The Reincarnated Martial God Brings Down the Heavens

Chapter 30

Chapter 30 – So You Weren’t a Traitor (3)

The entire Hart Palace was turned upside down.

The cause was an urgent letter that arrived from Count Arsene’s household a few days ago.

The king wrestled with the issue alone for hours but couldn’t come up with a clear solution.

Thus, he summoned all the princes and princesses, who were considered the future of the kingdom.

“As you may already know, Count Arsene has declared war against Marquis Foltaine.”


“The count lost his wife and his most promising heir was crippled on the same day. Given the circumstances, there’s no choice but to allow this territorial war.”

King Melio II sighed deeply as he spoke.

“What do the princes and princesses think?”

The first to respond was Prince Fury Kun Hart, the heir to the throne.

“Father, a territorial war is absolutely unacceptable. It is realistically a stretch for Count Arsene’s household to single-handedly fight against Marquis Foltaine’s household.”

“However, among the various count’s households, it is true that Count Arsene’s is the only one capable of standing against Marquis Foltaine’s household.”

This time, it was the second prince, Terry Kun Hart, who voiced his opinion.

“That shouldn’t be the standard. The Foltaine household possesses military power that rivals the top among the five marquis households.”

“If we refuse the territorial war because of the current reality, we stand to lose much more. Avoiding the fight because we fear defeat will have a negative impact even on the neutral nobles who have maintained a stance of neutrality.”

Prince Fury gritted his teeth at his younger brother’s words.

“We must hold the Foltaine household accountable immediately. How dare they send assassins to another noble household within the same country? Moreover, they are the ones who caused this situation. Illegal slave trading in our country!”

“The marquis will just deny any knowledge of it. As always.”

Unlike his somewhat hot-tempered older brother, the second prince, Terry, was coldly rational.

“May I say something?”


At that moment, one of the two princesses, who had been silent until then, spoke up.

Even Terry, the second prince, couldn’t ignore her voice.


She was the first princess, Mary, and the eldest among the siblings.

Someone Terry personally found more daunting than his older brother, the crown prince.

“One thing is clear. Once the war begins, the victor will be deemed just.”


This time, no one hastily responded.

Silence itself was an affirmation.

In the current situation, where the power struggle between the two factions had reached its peak, this kind of power logic had greater influence than anything else.

“Let’s consider the opposite of what the second prince suggested. If we can win this fight, we could potentially bring the neutral middle forces, who have maintained neutrality, under our sway.”

“But we have to win first. Win! The royal family can’t offer any help. A territorial war is solely a battle between the two households.”

“Even so, we must find something we can do. If we just sit idly by, claiming there’s nothing we can do, the situation will deteriorate further.”

“How can it get any worse than this……!”

Before Prince Fury could finish his sentence.

“Y-Your Majesty! We’ve just received word that the second son of Count Arsene’s household has died!”


Immediately, everyone present widened their eyes.

“……Just like this.”


A suffocating silence descended.

It was indeed a dire dilemma.

Allowing the war meant certain defeat, but forbidding it meant losing even more than if they had been defeated.

At that moment, Princess Mary slowly rose from her seat.

“Your Majesty, how about granting a conditional territorial war?”

“A conditional territorial war?”

“Allowing the territorial war between the two households with a set time, predetermined location, and limited participants. Think of it as a kind of knight’s tournament— it should be easier to understand.”


Finally, King Melio II’s eyes lit up with interest.

Indeed, a knight’s tournament would minimize the loss of their forces.

Most importantly, it would allow the royal family to control the situation.

The real problem, however……

“Will the Foltaine Marquisate truly accept a knight’s tournament?”

“If they don’t, they too stand to lose more, just as Terry mentioned.”

“Isn’t this situation somewhat different?”

“Not at all. From the Foltaine Marquisate’s perspective, the worst-case scenario is being presented with solid evidence and facing punishment. They would welcome the Count Arsene household’s rash challenge.”

“And if they still don’t accept?”

“That would be fine as well. If we propose a mediation plan and the parties fail to reach an agreement, the ‘state’ can then intervene. In other words, we would have the justification to step in.”

Mary’s voice brimmed with confidence.

“This battle must be controlled by our royal family. For that, we should set the battle location here in the capital. If the Arsene Count’s household loses, we can issue a royal command to end the conflict with appropriate sanctions on the Foltaine Marquisate. Since they’re the ones at fault, they may grumble but won’t be able to openly defy us.”

Princess Mary was speaking as if the Arsene Count’s household would definitely lose.

In fact, no one else, not just Mary, believed that their side would win.

“Does anyone have any other opinions?”

In response to King Melio II’s question, the second prince, Terry, cautiously spoke up.

“There is one fact we are all overlooking.”


“We haven’t actually heard Count Arsene’s own wishes.”


In the silence that followed, Prince Fury let out a scoffing laugh.

“Of course, he would accept. Even the Count must know he can’t win with such a disparity in forces. Though he’s blinded by rage now, he’ll regain his senses soon enough.”

Princess Mary, frowning, added to his words.

“Even though he suffered an irreparable loss, he recklessly declared a territorial war without consulting the royal family, putting everyone in a difficult position. If he dares to refuse a royal command, he deserves punishment, not help.”

The first prince and the first princess, who had the most influence after King Melio II, were in agreement.

Finally, a consensus was reached.

“Coincidentally, the knight’s examination is coming up. Announce the territorial war between the two households to coincide with that day. The examiners will serve as witnesses. The two households will engage in a knight’s tournament in front of them.”

The knight’s examination is a nationally certified test and a grand festival held once every few years.

Naturally, countless nobles attend to enjoy the festivities.

Their reasons for attending vary.

Parents of future examinees.

People who want to personally see the country’s future.

Those with local influence who wish to catch the eyes of central nobles and advance their status.

“W-Wait a moment. Fewer witnesses might be better. In a situation where the Arsene household is bound to lose, there’s no need to expose our royal faction’s shortcomings to outsiders.”

“That’s exactly why.”


“Since the outcome is obvious, having many witnesses will prevent the Foltaine Marquisate from acting rashly. They wouldn’t dare defy a royal command or draw swords in such a setting.”

Despite Prince Fury’s concerns, Mary continued speaking with unwavering confidence.

“Furthermore, no one, including us, believes the Arsene household will win.”

“So, there’s no risk of public disappointment?”


Princess Mary’s final words were decisive.

Soon, King Melio II made his decision.

“As the princess suggested, I grant the conditional territorial war. The number of participants will be one hundred. The timing will be the day after the knight’s examination. Both princes are to inform the Foltaine Marquisate and the Arsene household of this decision.”

The two princes immediately bowed.

“We will carry out your orders.”


Deep into the night.

Lying in bed, I quietly opened my eyes.

The masked figure, now one with the darkness, was slowly slipping through the window.

Without moving, I spoke up.

“Is it alright to come and go in someone else’s house as if it’s your own?”

“Well, if I get caught, I’ll take responsibility. At the very least, I’ll make sure the short-tongued young prince doesn’t get into trouble, so don’t worry.”

“You’re more shameless than you look.”

“Isn’t it obvious that our Mask of NIght would be in a place where information is likely to leak?”

As always, Narakas was here, wearing the mask borrowed from his subordinate.

“What brings you here this time?”

“A small pebble is causing far more ripples in the lake than expected. I wanted to let you know.”

“Am I that small pebble?”

Narakas nodded silently.

“I’m not sure if you’re aware, but this country is like a volcano on the verge of eruption.

Narakas continued, sitting on the windowsill.

“The Kingdom of Hart has long been divided between two factions sharing power: the royal faction centered around the king, and the noble faction led by the two dukes.”

“I’ve heard about it.”

“Like most countries these days, the Kingdom of Hart is no different. It’s become extremely stagnant.”

Narakas quietly gazed at the moonlight streaming through the window.

“The reason is clear. Over the past few decades, countries have rapidly built up their power to check the empire. They desperately tried not to be devoured by the giant monster. But what happens if you keep inflating a balloon?”

“It eventually bursts.”

“Exactly. Power accumulates, but there’s no outlet for it. And since they can’t confront the empire just because they’ve grown a bit, they’re left with pointless internal power struggles.”

Humanity is fundamentally designed that way.

Once they get a hold of even the smallest fragment of power, they become desperate to use it someway, somehow.

Despite already having sufficient power, they continuously crave more.

“Even if you have a foolproof strategy and the Arsene Count’s household eventually wins, that itself is a problem. Regardless of the outcome, the entire country will be engulfed in chaos.”

“What are you trying to say?”

“It’s because of you. You are the catalyst for that war.”

Narakas’s voice carried a strange sense of intimidation.

“And yet, you feel no guilt? Huh? Seventh Prince of the Duchy of Meeke?”

He was trying to frighten me.

Questioning whether a mere child like me could bear the heavy burden of death.

“There’s one thing I’ve realized in my life.”


“In the end, what is meant to happen will happen.”

Narakas flinched.

“If I weren’t here, would there be no war in this country? I don’t think so.”


Narakas stared intently into my eyes through his mask.

Of course, I didn’t avoid his gaze.

After a moment of silence.

“……Alright. I’ll accept your proposal from before. I’ll provide you with information during the war. As you said, we need our client to survive if we’re to get our payment.”


“In return, though it’s not much, could you satisfy my curiosity?”

“I think I know what you’re curious about.”


“You want to know what kind of relationship I have with Ancelot Heil Edenberg, don’t you?”

Narakas let out a small laugh at my question.

“You’re a sharp kid, just as I thought.”

“As you might have guessed, I learned his swordsmanship.”

This was an answer I had prepared for such a situation.

He would have no choice but to believe it.

Natural talent and outstanding swordsmanship.

If that was the case, then even my abnormal skills would make some sense.

“Though I didn’t receive direct instruction, I consider him my mentor in spirit.”

“So, that’s why you’re uncovering the truth of history? Even though you might get killed by that greedy emperor?”

“Even so, it would only be right for a student to avenge their mentor.”

“Are you serious?”

At this point, a faint smile appeared on my lips.

“Even if I’m not serious, isn’t this the answer I should give right now? In a situation where I’m constantly being tested like this.”


Narakas widened his eyes.

And after a brief moment.

“……Really, what’s with you?”


“You know me too well. I don’t recall ever meeting a brat like you.”

Narakas’s playful murmur suddenly turned serious.

“Honestly, I like you. So here’s some advice— no, a warning.”

“I’m listening.”

“If you really learned his swordsmanship, always be cautious. Until now, you might have met only amateurs who couldn’t recognize it, but if you meet the ‘real deal,’ the situation will change. If those people are from the empire……”

Narakas’s voice grew chilling as he trailed off.

“……They will try to kill you no matter what. To them, you are the return of the thorn in their side, the hero they went to such lengths to eliminate. So, don’t use that swordsmanship when there’s a lot of eyes on you.”

“I can’t promise that, as I already have a plan.”

“A plan……?”

“To grow stronger and stronger, and then, at the Master Tournament watched by the entire continent, to proudly display that swordsmanship.”

“Th-The Master Tournament?”

So overcome with shock, the Narakas stuttered.

And then.




Knowing the gist of my plan, Narakas burst into laughter.

“You lunatic. You’re practically asking to be killed!”

“Is it that bad?”

“Heheh. I’ve never heard such a refreshing piece of nonsense in my life.”

Narakas laughed so hard he nearly doubled over.

“……Hahaha. If that really happens, the expressions on those imperial bastards’ faces will be priceless. They went through all that trouble to eliminate their rival by making him a hero, and now his successor shows up at the Master Tournament using his swordsmanship…… In that case, the empire wouldn’t dare to harm you, given their own words.”

Narakas patted my shoulder as if to encourage me.

“Suddenly, I really want to see this. I’m genuinely rooting for you, kid.”

“Just with words?”


I calmly extended my hand.

“Give me. Encouragement money.”


At daybreak, Count Arsene summoned me to the family head’s hall.

“The response from the royal palace just arrived.”

“What did they say?”

“They’ve granted permission for territorial combat. However, it’s conditional.”

“What are the conditions?”

Count Arsene replied to my question with a stern face.

“A hundred men. Elite forces from each family will fight in front of His Majesty the King until one side concedes. Killing must be avoided as much as possible. However, given the clear evidence, the royal court will conduct a separate investigation into the matter.”

“In summary, self-praise experts have once again come up with some bullshit after sitting around a table.”

There was no point in listening further.

A significant event had unfolded, and they expected us to perform a collective charade without any strategy or tactics and wait quietly?

The ones who thought of this and those who accepted it verbatim—I haven’t seen the king’s face, but I can already guess what kind of person he is.

“Send a reply. Ask if they would still say such things if the queen of this country were to die.”

“Are you suggesting we defy the royal decree?”

“Royal decree, my foot. If the king ordered you to carry wood and jump into fire, would you obediently say, ‘I will follow orders!’ and do it?”

“……If there’s a justifiable reason, then naturally, I would. Loyalty is the basic duty of a subject.”

“I assure you, that’s not loyalty but

a slave mentality.”


Count Arsene’s eyes widened at my blunt words.

“Remember this. Among the preparation required to win this war, the most important thing is to discord that damned slave mentality first.”

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