The Retired Supporting Character Wants to Live Quietly

Chapter 85 - Bustling Group Training (2)

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

Chapter 85 - Bustling Group Training (2)

And so, it happened.

The students all wanted it (well, except for Hindrasta, but still), and even Professor Ismera publicly agreed that it would be effective. Headmaster Kirrin gave her approval, and Olysia was surprisingly enthusiastic about the idea.

With everyone on board, I didn’t really have a solid reason to oppose it anymore.

My initial concerns were just about how it might look for female students to stay at a male professor's house. But with the headmaster and the Head Theoretical Professor backing it, and with Olysia as a diligent overseer, I didn’t have to worry much.

Indeed, there’s no better way to build team cohesion than group training.

And just in time, the Imperial Security Office sent down the competition guidelines. Much sooner than I expected.

It’s a nationwide competition, just as I predicted.

Not only are the academies participating, but anyone who meets the Security Office's criteria can join, regardless of affiliation.

That part was unexpected.

I thought it would be limited to students from officer training schools and academies, but it seems that even large mercenary groups and adventurer guilds can participate.

Looks like they’re planning to recruit high-quality new talent from all over.

But I had an odd feeling.

The Security Office is one of the Empire’s most important departments, controlled by the Second Princess.

The Second Princess, born of a concubine, is on the rise, having established a strong track record, unlike the ineffectual Emperor. Her loyal elite officers now hold key positions within the Security Office.

And now, they’re organizing a nationwide competition to find talented new recruits?

This is a blatant move to strengthen the Security Office’s power and capabilities.

But did the Emperor approve of this? Or is the Security Office acting independently? Or did the Emperor try to stop it and fail? I’m not sure.

What’s important now is that the competition is nationwide, and each organization must field a three-person team.

Luckily, my prediction was spot-on, and our academy has already selected its first team through internal evaluations. Now, we just need to train like there’s no tomorrow.

"As expected of you, Dian! You’re amazing!"

Kirrin, thrilled after reading the Security Office’s plans, chattered excitedly.

"Everything is unfolding just as you predicted! Thanks to you, we’ve saved so much time! How did you know?"

"I just had a feeling that the Second Princess would do something like this."

"Amazing, amazing! You’re the best!"

Kirrin was practically glowing with excitement, her face flushed as she gave me double thumbs up.

But Ismera was completely disconnected from the high spirits around her.

Since the moment she read the competition plans, she seemed like a person who had lost all emotion.

Her once lush hair, emerald eyes, and flawless skin now seemed to be covered in a layer of gray dust.

"So now, Dian, you and Professor Ismera have a crucial role to play."

Kirrin said, even as she mentioned Ismera’s name, the professor seemed utterly unaware, lost in her thoughts.

Caught up in her enthusiasm, Kirrin didn’t notice Ismera’s state and continued chattering away.

"Dian, teach the students well and make sure we win first place in the competition. That will prove that our academy’s students are the best in the Empire."

"Don’t worry. Professor Ismera and I will do our best."

Even when I mentioned her name, Ismera didn’t respond.

"So the students will be staying at your place?"

"Yes, that seems to be the plan."

"Great, great. Then I’ll stay at your house for a while too."

"What? Why?"

"Because I’m the headmaster. It’s my duty to support and keep an eye on the students during such an important competition."

"Don’t be ridiculous. There won’t be any room left for you once the three students move in."

"I’ll just lay a blanket on the floor in your room. I don’t mind."

"Oh no, I mind. Stop saying absurd things."

I deflected Kirrin’s unreasonable request and glanced at Ismera.

Normally, she would’ve been glaring daggers at Kirrin, but she continued staring at the floor.

"Anyway, as planned, we’ll take the students and start their training."

"Yes, yes. You two take care. I’ll drop by occasionally."

As I left the headmaster’s office, Ismera staggered off in another direction.

"Professor Ismera."

I called out as I approached her, and she slowly turned her head towards me, almost as if her neck creaked like an old hinge.

"What is it...?"

"We should move the students' things to my place and start the training right away."


Then, with another slow turn of her head, she trudged away.

That elf... She’s completely lost her motivation after seeing my predictions come true.

# # # # #

Ismera, who had been walking sluggishly, stopped once Dian was out of sight and leaned against the wall.

Everything had gone exactly as Dian predicted.

The Security Office opened the competition not only to our academy but to everyone else as well.

They required only one team of three, skilled in infiltration, assassination, and intelligence.

Our academy selected the top three through internal evaluations, and now we just need to train them and send them off.

This wasn’t just a prediction; it was practically a prophecy.

I’ve been utterly defeated... Completely outmatched...

Since Dian took over as the Head of the Combat Department, Ismera had never once managed to outshine him.

Dian always made absurd suggestions and took irrational actions, and every time, Ismera tried to challenge him.

Everything Dian did was beyond Ismera’s experience, knowledge, and understanding.

But in the end, Dian was always right, and Ismera was always wrong.

Even with the second special student, Merilda...

When Ismera first learned that Dian was personally tutoring Knightley, she was furious.

But when she found out that Knightley had requested it herself, and that Headmaster Kirrin had approved it due to the complex situation involving the Toulouse family, her anger turned into envy.

If only I could personally teach a student with such potential...

Then, out of nowhere, Kirrin brought in a second special student, Merilda, who showed remarkable talent in intelligence.

Ismera immediately recognized Merilda as a genius and wanted to take her under her wing.

If Dian can personally teach Knightley, why can’t I, as the Head of the Theoretical Department?

But the result was a complete defeat for Ismera.

Merilda refused Ismera, insisting on being Dian’s student instead.

And when Dian stepped in to mediate, she immediately agreed, even though she had been firm in her refusal of Ismera’s earlier persuasion.

As if that wasn’t humiliating enough, when Dian suggested that Merilda reconsider her decision in the future, it made Ismera feel even more wretched, as if Dian were pitying her and throwing her a bone.

And she hated herself for feeling a glimmer of gratitude and hope in that moment.

The series of events that unfolded left Ismera on the verge of a mental breakdown.

The only path left for Ismera now is to ensure that the academy’s representative team wins first place in the competition.

The team is jointly supervised by Dian and Ismera, so Ismera has a stake in it.

The team must win. That’s the only way to prove my competence.

So how can our team win first place in a nationwide competition?

Ismera began to think.

# # # # #

"Listen, I have something to tell you."

On the way to my house, riding in the special carriage, I turned to the students, raising three fingers as I spoke sternly.

"There’s a maid at my house named Olysia. She’s younger than all of you. Knightley, you’ve met her, right?"

"I know her. She’s got quite a temper."

"Yes, she does. She’s been cleaning the house, preparing your rooms, and buying food for you all. She believes that if you do well, I’ll do well, too."

"Oh my, how thoughtful. She’s very sweet."

Merilda said, clasping her hands together in admiration, while Hindrasta scoffed.

"Right. But there’s something she’s extremely sensitive about. What do you think it is?"

"Hmm, maybe something that could harm Professor Dian’s reputation? Since Olysia wants the best for you."

"Exactly, Merilda. Olysia is terrified that I might lose my job as a professor. If I get fired, we’d have to go back to Brunswell. She hates that place; she thinks it’s a backwater."

"Long story short, what’s your point?"

"Sophia, you can’t talk to the professor like that."

Hindrasta interrupted, her tone impatient, and Merilda scolded her immediately.

"It’s a good thing the professor is so lenient with you; otherwise, you’d have been disciplined long ago."

"What? Dian is lenient? Do you even know how many times I’ve been beaten?"

"If you did something wrong, you deserved it."

Hindrasta began to yell, but Merilda smiled and cut her off.

"You should be thankful it was just corporal punishment. At least you can still attend the academy."

"Do you think I want to be here?"

"Then why haven’t you dropped out?"

"I want to! But it’s... It’s not that simple... If I do, I’ll die..."

Hindrasta’s sudden shift in tone surprised everyone as she started crying.

"Please continue, Professor."

Unlike Knightley, who was looking at her in disbelief, Merilda was unfazed by Hindrasta’s tears, and turned her attention back to me with a smile.

"Olysia is excited about your arrival but also anxious about what might happen. For example..."

"A scandal between a beautiful blonde student and a young, capable professor?"

At that, Merilda simply smiled without saying a word and looked at Knightley.

"I’m kidding, I’m kidding."

Seeing that look, Knightley awkwardly tried to smooth things over.

Now that I look at it, Merilda, she can be a bit scary.

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

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