The Regressor Wants to Become a Hero

Chapter 23

Chapter 23


Ian exhaled slowly, observing the fierce flames engulfing his entire body.

He could clearly feel the three rings surrounding the core in his dantian spinning.

He did it. He suppressed the urge to burst into laughter. He thought he would feel nothing since he had already reached this stage once before, but the sense of accomplishment was much greater than expected.

Perhaps it was because he had mastered techniques of the Bane of Evil that he hadn’t learned before. That was probably the reason.

Memories of his past, where he barely survived using various makeshift techniques, surfaced. Although those times were long gone, he couldn’t just erase those memories.

‘It’s time to start taking action.’

He could continue to stay at the main estate. He had earned the recognition of the Red Spear Knights, and naturally, the way the household servants looked at him had subtly changed.

Now, while some might pass by without noticing him, there were none who pretended not to see him.

Life had become as comfortable as could be.

A soft bed, clean water, plentiful meals… Everything was satisfying, except for the fact that he couldn’t drink alcohol.

But he couldn’t allow himself to get too comfortable here. To reach a higher level and achieve it as quickly as possible, he had to go out into the world.

Ian knew one fundamental truth about the world.

‘A person grows with every achievement they make.’

Whether it’s saving a village in peril or subjugating a group of monsters, even small feats contribute to growth.

Even surviving an encounter with a dragon could be considered an achievement.

Accomplishing things that others cannot easily do, something you can brag about at a drinking party—each of these achievements leads to rapid growth.

In his previous life, didn’t he reach the brink of Level 6 just by surviving to the end alongside the Hero when he defeated the Outer Gods?

Therefore, to leave behind such achievements, it was inevitable that he would have to venture out.

After continuous training, his physical abilities had developed to the point where he could respond to emergencies to some extent. Now at Level 3, he might still be treated like a novice, but he wouldn’t be ignored.

‘First, I should get some gear.’

He suddenly remembered the early days of his mercenary life.

Back then, he had to scrape together coins from various odd jobs to buy equipment, but now, he didn’t need to do that.

If he didn’t take advantage of his noble birth now, when would he? First, he would have to meet with his father.


The thought of having a conversation with his father left him feeling both overwhelmed and sighing.

But it wasn’t something he could put off, so he immediately prepared and headed to the city of Lus.

“The head of the family has granted you permission. This way.”

Though he arrived unannounced and late at night, fortunately, he wasn’t turned away.

Following the steward, he was led directly to the door.

Entering the study, he found Granod Berger enjoying a drink.

Clink, the sound of ice in the glass he was holding could be heard.

“This is unusual. For you to seek me out.”

“I apologize for not visiting more often.”

“There’s no need to apologize. We simply didn’t have any business with each other. So, what brings you here?”

“Do you remember when you told me to ask if there was something I wanted?”

“Yes, after you enhanced the Berger name’s reputation, I did say I’d grant you something if you desired it. So, you’ve finally come up with something?”

Ian nodded.

“Yes. I would like to have a piece of equipment imbued with magic.”

Quality over quantity, for sure. If he asked for multiple items, his father might just hand him something mediocre, but if he limited his request to just one, he might receive something truly worthwhile that he could use for a long time. It was a calculated risk.

If he were allowed into the vault, that would be even better.

Before his regression, Ian had heard about the treasures taken from the Berger family.

Thunder Spear, Lumeria.

Red Spear, Queen of Thorns.

Holy Spear, Rom.

Illusion Sword, Changrim.

Blacklight Sword, Dagbane.

Each one possessed unique abilities, and those who wielded them were praised as heroes after vanquishing countless monsters.

If he could obtain one of those weapons, he wouldn’t need to worry about being outmatched in terms of weaponry.

However, he doubted that such a precious treasure would be given to him just for taking down a single Dark Mage.


Ian remained silent, waiting. Granod pondered for a moment, then set down his glass and removed one of the many rings he wore on his fingers. He then took out a cloth from a drawer, carefully polished the ring, and placed it on the desk.

“Freyr. That’s the name of this ring. It’s not an ancient relic, but with time, it might be considered one. Its performance isn’t bad, considering I’ve used it all this time, and it should be useful to you in your current stage of growth. Take it.”

Ian walked over to the desk and picked up the ring.

Although it lacked the typical embedded gemstones, it was far from ordinary, crafted entirely from a red mineral that gave it a distinct, refined appearance. The ring itself looked remarkably high-quality.

“Thank you. I’ll make good use of it.”

“Anything else you want to say?”

“No, nothing else.”

“Good. You may go.”


Ian gave a respectful nod.


Just as Ian was about to turn away, Granod spoke.

“If you ever bring further glory to the Berger name, I’ll let you choose a treasure from the vault.”

“I will certainly do that.”

“You may leave now.”

As Ian exited the study, he quietly looked down at the ring in his hand.

Freyr. Just from the name, it was impossible to tell what abilities the ring possessed. However, the fact that his father hadn’t bothered to explain it meant there was no need to.

Ian briefly worried that the ring wouldn’t fit, but as expected from a magic item, it adjusted to his finger perfectly the moment he slipped it on.

It wasn’t uncomfortable at all. The instant he wore it, he instinctively understood the ring’s capabilities.

“Mana recovery… and increased efficiency in mana consumption?”

It seemed something like that. He tested it by summoning flames into his palm.


Ian involuntarily flinched. The flames were fiercer than he had expected. It seemed the ring had an impact on the power of his Bane of Evil techniques.

Yes, this was fitting for something the head of a family would use.

It was hard to hide his satisfaction. With a pleased smile, he began heading back to the family estate, approaching the station where the warp gate was located.


He suddenly halted as a forgotten thought struck him.

‘I should have asked for some money….’

Since returning to the main estate, he hadn’t received any allowance, and he didn’t have any savings either.

Going back to request another meeting wasn’t something he was keen on doing.

As he stood there, unsure of what to do, someone suddenly addressed him from directly in front.

“What are you doing?”

It was Dior. Ian couldn’t help but wonder how they kept running into each other everywhere. At this point, it almost felt like Dior was following him on purpose.

With a grin, Ian spoke to Dior.

“Hey, it’s good timing that I ran into you.”


“Can you lend me some money?”


Dior frowned.

“Money? You don’t have any?”

“Of course not. I haven’t received any in the first place.”

“Tell me what you need it for. If it’s for drinking, smoking, or gambling, I’m not giving you a single coin.”

“Oh, come on. Do you really think I’d ask for money for that?”

“Then what?”

“I need to get some gear. I mean, I’m a Berger, and I don’t even have a sword right now. Not just a sword, I don’t have anything. Does that make any sense?”

“I suppose that could happen. But why wouldn’t it be possible? How much do you need… Actually, wait. Hold on. Now that I think about it… Hmm, hey. Follow me.”

Ian followed Dior, who suddenly started walking with long strides. He wondered where they were headed until they arrived at their eldest brother Verdan’s office.

“Why are we here?”

Ian asked, but Dior didn’t answer and knocked on the door. There was no response from inside.

Usually, that would be a sign that no one was home, and most people would leave. But Dior didn’t.

He grabbed the doorknob, turned it, and opened the door wide. No one was there.

“He must have stepped out for a moment. Let’s wait.”

Dior took this opportunity to look around the office, rummaging through things until he found something that made him exclaim in delight.

“Oh! This is hard to come by!”


“Yeah. Looks like these were set aside for guests, but I’m going to take them.”

“You know what people call that, right?”

“I guess they’d call it stealing? But that’s not how close brothers would describe it.”

“What would they call it then?”

“Sharing. Or maybe generosity?”

Ian was at a loss for words. He let out a faint chuckle in disbelief.

“I wonder what our eldest brother would say if he heard that.”

“There are several boxes here. He wouldn’t mind if I took one, would he? Want one too?”

“No, thanks.”

As Ian waited in one of the guest chairs, it wasn’t long before Verdan returned.

He looked at Dior and Ian, switching his gaze between them with a curious expression. It was clear he had no idea why they were there.

“So, the thieves I thought had broken in were just you two.”

“That’s unfair. I didn’t touch anything.”

“Ian, standing by and doing nothing is a crime too. Next time you see a thief, either apprehend them or call the guards if that’s too hard.”

Verdan sighed as he sat down at his desk.

“So, Dior’s presence here makes sense. But Ian, I’m surprised to see you here.”

“He said he needs some money, so I brought him here.”


“Out of all of us, who has the most money? You do, right?”

“…How much do you need, Ian?”

Is this what family is like? During his mercenary days, it wasn’t easy to borrow even a single coin.

Seeing Verdan so readily offer to help without even asking why filled Ian with a warm sense of gratitude.

“Well, the more, the better.”

“What do you need it for?”

“I need to get some gear—like a sword or gauntlets.”

“You don’t have to do that. If you decide to become a Red Spear Knight, I can give you standard equipment right now. After all, as a member of our family, you have a duty to fulfill.”

Nobles have a duty to protect their lands and people from external threats. In return for fulfilling this duty, they are granted privileges. If you want to keep enjoying those privileges, you must carry out your obligations.

Ian shook his head.

“Brother, I have no intention of becoming a knight.”

“Then what do you plan to do?”

In truth, becoming a Red Spear Knight wouldn’t be a problem. It’s certainly a better option than becoming a mercenary. Ian had already earned the recognition of the knights through sparring, so adapting wouldn’t be too difficult. As Verdan mentioned, he would also receive standard equipment.

The issue was that individual activities would be difficult. In the future, there would be many situations where Ian would need to operate alone, and he couldn’t just keep requesting leave every time.

“I’m going to become a mercenary.”

“A… mercenary?”


“…Let me ask you this, just to be sure. You’re not choosing to become a mercenary to declare that you have no interest in becoming the family’s successor, are you?”

It seemed there was a misunderstanding. Well, considering that Granod was still healthy, the next head of the family hadn’t been decided yet. That meant the position could go to Verdan, Dior, or even Ian.

While Ian had no such intentions, it wouldn’t hurt to leave a good impression, so he chose to remain silent instead of denying it.


Dior suddenly burst out laughing.

“Hahaha! You’re crazy! Are you serious? Hey, Verdan, did you hear that? This guy actually thinks he has a shot at becoming the head of the family? Listen, you’re not even on our radar as a competitor!”

Verdan smiled.

“Ian, don’t worry. Just become a Red Spear Knight. Be a squad leader, then a captain, and one day, if you become a Black Knight, I’ll be proud and happy as your brother.”

“You’ll regret it. What if I actually become the head of the family?”

“If that happens, it’ll just mean you’ve proven yourself worthy of the position.”

“…I still don’t want to. But I will fulfill my duties.”

“So, you’re saying we should give you missions as a mercenary. What level are you now?”

Ian straightened up, having been waiting for this moment, and held out his hand, spreading his fingers.

“…Level 3?”


Verdan and Dior responded in turn. Ian nodded and then focused his mana.

A dark haze began to rise from his hand, soon becoming a flame.


The flames didn’t stop there; they spread up his arm, enveloping it up to his elbow, responding to Ian’s will.

“…Can you solidify the shape?”

What Verdan wanted was one of the Bane of Evil techniques, the Sacred Flame Armor. It involved shaping the flames covering the body into armor, providing strong resistance to magic and curses. With sufficient mana, it could even become physically solid, functioning as true armor.

“I haven’t tried it before, but I’ll give it a shot.”

Ian limited the armor creation to his arm to avoid accidentally burning the chair he was sitting on. Slowly, the flames gathered and condensed, forming a shape. The mana consumption was higher than expected, but still manageable.

After a short while, he successfully created what he wanted. Though the shape was rough and simple, it was unmistakably a gauntlet. His fingers moved smoothly within it. Both Verdan and Dior couldn’t help but be impressed.


“You really do have talent. With this, I can trust you to handle missions.”


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