‘Does he really know a way?’

Cedric’s eyes wavered slightly.

At the same time, a sense of certainty emerged.

‘Right now… I have to trust him.’

“…I was momentarily doubtful. I apologize.”

“I understand.”

Kane slowly poured the mutated troll’s blood into the Duke’s mouth.

‘There’s no need to worry about the ratio. I can mix it internally using mana.’

If Cedric knew this, he would have been horrified.

In potion-making or poison crafting, precise ratios were crucial.

A slight excess or deficiency would render the concoction ineffective.

Especially for antidotes, the mixture had to be exact.

Otherwise, it could accelerate the poison’s effects instead of neutralizing them.

After pouring all the troll’s blood into the Duke’s mouth, Kane took out a healing potion and dropped a single droplet.

Then he placed his hand on Duke Carl’s heart.


Kane stimulated Duke’s mana heart.

The Duke’s eyebrows twitched slightly.

His complexion gradually turned darker.

‘With my current skills, I can create a new poison inside him.’

Kane possessed two breathing techniques: the Blue Tiger’s Breath and the Phoenix’s Breath.

He could use both powers simultaneously.

He activated Blue Tiger’s Breath in his right hand and Phoenix Breath in his left hand.

[Phoenix Breath(D-) has been activated]

[Blue Tiger’s Breath(D-) has been activated]

[You are using two breathing techniques simultaneously.]

[Warning! Mana consumption has doubled.]

The Blood Mark appeared in Kane’s eyes.

Water Rune and Fire Rune.

They combined to form a Blood Rune.

Then opposing energies appeared on each side of Kane.

On the right, purple water droplets.

On the left, purple flames flickered.

Cedric, observing this, furrowed his brow.

“The Young Master is using Fire Runes?”

Cedric was uncertain.

Most Fire Runes were red.

But Kane’s were purple.

Mana’s nature could alter the appearance, but using opposing runes simultaneously was different.

Even the strongest in the continent, the Twelve Stars Lords, only wielded one type of Rune each.

No one in the world could handle two opposing Runes simultaneously.

It was just a legend.

While Cedric was in shock, Kane focused all his energy on mixing the poisons inside Duke Carl.

‘Use 0.5 of the Mana Crystal Herb, 9.5 of the troll’s blood, and leave the remaining power of the Mana Crystal Herb hidden in the Duke’s body.’

Without a moment’s hesitation, he combined the different natures into one.

* * *

Time continued to pass.

Sweat beads formed on Kane’s forehead.

[Warning! Mana has dropped below 10%.]

‘It’s done. Now I just need to expel the poison.’

“Sir Cedric, please make a cut on my father’s hand.”

Without hesitation, Cedric made a small cut on the Duke’s hand.

At first, red blood flowed out.


Kane channeled his mana with all his strength.

The poison coiled inside the Duke resisted, but the newly created poison attacked it.

It was as if there could be only one ruler in this place.

They bit and attacked each other.

Initially, the coiled poison seemed to succumb to the sudden assault, but then it fought back to hold its ground.

Kane expelled both battling poisons simultaneously.


Black blood began to flow from the hand that had been bleeding red.


The black blood corroded the floor instantly.

It even melted through to the ground below.

A substantial amount of blood flowed from the Duke’s hand.

The continuous stream of black blood gradually lightened, and soon, red blood began to seep out.

[Warning! Mana has dropped below 2%.]

[Warning! Continuing to use mana may destroy your mana veins.]

Mana veins were the pathways through which mana flowed.

If they were destroyed, Kane could become a cripple, unable to use mana.

Despite this, Kane pushed the poison out of the Duke’s body to the very end.

The moment he saw bright red blood at his fingertips, he withdrew his mana.

“Huff…! Huff…!”

Kane clutched his chest and breathed heavily.

Even so, he didn’t stop checking the Duke’s face.

The skin that had turned dark was now pale.

His face, unlike before, looked peaceful.

“I did it… Huff…!”

Cedric hurriedly approached the Duke to check his condition.

“The poison… has been neutralized!”

Cedric turned to look at Kane.

The world knew Kane as the ‘Dullard Young Master.’

Yet, this man had neutralized a deadly poison that even the Duke himself couldn’t.

On top of that, he displayed the use of Fire Runes, which opposed his Water Runes.

“Even His Excellency said his condition was hopeless…”

Cedric looked at Kane with disbelief.

Kane had no mana left in his body.

He had exhausted all his strength in the treatment.

“Camilla, take the Young Master to his room.”

Cedric decided to set aside his curiosity for now.

He could ask questions once Kane had recovered.


Camilla lifted Kane and carried him back to his quarters.

Cedric couldn’t take his eyes off Kane until he disappeared.

Watching quietly, Sara spoke to him.

“You are curious as well, aren’t you, Uncle?”

“I’m bewildered.”

“I feel the same way.”

“Did you not notice the Young Master’s change?”

Sara shook her head seriously.

“Not at all. I even suspected that someone had disguised as him.”

“Are you sure it isn’t someone in disguise, Uncle?”

“No. You know better than anyone that only the direct descendants of the Rehinar Family can use the Blue Tiger’s Breath.”

“That’s why I dismissed my suspicion.”

“In fact… his personality changed after he returned from a journey to the demon forest a few weeks ago.”

Cedric’s eyes sharpened.

“Please tell me in detail.”

“It’s a bit long. Are you willing to listen?”

“We have time until the Duke wakes up, so go ahead.”

“So what happened was…”

Sara began recounting the events one by one, as if she were venting.

She spoke without pause.

Cedric nodded throughout, only occasionally showing a fleeting emotion on his face.

A few weeks ago, Kane had embarked on a journey to the demon forest, a perilous and forbidden land. No one knew the exact reason for his journey, but it was clear that he had changed.

Before the journey, Kane was known as the ‘Dullard Young Master’—a man who lacked the brilliance and prowess expected of someone in his position. He was often overshadowed by his more talented peers and had a reputation for being timid and unremarkable.

However, upon his return, there was something different about him. His once fearful demeanor was replaced with a resolute determination. He exhibited skills and knowledge that he had never shown before.

The transformation was so stark that it caused some, like Sara, to suspect that he might have been replaced by an imposter.

One significant change was his newfound ability to use the Phoenix’s Breath alongside the Blue Tiger’s Breath.

These opposing powers were thought to be impossible for anyone to master simultaneously. Even the most powerful of the continent, the Twelve Stars Lords, could only control one type of elemental Rune each.

Kane’s sudden adeptness in using two opposing elements shocked everyone who witnessed it.

Moreover, his strategic thinking and bravery during critical moments, such as the recent detoxification of Duke Carl, showcased a level of competence that contradicted his previous reputation.

Sara explained that this change was particularly evident after Kane returned from the demon forest. She described how his personality had shifted—how he was no longer the hesitant and unsure young man he used to be.

Instead, he had become assertive and unwavering in his decisions.

Cedric listened intently, absorbing every detail. He didn’t interrupt, knowing that understanding Kane’s transformation could be crucial for the future.

When Sara finished, she looked at Cedric, waiting for his reaction.

Cedric finally spoke, his voice thoughtful.

“It’s a remarkable change. The journey to the demon forest must have been a catalyst for this transformation. We need to understand what he encountered there. It might hold the key to his new abilities and knowledge.”

Sara nodded.

“I agree. Whatever happened there, it has made him into someone who can handle situations that seemed impossible before.”

Cedric looked towards the room where Kane was resting.

“We’ll have to wait until he recovers to learn further. But one thing is clear—Young Master Kane is no longer the same person he was before. This change could either be a great asset or a significant risk. We need to be prepared for both possibilities.”

As they continued their conversation, the weight of the unknown hung over them. Kane’s transformation was a mystery, but it was also a beacon of hope in their dire circumstances.

* * *

Camilla carefully laid Kane down on the floor as they returned to his quarters.

[PR/N: Bro sold all the furniture 💀]

“Haah. Squeezing out all my mana has left me utterly exhausted.”

Kane sighed, feeling the weight of both mental and physical fatigue after using all his mana to detoxify the Duke.

“You did well, Young Master.”

“You look very cheerful while I’m dead tired.”

“I’m just happy to be reminded of how amazing you are, Young Master.”

“Stop fussing over nothing… I’m going to sleep now, wake me later.”


Kane drifted off to sleep in less than thirty seconds, completely overwhelmed by fatigue.

Camilla gently lifted his head and placed it on her lap.

“When you are asleep, you still resemble the gentle Young Master from before.”

She whispered, her eyes reflecting a nostalgic longing. She stroked his head gently, allowing him to sleep soundly.


The next morning, Kane’s eyes snapped open.


He realized he had been sleeping with his head on Camilla’s lap. She had dozed off with her head bowed.

‘I must’ve fallen into deep sleep,’

Ever since vowing revenge against Hatzfeld, he rarely slept deeply, often spending sleepless nights training in the practice field. Yet, here he was, sleeping on a cute girl’s lap.

‘I can’t afford to relax until I’ve avenged myself against Hatzfeld.’

Kane carefully lifted his body, gently repositioned Camilla’s head and shoulders to lie down, and covered her with a spare piece of clothing from the room. Quietly, he left the room.

“Good morning, Young Master-”


He hushed the maids to avoid waking Camilla. The maids smiled playfully, mimicking his shushing gesture.

“Good morning, Young Master.”

Their informal yet respectful behavior was a testament to the camaraderie within the household.

Kane left the estate and headed towards the Duke’s quarters. On the way, he checked the messages he hadn’t seen the day before.

[Quest “The Fall of the Giant” has been completed.]

[Reward: Territory System has been unlocked. Condition: Meet with Duke Carl.]

[Double Reward: All Rehinar residents’ favorability +5.]

‘He must be awake by now,’

Kane thought, quickening his pace towards the Duke’s quarters.

At the front of Rehinar Mansion, Cedric was waiting for someone.

“It seems you’re waiting for me, Sir Cedric.”

Cedric, who had always been full of courtesy, now seemed particularly attentive, he was now showing even more deference than usual.

“You’ve come at the perfect time, Young Master. The Duke has just awakened.”

“That’s good news.”

“It’s all thanks to you, Young Master.”

“Let’s not get too comfortable just yet. While the poison has been cured, his body is still very weak. He’ll spend more time in a comatose state than awake for a while.”

“Given the severity of the poison, that’s understandable. Please, go inside. The Duke is waiting for you.”

Standing by the door, Cedric knocked.

“Your Excellency, the Young Master is here.”

—Let him in.

A voice came from inside.


The door opened to reveal Duke Carl, who was looking directly at him. Kane stepped into the room.

“Son. It has been a while.”

At the Duke’s first words, Kane felt a swell of emotion.

He’d never heard such loving words directed at him before.

He had tried everything to be recognized as a son by the King of Hatzfeld, but he had only ever been treated like a hunting dog.

However, Duke Carl called him “son” from the very beginning.

‘Do I still have these kinds of feelings?’

Despite occasionally joking around with those around him, Kane had been solely focused on revenge.

His efforts to rebuild Rehinar were simply to use it as a tool for his vengeance. But that single word seemed to break down the walls he had built up over time.

‘These must be Kane Rehinar’s feelings.’

He thought, trying to suppress and ignore his emotions.

“I heard you’ve been waiting for me.”

Duke Carl looked at Kane intently at the sound of his voice. Then, unexpectedly, he spoke again.

“You are not my son, are you?”

Kane’s heart skipped a beat, and he stood frozen for a moment, his mind racing. He knew he had changed, but he hadn’t expected the Duke to notice so quickly.

“What makes you say that, Father?”

“There’s something different about you. The way you speak, your demeanor… it’s subtle, but a father knows his son.”

The Duke replied, his eyes piercing as if trying to see through to Kane’s very soul.

Kane took a deep breath, considering his response carefully.

“You’re right. I am different. The journey to the demon forest changed me in ways I can’t fully explain. But I am still Kane Rehinar. Your son, and the person dedicated to ensuring Rehinar’s prosperity.”

Duke Carl’s expression softened slightly, though the suspicion didn’t entirely leave his eyes.

“Your actions saved my life, and for that, I am grateful. But know this; the bond between a father and son is not so easily shaken. I will always be watching you, Kane.”

Kane nodded, understanding the Duke’s wariness.

“I understand, Father. And I will prove my loyalty to you and the Rehinar, no matter what it takes.”

The Duke nodded slowly, then gestured for Kane to come closer.

“For now, tell me everything that has happened since your return. We have much to discuss.”

Kane approached the Duke’s bedside, ready to recount his journey and the events that had transpired.

In his heart, he resolved to uphold the legacy of the man who had called him son, even if he wasn’t entirely the same person anymore.

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Lucky]

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