The Reincarnated Martial God Brings Down the Heavens

Chapter 39

Chapter 39 – The Last Rat (1)

Nobles who have long protected the Count of Arsene.

The four most loyal retainers of the Count of Arsene had gathered in one place.

“I am truly worried about the future of our house.”

It was Rodri, the only viscount among them, who began the conversation.

At the same time, the other vassals started chattering noisily.

“Can we win?”

“Our opponent is the Marquis of Foltaine, one of the most formidable forces in the kingdom. Perhaps it would be better to resolve this amicably through dialogue……”

“Even still, both the lady and the young master have lost their lives. If we extend our hand first in this situation, won’t the other nobles look down on us?”

For nobles, honor was everything.

The moment that honor was tarnished, they would be far removed from the center of power in the future.

“His Majesty is being unreasonable. By now, he should have sent reinforcements……”

“That child said it, didn’t he?”

Viscount Rodri reiterated the context of the conversation.

“That it would only be meaningful if we stopped them with our own strength.”


A sudden, profound silence descended.

In that stillness, Viscount Rodri continued.

“I am truly…… worried.”

Finally, pent-up discontent burst forth.

It began with Baron Tucker’s outburst.

“How can this be reasonable? No matter how much he’s done, to be swayed by the words of a mere child, barely of age! How can we focus on the war with peace of mind? After all, isn’t that child a commoner of unknown origin!?”


“Of course, a true noble should repay their dues regardless of the other’s status. I am not denying what the house has received from that child. He exposed the lady’s crimes, played a crucial role in capturing the spies, and even foiled the assassination plan against the head of the house in advance. However!”

Baron Tucker’s voice dropped even lower.

“We must distinguish between public and private matters, mustn’t we?”


“Because of that child’s merits, it seems the head of the house is unable to see the current situation accurately. So, at times like this, shouldn’t we, at the very least, speak frankly?”

Baron Tucker, who seemed to have a lot bottled up, did not stop talking.

“We vassals share our fate with the head of the house. If the head is the ruler, we vassals assist and fulfill our roles. Naturally, it is also our important duty to enlighten the head’s eyes and ears!”

“You make a very valid point.”

“The courage to say what is wrong. I believe that is what we vassals need more than anything right now. That is all I have to say.”

At this point, the other vassals began to agree.

“How about meeting the head of the house right away? Whatever happens, we all agree that sitting still is not the answer, don’t we?”

“That’s right. We cannot accept the crazy idea of just sitting and waiting.”

“First, we should remove that child. After that, we can decide whether to reshape the strategy or negotiate with the enemy.”

“But will the head of the house listen to us? Judging by recent events, he seems overly fond of that child……”

At that moment, Viscount Rodri, who had been silent, quietly raised his hand.

“……There is one thing that has been bothering me for some time.”

The attention immediately focused on him, the most influential voice among them.

“Since the lady was murdered, and even the young master Hersen passed away. Following that, the hidden spies all revealed themselves in this series of events……”

Viscount Rodri’s gaze hardened as he continued.

“……All of this happened after that child appeared, didn’t it?”


The eyes of the other vassals widened.

“To properly deceive the enemy, gain their trust. It’s a basic principle in military strategy.”

“Do you mean……?”

“At the very least, we must consider the possibility that the child is a spy.”

It was the decisive blow.

As if planned, the vassals stood up.

“Let’s go to the head of the house right now!”


It was right after Narakas had just left.

“My lord, we have something to say.”

A horde of vassals came rushing in.

“All of you coming in with such dissatisfied expressions…… Should I be nervous? Take a seat, everyone.”

“Before that……”

The leader of the horde, who had been trailing off, stepped forward to speak on behalf of the others.

“We would like that child to leave for a moment.”


At that moment, I flinched slightly.

The leader’s finger was pointed directly at me.

“Haven’t I already explained? The honored guest is……”

“Lord, forgive my boldness, but we say this because there is a possibility that the child is a spy.”


The Count of Arsene’s eyes widened.

‘Oh, so this is how you want to play it?’

I watched with a curious expression.

“You…… you scoundrels……!”

Count Arsene’s face turned as red as a tomato.

“What nonsense are you spouting in front of the honored guest!?”

“I apologize, my lord. But these are dire circumstances. Please understand our earnest wish to be certain of everything.”

“Please understand!”

The other vassals began to join in support of this action.

It seemed they had come with a clear intent.

“Still, how dare you!”

“If the truth is revealed later, we will surely bear the consequences, my lord.”

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

The four vassals, one after another, knelt to the ground.

At that, a look of desolation appeared on the Count of Arsene’s face.

“Ha…… do you even realize what you’re doing? A person who does not repay kindness is no better than a beast. Considering the actions the honored guest has taken, dismissing them simply because of age is……”

“Ah, excuse me for a moment.”

I raised my hand, observing the mood.

“I agree with what they’re saying.”

“……Honored guest, I apologize on behalf of the house for this rudeness.”

“No. They must be speaking from their hearts. Though I am merely a guest, these are the loyal vassals who have devoted decades to the House of Arsene, aren’t they?”

I nodded understandingly.

“So, I just need to step outside?”


The vassals raised their heads.

Though there was no verbal response, their expressions said it all, ‘Shut your mouth and get out!’

“Then, I’ll see you later.”

I turned and started to leave through the door.

……No, I almost did.

“……By the way.”


“Since the topic of spies has come up, I suddenly have a question myself.”

I turned my head to look at the vassals.

“What are your duties during wartime?”


“As I mentioned, I am a guest and do not know the internal details well. When the enemy invades, don’t each of you have specific areas to defend?”

“Why do you want to know that? As I’ve told you many times, you are……”

Their lord, noticing the protesting vassal, intervened.


“……My lord.”

“That is not confidential information, is it? At the very least, show some respect, as the honored guest has done enough to earn it.”


The vassals, exchanging glances, nodded in agreement.

“……In case of enemy infiltration, I am in charge of the east gate.”

“The west gate.”

“South gate.”

The answer I was looking for came last.

“I am in charge of the north gate, child.”

At the same time, my eyes lit up brightly.

“I see. Thank you for your answers.”

“……As the lord said, you are entitled to at least this much information. Despite how things have turned out, I want to express my gratitude as the representative of the vassals.”

“You’re too kind.”

Thinking they had directed the conversation in their desired direction, the leader of the vassals faintly smiled.

“By the way.”

The other vassals frowned, their faces saying, ‘What now?’

“The spies from the Marquis of Foltaine we captured earlier. They pretended to flee outside the north gate but actually hid within the city, didn’t they?”

“……What does that have to do with anything?”

“The source of that information came from none other than the north gate.”


Viscount Rodri’s face grew increasingly stern as he grasped my point.

“Isn’t it strange? There were no spies that actually left through the north gate, so why did the guards make a ‘false report’……”

Count Arsene quickly spoke up.

“We are currently investigating that matter, including the captain of the north gate and all the soldiers on duty at the time. If it turns out there was some other scheme behind the erroneous report……”

“That’s precisely what I find odd.”


“Let me ask you. During each shift, there are at least twenty guards stationed at the north gate. Are we to believe that the discipline of the House of Arsene is so lax that all of them could be swayed by a single guard captain?”


Multiple guards were stationed to prevent such incidents.

Yet, they all agreed to tell the same lie?

And not a single loyal soldier reported the truth?

“If the house is in such disarray, you shouldn’t expect victory in this war.”

By this point, Viscount Rodri had risen from his seat and was glaring at me as if he wanted to kill me.

And that wasn’t all.

“Impudent wretch! How dare you insult a noble!”

Baron Tucker beside him had even drawn his sword.

But I wasn’t finished speaking.

“What if I don’t hold back?”


“You can insult the guest of the lord, who aske you to treat them with the same respect as himself, yet I can’t do the same?”

“How dare you!”

I fixed my gaze on Viscount Rodri.

“Why don’t we hear it directly from you?”


“Viscount Rodri, you’re the traitor, aren’t you?”

His eyes blazed with murderous intent.

“That’s impossible!”

Even Count Arsene denied the accusation this time.

“They may have been rude, but the vassals here have served me loyally for over twenty years. To say that there’s a traitor among them……”

“I understand your feelings, my lord.”


“It’s called the five stages of grief.”


Betrayal is like an incurable disease.

No matter how much you manage and strive, there is no guarantee such a result won’t occur.

Even if you live your life as best as you can, when faced with that devastating outcome, people typically go through five stages of emotion.

At first, they deny reality, like the Count of Arsene is doing now, insisting, ‘That could never happen!’

Then they express anger, ‘How could those bastards do this to me!’

They attempt to bargain, ‘There’s still time to turn things back. It’s not too late……’

They fall into depression, blaming themselves, ‘I was a fool…… A fool.’

Finally, they accept that miserable outcome.

That’s how most people I’ve met have reacted.

‘Of course, I intend to stay in the second stage for life.’

I spoke firmly to the Count of Arsene, who was still in denial.

“Being betrayed by someone you trusted hurts the most. It’s more painful than having your heart cut out with a knife.”


“I understand your feelings, but you must face reality.”

A crisis is also an opportunity.

Humans are creatures driven by desire above all else.

If the law disappeared from the world, it would immediately become a realm of beasts.

History already tells us this.

There were far more traitors who changed their allegiance for their own benefit than there were patriots who fought for their country till the end.

-If your true aim is to ensure the victory of the Marquis of Foltaine, tell me. We should know, at least.

Narakas’s intention echoed in my mind.

It seemed he was watching the scene unfold from outside the window.

-I personally think this is counterproductive. With a major war approaching, if there’s suspicion, why not send those people to the front line?


This is not a misstep but a necessary one.

Moreover, I cannot entrust the honorable role of the front line to a traitor.

‘Turn the enemy’s strategy into your own.’

This is the first step to upholding that principle.

“Previously, my lord, you explained the four unacceptable situations to me. Allow me to add to that with five reasons why Viscount Rodri is the traitor.”


“If you still don’t change your mind after hearing them, I will leave this house immediately.”

At that moment, the murderous intent in the room grew even stronger.

“Insulting a noble is punishable by death!”


There was no time for anyone to intervene.

A sharp sword was already flying straight at me.

‘Making things easier for me?’

A twisted smile spread across my face.

It’s always more satisfying to catch a rat by hand.

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