The Reincarnated Boy’s Growth Log ~The Harder I Work The Stronger I Can Become!?~

340 Special Edition Miracle Day

"Hmm? There's a hole in the space?

One morning. Astel said that when she was coming to the garden with Elene and Allen asking me to teach her magic. Aerys, who was watching the sight next door, is leaning his neck just like me.

"Yes, there's a hole in the space that connects us to another world."

"Isn't that unsavory? We have to close it fast?

Astel shakes his neck sideways for some reason when I ask. I don't know what that means.

"We can go from here to there, but we can't come from there."

Um, I have no idea what caused it, but I hope you don't dare close it.

"Then let's just close it and finish. Just in case someone can't come through and go back."

I get up and I try to get to that place, and I feel like I'm pulling my sleeve from the bottom. When I looked at the one who was drawn to me, there was Elene, whose eyes sparkled. I have a terrible feeling.

"Duh, what's going on, Elena?

"Dad! I want to go!

"No, sir."

I answer Elena's outrageous words instantly. It would be decided no good. Elene swells her cheeks in my words. Your angry face is cute, but you won't forgive him, will you?

"I'll take you to your grandfather's today, so wait very long."

"Yikes! Take me ~!!

When I said no, Elene started sleeping in the garden and pinching the waste. These places look like someone else from the old days. Aeris turns a blind eye when I see a chill. He seems conscious, too. Well, he's thinking about how we're gonna make him give up.

"I think it's okay to take him somewhere else."

And Astel said. When you ask me why, I'm here, and it's pretty appropriate to say that I'm okay. And for some reason, Aeris is willing to go. If this happens again, we can't stop it. I'm weak with my wife.

But these places are really parents and kids. Aeris used to be pretty messy, too. I've been caught up in it many times.

"Hmm? Look at you so much. What's wrong with you?

"No, I thought it was gonna be fun."

"Pfft, it's obvious, right? I'm going out with my family."

Ha, I don't think it's such a sweet thing, but, well, if it sounds like fun, fine. If there's anything I can do about it, and the worst I can do is force you to transfer and come back here.

"So, what about Allen? You want to come with me?

"Yes, no, it's good because I have an appointment with Marie today"

"Oh well. I can't do that."

When I answered Niyaniya, Allen fled into the mansion. Totally uber. Looks like Aerys and Elene are ready to do that.

Astel asks me to stay here. Message everyone and ask them to keep an eye out from over here to not go beyond the space.

Moving to where Astel told me, it was in the woods near the kingdom of Runwalker. There was a pocky hole there, and goblins and other demons went inside.

"Wow, you can do a hole like this. I've never seen it before."

"Oh, so am I. Elena, if you go over there and find out it's dangerous, you'll be right back here, so don't ever leave us, okay?


Elene responds with her hands up and at ease. I'm a little worried, but we should be careful.

"Well, go, but never leave, okay?



We hold hands and go through the space. I was able to get through normally without experiencing any particular pain. And Astel must have closed, the crack in the disappearing space.

When I checked to make sure the cracks blocked and then looked around, it was in the woods like earlier. However, unlike earlier in the forest, you can hear battle noises coming from these woods.

The two men who noticed it immediately set up their weapons. I'll take the galadorg out of the item ring, too. Through the woods to those who made the sound of battle, there was a figure of soldiers from this country fighting the goblins. Among them, the brunette boy stands out for a moment.

The only boy with dark hair, like me or a little below, has a big cut in his left eye. Dressed in armor that dyed his whole body as black as his hair, he had a pitch-black sword and a pure white sword in his hands, respectively.

"Whirlwind flow, wind cut!

When a boy waves his sword, a slash flies from his sword. The slaughter unleashed cuts the goblins one after the other. Quite a swordsman. Next to it was a water-colored woman releasing an equally intense slaughter.

The goblins, who had nearly 20 bodies, are instantly defeated and go. The other soldiers are not as good as the two earlier, but they are working together, and no one seems to be injured.

"Who, you guys!

Seeing the sight, another soldier noticed us. And they're all coming at us with weapons. A brunette boy who comes forward to tear through the soldiers.

Wow, he's pretty suspicious of us. Is that true? We're from someone with space. Naturally, the goblins showed up in that direction. It's stranger not to be suspicious.

"... where did you guys come from? This whole area was supposed to keep soldiers out of it?

That's what I'm gonna ask you, brunette boy. Well, how do I answer that? I don't want to make a dispute in vain, and I have no reason to lie. I was thinking about how to answer that.

"I'm from across the space!

I said fine with my hands up, Elene. The brunette boy and the soldiers who hear the words are at once murderous. I don't know if we can discuss this anymore.

We need to hear more about this.

The moment I said that, a brunette boy coming towards us. I don't have a choice, I don't really want to argue, but do I have to? That's what I thought. The moment I set up Garadorg, Zudong! And something fell between the boy and me. Hey, what!?

"It hurts, I can't believe the space cracks"

"No more! Because it unleashes a hell of a lot of magic in there!

Coming out of the dust was a grey-haired boy and a blue-haired woman. The grey-haired boy had red eyes, a sword dyed brightly red in his hand, and the blue-haired woman held a fine sword that glowed blue.

However, if this is all I have, I am a normal boy and a woman, but the atmosphere I feel from them resembles that of the devil tribe. It's not pure demonic either, it feels like a mix.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Maria. But that's about it for that enemy...... is that it?

"What are you suddenly shutting up about... eh?

You realize we're here, you two hardening up. You thought those two were enemies, too. The brunette boy came straight at me.


A brunette boy cutting to a grey-haired boy. The grey-haired boy is immediately prevented by a red-dyed sword in his right hand. A fine sword protrudes from the side there. The blue-haired woman who came with the grey-haired boy attacked.

The brunette boy moves away from his face and avoids the fine sword, keeping his distance. At that time, the flying slaughter came at me with a grey-haired boy.

The grey-haired boys were moving away from the range where the slaughter struck, seemingly activating the magic of the metastasis. I played it all for us.

The three of us staring at each other. Now, when I'm thinking about what to do, there's the sound of a bash tearing something apart. When I saw the sounder, the space suddenly cracked and a disastrous dragon-like appeared from it.

Besides, this dragon, somewhere... a pitch-black dragon on the wings of the eight wings. It's like a doll without feeling intellect in your eyes, but for sure. This is Black Dragon King's Illes.

I don't know why you're alive or why you showed up here, but I don't care about that. You can take revenge on Mr. Levine.

My face is going to get nasty by accident. I grip the Galladorg so hard, I pull the Aerys back.

When the Ileys fully emerge from the rift of space, they emit a roar that could blow the earth away. If you take a good look at him, he's slightly distracted. What the hell is going on?

Thinking without knowing the translation, there is a shadow headed for the Ileys. Dark-haired boys and gray-haired boys. I'm late.


A dark-haired boy cut to the Illes as he wrapped his magic around his sword. When Ileys plays the black-haired boy's sword like he pays with his left arm, he also hits the black-haired boy with his right arm as it is.

The brunette boy flies to the side to avoid it, but is blown away by the momentum with which the Irays slammed the ground. Like targeting a blown brunette boy, Ileys makes his wings wrap his magic around him.

The wind pressure emitted from the wings of the Ileys becomes a black mound and strikes a brunette boy. The brunette boys move to avoid it, but the black cunts are faster. I don't think this will make it, and when I try to come in for help with the metastasis, the firepillar rises to surround the brunette boy.

The firepillar protects the brunette boy from the deceit. And it was the grey-haired boy who showed up in front of the Illes. Looks like he could use a metastasis, too.

The grey-haired boy, who moved in front of him, cut to the head of the Illes. Irez, who can't defend himself in time, gets Moro a white-haired boy's sword on his head.

There's a scratch on Irez's head, but Irez doesn't look like he cared, and he comes swinging to slap him with his head. The grey-haired boy avoids it with a metastasis, but I guess the Ileys predicted, the grey-haired boy waving his tail ahead of him as he moved.

The grey-haired boy does not seem to be able to use a continuous metastasis on the boulder either, and takes an intercepting position. Well, I won't let you imitate that dangerous.

I also use the metastasis to move next to a grey-haired boy. The grey-haired boy is surprised, but now is not the time, so he keeps moving again. Now go beside the brunette boy.

"Whoa, you can use metastases, too?

"Oh, sort of. More than that, let's go fight this place together."

"... are we fighting together?

"Oh, to take him down."

There's nothing I can't take down alone, but it's easier to cooperate. They seem to be quite powerful, too.

"I agree. We have our territory nearby. We have to stop eating here, or we'll have damage."

"I don't mind either. I don't care if I don't put a knife in him."

Two people who agree with my plan. All right, shall we do that? We split in three directions at the same time without any particular signal.

"Oh, my God!

"Rage Flaming Heart Demon Sword" Lars Levatein "!

Are each of them trump cards or activate moves? The brunette boy wears a visible amount of magic, each running with a shining sword in white and black.

The grey-haired boy has a red-black sword that has changed more badly than just now. The pulsating line, as if it were a blood vessel, seems to have magic through it. I can't lose this one either.

"Thunder suit!

I also activate magic while running. My specialty in thunder magic. Behind it is activated Thunder Emperor's Armory (Grom Arms), so a weapon created by lightning strikes.

The first of the three approached the Illes was a brunette boy. Did you rush to see the impending boy more than twice as fast as earlier, Irez streaks the Deceivers.

However, the youths left behind without plundering the brunette boy. The brunette boy avoids it with the minimum amount of movement necessary, so he looks as if he's slipping through.

The Illes, who figured out they couldn't do it with the deceit, wave their sharp nails down to stab him to death. A magical claw looms, but the brunette boy stands calm.

Deviate your body as if you were pulling a bow. Put the black sword on your left hand forward and pull the white sword on your right hand backwards as if you were pulling a string. And...

"The whirlwind flows... Deadly!

A brunette boy unleashes a divine speedy poke at once. A blow fired from an arm pulled to its limit, boom! and hits the nails of the Ileys, sounding as if they had released an arrow.

The moment the brunette boy's poking and Ileys' nails bump, the aftermath of hitting the area blows away. And the next moment, he was played at the same time.

The brunette boy is blown away by the shock and rolls down the ground. Dozens of meters have been blown up but no big scratches seem to be coming.

When the Illes immediately regain his position, he tries to hit the brunette boy with his left arm, but he won't let him!

I unleash a thunderous weapon that swirls around me into the Ires. The Ileys let the wings of the Eight Wings wrap their magic around them and let it all happen once and for all.

The wind released from the wings turns into a big black tornado, destroying my thunderous weapon.

And it was the tail of the Irays that broke through the black tornado and showed up. The immense magic you feel at the same time. He's getting his braces ready across the tornado.

Avoiding the tail I'm going to slap the tornado on, the immense magic released. The impending pitch-black braces in front of you make everything swallow free.

I used to be the best at putting up with it, but now I'm not good enough to use deification.

"Thunder god no thunder (Keraunos)!"

My Thunder Magic Activates the most powerful magic, Thundergod no Thunder. Galladorg turns lightning into a spear, and on his left he wraps a cage of lightning. Behind them are eight circular thunderbolts swirling.

I unleash a swirling thunder on the impending pitch-black brace. More shockwaves strike us the moment eight thunders hit us.

Yet another magic swirled over the Irais the moment I let it go. From the feeling of magic, it was that grey-haired boy.

"It's quick, but I want you to be an experiment in my moves. Don't be so easy on me! Sun Wheel Grand Burial (Sands Destruction)!

One flame after another is released from the sword held by the grey-haired boy, who gathers over the head of the Ileys. The flames that gradually gather turn into one sphere. The figure is like a little sun.

And a glimmer of light descends from the small sun to the Ileys. The moment I instantly poured down to the Ileys, Zudohn! and a hell of a roar and a hot air strikes the neighborhood.

What a hot air. Hot air enough to blow away moisture in the air. It burns in an instant when it touches trees and such. Shit, keep it up or I'll ignite the woods!

Thought so, but the next moment, a huge ice wall covers the area. It was a woman with watery hair who came with a grey-haired boy who did this.

The enormous ice wall prevented the heat from reaching the forest. All right, I can concentrate on the Illes with this.

Irez, who receives a move that boasts enough heat to burn around, was preventing the light pouring out of the sky by wrapping the magic of dark attributes around the wings of the eight wings.

But the Irays are being pushed more. Naturally, too. It's preventing a blow from my sphere and a grey-haired boy at the same time. If you distract yourself from my attack, you know you'll be pushed out at once. If I were to break consciousness, I would be a grey-haired boy.

But that will take your life. It's...

"Damn, no... if I can't wrap it up, I'm burned."

Because there was a dark-haired boy sneaking up on Ires' throat, with two swords swinging down and up. And all the magic of the blowing boy gathered to the sword, a mixture of black and white light.

"Let's go, get ready! Blackflash!"

A dark-haired boy shook two swords up at once from the bottom to the throat of the Illes. At that moment, the slaughter, where black and white mingle, determines the Irez 'throat.

Irez can't move because of the attack between me and the grey-haired boy, so he hits the brunette boy properly without being able to avoid slaughtering him.

Slashed throat, Ileys roars. At that moment, my thunder and brace, which were antagonistic, pushed and broke the brace and the thunder approached the Ires. Hit the Illes one after the other without having time to avoid them.

And the magic of the wings I was using to defend also dropped, and the armament went up on the grey-haired boy there too. Irez, who was burned at once, couldn't even scream anymore.

I go all the way over the head of the Illes and shake up the spear of thunder. I don't know why this guy's here, and I don't know how this happened. But let me defeat you more than you are rambling as an enemy.

"That's it. Thunder God no Iron Strike"

A circular thunder begins to swirl around the Ileys and create a magic formation. A glimmer of thunder falls from the sky towards that magic formation, resonating with the magic formation to wear the irase.

Irez, who was full of creativity, took my thunder and disappeared. The remaining divine power also disappeared, and all that remained was after the battle.

The injured would be as lucky as there were soldiers involved in the attack on the Irays, and not a single one of them died.

There are a lot of things I don't know about how the space was avoided, why the Ileys showed up here, and why the Ileys had divine power, but now let's go back to the two of us more than that.

Neither Aeris nor Elene appear to be particularly injured. It looks like Aerys was protecting me. Elene is so excited to see us fight. It's cute, but I just want you to react a little more girly.

Looking at those two, there's a shadow approaching us. It was the brunette boy and the grey-haired boy who approached me.

"I can't believe those dragons show up. I couldn't have defeated him if I was alone."

"Oh, I couldn't do it alone. Thanks to all of you, the territory I know, my neighbor, is protected. Thank you."

A grey-haired boy who says so and smiles and a dark-haired boy who lowers his head. That's kind of awkward. I just fought my old enemies.

"Yes, I had yet to introduce myself. My name is Redius Arnold. I'm doing the Viscount of Arnold territory."

"I'm Elle. Nice to meet you."

"Oh, my name is Ravelt Runwalker. Greetings."

That sounds kind of weird. I'm new to this world, and I'm supposed to meet them for the first time today, but why don't I feel like I've met them for the first time? If you think about it, something cracks.

When I looked at the sound, the space was cracked again. And there was a strange space beyond it. Looks like a big room somewhere.

"Ah! It's Marisha and the others! Mr. Maria, we can go back!

Apparently, it's the grey-haired boy, El's world, that spreads over there. The woman called Maria to Elle's voice lines up next to Elle.

"Then we'll go back to our original world. I'll take this and go home."

That's what I came here to show you. It was Irez's nails. Pick this up earlier. Me and Redius have it, too.

Elle went through the space waving that nail. The moment they passed through the space, the space closed immediately and all that remained was just a landscape.

All that's left is me and Aeris, Elena. A brunette boy, Redius and a woman with watery hair stand next to him. The other soldiers are going to check the damage and so on.

Elene was overexcited or, if she noticed, rowing the boat with Utout. Well, you'd be tired if you saw something like that up close.

"Bye, Redius. It's time for us to leave. My daughter's asleep, too."

"Right. But they're going home? But you must have come from across the space. Wouldn't you be home if the space didn't open, like Elle did earlier?

"Oh, then I'll be fine. With my power."

I activate the deification to open the space. I'm the only one who can't stay open for that long, so I have to go right away.

"Well, then, Redius, this will be the last time we'll see each other. I don't think a miracle like this will ever happen again."

"Oh Ravelt, Elle, I couldn't defeat that dragon either way, thanks to the two of us. Thank you so much."

Me and Redius shake hands saying that. Elle, I should have kept it together. It was a miracle that would never happen again.


Elene, who seems to have fallen asleep, also smiles and waves to Redius and the woman. Two of them smile back at the cute Elena.

Come on, let's go.

Me and Aeris go through the space with Elene's hand in hand. A little later, looking back, there were two people still waving at me across the space closing one by one.

I wave at the end of the day before the space closes, through the space. He came back to our world as he passed through. This one was already at sunset, and the sky had sunset.

I watched a few closed spaces after that, but I couldn't help but look. I will never meet them again. To have a Krina like Alberry and the others don't connect from the other side.

But I think that's fine. It won't happen that I need to go out of my way with them. Because they are in that world.

"Ray, what's going on?"

If I was thinking alone, Aeris would call me. Well, I'll do what I can. Just once, for a little while, but don't be ashamed of them for fighting with you.

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