The Reincarnated Martial God Brings Down the Heavens

Chapter 50

Chapter 50 – ‘Politics’ is Making the Right Connections (1)


The old man merely pointed a weapon.

Yet, I felt an immense pressure, as if surrounded by hundreds of troops.

“I can sense emotions from your sword.”

“Really? It seems my inner discipline is still lacking. My true feelings must have shown without me realizing it.”

“Please retract your aura. I doubt I am the one who should be at the end of your blade, Marquis. I feel myself shaking all over.”

“Child, do you know that you also make me tremble?”

“I am confident that your heart does not hold murderous intent. Perhaps, affection?”

Despite this, Marquis Foltaine still did not retract his aura.

“It was so until a moment ago. However, the human heart is fickle like a reed, which sways back and forth.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“A close friend can suddenly become an enemy over a trivial quarrel, and one may wish their spouse dead, for whom they were willing to give everything during their courtship.”

“It depends on the person. Moreover, I do not think someone of your age would have such poor control over their emotions.”

I lightly embraced his aura.

I tried to accept it, rather than oppose it.

If fists clash head-on, the weaker side naturally gives way.

But what if one responds to a striking fist with an open palm?


Perhaps because he saw me evading his aura as smoothly as water flows?

An exclamation of admiration escaped from Marquis Foltaine’s lips.

“Where did a guy like you come from?”

“I know you are strong, Marquis. But why do you use that strength to cut down the weak? Even killing powerless women and children.”


For the first time, Marquis Foltaine’s face hardened.

“……It is not the weak I intend to cut down. It is my own shame.”

“I’m not only referring to the slave trading incident with the illegitimate children. You even planted spies in the Count’s household. You have been thoroughly preparing for a long time.”

“I told you, it’s part of the reform. The country must change for me to survive. Of course, we must distinguish between friend and foe. By my standards, Count Arsene could never be in the same boat as me.”

“Have you tried?”


“How can you judge whether someone will turn away or not without talking to them?”


Marquis Foltaine, who had kept silent for a while, spoke again.

“It is a well-known fact throughout the country that the Count values principles and lacks flexibility.”

“Isn’t it possible that you were too influenced by rumors to make an effort to see him properly?”


“Though someone may be considered a bastard by others, they could become an irreplaceable friend of mine. And the only way to know would be by experiencing it for yourself. Isn’t that the subtlety of human relationships you spoke of?”


“Above all, regardless of the reasons, the fact that you killed innocent children cannot be justified.”

Marquis Foltaine sighed.

At some point, the blade-like aura had subsided.

“……Major changes always come with sacrifices.”

“Could you say the same if that sacrifice was your child?”

“That incident…… I regret it as well.”

Finally, genuine feelings flowed from him.

“……So we must avoid any more meaningless sacrifices. Child, come over to my side. My offer to make you my child was sincere. If you accept, I will raise you to the best of my ability.”

“Why are you willing to go so far for someone with whom you have no connection?”

“Haven’t I already told you?”

“A merchant’s intuition? That alone isn’t enough.”

Marquis Foltaine shook his head.

“No, in business, intuition is everything. I see and touch the goods, and I make judgments based on what I feel. If a merchant lacks that sense, it’s better to quit the business.”

“Thank you for the high evaluation, but let me add something to help you with your judgment.”


I glanced at another part of the forest.

“How long do you plan on staying hidden?”


Marquis Foltaine’s pupils trembled for a moment.

I had known from the beginning.

That someone was hiding in the forest.


A middle-aged man with slicked-back blond hair emerged from the path.

“Since when did you know?”

“From the start.”

“……Even after seeing it with my own eyes, I can hardly believe it. Hahaha!”

Unlike the surprised expression on the man’s face, Marquis Foltaine wore a look that said, ‘I should have known.’

“Who are you?”

“Who do you think I am?”

The man responded to my question with another question.

He did not say more, but one thing was clear.

‘……It’s certain. He’s also a Master.’

The newly appeared man was at least as strong as Marquis Foltaine.


Meanwhile, Baron Tucker, left alone in the heart of the enemy camp, was in utter despair.


Dozens of knights surrounded him with no gaps to escape.

Their auras, like blades, pressed in on him.

As if to say they would send his head flying at the slightest provocation.

‘I’d love to shout at them and ask what they’re doing to an envoy, but……’

Baron Tucker groaned inwardly.

He couldn’t do that because he and that child had already offended them.


At that moment, Baron Tucker’s face lit up.

The ‘angel’ he had been waiting for was approaching from afar.


“Have you waited long?”

“No. You’re here just in time!”

Baron Tucker, who had been welcoming the child, paused.

For some reason, the ‘angel’ was repeatedly rubbing his wrist.

“Are you hurt?”

“It’s nothing serious.”

“What? You’re really hurt!?”

“Let’s talk about it after we leave.”

“These bastards……!”

But Baron Tucker had to endure once more.

Powerless justice was nothing but incompetence.

Shouting about killing and dying here would only endanger his own neck.



The dozens of knights didn’t seem willing to let them go just like that.

“Where is the Marquis? Why have you come alone?”

“What? Are you worried I harmed your Marquis?”


“Of course not. There are guards hidden all throughout the forest. If I’d caused any trouble, you’d have heard it by now.”


The group fell silent at last.

“Well, if you’re worried, go check for yourselves.”

Baron Tucker, who had been cautiously observing the situation, tried to quietly step away.



The knights exuded a much fiercer aura than before.

“What happened to the rest of the White Lion Brigade?”

“……It seems these guys have personal grudges. Who are they?”

In a hushed voice, Baron Tucker replied.

“They are the remaining members of the White Lion Brigade.”

“Ah, now I understand.”

Ancelot nodded belatedly.

“Answer me. Who did that to our captain and vice-captain?”

“What? You didn’t like my hand-made gifts?”


The murderous aura intensified.


Even Baron Tucker was taken aback by the provocative words.

“……It seems you have no intention of answering us.”

“Look at how you’re acting. Do you think I’d want to answer?”

“Fine. I’ll find out myself. But!”

Shing, shing, shing.

Immediately, the entire White Lion Brigade reached for their swords.

“You must each leave a wrist behind, also.”

Ancelot clicked his tongue.

“Crazy bastards. You may be blinded by revenge, but is this the level of discipline the soldiers of the Marquis possess? Harming an envoy without your lord’s permission?”


The knight who had stepped forward flinched but said nothing more.

“……Even if the Marquis punishes us later, we must take your wrists.”

“Try it if you can. Let’s go.”

Ancelot began to walk ahead, unfazed.

The group blocked their path but did nothing more.

The highest-ranking knight here had yet to give a command.

“If you can’t take my wrist, then move aside.”


Finally, the leader took a single step to the side.

The other knights followed suit, each taking just one step.

Creating a narrow path just wide enough for two people to pass side by side.

“……Let’s see if you can get through.”

“How childish.”

Ancelot chuckled and took a bold step forward.

Then he tilted his head.

“Why aren’t you following……?”

He stopped mid-sentence.


Blood was trickling from Baron Tucker’s nose.

His face had turned pale.


Realizing the situation, Ancelot quickly stepped in front of him.


Suddenly, the oppressive aura suffocating Baron Tucker vanished.

“Stick close behind me.”


Now, all the knights’ auras focused solely on Ancelot.

Step, step.

One step, then another.


With each step, the pressure grew stronger.


The metallic taste of blood spread in Ancelot’s mouth.

But that was all.

The small back visible to Baron Tucker never stopped.

He walked, and kept walking.

Never showing weakness.


As the faces of the remaining White Lion Brigade turned pale at his courage and spirit,


Finally reaching the end of the path, Ancelot spat out blood-tinged saliva.

“Bullying the weak with numbers. Shame on you.”


“At least your leader wasn’t like this. You’re not even worth taking a wrist from, you vermin.”


The leading knight bit his lip.

“Just you wait. We’ll make you pay for……”


And with that, Ancelot and Baron Tucker leisurely left the place.

As if mocking those left behind.

* * *

Reaper Scans

[Translator – San]

[Proofreader – Abstract]

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* * *

Upon returning to the fortress, I found that Count Arsene had hurriedly rushed to the main gate.

“What on earth were you thinking, going to such a dangerous place yourself!?”

“We need accurate information about the enemy to win the war. Oh, to give you a report……”

“Never mind the report! Are you hurt anywhere?”

Count Arsene scanned me up and down.

Then, he noticed my wrist, which was swollen and red.

“Wh-What happened to your wrist?”

“Oh. This? Nothing serious.”

“Nothing serious!? How dare they harm an envoy?”

“I’ve already received ample apologies.”

Did it end with just apologies?

I also received plentiful compensation.

“Tell me. Which knight was it? To harm an envoy, and a child at that!”

However, Count Arsene was still fuming, his breath coming out in puffs.

He was like a father who found out his child had been hurt.

A playful idea struck me.

“……Since you value principles, surely you’ll punish him, right?”

“I promise. I will punish him without fail!”

I then decided to tell Count Arsene the truth.

“Who was it? Tell me quickly……!”

“It was someone named Herman.”

“Herman? Such a common name. I’ll definitely remember……!”

“His full name is ‘Pieron del Herman’.”

Count Arsene fell silent, struck dumb.

“……Who did you say……?”

“Oh, he also mentioned he’s one of the three masters in this country, and a Duke.”


Another long silence followed.

“So…… the one I know……?”

“Unless there are two Pieron del Herman’s in this country.”

“……You mean, the brother of the current queen……?”

“I believe so.”


It was a question filled with implications.

Though I wanted to tease him more, I decided to stop there.

“More importantly, I have important news.”

Count Arsene, finally regaining his composure, asked in a trembling voice,

“What exactly happened there?”


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