The Reincarnated Extra

Chapter 555: 【Beautiful Girl Detective Akashiterika!】The Superbad Treasure Theft Case 9

Chapter 555: 【Beautiful Girl Detective Akashiterika!】The Superbad Treasure Theft Case 9

  1. 【Beautiful Girl Detective Akashiterika!】The Superbad Treasure Theft Case 9

* * *

Now, the reception room, where they were led by Director Rakigataa, is a small, simple, square room.

In the center are four leather guest chairs and a plain wooden table.

There’s a carpet on the floor.

Everything is based on a dark brown color, creating a calm atmosphere… and a potted plant, about waist-high with a twisted trunk is placed in the corner of the room adds a touch of color.

There’s also a large window on the wall, through which you can see the garden during the day… but the sun had completely set, and beyond it was only darkness.

Akashiterika and the others were sitting in the guest chairs, waiting for the staff members to arrive, so they could start the interviews.

Next to Akashiterika, who looked relaxed, sipping her tea, is Detective Munodes, always relaxed, munching on dried squid.

And across from them, Emi, wearing sunglasses, sat silently… That’s the current arrangement.

Director Rakigataa has left the room and is waiting in the staff room with the other staff members.

Knock, knock, knock.

And then, a polite knocking sound came from the door.

The first staff member has arrived.

“Come iiiin.”

“Excuse me.”

In response to Detective Munodes’ laid-back voice, the one who entered the reception room is… a man with a gentle face and a sincere smile—Deputy Director Gaisha.

“Well, well… This is quite… nerve-wracking, hahaha.”

“Ahahaha, please have a seeeeat!”

Continuing their innocuous conversation, Deputy Director Gaisha, reaching for his neck, and adjusting his tie, sat down on one of the remaining guest chairs, and smiled quietly.

The first interview begins.

* * *

“Currently, our museum is preparing for a special exhibition called ‘The Merits and Demerits of the Expanding Emperor’… and I was working on that last night. I left the museum to go home around 10 PM.”

Deputy Director Gaisha, asked by Akashiterika about last night’s events, looked straight into her eyes and answered smoothly.

“I see.”

Akashiterika, on the other hand, glanced at the documents in her hand… the ones prepared by the police officers who had already investigated the museum… confirming that there were no contradictions in his testimony.

Her mind is sharp, and she doesn’t easily forget what she has seen once.

She has already memorized the contents of the investigation report.

She’s only keeping the documents at hand, just in case.

“Gaisha-san, I understand that you check the museum every day before you leave, right?”

“Yes. I was entrusted with the museum while Director Rakigataa was away. I was determined to do my job perfectly.”

Saying that, Deputy Director Gaisha straightened his back, adjusted his tie again… and then slumped his shoulders.

“And yet, I never thought… a thief would steal the treasures… I’m so frustrated.”

“Uu, uuuuu! Don’t be so down, Deputy Director! We’ll definitely catch the culprit!”

Detective Munodes, perhaps feeling sorry for Deputy Director Gaisha, suddenly stood up, grabbed his shoulders, and shook him—Yusa, yusa.

And then—

“Here, have this… You’ll feel better after eating it, right?”

He took out some dried squid from his breast pocket and handed it to Deputy Director Gaisha.

“…You’re so kind, Detective Munodes-dono. But please, you eat it. The investigation is still ongoing, right? You’ll need your strength.”

But Deputy Director Gaisha, smiling, returned the dried squid to Detective Munodes.

“W-W-Wow… Deputy Director, you’re such a good person…”

Detective Munodes’ eyes sparkled, and he munched on the dried squid.

Deputy Director Gaisha, watching him with a smile, patted his shoulders, and then thoroughly wiped his hands, which smelled of squid, with a handkerchief.

“Ahem… Now, the next question… about the museum check before you left last night… All the treasures were definitely in the treasure vault at that time, without a doubt?”

“…Yes, definitely. I also reset the security system after checking. And yet, the next morning, it was deactivated, and the treasures were stolen… I have no idea what could have happened.”

Ignoring Detective Munodes, who was munching on the dried squid, Akashiterika continued to question Deputy Director Gaisha.

“You said you left around 10 PM last night, but is there anyone who can confirm that?”

“The security guards at the museum should have recorded it. Also, I happened to meet a friend on my way home, and we talked. You can ask him.”

“I see. By the way, about the treasure vault’s security system… Do you think an outsider could deactivate it?”

“I think it would be difficult. After all, according to the director, the device itself seems to be made from a relic of the Super-Ancient Magic Civilization. Perhaps if they were an expert…”

“According to our preliminary investigation… there was a staff member, specializing in the study of the Super-Ancient Magic Civilization, who was working late at the museum last night.”

Here, Akashiterika looked up from the documents in her hand, and stared straight into Deputy Director Gaisha’s eyes.

Deputy Director Gaisha, who had been calmly answering her questions until now, without losing his composure, shifted his body for the first time, under her cold, blue-green gaze, like a clear lake.

“A-Ah… you’re talking about Ms. Kotsukotsu Plumuna, right? Certainly, she’s a researcher of the Super-Ancient Magic Civilization, and her knowledge is extensive… I didn’t know she was staying overnight, but it’s true that she was still working here after I left last night.”

“E-Ehhh!? Then she’s the culprit! Wow! Case closed!”

“But! She’s a serious person! She would never do something like stealing!”

Deputy Director Gaisha immediately denied Detective Munodes’ words, who had suddenly become excited, in a strong tone.

“Ehhhh, but…”

“Detective Munodes-dono… We were all body-searched when the police arrived. Also, I heard that while we were waiting in the staff room, a rough search of the museum was conducted to see if the stolen goods were hidden somewhere. And as a result, the Superbad Jeweled Crown and Teodartes’s Plate still haven’t been found. That means that the treasures have already been taken out of the museum, right? Then there’s no way she, who was working overnight and didn’t leave the museum, could be the culprit! Right? Akashiterika-dono?”

“…It’s our job to suspect everyone. Please forgive me.”

Akashiterika, smiling, said that to Deputy Director Gaisha, who couldn’t hide his irritation beneath his polite words.

“You really believe in Kotsukotsu-san, don’t you, Gaisha-san?”

“Not just her, but all my colleagues. They’re perfect colleagues to me. There’s no way they would betray me.”

Deputy Director Gaisha, adjusting his tie, declared that firmly.

After some more questions and answers, the interview with the first staff member ended.

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