The Regressor Wants to Become a Hero

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

When you become engrossed in something, time passes incredibly quickly.

Just a moment ago, it must have been morning, but before he knew it, it was evening, and Ian found himself lying in bed, staring at the ceiling.

The next morning, he woke up, briefly dazed, and got up to wash. After changing into clean clothes and having breakfast, he sat down at his desk.

He then spent several hours studying the Bane of Evil theory book Dior had given him.

It was much more complicated and difficult than he had anticipated. As he read, he wasn’t sure if he was truly understanding it.

He now understood why Dior had abruptly asked him to create the form of the meteor spear in the training grounds.

After studying, he had lunch and then began training in the practice area.

The manifestation, maintenance, and application of the technique were not simple, but thanks to his experience from his previous life, he was able to grasp it quickly.

Before he knew it, evening arrived. Exhausted, he would collapse into bed and quickly fall asleep, only to wake up and find it was morning again.


Sitting at his desk, Ian leaned back and sighed. He flicked the pen he had been holding.

Looking up from the spinning pen between his fingers, he saw the bare branches outside the window.

All the leaves that had been hanging were gone. The wind was blowing harshly.

He realized with a start that it had been three months of repeating this routine of training.

‘I wonder if it’s okay to be so relaxed.’

But being anxious wouldn’t change anything.

Ian stretched his unusually stiff body and began studying again.

While he was deeply focused, someone knocked on the door.

Knock, knock, knock—three knocks. Then the door swung open immediately.

Without needing to confirm, Ian had a vague idea of who it was.

There was only one person in the Berger family who was this rude and inconsiderate.

“Been studying?”

Dior’s voice was light as he approached. He placed a hand on Ian’s shoulder, glanced at the desk, and took the theory book.

“What? You’re already looking at this? Fast… but do you understand it?”

“A little.”

“Really? Impressive. You had such talent, yet what made you waste your time as a useless person?”

“I was just immature.”

Dior chuckled.

“Anyone would think you’re still like that now. Don’t be mistaken. You still are.”

Ian scowled at Dior, but Dior nonchalantly closed the book he was holding and set it down on the desk.

“Let’s go eat.”

“Is that all you came here to say?”

“Hey! Watch your words. You should be grateful that a good older brother is taking care of his useless younger brother.”

“Oh, please.”

“So, are you coming or not?”

“…Let’s go.”

Although it was earlier than usual mealtime, Dior’s entrance had broken his concentration and flow, so Ian agreed.

Expecting to eat within the manor, Ian was surprised when Dior suggested going to an external restaurant used by the knights, claiming he wanted a hearty meal.

Reluctantly following Dior, Ian was caught off guard when Dior suddenly said:

“Oh, and you’ll be alone today.”

“What do you mean?”

Ian turned to Dior with a puzzled expression.

“Afternoon training. You’ll be doing it alone today.”

“What about Mael and Mari?”

“Those two? They’ve been dispatched. Even though their skill with the technique is still lacking, as official members, they need to fulfill their duties. They can’t just keep training forever, can they?”

“Dispatched for real-world experience, I suppose.”

“Why? Do you want to go too? Just say the word. Since there’s a surplus of monsters in the East, I can take you anytime. But, hmm. Considering your track record of catching both Hyolangs and Dark Mages, I’m doubtful you’ll need my help.”

“Well, maybe not right now, but there might be a time when I do. No one can live alone. If I need help, I’ll ask, so don’t just brush me off because you’re busy or it’s inconvenient.”

During their conversation, they reached the restaurant. Since it was lunchtime, there were quite a few people coming and going.

Most of them were knights. Some of them greeted Dior warmly, but when they saw Ian next to him, their expressions turned cold, and they simply nodded before walking away.

“Don’t worry about it.”

“I’m not.”

It wasn’t just words; Ian genuinely didn’t care about their attitude. It was the same with everyone else.

It had been three months since he started staying at the main house. Besides his siblings, the only ones he had maintained a friendly relationship with were Mael and Mari. But that was fine.

Even if he was considered useless, as a member of the family, they would gossip behind his back but still showed him respect in person. That was enough.

Dior, seemingly displeased with this indifferent attitude, clicked his tongue.

Just as they were about to enter the restaurant, Dior accidentally overheard a conversation.

He stopped and gestured for Ian to stay quiet, holding up a finger.



Ian looked at Dior with a puzzled expression. Dior pointed to his ear, and Ian heard the following words:

“Hasn’t he changed from before?”

Instinctively, Ian realized they were talking about him.

Dior stealthily moved to the window, and Ian followed him.

Though others looked at them suspiciously, they paid no mind.

“Ah, that’s what they’re saying. They’ve changed a lot since their coming-of-age ceremony.”

“Who said that?”

“The younger ones.”

“Hm. I remember when he used to act like a wild colt before the coming-of-age ceremony.”

“Back then, wasn’t it somewhat endearing? He was arrogant, but that’s typical of any noble. He didn’t cross any lines, did he?”

“That’s true, but his behavior after the coming-of-age ceremony… Honestly, I didn’t like it.”

“Ah, that. I felt the same. He would cower when eyes met. Lowered his head when spoken to. At first, it was pitiable, but later it became just pathetic. I couldn’t understand why he was like that. Honestly, all the kids who went through the coming-of-age ceremony were geniuses, including the youngest. There was no reason to be intimidated.”

Ian frowned.

“Do I have to keep listening to this?”

“Shh, let’s listen a bit more. Those guys are my subordinates.”

Dior seemed genuinely interested in the conversation, with a rather smug smile on his face.

Sighing quietly, Ian waited.

“After all, as a knight of the Berger family. No, as the family head’s bloodline, you should have used your defeats as nourishment to rise again.”

“According to the younger ones, it seems that’s what happened.”

“What do you mean?”

“They said you’ve used your defeats as nourishment and have grown. Didn’t I tell you? You’ve changed a lot. Have you forgotten already?”

“Just saying you’ve changed doesn’t tell me much.”

“Why not? He caught Hyolang and Dark Mage. Plus, the younger ones said they lost when they faced him.”

“They? Really? Are you sure they’re not lying?”

“Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose in a match, but they said they haven’t won even once since meeting him again. They say he fights like a seasoned mercenary.”

“Mercenary… Does that mean he fights dirty?”

“It might mean he fights incredibly well.”

“If he’s that impressive, I’d like to test myself against him.”


Dior muttered as if he had just struck a deal.

“Stop that. Even so, he’s a young master. And he only stays in the training ground, so how would he fare?”

“He does come to this restaurant occasionally.”

“Are you planning to challenge him then?”

“It’s not impossible. If it’s a fight based purely on physical ability, we could give it a shot, don’t you think?”

Dior seemed to be waiting for those words. He straightened up and threw open the slightly ajar window. A gasp was heard from inside.

“Great! I accept the challenge!”

“Sir? I think there’s been a misunderstanding. We’re…”

“I know. It seems like you’ve overheard something by accident, but it was Ian I intended to challenge, not me.”

“Oh, yes.”

“Don’t worry. Since Ian is right next to me, there’s no problem.”

Dior placed his arm around Ian’s shoulder and pulled him closer. The others, seeing Ian’s face, were visibly taken aback.

“U-uh, young master.”

“It’s okay. It’s okay. I have no intention of accusing you of any offense. Right, Ian?”

Before Ian could nod, Dior continued.

“Exactly. But since we’re not letting this go easily, let’s have a match as you suggested… How about it? Interested?”

Even if they refused, Dior’s eyes suggested he was determined to make them fight. Moreover, Dior’s position as deputy commander was not trivial.

He didn’t simply hold the position because he was the second son of the Berger family; he was recognized by all the members purely for his skill, regardless of age or status.

Therefore, they were left with no choice but to nod awkwardly, glancing at each other in discomfort. Reluctantly, they agreed.

“We’re not at fault no matter what happens, right, deputy commander?”

“Of course. But you should be careful. Ian is stronger and more skilled than he looks.”


“Alright then, gather at the training ground after lunch.”

Ian had no choice in the matter either. The match was set, and they entered the restaurant, dishing out food and sitting down.

“What are you thinking?”

Ian asked Dior.

“What are you thinking? How long will you let yourself be ignored? It’s time to show your abilities.”


“Don’t be afraid. I won’t make you fight against anyone beyond your capacity. I’m not trying to trouble you or make things hard.”

“I suppose.”

Given Dior’s nature, he wouldn’t plan and execute something like this unless he genuinely found it entertaining.

“After all, you’ve already defeated Hyolang and Dark Mage. What’s there to fear? Just treat it like sparring with Mael and Mari.”

If it’s a matter of pure physical ability, Ian was confident he could win. In a short-term match, using his magic would be quite effective.

After finishing his meal at a relaxed pace, Ian headed with Dior to the training ground of the Red Spear Order.

The training ground was filled with knights fully equipped in their armor, standing in formation.

Training was as serious as a real battle. Except during meals, they were always in armor, and their mere presence created a solemn atmosphere.

Dior walked confidently towards them.

“Any issues?”

No one raised a hand or responded.

“Then, only the Level 3 training remains. Proceed with the rest according to the schedule.”

As if on cue, most of the knights began to leave, the clinking of their armor filling the air. Still, about twenty remained.

“You might have heard, but just in case, I’ll explain briefly. The reason you’re staying behind is that some of you seem very interested in ‘Ian’s’ skills. It must be suspicious. A person who had been living like a recluse suddenly capturing a Hyolang and a Dark Mage. Not to mention, killing a Level 5 Dark Mage— it must seem like a lie. So, I prepared this opportunity.”

“Are we really going to spar with Young Master Ian?”

“Are you scared?”

Dior grinned as he asked, and the Red Spear knight who asked the question seemed visibly shaken. Although his expression was hidden by his helmet, it was evident.

“…Is it really okay? We might get hurt.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll be wearing extra armor, and unless magic is used, serious injuries are unlikely. If anything does go wrong, I’ll take responsibility. I assure you, it will be entertaining—more than you might expect.”


“Any more questions? If not, get ready.”


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