The Reincarnated Extra

Chapter 22: A Glimpse of Emi's Talent

Chapter 22: A Glimpse of Emi's Talent

  1. A Glimpse of Emi’s Talent

* * *

Three days have passed since I arrived at the mysterious old man’s house. Now, my physical, mental, and magical energies are more replenished than ever, and I’m brimming with vitality, thanks to him! The old man has been providing me with a bed and two meals a day, despite not knowing who I am from anywhere. He’s really kind. For the time being, since he hasn’t told me to “leave” or anything, I’m shamelessly taking advantage of his kindness.

At first, the old man was spreading his 【Intimidation】 around, but I think that was just because he was nervous about dealing with someone unfamiliar. It wouldn’t be right to just receive his kindness without giving anything back, so now I’ve taken it upon myself to clean the house. I’ve been thoroughly sweeping and wiping, and although the house was already tidy, it probably looks a decade younger now! Ehehe, I’m quite satisfied with how shiny I’ve made it.

However, there are places like the cupboard in the back room where the old man exerts a strong 【Intimidation】 if I just approach, so I haven’t touched those areas. Yeah, I understand that even if it’s a child, there are things men don’t want women to see! Makes sense. So, I’ve left those areas untouched.

Since I can’t just clean the house all the time and have some spare time, I’ve also explored outside a bit. It seems this house is located somewhere deep in the mountains where I got lost. There’s no sign of people around. The old man lives here, hidden away… His true identity remains a mystery. Even when I tried to introduce myself before…

“……I’m Emi.”

“………… (The old man, after a while, slightly nods.)”

“………… (Following his lead, I nod too.)”

Yes, that concludes our conversation.

…Well, it’s like that. He’s naturally quiet and never tries to talk about himself. He won’t even tell me his name. Why is that?

<Given he’s living a secluded life deep in the mountains… Maybe he has a dark past or something.>

Ehhh!? Really? But he’s so kind… Could such a kind old man be a wanted criminal or something? That seems unlikely! Maybe he’s just disillusioned with society because of persecution due to his black hair and eyes, living in seclusion. Well, anyway, the old man’s past doesn’t really matter. He’s a kind person who helped me. That’s all that’s important to me.

Grandpa wakes up every day before sunrise, practices some form of martial arts… I wonder if that’s what it is? After going through a series of forms, he eats breakfast and then goes hunting. And then, by midday, he returns carrying big deer or boars, processes them or does some sort of handiwork before eating dinner and going to bed early. That’s the kind of life he leads. Surprisingly, when Grandpa goes hunting, he always leaves the house empty-handed. Indeed, when we first met, he decapitated a wolf with a hand chop. With that kind of skill, he probably doesn’t need a weapon.

Could I ask him to teach me that technique…?

Since Grandpa is so kind, I, getting a bit carried away, am now thinking about such things. I lack the strength needed to survive in this life. This fact was clearly hammered into me when the thieves took our base, when I witnessed the destruction of the village with my own eyes, and when I was being chased by the Grim Reaper wolf. I must become stronger. I, who paid little heed to my previous life that ended without me realizing, am incredibly attached to this life. I don’t want to die. I think it’s because Extra-sama is with me and because I’ve been confronted with the reality of death.

Well then! So, for that reason! Today, I’d like to join Grandpa on his hunt!

I will burn Grandpa’s techniques into my eyes and make them a part of me!


Grandpa stops me from following him to the mountain and gestures with his hands for me to stay at home.


I shake my head and stare straight at Grandpa.


Grandpa also shakes his head and looks straight back at me.


A period of silence continues.

Then Grandpa sighs and starts walking towards the mountain.

Yes! Permission to accompany him granted!

<Eh!? Was that permission!? Just now!?>

Yes, no doubt about it.

Though it’s only been three days, my heart and Grandpa’s are already in tune! That’s how I know!

<Please have a proper conversation using words!>

* * *

Grandpa moves through the steep slopes and rough terrains with ease, advancing quickly along the mountain path. He checks back occasionally to see if I’m following and gradually increases his speed. I think we’re already moving at a considerable speed, but I guess this is him being considerate, moving slower than usual for my sake.


Hmm? What’s that?

Grandpa stops again and stares at me intently. What’s going on? I don’t think it’s for a rest…?


I also stare back at Grandpa.

…Suddenly, I notice the usual killing intent and oppressive aura from Grandpa have disappeared.

Ah, this…! 【Magic Perception】 activate!

<He’s using 【Presence Concealment】. The magic leakage is being suppressed beautifully.>

Right, we’re in the middle of hunting!

I quickly perform 【Presence Concealment】 as well. Seeing this, Grandpa nods and starts walking again.

Moving at a considerable pace, using 【Body Strengthening】 in conjunction with <Presence Concealment> is quite challenging!

<Up until now, you haven’t done much combining 【Body Strengthening】 and 【Presence Concealment】.>

But, since the magic leakage I had can be redirected to 【Body Strengthening】, it’s tiring but this method is highly efficient in terms of magic usage. I’ve been practicing living with 【Body Strengthening】 applied at all times, but from now on, it might be good to add 【Presence Concealment】 to that routine as well.

* * *

After advancing through the mountains for about another hour, Grandpa, while facing forward, gestured in front of my face to stop. Grandpa crouched down, so I followed suit and looked in the direction of his gaze.

About 50 meters ahead, on the rugged rocky surface, stood a yellow deer with magnificent antlers in a majestic stance.

<That’s an Electricia! It’s a dangerous monster that shoots lightning magic from the tips of its antlers!>

What!? That deer uses magic!?

As I tensed up, Grandpa, signaling me to stay still, slowly started walking towards the deer. The distance between the deer and Grandpa was about 30 meters now. Lightning crackled from the deer’s antlers, ready to attack at any moment. It was fully prepared. It seemed the deer had no intention of running away.

<It plans to hunt Grandpa in turn and eat him. That’s a carnivorous and ferocious deer…!>

A carnivorous and ferocious deer!? That creature is carnivorous despite being a deer!? This otherworld is scary after all!!!

Just as the deer aimed its increasingly crackling antlers at Grandpa, ready to unleash its magic, Grandpa… vanished.

Undoubtedly, that’s how it must have appeared to the deer.

Surprised by the sudden turn of events, the deer froze. From a distance, my eyes clearly captured what happened. Grandpa had leaped high, sky-high, in an instant, disappearing from the deer’s field of vision! And then he plunged down from the sky towards the deer, executing a swift hand chop!

…The deer, its neck effortlessly severed, fell with a thud, spraying blood. The antlers, which had been glowing and crackling for a while, gradually lost their brilliance and fell silent.

…Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! Grandpa is amazinggggggggggggg!!!

<…Once again, it’s confirmed. This person is undoubtedly a master of some martial art, comparable even to the heroes who have appeared in the isekai broadcasts I’ve seen. I never expected him to be of such caliber…!>

I rush towards Grandpa with shining eyes (at least, that’s what I intend, though my expression probably hasn’t changed).



Grandpa scratches his cheek with his index finger, seemingly embarrassed.

“What was that just now?”

“…………【Grasshopper】, and then 【Mantis】”

Wow! He even told me the names of the techniques! I guess the jumping technique was the Grasshopper, and the hand chop was the Mantis? So, do grasshoppers and mantises exist in this world too?

<Yes. The grasshopper is a voracious magical beast that devours everything, and the mantis is a fierce phantom beast said to cut through anything with its arms. Both are considered legendary beings.>

Legendary beings!? The difference from my previous life is extreme!!!

But, more importantly, those techniques, 【Grasshopper】 and 【Mantis】, were amazing, Extra-sama!

<Eh, yes. A well-trained body, movement, and magic manipulation made those techniques possible. It was splendid.>

It was so cool! I wonder if I can imitate them!?

<Imitating them might be possible to some extent. But it won’t be practical for immediate use.>

Actually, during the battle, I was so engrossed that I unconsciously activated 【Magic Perception】. That’s why I noticed something interesting happening. First, Grandpa’s high jump. It’s certain that he used 【Body Strengthening】 to enhance his physical abilities to jump, but to replicate Grandpa’s 【Grasshopper】, that alone might not be enough. Right before Grandpa jumped, I didn’t miss how magic flowed from his feet towards the ground. That flow was similar to how I use 【Water Collection】 to create drinking water from the air.

<…Indeed, Emi. You’re sharp. I saw it the same way. 【Water Collection】 is a magic that “gathers, binds, and solidifies” water from the air. If there was a similar movement of magic…>

Did Grandpa use magic to “gather, bind, and solidify” the ground just before he jumped?

<“Gather” might not be the right term, but he definitely did “bind and solidify”. Shall we call it 【Solidification】…? It’s like he used a type of earth magic to create a sturdy footing in an instant.>

Flowing magic into the ground and solidifying it…

Trying it out, this is considerably more difficult than 【Water Collection】. It’s like… I can feel resistance from the ground.

Mmm… While I’m grumbling and experimenting, slowly solidifying the ground, Grandpa watches with interest as he processes the deer. After a while, when I hit the ground where I was standing with a small stone, a hard, clinking sound came from what should have been just soil.

And then, there’s another point I think is crucial for replicating 【Grasshopper】!


Haha! Extra-sama, didn’t you notice? It’s about the very, very instant Grandpa jumped.

Different from 【Solidification】… rather, it was the opposite movement of magic flow that occurred at Grandpa’s feet!

<The opposite movement?>

Yes, the opposite of “binding”!

The magic of “pulling apart” definitely occurred at that time!

…Ah, I see. “Attraction” and “Repulsion”. I feel like I learned such terms in school in my previous life.

<Emi… you saw that, did…?>

Yes! But how do I do it?

The opposite movement of 【Water Collection】 or 【Solidification】…?

The ground, pushing out my feet, catapulting them…?

With such an image…

Generating repulsion…

And timing it with the jump powered by 【Body Strengthening】…

At that moment, I didn’t notice Grandpa’s expression becoming even more stern than usual as he watched me.

Without realizing, I activated my self-taught imitation of 【Grasshopper】.


My body jumps higher and at a speed beyond my expectations. Grandpa, surprised and panicked at my feet, becomes smaller and smaller. Changing my view, I see distant mountains, a large lake, lush forests, and grasslands… a beautiful landscape stretching endlessly below. Amazing! This is incredible! Although it took some time, can I say that this is a successful replication of 【Grasshopper】?

<Ah… but, Emi…>

? What’s wrong, Extra-sama?

My ascent stops, and I begin to fall gradually.

<This… how are you going to land? If you fall from this height, even using 【Body Strengthening】, won’t you suffer considerable damage…?>



Embarrassingly, I passed out while falling and lost consciousness. When I woke up, I was inside Grandpa’s house, in a futon. Apparently, Grandpa somehow managed to catch me. The eyes of Grandpa staring at me as I woke up were filled with considerable anger.

I’m s-s-s-sorryyyyyy……!!

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