The Retired Supporting Character Wants to Live Quietly

Chapter 12 – What is Happening…?

Chapter 12 – What is Happening…?

[Translator – Peptobismol]

Chapter 12 – What is Happening…?

Rumors that Knightley, the senior class president, daughter of the Duke Toulouse Family, had been utterly defeated by the Head Combat Professor spread like wildfire. Stories of the absurd fifty-point bonus and the professor’s insane swordsmanship were everywhere.

With just two swings of a wooden sword, Knightley was gasping on the ground. Among the many students present, none had clearly seen how the Head Professor had incapacitated her.

And to top it off, how could anyone dare to treat the daughter of one of the Empire’s most prestigious noble families like that? What kind of madman was he? Does he think he has two lives?

The Combat Department professors, who heard the news, were in utter shock and dismay.

“Just when things seemed to be going smoothly, such a huge incident happens!”

Dwarf Kadazar slammed his desk in anger, while Comprehensive Combat Professor Morton quietly scolded Geneb, who had been present at the scene.

“What were you doing there to not stop him?”

“How could a mere subject professor stop the actions of the Head Professor?”

In response to Geneb’s words, Combat Riding Professor Anna clenched her fists and cried.

“Our Combat Department is finished… When Duke Toulouse finds out that his daughter was beaten, he will definitely come storming the academy…”

“Haha. Do you really think so? This is a school where students are taught, and accidents can happen during training.”

The ever-optimistic Waver laughed brightly, but most of the professors wore worried expressions.

“At the very least, you shouldn’t mess with the noble kids….”

“I don’t know. Just in case, I should prepare my resignation letter.”

While the Combat Department professors were despondent, having hoped for practical training improvements but not expecting such a drastic leap, the Theoretical Department was also abuzz with discussions about the incident.

“Head Professor, what do you think? Will the Toulouse Family take action?”

“If it’s that notorious Toulouse, they’ll probably turn the academy upside down.”

In the Theoretical Department’s faculty room, the Head Theoretical Professor Ismera quietly listened to the professors’ conversations.

“Do you think this blunder by the Combat Department will affect us? The Headmaster, Kirrin, is already in a precarious situation.”

“What on earth is the new Head Combat Professor thinking?”

Dian, who had suddenly ‘appeared’ at the academy one day, was the Head Combat Professor.

One would expect the Head Professor to be a seasoned warrior with extensive experience, but Dian appeared to be a pale young man. Based on his appearance alone, he seemed more suited to being a theoretical professor or a librarian.

The Theoretical Department professors had thoroughly investigated his background but found nothing significant, which was even stranger. If he were extraordinary or ordinary, something should have come up, but there was no information about Dian’s past.

Thus, the Theoretical Department professors speculated that Dian might be an imperial special agent, as such individuals tend to have mysterious backgrounds.

Ismera, however, knew a bit more, using her personal connections. Dian had been part of one of the special units formed during the four-year war and had accomplished incredible feats there.

Although the exact details of his achievements were unknown, he had at least done something impressive enough to remain calm even after beating the daughter of the Duke Toulouse family with a wooden sword in front of everyone. Either that or he was unaware of what the Toulouse family truly represented.

“One thing is clear.”

When Ismera spoke, the professors fell silent and focused their attention on her.

“What we should focus on is not the Toulouse Family but the Imperial Palace.”

The professors nodded in low admiration.

“Indeed. It’s well known that the Palace wants to oust Headmaster Kirrin. The fact that the Head Combat Professor is acting so freely is because Headmaster Kirrin approved it, so the Palace might use this as an opportunity.”

“Judging by the current atmosphere, even if the Toulouse Family doesn’t raise an issue, the Palace might escalate the situation to remove the headmaster. In that case, the new headmaster would naturally be….”

The professors looked expectantly at Ismera, but she responded with an enigmatic smile.

Ismera, with her platinum blonde hair like a barley field, emerald-like green eyes, and long ears, was an exceptionally beautiful elf.

After her forest was burned down by the Demon King’s army, she and her surviving kin moved to the human world, where she became a professor at the academy.

Being an elf, she was incredibly intelligent and became a senior scholar in just ten years, eventually appointed as the Head Theoretical Professor of the newly established Special Mission Academy. Unlike the Dark Elf Kirrin, who came in through the Emperor’s parachute, Ismera was different in every way.

Perhaps that’s why Kirrin was extremely intimidated by both the Second Princess and Ismera.

With the previous Head Combat Professor having fled, the acting headmaster would be the Head Theoretical Professor. And unfortunately for Kirrin, Ismera, a pure-blooded elf with an impressive resume, was her polar opposite.

Kirrin was not foolish and was making every effort to avoid being dismissed, but comparisons with Ismera were inevitable.

Hence, the Theoretical Department professors were hopeful that if the Palace removed Kirrin, Ismera would take her place. And when Ismera’s position became vacant, perhaps they themselves might be promoted.

[Translator – Peptobismol]

“Everyone, do not act rashly. This matter is entirely for the headmaster and the Head Combat Professor to handle. Our Theoretical Department has no business meddling in this.”

With a demeanor revealing nothing of her thoughts, Ismera dismissed the professors’ excited discussions.

“This concludes the morning meeting. Now, everyone…”

“Head Professor! Head Professor!”

Just as Ismera was about to stand up, an assistant from the Theoretical Department burst in, panting heavily.

“It’s a disaster! Duke Toulouse is coming to the academy!”

# # # # #

While the Combat Department and Theoretical Department professors showed contrasting reactions,

“I’m doomed….”

Headmaster Kirrin, sitting hunched over in the headmaster’s office, muttered to herself, her dark skin appearing even darker.

The final approval on the combat training improvement plan bore Kirrin’s signature, and if the Toulouse Family pursued the matter, she would bear all the responsibility.

The Toulouse Family wields tremendous influence in the Imperial House of Nobles. If such a family raises a ruckus, the Imperial Palace, which has been waiting for an opportunity, will pretend they can’t avoid dismissing Kirrin, and Kirrin will have to return to her forest and face her father.

Her father had risked the fate of their clan by betraying the Demon King’s army to side with humans. Miraculously, the war ended in a human victory, making the clan the Emperor’s lifesaver.

Her father sent Kirrin to the public academy to study and eventually installed her as the headmaster of this Special Mission Academy to ensure the clan’s complete integration into the Empire.

Rather than putting her father’s efforts in vain and returning to the forest, it would be better for her to die right here…


As she stared at the dagger she had taken out of her sleeve, conflicted, the administrative director burst in, his face ashen.

“Hieek!? What are you doing? Now is not the time to be tending to your dagger!”

Seeing Kirrin with the dagger, the administrative director flailed his arms in panic.

“Duke Toulouse is on his way to the academy! Ah, Headmaster!”

The administrative director screamed as he watched Kirrin, who had foam at her mouth, collapse backwards.

# # # # #

Upon being suddenly summoned to the academy’s main gate, I found that the professors were already gathered there.

At the forefront were Headmaster Kirrin and Head Theoretical Professor Ismera.

“Come this way, Head Combat Professor.”

Ismera, who had spotted me, pointed to her side with the characteristic kind and beautiful smile of an elf.

“Hello, Head Theoretical Professor. But… are you okay, Headmaster?”

“I-I-I think I’ll be… okay…?”

Unlike the calm, mist-like Ismera, Headmaster Kirrin was trembling as if she were about to faint.

In retrospect, it was not surprising that their reactions differed.

Kirrin feared the Second Princess, but Ismera had no such connections. And as for Duke Toulouse, he was likely here because of the incident where I knocked out Knightley during the combat class.

That too had nothing to do with Ismera, so she was as indifferent as if it were someone else’s problem. But for Kirrin, it was different. Both the Second Princess and Duke Toulouse were her direct responsibility.

Moreover, they were both arriving at the same time, so it would be no surprise if she fainted right here and now.

“I see the carriage!”

At the guards’ shout, a carriage kicked up a cloud of dust as it approached from a distance.

“It’s Duke Toulouse!” “Ugh…!”

Kirrin covered her mouth as if she might cry at any moment, and Ismera patted her back, telling her not to worry too much.

At that moment, I caught a glimpse of a smile spreading across Professor Ismera’s lips. It was entirely different from the kind smile she had shown me earlier. It was more like… a sneer.

But everyone else was focused on the approaching carriage, so I was the only one who saw that fleeting smile. I’ll have to remember that.

The carriage, having just passed through the main gate, came to a sudden stop in front of the assembled faculty. The door opened, and a middle-aged man stepped out briskly. It was Duke Toulouse.

“Headmaster Kirrin!”

Duke Toulouse’s shout of fury made poor Kirrin stagger and lean on Ismera’s shoulder.

“You promised to educate my child properly, and now what is this? Who is the madman who beat up a girl so severely?”

“Th-that is….”

Feeling sorry for the trembling Kirrin, I stepped in front of the Duke and shouted.

“Commander! Long time no see!”

The Duke’s eyes bulged as he turned his gaze to me.

“What?! You, you! Lieutenant Dian?!”

“Yes, sir!”

“What in the world?! You were here?!””

“That’s right. I never expected to meet you here again, Commander.”

“You bastard! I thought you were dead since you suddenly disappeared!”

The Duke burst into a hearty laugh and hugged me tightly.

# # # # #

What is happening?

Ismera felt extreme bewilderment at the sight of the Duke and the Head Combat Professor suddenly embracing each other.

She had certainly expected the Duke to thoroughly trample both the headmaster and the Head Combat Professor…?

[Translator – Peptobismol]

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