The Reincarnated Martial God Brings Down the Heavens

Chapter 75

Chapter 75 – Further Conversation is Unnecessary

‘People believe what they want to believe.’

I must make it such that they have no choice but to believe me.

‘That I’ve changed.’

Just hiding isn’t enough. When you show something, you must show it definitively.


In an instant, everyone shuddered. It was right after the blade, smoothly drawn from its sheath, made its appearance.

Of course, the knights of the Meeke Principality didn’t even flinch. On the contrary, they even had sneers on their faces.


Hummm! Crackle!


As soon as a deep blue light enveloped my sword, along with a resonating sound,

“S-Sword energy!?”


The knights of the Meeke Principality were shocked and hurriedly took a stance between me and Prince Enzi.

Sword energy. A telltale symbol of an Expert. For now, this level of spectacle was enough.

Considering my physical age, this alone was enough for me to be called the greatest prodigy on the continent.

“This…… this is impossible……”

Even Prince Enzi, who had been uncertain, now stood with his mouth agape.

They had decided to kill me. They exiled me to the wastelands to die. Long ago, they had done the same to my mother.

They’d even killed my siblings as well. In such a situation, should I just keep hiding my strength and cowering?

‘If they think you’re weak, people will treat you even worse.’

Now was the perfect time to show my true strength. Prince Enzi had been recently crowned the heir.

When the people, the entire country, are filled with both anticipation and a lingering anxiety about the next king,

‘I need to shake things up, to show that the Queen’s choice was a mistake.’

From what I’ve seen, Enzi is in no way fit to be a good ruler. Naturally, this is a great misfortune for the citizens of the Meeke Principality.

Especially since they’d made the worst choice out of mere greed despite having the better option— me.

‘There must be people within the Meeke Principality who harbor resentment towards the Queen.’

It’s been over a decade since the Queen started her tyrannical rule.

Wherever you go, factions always exist. Human nature tells us to form groups and divide into sides. The Meeke Principality is no different.

‘Rumors spread quickly. If those who resent the Queen begin to favor me in return?’

I have no immediate plans to return.

However, the more the Queen’s tyranny continues, the more the people of Meeke will naturally start to see me as an alternative.

For now, that’s more than enough for me.

“Let’s leave it at this.”


But then, Duke Herman, who had just stepped in to mediate, made things even more interesting.

“Our king’s coronation is just two days away. Wouldn’t any further commotion be uncomfortable for both sides?”


In front of the stunned people of the Meeke Principality, Duke Herman intentionally led me outside.

It was in a very hurried manner, as if he was determined not to let anyone else take away this precious treasure.

“Let’s return, Sir Ancelot. As per the orders, we will make sure your homeland is treated with utmost respect.”

Of course, I could clearly see it. The playful smile that lingered on Duke Herman’s lips as he turned his back.


When we had distanced ourselves a bit from the annex,

“Do you feel better now?”

Duke Herman asked me slyly.

The other two had already returned to their places. It was a precautionary measure, fearing that sticking together too long might cause them to harbor resentment.

“You’re bold, truly bold. You really are a madman.”

“If I’m going to do something, I should do it properly. Especially since you all were so kind as to set the stage for me.”

“Did you see their faces? It was a sight to behold. I felt so refreshed.”

Duke Herman then said in a more subdued voice,

“Now you have no choice but to live as a citizen of our nation. If you go back now, the Queen will have your head in no time.”

“Was that your real intention?”

Duke Herman put on his signature sly expression.

“Hahaha, yes. I’ve used you for my purposes.”

“It’s fine. I used you too, Duke.”


“I wanted to judge for myself. Whether you people are worth siding with in the future, or not.”


My standards were quite clear.

As long as they didn’t cross a certain line, I was willing to overlook past wrongs. Honestly, right now, I’d be glad to even borrow a helping hand from an ant.

‘I hold no personal grudge against the Meeke Principality.’

The bad blood is only tied to the original owner of this body, Andrew von Meeke. Of course, I intend to punish the wicked Queen as a form of repayment.

But other than that?

‘It would be a waste not to make use of this body’s background.’

It’s not just an organization, but an entire country. Above all, the opponent is the Empire. I must utilize everything I can.

“Should I call you bold or practical?”

“I prefer ‘pragmatic’.”

“Then, if you decide that they are beyond redemption?”


I deliberately didn’t answer. Perhaps that silence was enough of an answer for Duke Herman.

“……I’m looking forward to your future course of actions. In any case, make sure to visit Marquis Foltaine later and offer your greetings.”


“You don’t plan on becoming his child, do you? Count Arsene got a step ahead. I don’t want to see one of my few friends get disappointed over baseless expectations.”

As I listened, I suddenly became curious.

“I’m just wondering, but why has Marquis Foltaine been so kind to me?”


Duke Herman made a strange expression.

After a brief silence.

“……Though not quite like you, he once had high hopes for his eldest son.”

“Did he pass away?”

“That friend of mine killed him, to be precise.”


My body trembled involuntarily.

“You already know, but the Foltaine family has been merchants for generations. As the eldest son born into such a family, once he reached a certain age, he had to venture out into the world to gain experience.”

“And he must have committed an unforgivable crime during that journey.”

Based on the flow of the conversation, that seemed to be the case.

As expected, Duke Herman nodded.

“They say he was attacked by the Verdant Veil.”

Verdant Veil.

Despite its grand name, it’s actually a notorious group that blocks key routes across the continent, robbing travelers and merchant caravans.

In short, bandits.

The problem is that this group was too formidable to be dismissed as mere bandits.

Even 20 years ago, their leader was a master.

Although they’re not an officially recognized organization like the Mage Tower, mercenaries, or the Free Knight Alliance, no one could ignore this criminal group.

“People show their true nature when faced with a crisis. But even considering that, the eldest son did something unforgivable.”

“What did he do?”

“He fled alone, abandoning the servants who were with him. The day before, they say he even drank with his lover, whom he secretly brought along on the journey.”

Duke Herman gave a bitter smile.

“In the end, the Verdant Veil only took the goods and sent the servants back to the family.”

“Well, they weren’t known for killing people back then.”

“It wasn’t widely known at that time. The bandits must have scared him out of his wits. Anyway, when the servants returned, they reported what had happened during the journey. Naturally, the reputation of the Foltaine family plummeted.”

“So, he killed him?”

“As the head of the family, a decisive action had to be taken.”

I suppose it’s like a general who flees in fear during a war.

Considering the morale and discipline of the entire army, the right action would be to behead him and restore order. The same likely applies to the rules of a merchant family.

If you let such a useless son off because he’s family, who would be willing to risk their lives for the family in the future?

“That might be why he’s taken an interest in you. After all, innate character can’t be taught. You need to have a certain kind of guts. Of course, only he knows the full story.”

“I see.”

“Originally, he simply placed great importance on personal strength, but since then, he has become straight obsessed with it. Above all, he regrets that decision to this day.”

Since he was his son.

No matter how much he hated his son. No matter how useless his son was. Even if it was a decision made for the sake of the family, he must have regrets.

“His theory is that the bloodline that inherits the family must be strong. Because even a vast fortune can only be protected by strength.”

I bowed my head.

“Thank you for telling me.”

* * *

Reaper Scans

[Translator – San]

[Proofreader – Abstract]

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* * *

Late at night, Duke Veder found himself unable to sleep.

‘Is it right to just leave Andrew von Meeke as he is?’

In truth, the decision was practically the same as exile, and it was made by none other than the Queen herself.

She thought highly of the Duke Veder. Thanks to that, he was entrusted with a task that anyone would covet. The prince’s first diplomatic mission.

He had been given the significant royal command to carry it out. If he succeeded in this task? The Queen’s trust in him would deepen further.

He might even be officially recognized as the right-hand man of the future king.

‘That’s why I have to make a decision now.’

Honestly, he was still in shock. An Expert in his mid-teens! It was impossible to even estimate how fast someone like that could grow.

Moreover, he was the husband of the kingdom’s princess. Moreover, he wasn’t the only one who had seen it.

‘If I let him return now……’

The Queen certainly wouldn’t stand by idly. The hard-won trust would also likely be lost. Since there was an alternative now.

Recently, a ‘third’ Master had emerged within their own nation. Now, like other ‘kingdoms’, Meeke had three Masters. Considering all these factors……

‘……He must die.’

Yes, killing him was the only option. Even if the crime was discovered, it wouldn’t matter.

With both the motive and the capability for assassination within the royal palace, even without evidence, the Kingdom of Hart would be convinced he was a monstrous criminal.

‘Such is the nature of international diplomacy.’

If the situation doesn’t escalate, it might be different. But once it does, instead of protests, they’ll seek practical benefits.

They’ll cover up what they can and focus on what they can gain from the incident. Their nation’s interests would take precedence.

That was the essence of diplomacy.

‘Prince Andrew is currently staying at the quarters of the Hart Kingdom’s knights, for some reason.’

It was fortunate, in a way, and an opportunity as well. The guest rooms where dignitaries usually stayed were heavily guarded.

But now, that place was……

‘……Practically empty.’

With only two days left until the coronation of the new king, most guests had already arrived. Security was already stretched thin.

Moreover, due to the recent incident involving Prince Enzi, even those forces had been occupied with cleaning up the mess all day.

As a result, the knights’ quarters were almost deserted. Prince Andrew was practically living alone there, without a single personal guard.

‘……Here it is.’

The Duke Veder murmured quietly. Lost in thought, he had reached his destination before he realized it. Fortunately, there was no one who stood in his way.

‘There won’t be many more chances like this.’

Now that the prince had become the princess’s husband, this was the best timing. A murderous intent radiated from the Duke Veder’s entire being.

Just then.

-Have you come to kill me?


The words were conveyed directly into his mind. The Duke Veder jerked his head up in shock. The target was already calmly looking down from an open window.

“Prince Andrew……”

Duke Veder murmured in a whisper.

-Did you…… know I would come?

-You had the face of someone ready to kill.

-……It seems you’ve changed a lot, Your Highness. Quite drastically, I might add.

-I never imagined you’d be bold enough to attempt murder in the heart of a foreign nation.

There was no time.


‘I’ll jump straight through the window in one leap!’

Duke Veder quietly channeled his mana.

Step, step, step.


Another presence made itself known. And it was right behind him. The problem was—

‘They already know I’m here!’

Even though he was a Master who could erase his presence, the newcomer had already detected him.

As if to say, ‘Stay where you are’, they were now intentionally revealing their aura.

‘Who is this? Such an overwhelming presence……’

Duke Veder’s eyes shook wildly. It was unmistakable. This aura belonged to a Master. At least one on par with himself.

‘Duke Herman?’

He was the first person that came to mind. And the possibility was quite high.

‘If not him…… Duke Kairos?’

Kairos, the oldest Master in the Hart Kingdom. He was a possibility too.

If Duke Herman was in charge of the coronation, Duke Kairos was responsible for the palace’s security.

‘Whoever it is…… I’ll have to talk my way out.’

The die had already been cast.


But the person who had just appeared completely defied the Duke Veder’s expectations. An old man with snow-white hair.

And it was not just any old man, but one he recognized well.

“M-Marquis Foltaine……?”

The Duke Veder’s mouth fell open. He was utterly shocked by the identity of his adversary.

“W-Wait. This doesn’t make any……”

“What’s wrong? Surprised that an old man is so strong?”


Duke Veder’s pupils shook violently.

‘He’s been hiding his strength!’

In other words, he was an unofficial Master.

“The night wind is chilly, Duke.”

“……You’re speaking my thoughts aloud. Taking a walk at this hour…… The night wind isn’t good for your age.”

“It’s strange, isn’t it? The older I get, the less I sleep. Have you ever wondered why, Duke?”

Duke Veder quietly shook his head.

“I haven’t thought about it.”

“I think it’s due to lingering regrets.”


“When you’re close to the grave, you start to reflect on your life, and sleep feels like a waste. It’s like you’re tying up loose ends. You know how, when you look back on your life, there are things you regret? Those regrets keep you awake.”

“……Everyone has regrets.”

“But an old man’s regrets carry a different weight. Because soon, it’ll be impossible to do anything about them.”

Duke Veder frowned.

The conversation was going in circles. Time was running out. So, he got straight to the point.

“I consider you a wise man, Marquis.”

It was a statement full of implications. But Marquis Foltaine simply shook his head in silence. Seeing this reaction, Duke Veder’s face twisted even more.

“I don’t understand. Why are you doing this for the 7th Prince? Is it because of the princess? But even so, it’s not worth making enemies of us……!”

“I’m not doing this because of the princess.”

“Then why!? What is it about him that makes you do this? He’s just a foreigner, isn’t he?”

“He’s not just a foreigner to me.”

Marquis Foltaine then faintly smiled.

“He is another of my regrets.”


Shiing. In the moonlight, Marquis Foltaine quietly drew his curved sword.

“I’d like to keep my night short, Duke.”


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