The Regressor Wants to Become a Hero

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

As Gailgron gazed at Ian with a meaningful look, Ian let out a wry laugh.

“What are you talking about? Surely, you haven’t forgotten that you introduced yourself as a hero, even revealing your name when speaking with the Dark Mage earlier, right?”

“Oh, right. You’ve got a sharp memory, huh?”

At that moment, Mael and Mari, who had been commanding the Red Spear knights, arrived and naturally stood by Ian’s side.

“Hmm, well… Since we have some new faces here, I should at least introduce myself properly.”

Gailgron took off the helmet he was wearing.

Golden hair and blue eyes. He was incredibly handsome, almost as if he were radiating light. It seemed clear that to be chosen as a hero, one needed not only talent but also good looks. With a smirk, he spoke.

“Nice to meet you. I am Gailgron, the hero chosen by the Lord of Silence, Damrac.”

“A talkative hero…!”

Mari blurted out, then quickly realized her mistake and hurriedly apologized.

“I’m sorry!”

“No, it’s fine. It’s true, after all. Personally, I quite like that nickname.”

Mari, now embarrassed, lowered her head deeply.

“Don’t worry about it. Really, it’s okay.”

“Thank you for your kindness. I should formally introduce myself as well. I am Ian, the third son of the Berger family. I hold no knighthood and work as a mercenary.”

“A mercenary? A noble serving as a mercenary… Sounds like there’s a story behind that. Well, since I’m older and hold a higher position, feel free to speak comfortably.”

Ian nodded calmly. Heroes who had received the blessing of a lord lived long lives.

He didn’t know everything, but he’d never heard of a hero who died of natural causes.

Even counting his life before his regression, Gailgron was probably older than Ian.

“How about calling me your younger brother?”

“…Younger brother? Are you trying to form a bond with me?”

“Well, considering we’ve already fought together to slay a demonic beast and took down the Dark Mage’s base, it feels like we’ve already bonded, doesn’t it? Even though we didn’t share drinks.”

Gailgron burst into laughter.

“Look at you, I can hear the gears turning in your head from here.”

“Hey, come on. It’s not like that.”

“Not at all? I know better. You probably think having a connection with me will come in handy someday. Do you think you’re the first to try? I’ve met so many like you, I could fill a village. But honestly, this bond you want won’t be very useful. After today, who knows when we’ll meet again? And even if you ask for my help, I’m not going to drop everything just to come to your aid.”

“I don’t mind. Really.”

“I’m still here, you know. I don’t care for forming deep relationships after just one meeting.”

“Well, if that’s the case, there’s no helping it. I’ll give up, then.”

“Straightforward, aren’t you?”

“If someone isn’t interested, there’s no point in forcing it. If you don’t want it, you don’t want it.”

Ian had only been testing the waters with no real expectation. Gailgron, seeing him back off so easily, gave a soft smile.

“Let’s think about it once we know more about each other. Anyway, where’s your leader?”


“I mean, who’s in charge of your group?”

“That would be me.”

“…Huh. No senior commander? I see, there isn’t one.”

“Why do you think that?”

“Because, for a group with the reputation of the Red Spear Knights, you’re lacking in many ways.”

Not just a little, but quite a lot, in fact.

The way they were organizing things seemed clumsy, and even the process of securing the surviving Dark Mage wasn’t going smoothly.

It only took a brief observation to realize their lack of experience.

Mael and Mari seemed to feel displeased but didn’t interrupt the conversation. Ian calmly responded.

“That’s unavoidable. All of them were just assigned to their first real mission after completing their training.”

“…Do you have trouble with your family? Like, sibling rivalry or something?”

Though he asked cautiously, the question was rather blunt.

“I may have disappointed my father, but I don’t think they hate me. I’ve maintained a decent relationship with my siblings. Even if there were any disputes, they wouldn’t resort to something this petty.”

“Then it must’ve been an unavoidable situation. My apologies for prying. So how did you all end up here on your own?”

“We encountered the Dark Mages while carrying out a mission nearby. Strangely enough, despite being Dark Mages, they were operating as a mercenary group.”

Gailgron’s eyes gleamed.

“You. You ran into Lupmeron, didn’t you?”


“I got captured by that guy and was dragged here as well.”

“…You, Sir Gailgron?”

“Of course, I let myself get captured on purpose.”

“Why would you do something so reckless?”

“I’d heard rumors of frequent disappearances around this area, mostly involving healthy adult men. I had a gut feeling it might be connected to the mission I was tasked with, and as it turns out, I was partially right. Although, I never imagined that you all would show up.”

“That’s the same for us. Who could have expected to meet a Hero in a place like this?”


Gailgron chuckled.

“Now that I think about it, I haven’t thanked you yet. You saved our lives. If it weren’t for you, none of the Red Spear Knights here, including myself, would’ve survived.”

“Well, that’s true. So, if you really feel that way, could you do me a small favor? It’s not difficult. Here in this….”

Just then, someone called out to Ian.

“Master! You should come over here for a moment!”

The voice came from the room where the Dark Mage Rahan had emerged.

Ian looked back at Gailgron. He nodded slightly and spoke.

“Shall we go?”

As they entered the room, the musty smell and scattered objects greeted them.

Two Red Spear Knights were rummaging through the room, gathering items that seemed worth collecting.

The one who called for Ian was deeper inside the room, holding an old, ornate box. After hesitating for a moment, he handed it to Ian.

“What’s this?”

“There’s a small magic circle in the room, and this was placed on top of it. It felt suspicious, so I called for you. But somehow, before I realized it, I was holding this. I haven’t checked the contents yet, as I had a strong feeling I shouldn’t… I apologize.”

Just as he said, the box exuded a disturbing allure.

“Don’t open it.”

Gailgron stopped him right as he was about to open the box. Ian looked at him, silently asking for an explanation.

“That’s a cursed object. Let me warn you in advance—if you open it and see what’s inside… Ian, everyone here except you will suffer from mental corruption.”

“Just by looking at it?”

Mari, standing behind them, asked in disbelief.

“Yes, just by looking.”

Mental corruption refers to the experience of negative symptoms such as auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations, delusions, distrust, and obsession, making it impossible to maintain one’s sanity. This usually happens when one touches items from the Outer Seas or consumes unprocessed magic stones.

“So, don’t get greedy and hand it over to me. I’ll take care of it cleanly.”

At that moment, Ian felt a strong sense of rejection towards Gailgron’s words.

‘Why should I give it up?’

A sudden desire to keep the item arose. The Hero was trying to take it away.

He couldn’t let that happen. Who gave him the right to dispose of this? Feeling uneasy at such unusual thoughts, Ian furrowed his brow.

“This thing… it’s dangerous, isn’t it?”

“I told you, it’s filthy.”

“Was the reason you let yourself be captured and came here all for this?”

“That’s right. I was ordered to retrieve it.”

“…Ordered? By whom?”

The question was almost like an interrogation. However, Gailgron, showing no sign of displeasure, raised three fingers and pointed upward.

“Who else? The Lord who watches us from the high heavens.”

“You receive orders directly from the Lord?”

“Why are you so surprised? It’s only natural. I’m not the only one. Most Heroes receive direct orders from the Lord. Though, it’s not like we can speak with Him anytime, anywhere. We have to visit the temple for that.”


“One more thing—you’re not the only ones I’ve told this to. Other Heroes serving other Lords are also on the move. Even the top Holy Knights of each temple are working to recover this.”

Ian had a strong suspicion about what was inside the box.

“Sir Hero, may I ask you something?”

Mael raised his hand slightly as he spoke. Gailgron graciously allowed it.

“Can you tell us what’s inside the box?”

“Why, are you curious?”

“If it’s classified information, then it’s fine.”

“There’s nothing really classified about it. It’s just a magic stone. But its purity is so high that if someone around Level 5 consumed it, they might even gain divine power.”

The nearby Red Spear Knights began to radiate greed. Ian, too, had a good idea of what this magic stone was.

It was the infamous artifact that once shook the world before his regression. There were even rumors that anyone who obtained it could become a hero.

But the excitement didn’t last long. Its flaw became apparent soon after.

Gailgron grinned as he continued.

“Of course, it’s not all beneficial. If you consume it, your soul will be bound to an Outer God, and you’ll experience severe mental corruption, eventually driving you mad. So, I’ve told you all you need to know—are you going to give it to me or not?”

“I will.”

The favor he’d mentioned earlier must have been asking for assistance in retrieving this.

“There’s no reason to covet such a dangerous item.”

“You owe me a debt too, don’t you? Right?”


“That’s a wise decision. In return, I’ll show you something interesting.”

Gailgron took the box that Ian handed over and channeled divine power.

As the sacred light enveloped the box, for a brief moment, the space around them seemed to distort.

One of the Red Spear Knight nearby, feeling nauseated, staggered backward.

At the same time, a chilling sound echoed in their ears.


It was almost like a scream. Dark energy began to spew from the box, breaking through the sacred light and shooting upwards.

Instinctively, everyone’s eyes followed it, and from the void above, a single eye slowly materialized, gazing down at Gailgron.


Witnessing the incredible sight for the first time, those nearby stepped back, but Gailgron only smiled confidently, drawing on even more divine power.

The holy light surrounding the box thickened like a cloud, silently enveloping the area.

The bloodshot eye, which had been glaring at Gailgron, began to thrash as soon as the light touched it.

But with no legs to flee, there was no escape.

The eye disintegrated, shredding into nothing like torn paper.

Gailgron, clearly satisfied, opened a crack in the air.

It was a dimensional space.

Without hesitation, Gailgron reached into the dark rift and pulled something out, handing it to Ian.

“Take it.”

It was a small, sword-shaped insignia, about the length of a finger segment—identical to the one Ian had previously received from the Hero Sigel. The only difference was the name and number engraved on the blade.

Gailgron 1111

It seemed like quite a rare number.

“Thank you.”

“You already have one, so you know what it is. Who gave you the one pinned to your collar?”

“Hero Sigel.”

Gailgron was impressed.

“Oh? That guy didn’t seem like someone who’d give it out to just anyone, yet you’ve already got one. Surprising.”

“I was lucky.”

“Seems that way. Meeting a Hero is a stroke of luck in itself. Make sure you keep what I gave you safe. Who knows, it might bring you more fortune?”

“I will. Don’t worry.”

“Oh, and did you know that the insignias can be connected?”


“Try attaching the one I gave you to Sigel’s.”

Following his instructions, Ian detached the insignia from his collar and placed it next to the new one.

Like magnets, they clicked together, and the faint divine energy they radiated seemed to grow slightly stronger.

“If you collect all twelve, they’ll form a circle.”

“And what happens if you complete the set? Is there some kind of reward?”

“Wouldn’t it feel pretty satisfying?”

“…No one’s ever gathered all twelve, have they?”

Gailgron thought for a moment before answering.

“Not that I know of. And I doubt anyone ever will. After all, meeting all twelve Heroes is no easy feat, and getting an insignia from each of them? That’s a tall order. They wouldn’t give one away for just anything. Anyway, I’ve finished what I came for… I should get going now.”

“Aren’t you going to take any spoils? There’s the corpse of the monster, and if we search, we might find something useful. Maybe even more magic stones like the one earlier.”

“No, there’s nothing else. I’m sure of it, so you can relax. And by the way, do you forget who I am? I’m a Hero. I might look like I travel light, but this—” he gestured to his gear, “—is much better than what most ordinary heroes use.”

Though Ian briefly recalled how Gailgron’s sword had been shattered earlier, he decided not to point it out.

“Feel free to sell whatever you find here or use it as you like. I’ll be leaving now. The next time we meet, I hope to see you’ve grown even more.”

Gailgron bid them farewell and left without looking back.


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