The Regressor Wants to Become a Hero

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

Ian took a moment to organize his thoughts. The goal of the Dark Mage was quite simple.

The descent of the Outer Gods.

They aimed to summon the entity they revere to this land.

However, it wasn’t exactly a secret.

It was a publicly known fact, and Verdan likely wasn’t looking for such an answer.

“I don’t think you’d be unaware of what I’m thinking…”

“It’s fine. Go ahead.”

“What the Dark Mage desires… is likely the loss of the Eastern influence held by the Berger family. But that’s no easy feat. The head of the family is just and unyielding. The Black Spear Order is nearly invincible, and the Red Spear Order is active in subduing the monsters scattered throughout. Thanks to that, the East is more stable than ever.”


Verdan looked at Ian with a look of commendation that seemed almost burdensome.

Ian cleared his throat and continued.

“Ahem. Of course, it’s not only our Berger family’s strength. The Temple of the All-Father and other nobility and military forces also contribute their power. But apart from that, the Dark Mage will want to shake the steadfast symbol of trust that is the Berger family. The lumberyard isn’t the beginning. It’s likely just one of many methods.”


“Going forward, the guild will need to increase its defenses and pay attention to many things.”

And that was something that the current head of the family, Ian’s father, and the candidate for the next head, Verdan, would need to handle. They had a few years to prepare calmly.

Ian suddenly noticed Verdan’s gaze on him. Verdan was looking at him with a very satisfied expression.

“What’s this? Is something wrong?”

“No. I’m just wondering if you’re really the Ian I used to know. I can’t say you’re excellent, but yes, I can give you a passing grade.”

“Are you really giving a compliment? It sounds like sarcasm. It’s even more so with your blunt manner.”

“I can’t help my nature. Oh, but it says here that you were cursed by the Dark Mage…”

“A curse?”

Verdan held up the report, which Elliott had handed over earlier.

Since there had been no mention of such details during the conversation, Ian assumed it had been omitted.

Ian let out a slight chuckle.

“Oh, that? It’s not a curse.”


“It was just some hallucinations.”

Ian honestly shared what he hadn’t told others, except for the details about the divine presence he had encountered. Verdan’s expression gradually became more serious.

“Ian. What’s your schedule for today?”

“Well, I was thinking of stopping by the mercenary guild and then resting. Is there something you need me to take care of immediately?”

“…The mercenary guild. That’s good. Since there’s a Temple of the All-Father there, make sure to stop by on your way back. It might be a curse.”

“It’ll probably be expensive.”

Ian mentioned it without thinking. Verdan gave a bewildered laugh.

“You’ve forgotten which family you belong to. Don’t worry about it. Just go and make sure you don’t brag too much about the hallucinations you saw.”

With a serious look, Ian nodded reluctantly.

“Go on.”

Verdan certainly took after his father in some respects. Ian left Verdan’s room, saying he’d do his best.

* * *

The Temple of the All-Father, Pantheon.

It refers to a building with twelve altars to host the Twelve Lords.

While it might be ideal to build twelve temples in one place, there are inevitably several practical issues.

Ian paused at the entrance of the Pantheon.

The presence of the Pantheon alone brought a quiet serenity to its surroundings. Even the rowdy mercenaries, usually loud and boisterous, fell silent as they passed through, respecting the sanctity of the place. They were well aware of the consequences of offending the temple in a land plagued by evil creatures from the Outer Gods.

Entering the Pantheon was not difficult. It was open to everyone, regardless of status. However, entry was restricted for those who looked too disheveled or had impure intentions, a job managed by the temple’s guards stationed throughout.

Walking down the marble corridor, Ian first saw the statues of the Twelve Lords, lined up along the perimeter. They were immense. It might seem like an extravagant display, but considering that each statue contained a spell that protected the city, it was worth it. In time, these statues would prove their value.

As Ian admired the statues, he remembered the purpose of his visit.

‘Let’s see, it’s for the curse.’

He needed to find the priest of the third lord, Nerdeal of Life. The chapel for each lord was arranged in order, so he would head towards the 3 o’clock direction.

Just as he was about to move in that direction, someone approached and called out to him.

“No way! Is that you, Ian Berger, the third son of the Berger family?”


The person addressed him by name, so Ian turned to see who it was. It was a middle-aged priest with a kindly face.

‘A bishop.’

A bishop in the Pantheon was a high-ranking position.

Ian frowned. No matter how hard he tried to recall, he didn’t recognize this man.

“Excuse me, but may I ask who you are?”

“Ah, I see. You don’t remember me. About two years ago, do you recall chasing a deer off a cliff?”


Ian’s expression grew sour at the unpleasant memory. How did this man know about that? The priest continued to smile gently.

“And that day, I was the one who came to the villa to treat you when you lost consciousness. I was the priest from then.”

“From that time…?”

“Yes, Sir Arot came urgently that night.”

Hearing the name of the villa’s manager, Ian dropped his suspicion.

“I see. I was grateful for your help back then. I’m only just now able to properly thank you.”

“Think nothing of it. I was a bit annoyed at the time, but it was a job well worth the compensation.”


Ian felt he had missed something, but the priest continued without any change in demeanor.

“It’s comforting to see you well now. It was worth the trouble I went through. But what brings you here? Dressed as a mercenary. Have you become one?”

“Yes, I’ve become a mercenary. I was engaged in a mission and fought against a dark mage.”

“A dark mage? Ah, I see. You must be concerned about curses, then.”


“Good. Follow me. I will guide you to the third chapel.”

“No, there’s no need for that.”

Ian tried to decline, but the priest shook his head and tapped his chest.

The symbol etched there marked him as a priest of Nerdeal.

“Please, I insist.”

In the end, Ian was guided to the reception room. The priest showed him to a seat and took the one across from him.

“Now, let’s take a look. Please extend your hand.”

Ian did as instructed.

The priest placed his hands over Ian’s and closed his eyes in concentration.

He didn’t recite any prayers, instead, he remained silent. Yet, a warm, reassuring light emanated from him, far more comforting than that of other priests.

Even Ian, who had no faith whatsoever, felt a sense of reverence in his presence.


After a few minutes, the priest opened his eyes and tilted his head.

“Hmm, I don’t think you need to worry. There is a small amount of dark magic remaining, but that’s to be expected after fighting a dark mage. It should dissipate on its own if you rest.”

“May I ask how I should address you, Bishop?”

“Gawon. That’s my name. And there’s no need to thank me. It wasn’t done out of pure altruism.”

Ian let out a soft chuckle. This man was very straightforward, unlike the typical nobles and priests who preferred to speak in veiled terms.

“Do you want money?”

“Ah, how do you see me? I’m not such a worldly person.”

“I was taught to be wary of such people…”

Gawon’s eyes widened slightly in surprise.

“I don’t know who taught you that, but you’ve learned well. Of course, it’s not that I dislike money. It’s nice to have, and more is always better. But right now, I’d like to ask a small favor. No, let me correct that. I’d like to request a commission.”

Ian looked at Gawon in silence.

“Why? Is there something you want to discuss?”

“Bishop Gawon.”


“…You want to assign me a commission?”

“That’s right.”

“You must have heard the rumors about me.”

Gawon nodded.

“Oh! Of course, I have. The one who didn’t fulfill his duties as a noble, who lived like a recluse, drinking and hunting endlessly. Isn’t that right?”

“…You know me well. Considering that, a more competent mercenary would be more reliable. Why would you want to assign me a commission?”

“That alone isn’t a reason not to trust you. Losing your way and wandering is something anyone can experience. It’s not uncommon. Many may stray down the wrong path, but you managed to find the right one.”


“About a year ago, you saved a village when the outer gate was opened and dealt with a dark mage, didn’t you?”

“…How do you know that?”

“Of course, it was rumored at the time. The prodigal son of the Berger family had changed. Although the rumors faded quickly, I remember clearly. Besides, didn’t you mention earlier that you fought a dark mage?”

“Even so, is there a reason for you to commission me? This is the Pantheon, after all, a temple dedicated to all the Lords. Surely, there are proud paladins here who could take on the task.”

At Ian’s skeptical question, Gawon sighed with a troubled expression.

“You might not know, but the Pantheon is continuously striving to protect the world from the Outer Gods. Alongside the Berger family.”

Ian nodded. That was an undeniable fact.

Priests and paladins.

They are armed with a noble mission to fight against the evil creatures and forces from the Outer Gods.

Even considering the sacrifices made, how many are lost each year? It’s no small number.

“But the numbers are vastly insufficient. In today’s chaotic times, it’s impossible to respond actively enough.”

“That sounds like an exaggeration. Even so, if the Pantheon is making such complaints, it must be a serious issue.”

Gawon gave a wry smile and shrugged.

“I may have exaggerated, but the shortage of personnel is real. And if things continue as they are, what I’ve said will become true in a few years. I don’t like treating people as mere numbers, but that’s the reality. Soon, the number of personnel consumed will surpass the number being supplied.”

“Not at the moment, though.”

Ian countered with indifference.

It’s not the case yet. Humanity still has many heroes, and not a single one has fallen. The Berger family is still strong, and the military is always ready to act.

He hadn’t expected to hear such grim news from a bishop of the Pantheon…

“So, does this mean you’re refusing the commission?”

“…No, I’ll at least hear you out first.”

“I recently received a letter. To be precise, it was a regular report from a dispatched priest, and the content mentioned sightings of monsters.”

Ian reacted with indifference.

Gawon was presenting it as if it were a great secret, but monsters weren’t exactly rare. When an outer gate opens, they pour out in droves.

While it’s true that they’re rare near capitals or cities, they’re easily found outside certain areas.

“What kind of monsters?”

“…I don’t know.”

“Excuse me?”


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