The Reincarnated Martial God Brings Down the Heavens

Chapter 35

Chapter 35 – Spy (3)

There was only one person that came to mind.

‘Andy is alive?’

But then, I shook my head.

That couldn’t be true.

Andy was definitely dead.

His heart had been pierced.

With his hands outstretched towards me.

He’d died while resenting his pathetic father.

“……Heh heh heh.”

The damned laugh escaped my lips again.

Even so, I desperately recalled the memory of that time.

Because this was a matter more important than anything else.

‘As expected, the hypothesis that Andy is alive is impossible.’

I had confirmed it with my own two eyes.

No, with all my senses.

The sight of the life-like flow of mana completely severed.

“Why would Bastion Arkets, one of the five closest aides to the great hero and known as the Iron Knight, flee all the way to this remote Heart Kingdom?”

Fortunately, Narakas’ voice continued.

“And how was I able to discover traces of that cliff?”


“You also had questions. Why did I believe without hesitation that it was the great hero’s tomb? Just because of a single inscription?”

Suddenly, an old forgotten memory surfaced.

“Five years before the end of the ’Empire Unification War,’ the Eastern Army led by Commander Ancelot returned to the capital briefly. It was right after they subdued the Arundel family, the top sword family of the far east, which was thought impossible to conquer.”


“Ancelot’s wife was pregnant with their second child at that time.”

That’s right.

My deceased wife was from this Hart Kingdom.

Though she was expelled from her family before she turned ten.

‘So that’s how it was…….’

A bitter smile appeared on my lips.

All the pieces were coming together.

Bastion had planned to secretly send the second child to the maternal side of the family.

Risking even his own life.

Because there was no other place he could think of to provide refuge.


Rage surged within me.

There was no need to hear what happened to the second child afterward.

The result was already clear.

In the end, Bastion was captured and killed, and the related records were concealed.

So, here’s the question.

“What do you mean by saying you are the second child’s patron?”

“Now it’s my turn.”

Narakas was a man who ensured give-and-take.

“Since when did you know about me?”

“……From the beginning.”


“It was written in the diary left by my teacher.”

Narakas snorted.

“Hmph. The legacy of the great hero again? It seems like an all-purpose excuse. At this point, I’d like to see it for myself.”

“Even if you ask to see it now, I can’t show it to you. I put it all in here and burned it.”

I tapped my head with my finger.

“As someone said, you need power to protect your wealth.”

“How wise of you. So, what was written about me?”

“A man who holds the most information and secrets in the world.”

“A high praise from the great hero.”

A smirk spread under Narakas’ mask.

“And the stingiest person on the continent.”


But it was only for a moment.

Narakas soon responded in a voice of disbelief.

“Anyway, that’s not enough to explain it.”

“Whether you know it or not, there’s no one on this continent who exudes as unique an aura as you.”

“An aura…….”

“The head of the Mask of Night, Narakas. His energy is like a chameleon. Sometimes cold, sometimes hotter than flames. A person who can change not only his appearance but also his underlying energy at will. That’s Narakas, the man of a thousand faces.”

“……Is that also written in the great hero’s legacy?”

I nodded and continued speaking.

“This is probably related to the mana training method he learned. There’s no one else in the world who gives off such a vibe, so if you ever come across him, pay attention. It never hurts to know a peddler in your life.”

“A stingy peddler, huh……”

Narakas let out a faint chuckle.

“……Ancelot, that bastard thought of me like that?”

At some point, my title had changed from the ‘Great Hero’ to ‘that bastard.’

“The Great Hero Ancelot had an exceptional ability to read the flow of mana when he was alive. Like master, like disciple? Truly fascinating.”

With most of his questions answered, Narakas pulled something out from his chest.

“As for the reward I mentioned earlier, the conversation we just had, and the information on the sacred artifact, I’ll pay with this. Of course, the information about the war with the Marquis of Foltaine that you previously requested will be provided as a service. But in return, I want the information on the sacred artifact now.”

“What’s that?”

“As you can see, it’s a top-grade elixir.”


It was a glass bottle filled with a transparent liquid.

Different from a potion that ‘recovers’ spent mana, an elixir increases the absolute amount of mana itself.


Even a lower-grade elixir was so precious that it could buy a small city.

It’s a treasure that couldn’t be bought even with money.

Naturally, a top-grade elixir is priceless.

‘I’ve never seen such a treasure even in my previous life.’

Indeed, it explained why Narakas was so confident.

I’ve acquired all kinds of war spoils.

However, the highest grade of elixir I ever saw was high-grade.

It’s understandable.

Top-grade elixirs appear only a few times in historical records.

‘With that one elixir, I could truly reach the level I’ve only been imitating until now.’

My current limit was clear.

My vessel was being polished steadily.

But it lacked the internal substance to fill it.

Time could solve this gradually, but.

‘That elixir could drastically shorten that time.’

And I wouldn’t be simply imitating, like I have until now.

I’d be able to go beyond and maintain a state of combat for a prolonged period of time.

The only regret was……

“……It would have been better if it were mana refiner……”


A vein bulged on Narakas’ forehead.

There are a few more treasures that permanently increase mana.

Elixirs are effective for wizards.

The treasure specialized for knights is mana refiners.

In terms of efficiency, mana refiners are at least twice as effective for knights.

“You greedy bastard. If you don’t want it, forget it.”

“Who said I didn’t want it?”


I quickly grabbed the elixir.

“Can I assume that you’re accepting the deal? Now, where’s the colorless mask?”

“Before that, I need a guard.”

“A guard?”

“I’ve received a precious treasure; I need to give it a test.”

Narakas’ eyes widened immediately.

“You’re going to consume the elixir right in front of me?”


“Do you know what that means?”

Narakas’ shock was understandable.

Consuming the elixir would leave me completely defenseless.

In other words, if someone suddenly attacked, I’d be utterly vulnerable.


The moment I opened the cap, I could tell.

The abundant mana instantly filled the surroundings.

I could tell it was genuine without even consuming it.

“Well, would anyone throw away a treasure that could buy an entire country?”


Narakas frowned again, seemingly distressed.

I would’ve believed it even if it wasn’t genuine.

As I’ve said, the Mask of Night operates on trust.

They rarely betray their customers.

‘Just look at him now.’

Even when he could easily overpower me, he chose to negotiate.

That’s why.


I consumed the elixir without hesitation.



The mana that had been spreading in all directions soon gathered into one place.

Centered around none other than my mana hole.

My whole body felt as if it were insatiably devouring the vast energy.

And then.

‘How much time has passed?’

I could tell as soon as I opened my eyes.

My body felt several times lighter.

No, it wasn’t just that it was lighter.

The mana coiled around my mana hole had become several times more powerful.

All the impurities that had hindered its flow within my body had been expelled.

The pungent smell that stung my nose was proof of that.

“……I can’t believe it even though I’m seeing it with my own eyes.”

At that moment, a nasal voice sounded.

Narakas, who had been pinching his nose, was still standing there.

“I’ve seen all sorts of strange phenomena, but I can say for certain this is the first time. Seeing someone with such pure mana as you……”

I quietly looked up.

Before I knew it, a bright full moon had risen in the night sky.

“Could it be that I was like this for half a day?”

“Half a day?”

Narakas let out a faint laugh.

“You were like that for a full two days.”


Only then did my eyes widen in shock.

‘No wonder. Is that why Narakas looked so haggard?’

For the first time, I felt sorry for him.

Was he really standing there like that for two whole days?

“Thank you.”

“……Just how audacious are you?”

Narakas shook his head.

“Do you know? You’re truly a strange one.”

“I hear that often.”

“You’re just a fledgling…… Haha. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt like this. Yes, it feels like I’m seeing the real Ancelot.”

Only then did my gaze shift forward.

“Do you have a special connection with him?”

“A connection……”

Soon, I stood up.

“I’ll be honest. Every single one of your actions makes no sense to an outsider. No one behaves this way for someone they have no connection with.”

The Mask of Night knows the truth of history.

Supporting the bloodline of a great hero in such a situation?

Even risking the emperor’s displeasure?

’There must be another reason.’

It was not suspicion but certainty.

Fortunately, Narakas resolved my doubts.

“I respected him.”


Even I couldn’t comprehend this reaction.

“Well, you, who grew up in a greenhouse, wouldn’t understand us who live in the wild.”

“Ah, I think I get it.”

There’s a nuance to the atmosphere.

“Like the Five Great Assassin Guilds.”


Narakas’s eyes widened.

The emperor who tried to place even the assassin organizations under his control.

Would intelligence organizations be any different?

“You must have been pressured by the emperor. You wouldn’t be the only ones. Mercenaries, the Free Knight Alliance, the Magic Tower…… He would have extended his influence to all organizations not affiliated with the state. He’s more than capable of that.”

So, does that mean the emperor dreams of unifying the continent?

“……It seems I made the right choice investing in you.”

After a brief silence, Narakas spoke again.

His voice carried a lingering tone for some reason.

An informant has many faces.

Their lives resemble acting.

Naturally, their words might not always be sincere.

’Will I ever see your true self in this life?’

As I was pondering this, Narakas continued.

“……Now, it’s your turn to answer. Where is our sacred relic?”

“It’s in the imperial palace.”

I answered without hesitation.


Did he think he misheard?

Narakas, digging in his ear for a moment, asked again.

“The imperial palace?”


“The imperial palace I know?”

“Why do you keep asking? Is there more than one imperial palace on this continent?”

“Let me ask again. The one where the emperor resides? The emperor’s residence?”

“Yeah, there.”

“You bastard.”


It was right after I returned to the count’s household.

“Where on earth have you been?”

As soon as news of my return spread, Count Arsene himself came out to greet me.

“Why is your face so pale? Did something happen?”

“It’s more than just something. The Marquis of Foltaine has refused the royal command and declared war on us!”


My body flinched at that moment.

“So, it has begun.”

“Do you really think we can win?”

“We must devise a foolproof strategy.”

In fact, I already had the basic strategy in my head.

“Before that, there’s something I want to ask you, Count.”


“There’s a major point of suspicion that arose from the Empire’s espionage.”

Count Arsene tilted his head in confusion at my words.

“A point of suspicion?”

“I can understand sending spies to rival families and the actions of collaborators willing to betray the country for a position.”

The factional battles within the Hart Kingdom.

The current political landscape of the continent.

And the emperor’s dark intentions.

If you look at the big picture, my previous statements are all within the realm of understanding.


“But why did the Empire and the Marquis of Foltaine choose the family of Arsene as their first target among all the noble families?”


“If their plan was to weaken the opposing faction, wouldn’t it be more efficient to target a duke’s household or at least another marquis’ household?”

Of course, they might have already sent spies to other families as well.


‘The difference in military strength of the two families is already double. There was no need to take the risk and borrow the Empire’s power.’

This was the issue.

“Is it just my imagination, or does it feel like the family of Arsene is at the eye of the storm?”


“Please, don’t hide anything and answer me. I need to know this first to formulate a solid strategy.”


Despite my urging, Count Arsene hesitated visibly.

“……Well, I

have a rough idea.”


“Is it because of this?”


Count Arsene’s eyes widened as he saw the item I presented.

“Goodness…… that insight of yours…… I’m not even surprised anymore.”

Judging by his reaction, it seemed my guess was spot on.

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