The Reincarnated Martial God Brings Down the Heavens

Chapter 19

Chapter 19 – Raising a Disciple (3)

I left the mansion holding a heavy leather pouch in my hand.


What filled the pouch was none other than ‘gold coins.’

I was just about to embark on a long journey and needed a large sum of money. This ‘education fee’ was just what I needed in the current situation.

“Since I got the money, I should do the job properly.”

When I arrived at the training ground, the two fools…… no, my precious students were diligently continuing their training.

Could those guys have sensed my presence?


Soon enough, the two of them stopped moving and turned their gaze towards me.

“Ah, don’t mind me. Just keep training. I’m just here to watch, just here to watch.”

For now, that is.

“You bastard……?”

One of the brothers, who had instinctively taken a step back, became aware of his actions and reacted aggressively.

“So, you’ve finally come out of your hole, you disgusting son of a bitch!”

“Huh…… son of a bitch?”

“I might have been caught off guard back then, but today will be different.”

Like a thug from the back alleys, he spat on his palm and gripped his wooden sword firmly.

At that sight, I nodded quietly.

“Yes, kids need to learn through getting hit.”

With a bright smile, I then jumped onto the training ground.

Good, very good.

‘Such eager students.’

As their teacher, how could I not be pleased?


The training session wasn’t very long.

“W-We’re sorry!”

“We were wrong! Please forgive us just this once! We won’t mess around again.”

Had it only been about 10 minutes?

Before I knew it, Jan and Hersen, with their eyes swollen, were kneeling in front of me with their hands in the air.

“We promise to stay out of your sight while you’re here.”

“We love you, respect you, and will serve you diligently.”

“Th-Then, we have etiquette training now, so if you’ll excuse us…….”

“May you stay healthy, and may your future be filled with endless glory.”

Before they could finish their sycophantic groveling, I shook my fist.


“Yes, sir.”

The brothers, who had been about to stand, dropped to their knees again.

“You guys bullied Kirian again today, didn’t you?”

“W-We didn’t! We were just trying to help our brother prepare for the upcoming exam…”

“Oh, really? Then until the exam, I should help you with your training, too. I happen to have the time.”


As if on cue, the brothers fell silent.

“Of course, in the same way you helped Kirian. No objections, right?”

At those words, the older brother snapped his head up.

“D-Don’t do anything you’ll regret any further!”


“Assaulting the heir of the household like this. My father won’t stand for it!”

“But I got your father’s permission before coming here?”


Jan, who had been speaking, widened his eyes in disbelief.


“Watch your tone.”

“Really, sir?”

“Yes, really.”


They went silent once more.

With a light sigh, I got to the main point.

“Enough. Let’s have an honest talk.”

“……A talk……?”

“I’m curious. It’s not like there are any siblings in the house, just the three of you. Why are you so eager to pick on Kirian?”

I had a rough idea, but I wanted to hear it directly from them.

“Do you just enjoy bullying someone weaker than you, like other kids your age?”


At my repeated question, the brothers looked at each other silently.

“Look at you, gauging each other’s reactions.”

“B-Because it’s become a habit!”

“A habit?”

Realizing his slip, the younger brother quickly shut his mouth.

Then the older brother spoke up again.

“I-It’s not that we hate Kirian and want to bully him.”

“So you’re admitting you bullied him? Continue. And explain it so I can understand.”

“Honestly, Kirian’s mother was very kind to us while she was alive. Why would we hate Kirian?”

Catching on, the younger brother added.

“L-Lady Rosabelle even took care of our snacks after training.”

“She encouraged us during the hellish exam periods.”

“Honestly, she was more like a mother to us than our real mother.”

The more I listened, the more absurd it seemed.

“So you’re saying you’re a bunch of ungrateful brats? She took care of you like her own, and this is how you repay her……”

“O-Our mother told us we had to……!”

“Your mother? Not Kirian’s mother, but yours?”


“Why did she say that?”

“Sh-She said not to believe only what we see. That it was all political strategy. That to keep our position, we had to be tougher, and that Kirian’s mother’s actions were meant to take our place……”


I understood the situation immediately.

‘Parents are the problem, as always.’

Of course, I didn’t show my thoughts outwardly.

I cracked my knuckles lightly.

“These bastards are hopeless, huh? You’d sell your own mother out of fear of a fist in front of you. You’re the kind who’d sell out their country, too, wouldn’t you?”

“I-It’s not that, it’s just, that’s the truth…”

“Horse stance.”


“Did you not hear me? You want to die?”

At my threat, the brothers quickly stood up.

“Hands straight out. Legs shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees to ninety degrees. What, you’re not bending it further?”

“W-We’ll correct it!”

I looked up at the sky for a moment.

The sun was still high.

“Good. Stay like that until evening.”

“H-Half a day……?”

The brothers’ eyes widened in shock.

“Why, do you want to stay until midnight?”

“Gasp! No, sir!”

“Don’t be slacking off by the time I come back. I’ll really……”

After glaring at the shrinking brothers, I turned around.

I had grasped the whole situation.

Naturally, I had also analyzed ‘Kirian’ as a person.

He said he wanted to learn to fight, but what he really needed to learn wasn’t fighting.

‘The problem isn’t his skill or talent, it’s his mindset and environment.’

First, his mindset was shaped by the fear rooted deeply within him.

All he needed was to take the first step, but he hesitated to do so.

So, I thought about it from his perspective.

If I were in Kirian’s shoes?

My father would be Count Arsene.

As we’ve already seen, he’s a typical high-ranking noble.

He must have been too busy with external affairs to pay attention to the household.

Normally, the mother should take on that role, but the problem is, the boy doesn’t have a biological mother.

The boy was only seven years old when he lost his biological mother.

Moreover, a concubine lived under the same roof, and this concubine became the head lady of the house, with two children with her.

In such a situation, even the retainers would have to be cautious.

When the tiger was away from the mountains, the fox became the king.

The concubine seized power, and she would have been desperate to make her own child the next head of the house.

‘In other words, Kirian wasn’t inherently weak; his personality was shaped by his environment.’

He probably started to watch his every move as he grew in age.

He might have been frequently summoned by the sly fox and subjected to psychological harassment, and told not to harm his half-brothers.

Therefore, to change his mindset, we need to alter the environment that drove him into such a state.

And the task I can do to help is simple.

‘First, I need to remove the fox from sight.’

The answer was clear from the beginning.

It’s not a difficult task.

Fortunately, I have the perfect weapon in my hand.


“What did you say?!”

Isabelle’s sharp voice rang out loudly in the enclosed space.

“A-Are you telling me the assassins failed? Is that seriously what you’re saying……?!”

“We’re not sure if they failed or ran away. The deadline was last night, but since that boy is still going in and out of the head’s chambers, we can only assume they failed.”

“That’s the same thing!”

Isabelle couldn’t calm herself down.

“What if this reaches his ears? Do you think I’m the only one who’ll be in trouble? Do you think the Marquis, who dared to dispatch assassins to another family, will be able to laugh it off?”

“They are not the kind to gossip, so you needn’t worry too much.”

“How could you handle this so poorly? Is this just my problem? Wasn’t this our shared issue?!”

For a moment, the other person’s expression turned strange.

“To be honest, it’s the head lady who’s most troubled.”


“Let me tell you a crucial fact. In the worst-case scenario, the marquis has already made up his mind to abandon young master Vigri.”


Only then did Isabelle open her eyes wide.

“The family’s honor might take a hit, but he’s a child who’s already left the household. Moreover, he’s a bastard that’s been removed from the family registry long ago. If we feign ignorance, even Count Arsene won’t be able to accuse us recklessly. Not unless he’s willing to go to war with the Foltaine Marquisate.”

“Hmph, you’re trying to hide the sky with your palm. Do you think that’ll prevent the Marquis’ reputation from falling? Rather, people will condemn him as a heartless father who immediately cuts off his child for causing trouble.”

“That’s all there is to it. Moreover, no one can legally charge him with crimes like privately trading the king’s property. Legally, they’re no longer father and son.”


Isabelle’s mouth shut tightly.

As much as she hated to admit it, everything he said was true.

If the Marquisate turned a blind eye, Isabelle would be left to face the consequences alone.

“After all I’ve done for you, how could you do this to me……?”

“Goodness, that’s why we’re trying to resolve this amicably, aren’t we?”

The other person straightened his posture, seemingly trying to lighten the atmosphere.

“The head lady only needs to take care of one thing. Then, the situation will definitely change.”

A transparent vial was pushed towards Isabelle.

“As you might guess, it’s poison.”

“……Are you telling me to poison that boy?”

“Honestly, we can only rely on you now. The kitchen of a noble house is strictly controlled, isn’t it?”

Isabelle, who had been staring at the vial for a long time, shook her head.

“……No. I can’t do this. The moment I leave this room, Hans will be watching me. You saw it too, didn’t you?”

“If you can’t do this, the marquisate can no longer help you. Naturally, after the knight’s exam, you’ll spend a long time in prison. You know how Count Arsene is a stickler for principles.”


Isabelle gritted her teeth, glaring at the person who threw her own words back at her.

“Again, the one most troubled by this situation is you, head lady.”

After the stick, came the carrot.

The man, who was ostensibly a servant of Count Arsene, spoke with a hint of gentleness.

“Please make a wise decision, head lady. Does the Marquis really desire the worst-case scenario? Nobles value honor and face more than life itself. Especially a marquisate that leads so many retainers. It’s best to resolve this cleanly if possible.”

“……If I poison that boy, are you sure the situation will turn around?”

A smile crept onto the man’s lips.

“If there are no witnesses or evidence, the marquis’ power alone can cover up the entire incident. Count Arsene isn’t foolish enough to risk everything on a fight he can’t win, is he?”


Isabelle pondered for a long time, then eventually nodded.

There were no other options anyway.

“……Fine. I’ll do it somehow. Whether I bribe the head chef or sneak into the kitchen, as long as I give this to the boy, you’ll take care of the rest, right?”

“Of course.”

A faint murderous glint flickered in Isabelle’s eyes.

The decision was made; there was no time to waste.

“Give me detailed information about the poison. I need it to plan accordingly.


Isabelle’s steps were unhesitating.

“Beating up my children and leisurely contemplating in the middle of the garden?”

Her rising anger did not easily subside.

The new piece of news she received was like pouring oil on a burning house.


Just then, in Isabelle’s furious sight appeared a face she wouldn’t mind ripping to shreds.

She made an effort to calm her anger.


Isabelle stopped right in front of the person, a radiant smile like a single rose blooming on her lips.

“Nice to meet you.”

He was a boy much younger than her own son.

Nonetheless, Isabelle did not hesitate to bow first.

“My name is Isabelle.”

“You must be the head lady of the Count’s family. It’s an honor to meet you. My name is Ancelot.”

“I should have visited you sooner, but I lacked the courage and thus came late. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience my actions may have caused.”

At this moment, Isabelle was the very embodiment of a noble lady.

Every movement, every word, exuded elegance.

No one would suspect that she harbored ulterior motives.

“May we have a conversation for a moment?”

“There’s no reason we can’t.”

As Isabelle sat down opposite him, a maid approached, holding a tray as if she had been waiting for this moment.

“I-I’ve brought tea.”

“Set it down there.”

“Y-Yes, head lady.”


The maid, who was shaking more than usual today, set the tray on the table.



At that moment, there was a rather loud noise.

But the maid jumped in place as if struck by lightning.

“……Emile, what are you doing, putting on such a clumsy display in front of our guest?”

“I-I apologize!”

“Leave. I’ll pour the tea for our guest myself.”

“I-I apologize!”

The maid glanced at Ancelot and quickly retreated.


Isabelle, who briefly looked after the retreating maid, calmly poured the tea.

“I’m not sure if it will suit your taste.”

“I’m not much of a tea enthusiast, but it has a lovely aroma.”

Isabelle, thoroughly hiding her true intentions, maintained a faint smile.

‘He’s just a mere boy younger than my son.’

Even if he found the previous scene suspicious, it didn’t matter.

‘At most, he might ask me to drink first to test it.’

That wouldn’t be a problem either.

The poison Isabelle had received was harmless if simply ingested.

It only became toxic under specific conditions, making it a rather peculiar substance.

He had said it was a rare item that only grew in the harsh northern regions of the vast empire.

It was called something along the lines of……

“Oh, isn’t this the White Flame Burst Poison?”


Isabelle’s eyes widened in shock.

For a moment, she thought she was hearing things.

But seeing the kid’s actions, she realized it wasn’t a mistake.

“H-H-How did you…?”


The next actions of the boy, who had been intently looking at the tea, was truly astonishing.



The contents of the teacup disappeared down his throat without a trace.

“What a nostalgic taste.”

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