The Reincarnated Extra

Chapter 542: 【Beautiful Girl Detective Akashiterika!】Morning in the Old Imperial City 3

Chapter 542: 【Beautiful Girl Detective Akashiterika!】Morning in the Old Imperial City 3

  1. 【Beautiful Girl Detective Akashiterika!】Morning in the Old Imperial City 3

* * *


Emi stared intently, trembling at the white object, piled high in the bowl she was holding.

Simply put, it was porridge.

The rice grains, half of them already melted away, shone beautifully in the morning sun.

The slightly yellowish broth, with brightly green spring onions, some unknown red spice, and a hint of oil floating on top—sparkling, trembling along with Emi.

She twitched her nose—Sniff.

And the rich aroma of spring onions and seafood broth instantly filled her senses!

Just from its beautiful appearance and fragrance, the porridge stole most of Emi’s cognitive abilities.

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that Emi is being controlled by the porridge!

The only action she’s allowed to take… is!

“Ah-Ah… Slurp… Munch, munch… Slurp, slurp, slurp… Munch, munch, munch…!

…To thrust her spoon into the porridge… and shovel it into her mouth…!

“Fufu, is it delicious?”

Akashiterika, seeing Emi like that, smiled happily from across the small, round, white table.

She’s holding something like a sandwich, with vegetables and meat between steamed, thin, white bread.

“The Old Imperial City is a gourmet city! Emperor Harahe Superbad, about two hundred years ago, was such a gourmand that he was also called the ‘Gourmet Emperor’… It’s said that thanks to his efforts, the food culture of this country made a great leap forward. Although he wasn’t very popular at the time because of his obese physique and unattractive appearance, he’s now a highly regarded emperor. On the other hand, the emperor who was called the ‘Expanding Emperor’…”

Akashiterika showed off her encyclopedic knowledge of the history of the Old Superbad Empire, but Emi wasn’t listening at all.

She’s just engrossed in eating her porridge.

Plop—a single drop.

Something sparkling in the sunlight rolled down her white cheek.


It would be rude to interrupt her now.

Akashiterika smiled gently, and took a bite of her sandwich.

Now then, the two of them are currently having breakfast at the so-called ‘Food Stall Park’, not far from Akashiterika’s detective agency.

In this park, adjacent to the canal, countless food stalls are lined up, constantly offering delicious food to visitors.

Despite it still being early morning, the dining area, with its round stools and tables, is fairly crowded… with Old Imperial City residents on their way to work, and tourists, enjoying their meals.

However… to be clear, despite the crowded situation, no one around Emi, engrossed in eating her porridge, was paying any attention to her.

This is because Emi is wearing clothes borrowed from Akashiterika, disguised to completely hide her black hair and black eyes.

First, before heading to the park for breakfast, Emi, without hesitation, cut off her black hair, which had been reaching down to her waist, practically almost to the roots.

And then, she put on a large knitted cap, minimizing the exposure of her head.

Until now, whenever Emi moved around in urban areas, she would use 【Presence Concealment】, and choose routes where she wouldn’t be seen, like rooftops.

If she was moving like that, there was no need to hide her black hair and black eyes, so she had never disguised herself like this before.

But this time, she’ll be walking around town with Akashiterika.

It seems that Akashiterika will even lend her clothes.

On top of that, yesterday, she was distracted by the smell of delicious fruits, and neglected to use her 【Presence Concealment】, which led to her being involved in trouble.

Because of that, Emi decided to cut her hair and disguise herself this time, without hesitation.

Now, although Emi dealt with her black hair by cutting it short and wearing a knitted cap, she concealed the color of her eyes by wearing black, large, round sunglasses.

Furthermore, she’s wearing a baggy, white jacket, with the hood up.

As for her pants, she’s wearing slim-fitting ones, made of bluish fabric, with the cuffs folded up.

In other words, although she looks a little suspicious, clearly hiding her face… after being glanced at once, no one pays any particular attention to her… Emi has succeeded in blending in with the ordinary Old Imperial City residents.

Akashiterika, on the other hand, is wearing her newsboy cap, her long, orange hair tied back with a large ribbon, and a short-sleeved shirt and shorts, just like yesterday.

* * *

“It was delicious…”

Thirty minutes later.

Emi, after finishing her porridge, having a second helping, and then eating fried bread, fried noodles, a flour-based dish similar to okonomiyaki, and several kinds of large meat skewers, muttered that, looking up at the sky, her eyes closed.

As expected of a gourmet city.

Even the food stalls, aimed at the common people, are of incredibly high quality.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it! I’m glad I brought you here!”

Akashiterika, seeing Emi’s satisfied expression, smiled.

She’s currently drinking something that looks like a fancy juice, with citrus fruit slices and edible flowers decorating the rim of the glass.


Hearing that word, Emi opened her eyes wide, and turned to Akashiterika.

And then, her stomach growled—Guuu.

“You’re still hungry!?”

Akashiterika, quickly comparing Emi’s face and the mountain of dishes on the table, couldn’t help but retort!

“No, well… Sorry, I’m okay now. I’ll just eat some bugs or something…”

“Don’t eat bugs!? If you’re that hungry, buy some food from the stalls!”

“But… I just realized, I don’t have any money…”

“You just realized that now!?”

Akashiterika, again quickly comparing Emi’s face and the mountain of dishes on the table, couldn’t help but retort!

She should have worried about that before she started eating!

“In that case…”

Saying that, Emi started emitting a unsettling aura… and even some mysterious, jet-black haze from the hem of her clothes!

“Stop!? It’s my treat today! I don’t know what you’re planning, but stop!?”

Akashiterika, sensing some kind of danger to human life, desperately shouted, stopping Emi!

Emi, on the other hand…

“A treat…?”

Reacted to that single word from Akashiterika, her mouth agape.

“That’s what I was planning from the beginning. I obtained several patents when I was a student… and the income from that is quite substantial. Don’t worry about the money!”

Akashiterika declared that, puffing out her chest, her arms crossed, snorting.

She looks about the same age as her, and yet she talks about her “student days” as if it’s in the past… and she even has patents…?

Emi, sensing that Akashiterika’s background is extraordinary, tilted her head…

“Then… three more servings of that porridge from earlier…”

Anyway, putting that aside, she ordered more food, since it’s a treat!

“Even if it’s a treat, isn’t that a little too shameless to order seconds at this point, oooooi!!!”

Akashiterika, standing up, and approaching Emi, lightly swung her arm, trying to tap Emi’s upper arm with the back of her hand!


Emi, silently and smoothly moved, effortlessly dodging it!

Akashiterika, surprised, opened her eyes wide!

“That’s the first time I’ve seen someone dodge a retort!”

“Did it not work…?”

“No, it worked, but!?”

“I understand… I’ll gladly accept that attack.”

Emi closed her eyes and gritted her teeth!

“No! It doesn’t hurt that much! I don’t want you to accept it with such resolve!”

“Then I won’t… Ah, excuse me, waiter, where are my seconds?”

“Aren’t you a little too nonchalant!?”

Akashiterika, as if she had gotten dizzy, plopped down on her chair, and then slumped on the table.

And then…

“Pupu, kukuku…”

She started laughing, her shoulders shaking.

“What’s wrong? Is something funny? Or are you crazy?”

“Please stop, what’s with that rude choice of words?”

Akashiterika, after peeking at Emi, who looked worried, immediately raised her head, and gave her a dumbfounded look.

But then, she narrowed her eyes…

“You see… I thought it was fun…”

Saying that, she smiled softly.

Emi nodded deeply.

“You’re certainly… a fun person.”

“I’ll punch you.”

“I’ll accept it…”

“No, I’m not picking a fight with you, it’s a figure of speech… Or rather, Emi-san, that’s quite rude to someone who’s treating you to a meal, isn’t it?”


Seeing Emi bowing her head obediently, Akashiterika chuckled.

“Back to the topic. Emi-san, you see… when I was little, I didn’t have any friends, because of my family.”


Akashiterika, her expression slightly lonely, started talking.

Even Emi didn’t interrupt her this time.

“Even when I left home and went to an academy in a faraway country… I was skipping grades, so there weren’t any children my age… and again, I didn’t have any friends. Everyone around me was kind, though.”

Akashiterika, smiling wryly, said that… and then looked straight at Emi, her blue-green eyes meeting Emi’s.

“But Emi-san, talking to you, I felt it for the first time! I thought, ‘we’ve become friends’!”

Her eyes are sparkling in the morning sun!

“Hey, Emi-san! We’re… friends, aren’t we!?”

And then Akashiterika, smiling innocently, asked Emi that!

It wasn’t a question to clear up her doubts.

It was a question to confirm the truth.

Akashiterika was already happy.

That she finally has a friend her own age!


But Emi, on the other hand—

Hearing that question… completely froze.

“Here you goーーー! Three servings of Superbad Porridgeーーー!”

Even when her second helping of porridge arrived, she didn’t touch it.

Emi just stared at Akashiterika.

Her expression, already inexpressive, is completely unreadable because of the sunglasses.


But her voice, when she finally spoke—

“Me…? With you ‘guys’…?”

—Was trembling.

It was a small, mumbling voice, and Akashiterika could barely hear it, but—

From her tone… Akashiterika clearly sensed Emi’s emotions.

First, anger… and probably rejection.

And confusion, bewilderment… those kinds of things.

Akashiterika felt that those were the elements that made up Emi’s heart.


Akashiterika, who had innocently believed that they were already friends, was deeply hurt by Emi’s reaction.

“U-Ufufu… I’m sorry, Emi-san… To suddenly say ‘friends’… That was rude of me, wasn’t it? Ahaha, I’m not very good at… gauging that kind of distance… I’m sorry…”

And although her face was pale, she forced a smile, apologized softly, and then looked down at the table, started drinking her juice through a straw—Slurp, slurp, slurp.


‘Food Stall Park’, noisy in the morning.

But the table where they’re sitting is enveloped in a heavy silence.

Emi continued to look at Akashiterika, her expression unreadable.

And Akashiterika, staring blankly at the empty dishes on the table, without any intention.

How many minutes have passed?

The sun has fully risen, and the sky is bright.

The number of customers having breakfast at the surrounding tables has also decreased, and there are many empty seats.

…And it was at that moment!


A woman’s scream suddenly echoed through the peaceful ‘Food Stall Park’!


Akashiterika, hearing the scream, jumped to her feet, and turned around!

“Emi-san, I’m sorry… I have to go!”

And pulling her newsboy cap down low, she started running at full speed towards the direction of the scream!

【You “guys”】

Refers to her classmates from her previous life.

It seems that Emi has already realized the origin of Akashiterika’s soul.

If that’s the case, it’s only natural that she has some reservations.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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