The Reincarnated Martial God Brings Down the Heavens

Chapter 86

Chapter 86 – Who Are You? (1)

This was annoying.

“Tell me.”


“Please, tell me.”


“Hey, fiancé! Are you ignoring me right now?”


“Oh, come on, why am I the only one being treated differently!”

It was always one problem after another. Watching Winley follow me persistently, I let out a light sigh.

“Can’t you just take it down a notch?”

“Oh, finally, you’re paying attention to me.”

“You asked me to help you get stronger, didn’t you?”

“What? So, you were listening to me all along!”

“Think about it logically. If a fiancé mistreats their partner, what do you think people around us will think? Especially with so many eyes watching.”

Winley had a genuinely puzzled expression.

“What would they think? They’d probably just think we’re a friendly, close couple.”

I shook my head.

“You used to call me crazy all the time, didn’t you? You do realize you’re not exactly normal either, right?”

“Even better! If we’re a crazy couple, people will just think it’s one of those quirky dating trends of this generation!”

What am I supposed to do with her?

“I’m telling you, it’s fine. No need to worry about what others think. I’m already known as that weirdo. You know, the princess who’s obsessed with swords, willing to do anything to get stronger.”

“So what exactly do you want me to teach you? If you just want to be put through the wringer, why don’t you grab a log and run laps like those guys over there?”

At that point, Winley suddenly adopted a serious expression.

“You can see, can’t you? What I’m lacking.”


Of course I can. The problem is that there’s too much to point out. I looked at her without saying anything.

“Yeah, I thought so. You’re a genius, after all.”

“I haven’t even said anything yet.”

“Show me what I’m missing. Please, I’m asking you.”

Winley bowed deeply, folding at the waist.


Of course, I declined flatly. Even if I were to teach her, it wouldn’t be here. What kind of disaster would unfold if I were caught beating up a princess of this country?

“……Please help me.”

Then, from her bowed blonde head came a small voice.

“I’m desperate.”


I stared quietly at the back of her head for a moment before speaking.

“Why are you in such a rush? You’re already way ahead of most people.”

“You think I’m ahead? Even if that’s true, it’s not enough. You heard the royal knights earlier, right? I was their very first reason to turn back.”

“It’s not your skill that’s the issue, it’s your status. Even if you were stronger, they’d still act the same way.”

“If I were at least stronger than them, I could’ve scolded them and sent them packing while saying, ‘Who are you calling weak?’”


That does make sense.

“If you’re so worried about how people see you, then at least give me some advice. What do you think is my problem?”

“This attitude right now.”

I replied without hesitation.

“……I’m serious right now. Stop joking around……”

“I’m not joking.”


“You’re too impatient, like you are now. In everything— your actions on a daily basis, and your swordsmanship.”


Winley’s eyes widened in realization.

“Honestly, you’re pretty amazing. You have plenty of talent, you practice enough, and you’re highly motivated. To put it bluntly, there’s not much to teach you in terms of your mindset.”

“……But I’m too impatient?”

“Exactly. You’re always in such a hurry, and that shows in your swordsmanship too.”

I poked a finger at my chest.

“Have you heard of ‘composure’?”

“I’ve heard of it.”

“A swordsman must always have a calm heart. No matter the situation, you shouldn’t be shaken. But you’re not like that, are you?”


Winley fell deep into thought. Even if she denied it, to me, that’s how she appeared.

Of course, I understand.

She doesn’t know when she might be forced into a political marriage. She needs her skills to be recognized as soon as possible. She has to become stronger, even if just a little.


‘There are environmental factors too. She’s probably been dismissed as just a princess or underestimated as a woman more times than she can count.’

With her personality, it must have been hard for her to hold back from punching those jerks on the spot.

“Assuming you manage to achieve that peace of mind, if I had to recommend a sword style that suits you……”


Winley perked up her ears. The royal swordsmanship has no real foundation.

It’s simply a matter of going into the vast private archive, exclusive to the royal family, to find books to study from.

Others might seek out an exceptional sword master to hone their skills. That’s why it’s crucial to find a style that suits you as early as possible.

“For you, it’s best to embrace ‘change’ in your sword movements.”


“As a woman, your physical limits are clear. Something like Jan’s swordsmanship, which relies on brute force, doesn’t suit you.”

Winley listened to me as if entranced.

“Speed-focused swordsmanship also has its limits due to your body. The length of your arms, your natural reach, and the force you can generate— all of that is naturally weaker compared to men.”

“Yeah, I get it.”

“Of course, with effort and talent, you can overcome many of those physical limitations. You’re proof of that. But one day, when you face geniuses like yourself, those differences will become apparent.”

“And the way to narrow that gap is adopting the sword style of ‘change’?”

I nodded quietly. The flexible swordsmanship that Kirian is learning isn’t bad either.

Even I had to admit, Winley’s greatest strength was her extraordinary flexibility, a benefit she has from being a woman.

The more powerful her opponent, the more suited she would be to a style that uses that strength against them.


‘She’d need to have some exceptional talent.’

It wasn’t enough to recommend this style of swordsmanship based on just that. Winley’s talent, in various ways, left something to be desired.

More importantly, flexibility also greatly benefits change-based swordsmanship.

Exceptional muscle flexibility allows for unpredictable changes in sword trajectories that her opponents wouldn’t be able to foresee.

‘Besides, I already have the perfect sword style in mind for her.’

The problem was, I felt a bit uneasy about teaching her that particular swordsmanship.

“Come find me every dawn starting tomorrow.”


Winley’s face lit up instantly.

“But promise me one thing.”

“Huh? Promise what……?”

“Try not to use that swordsmanship in front of people from the Empire. If you do, they might try to kill you right away.”

Winley was quick-witted.

“Wait, are you saying it’s Imperial swordsmanship?”

“One more thing. If you’re going to learn swordsmanship from me, don’t ask about anything else.”

“……Okay, I get the conditions. But not using it in front of the Empire’s people…… that might be tough.”

“Why is that?”

“……My goal is to participate in the upcoming Little Star Tournament……”

Her voice was barely above a whisper. Narakas once asked me the same thing. If my goal was the Master Tournament, had I ever considered the Little Star Tournament.

The former is, as the name suggests, for Masters— only one chosen knight from each country can participate, showcasing the strongest of the strong.

The strength of each participant often reflects the power of their nation. And if the Master Tournament represents the ‘present’, the Little Star Tournament is a measure of a nation’s ‘future’.

It’s an event where the most promising knights, those with the potential to become the next absolute powerhouses, compete— excluding the Masters, of course.

“Then I’ll have to adapt it to suit you.”

“Adapt an already established sword style? Can I even do something so extreme?”

“You can. You’re a genius in your own right.”


Winley straightened up at the compliment.

“……Strangely enough, getting a compliment from a real genius feels pretty good.”

“Until then, don’t recklessly use this swordsmanship in front of the Empire, or anyone else, for that matter. Can you promise me that?”

Winley soon nodded resolutely.

“Yeah. I promise.”

The sky was turning dark in the wasteland, just a day or so before we arrived at the Valley of Death.

“Is this our last night camping out?”

It was late in the afternoon, the sun setting low. The massive canyon ahead had finally come into view.

Just then, Marquis Foltaine and Marquis Milon quietly approached me.

“It’s rare to see you two come together. Should I be worried?”


After exchanging glances, Marquis Foltaine spoke on their behalf.

“Your decision to send back the royal knights was wise.”

“Well, how serious must this conversation be for you to start with compliments?”

“I’m just being cautious. You seem to be overlooking what might come after this.”

Marquis Foltaine chuckled, his eyes darkening as he looked at me.

“Word will soon spread throughout the capital about who you are and what happened here. And if you return with glory, the more ambitious nobles will become wary of you.”

“I’m sure they will.”

In politics, success often invites opposition.

“This country has three dukes.”

“I’m aware.”

“My personal advice is to immediately seek an alliance with Duke Serin once you return.”

Milon nodded, agreeing.

“This is crucial if you want to establish yourself properly in this country in the future, especially given what happened here.”

“You both are forgetting one important detail.”

I pointed off into the distance.

“First, shouldn’t I first make it out of that ‘land of death’?”

“You’ll survive.”

I widened my eyes in surprise. Both of them had answered in unison, as if they were of one mind.

And I have to admit, it felt good. It didn’t matter if their confidence was in me or in themselves. Either way, it was a positive reaction.

“……Then let’s focus on just one thing for now.”

“One thing?”

“Accumulating envious amounts of merit.”

A faint smile crossed my lips.

“That way, it’ll make Duke Serin’s decision that much easier.”


We finally arrived at the entrance to the canyon of Black Swan.

“……There are corpses here, too.”

Marquis Foltaine, who was leading the group, spoke in a somber tone. Indeed, bodies were strewn across the ground, even more than before.

There must have been at least a hundred of them.

“It’s truly tragic. Even if this place is neglected, it’s shocking that outsiders got this far without anyone noticing. When we return, I’ll have to deal with the border guards. They probably took bribes.”

Once again, we didn’t find anything particularly notable among the corpses.

‘What in the world is going on here?’

As we all wore grave expressions, someone suddenly shouted.

“O-Over there!”


“There’s someone on the cliff!”


A clear cry echoed through the canyon. At the entrance to Black Swan, where cliffs towered on both sides, a shadow flickered atop one of the cliffs.

“Good heavens…… how did they get up there?”

“A-Are we sure that’s even a person?”

“If it is, that raises its own set of issues……”

Just as the knights began to murmur among themselves, something unbelievable happened.

Dash! Step, step! Tap, tap, tap!


A sight so shocking it would be burned into their memories forever unfolded before their eyes.

“Th-Th-Th-Th-That crazy bastard……?”

They saw a boy sprinting up the nearly vertical cliff, as if it were flat ground, at an incredible speed.

“I’m not letting you get away, you bastard!”

It was Ancelot.


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