The Retired Supporting Character Wants to Live Quietly

Chapter 74 – New Special Student (4)

[Translator – Peptobismol]

Chapter 74 – New Special Student (4)

“I’m going crazy, I’m going crazy….”

Kirrin sat trembling in the carriage, nervously chewing her nails.

She had met with the Second Princess before and received praise, but she couldn’t help being tense again.

The Second Princess’s charisma was overwhelming, emanating naturally from her very being.

Moreover, her single remaining eye seemed to see right through a person’s soul, making her truly intimidating.

Although the Second Princess had never raised her voice or directly shown discomfort towards Kirrin, even her subtle smile conveyed everything.

But Kirrin knew she couldn’t run away anymore.

She was the headmaster of the academy, and she had to fulfill her responsibilities.

If she worked hard now and gained the Second Princess’s favor, she could stay at the academy as a subject professor even after stepping down as headmaster.

And above all, she couldn’t let Dian down.

Dian worked tirelessly for the academy, and if the headmaster shirked her duties just because she was afraid of the Second Princess, it would be unacceptable.

Dian would be disappointed in her and eventually dislike her.

And then he might end up with Professor Lina….

Kirrin squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head vigorously. That couldn’t happen.

Get a grip, Kirrin.

Get recognized by the Second Princess, gain Dian’s approval, smoothly hand over the headmaster position, and remain as a subject professor at the academy.

And if possible, develop a ‘good relationship’ with Dian as a safety net.

Focus entirely on this plan.

As Kirrin indulged in these thoughts, the carriage entered a narrow mountain path.

A winding road snaked through the rugged hills outside the Palace. Kirrin had no idea where it led.

She was riding in a carriage without windows.

When Kirrin arrived in the Palace, a security office official informed her that the Second Princess was out and offered to guide her in a new carriage.

Where could they be going?

As the winding path continued, a building soon appeared ahead.

A low, two-story structure stretched out to the sides, resembling military barracks.

There was an open space in front, surrounded by high brick walls, giving it the look of a military post.

“Please step out.”

The carriage stopped, and the security office official opened the door.

Kirrin stepped out in front of the main gate.

Two men in civilian clothes, looking like guards, stood by the thick iron gate.

Though they appeared to be ordinary citizens, Kirrin’s racial abilities quickly discerned their true nature.

These men were hiding various weapons in their clothes.

In addition to daggers, their belts had iron plates inside, which could be used as whips if needed.

They weren’t ordinary citizens or soldiers. What could they be?

Probably part of one of the many organizations under the Imperial Security Office.

So, this place guarded by such people must be….

“Please, come in.”

Following the security office official inside, Kirrin saw a group of people gathered in front of a platform.

On the platform sat a tall woman with silver hair—the Second Princess, head of the Imperial Security Office.

“H-How have you been…?”


As Kirrin bowed nervously, the Second Princess smiled gently.

“You’ve had a long journey. You have something to propose?”


“Is it urgent? If not, we can discuss it later.”

“I-it’s not urgent…!”

“Good. Have a seat.”

The Second Princess gestured to an empty chair beside her.

Kirrin sat down, realizing that the people below the platform were all staring at her.

Men and women dressed in black, with menacing eyes above their masks, were watching her.

Kirrin recognized those outfits well. Professor Lina often wore similar gear during infiltration exercises.

“The headmaster of the Imperial Special Mission Academy.”

At the Second Princess’s words, the people shifted their gaze away from Kirrin.

It was only then that Kirrin felt a chill run down her spine.

They hadn’t been looking at her out of curiosity. It was because she was a Dark Elf.

Dark Elves had fought on the side of the Demon King during the war.

Although Kirrin’s Nemara clan betrayed the Demon King and saved the Emperor, it was a rare exception.

Other clans did not defect and scattered into hiding after the war.

Thus, the world’s view of Dark Elves remained harsh, and the Nemara clan had not left their forest despite their debt to the Emperor.

Although Kirrin’s skin was much lighter and her build different from pureblood Dark Elves, she was still a Dark Elf.

To the uninformed, one Dark Elf was the same as another.

“Let’s begin.”

At the Second Princess’s command, the people in black formed a formation.

They created a large rectangular space in the center, surrounded by a perimeter.

“These are agents under the Security Office. Today, they will demonstrate a combat training session, and you’ve arrived just in time.”

“Are these agents… special operatives?”

“Their training purpose differs from special operatives.”

“Then what….”

The Second Princess didn’t answer, turning her gaze to the agents instead.

Two agents stepped into the center of the rectangular space, facing each other.

They held swords about two palms long, which looked real rather than practice swords.

Were they really going to spar with those? That seemed extremely dangerous.

Thinking they had probably rehearsed beforehand, Kirrin was in for a shock.

As soon as the match began, the two agents charged at each other, fighting as if their lives depended on it.

Seeing blood spur from various cuts and gashes, Kirrin’s eyes nearly popped out.

Kirrin had learned assassination and stealth in her clan’s forest.

These were basic skills for a Dark Elf from an early age.

However, Kirrin was a child born with a different purpose by the Nemara.

[Translator – Peptobismol]

While other Dark Elves were deployed in combat, Kirrin remained in the forest, so she had never seen such a scene.


At the sight of one agent stabbing the other in the side, Kirrin inhaled sharply.

“Are you alright?”

“I-I’m fine….”

Kirrin, who was answering the Second Princess’s question, felt dizzy as she watched the sword being repeatedly plunged into the agent’s side.


At the Second Princess’s command, the sparring ended.

The victorious agent stepped back, while the other collapsed with the sword still in his side.

Several medics rushed to treat the fallen agent, and a golden glow suggested the presence of a priest.

“How do you feel, Headmaster Kirrin?”

The Second Princess looked at Kirrin.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen… something like that….”

Kirrin, her face pale, answered with difficulty.

“Some of the academy’s graduates will undertake such missions. If trained inadequately, they will die like dogs in the field.”


“It’s said that the best welfare a commander can give their soldiers is rigorous training. Guide the students with dedication.”

“I understand, Your Highness….”

“I hope next year’s graduates will meet the standards required by our security office and other institutions.”

“I will do my best….”

Graduates don’t go straight into practical assignments after leaving the academy.

Each institution and organization has its own requirements and conducts separate training programs. Only after passing these can one begin fieldwork.

Nevertheless, physical fitness and basic skills are essential, and that is the academy’s responsibility.

Kirrin’s responsibility.

“So, Headmaster Kirrin. You have something to propose.”

Kirrin, glancing at the bloodied agent being carried out on a stretcher, began hesitantly.

“Your Highness… we, we would like to participate in a contest….”

Facing the Second Princess’s single eye, Kirrin couldn’t continue and swallowed hard.

“You want to participate in a contest.”


“Deciding on participation is entirely within the headmaster’s authority. Surely you didn’t come all this way without knowing that.”

“The thing is….”

Kirrin, trying not to offend the Second Princess, explained as politely as possible.

To improve the students’ skills and career prospects, they wanted to participate in contests.

However, the current contests in the Empire didn’t quite align with the ‘Special Mission’ academy’s nature.

So, they were requesting the security office to organize a contest related to their mission.

“You want the security office to host a contest?”

“Yes… for example, if some of the evaluations for current agents could be opened to the academy….”

“Who suggested this?”


Seeing Kirrin nearly panic, the Second Princess smiled.

“Never mind. I understand your intention. I’ll discuss it internally and get back to you soon.”

“Th-thank you…!”

Kirrin bowed deeply, almost touching her forehead to the ground.

“By the way, how is the selected special student doing?”

“If you mean Student Sophie, she’s adjusting well.”

Relieved from the immense pressure, Kirrin responded with a slightly brighter expression.

“She will contribute greatly to the Empire’s security after graduation. I’ll ensure she graduates with top marks…!”

“Excellent, Kirrin.”

“Eek!? Thank you!”

Kirrin, rarely praised by the Second Princess, made a strange noise as she bowed again.

“The special student selection is an excellent system for uncovering hidden gems in the Empire. Make good use of it.”


“Good. You may return now.”

After the dazed and ecstatic Kirrin left, the Second Princess beckoned with a finger, summoning her adjutant.

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Turn some of the 5439th Unit’s evaluations this year into a contest. I’ll discuss the details with the unit commander.”

“Understood. I’ll relay and prepare immediately.”

After the adjutant left, the Second Princess ran her hand through her silver hair, feeling quite satisfied.

Asking the security office to open their agent evaluations?

This must be Dian’s idea.

Truely an impressive person indeed.

His past achievements and his immediate transformation of the academy upon appointment, now suggesting using internal evaluations as academy contests.

He’s truly a worthy friend of Sir Linus and a member of the Demon King Slayer Special Force.

He’s fully qualified to be my dagger.

He must have already thought this through, looking ahead with careful consideration.

# # # # #

Meanwhile, at the Special Mission Academy, in Dian’s house.

“Sir Dian! I told you not to take your socks off inside out!”

Olysia was scolding Dian, holding a pair of inside-out socks.

“Huh? What’s the problem?”

“I can’t wash them properly, and I have to turn them right-side out again!”

“It’s no problem. Just wear them inside out and turn them the right way next time.”

“Argh! Really!!!!”

Contrary to the Second Princess’s expectations, Dian was teasing his young maid and laughing.

[Translator – Peptobismol]

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