The Reincarnation of the Kingmaker

Chapter 308 The appearance of Circus and the shocking identity of the traitor

Chapter 308 The appearance of Circus and the shocking identity of the traitor

Chapter 308: The appearance of Circus and the shocking identity of the traitor

Kayn might have come from the future, but that doesn't necessarily mean he is fully aware of everything that happened in the second life. As a matter of fact, he even forgot some events that he was involved with. Not to mention, events that he has no knowledge about nor was even involved in the first place.

The scene of Chastine stabbing Old Mayor George was one such event that he is not aware of.

Honestly, he doesn't even know whether this had also happened in the past or that this was possibly caused by the butterfly effect brought by his unaccounted intervention in this timeline.

He completely doesn't know. Even Natas was caught by surprise, so he reckon that the latter also isn't aware that such an event actually happened, or perhaps otherwise.

"I told you, we shouldn't have intervened in how things were supposed to happen," Natas shook his head.

It was quite clear just from Natas' response alone that this event didn't take place in the second life.

"She wasn't supposed to reveal herself yet this early,"

"You knew?!" Kayn muttered in surprise.

"Who are you talking to?" Gilbert looks at Kayn in confusion.

This time, Kayn didn't bother hiding that he was talking to somebody else and not himself. "My bodyguard,"

"Telepathy?" Wesley realized. That's the only Gift that he could think about to explain how Kayn's bodyguard is able to communicate with him from far away.

"What is he talking about,"

"Nothing important," Kayn dismissed them.

"I do, but it's not time for you to know about it yet,"

"What do you mean,"

"Chastine is not actually her real name," Natas sighs heavily. "You are very familiar with her. She's someone that you have fought plenty of times in the past, a noteworthy member of Circus, someone who is infamously known as Songstress of Black Swans,"

"Melisa!" Kayn instantly remembered the woman who had the title Songstress of Black Swans.

Songstress of Black Swans Melisa Cholia.

That was her full name along with her title.

There's honestly a perfect reason why Melisa's title is Songstress of Black Swans.

Melisa's actually a singer, a popular one, especially around the Villains, which explains why she is very used to using fake names.

Just like the Hero community has popular idols to inspire and influence them, the Villain community also has its own.

Melisa is one such idol.

The reason for Melisa's title Songstress of Black Swans other than her being an idol is because of her beauty, grace, and elegance every time she performs on stage. And the additional 'Black' represents her status as a Villain. Needless to say, she would have just accepted that as a stage name instead of embracing it as an official title if it wasn't for the fact that she's secretly one of the loyal incarnations of the Swan God.

The Swan God is one of the most beautiful Gods inside the 'Tower' who ranks tenth in the apparently internal beauty rankings amongst the Gods. This God's ability is related to healing and blessings and is most effective and compatible during the war.

Although Melisa still hasn't earned the title Songstress of Black Swans and neither has she become an incarnation of the Swan God yet at this current time frame. Nevertheless, that doesn't change the fact that her action right now has greatly affected the state of war for Green Horn City.

More importantly, Melisa was one of the founding members of Circus.

"What have you done, Chastine?!" Friedrich exclaimed loudly while pointing his sword at Chastine.

"What do you think? I am ending the war!" Chastine responded with a wide smile on her face.

"Capture her…" Old Mayor George weakly muttered.

"Go!" Friedrich commanded the others before lunging himself toward Chastine.

However, before anyone could reach Chastine, a huge earth wall rose from her feet.

Surprisingly enough, the earth wall didn't continue moving vertically as it suddenly changed to move horizontally and heads towards the thick forest nearby to the northeast, where the continuous stream of ordinary members of the Assembly of Freedom is coming from.

Friedrich and the others could only look up at Chastine as she slowly gets away from them. But it was only for a brief moment as they pulled themselves together and went to chase after the moving earth wall.

Eliam from the third squad of the Green Horn Knights decided to stay in order to treat Old Mayor George and prevent things from worsening along with Van who stood guard in a stoic pose in front to block any incoming attack that aims to take advantage of their situation. On the other hand, Emmet, Miya, and Amy went to follow after Friedrich and the first squad of Green Horn Knights.

"Let's join them as well!" Kayn ordered as he chases after.


Gilbert and the others followed along.

It didn't take long for everyone to catch up to Chastine as the earth wall she was standing on eventually came to a stop.

Everyone was immediately taken aback as they were greeted by a large portal where a continuous outflow of members from the Assembly of Freedom streamed from while on the corner close to the portal were five men releasing powerful auras around them as they hold Natasha, Jackson, Carter, and Cyril in hostage.

No wonder the entire second squad of the Green Horn Knights was missing in action, they were actually captured by this unknown group.

"What do you think you're doing, Chastine?!" Friedrich angrily shouted.

"Chastine? That's not even my real name," Chastine scoffed. "My real name is Melisa, and I am a member of Circus,"


Everyone's eyes widened in shock after hearing the familiar name.

All of them are already aware that the organization Circus is the main mastermind behind what is happening right now in 'The Bridge' since it was them that influenced Chief Kydon to create the Assembly of Freedom and Chief Kylo to start a war against Old Mayor George.

As such, it naturally came as a shock to them to finally discover their real identities, one of them even being someone they always believed to be an extremely close ally.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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