The Return of Apocalypses Tyrant

Chapter 78

Episode 78

– The 3rd monster wave takes the world by storm!!

-A large-scale attack on a different level!!

-Confusion and fear….

-Wasn’t the red zone the end?!

Emergency evacuation orders were announced in major cities around the world, and several cities had already fallen to demons and were reduced to ruins.

-15 seconds before entering the city center.

-All escorting squadrons spread out to open the way.

– Roger.

As soon as the radio call ended, the F-15K squadron of the 122nd Battalion dispatched from Daegu began to disperse around the transport helicopter flying in the sky.


Missiles fired from fighter jets simultaneously intercepted the Wyverns in front of them.



With a loud roar, the helicopter Namgung was riding in shook greatly from the impact.


The pilot grabbed the control stick with both hands with all his might.

Doo doo doo doo…!

The helicopter’s main gun, which had barely managed to maintain its balance, began pouring out bullets.

Kagagaga River…!!

Along with the flying Wyverns, the windows of the surrounding buildings were shattered by bullets.


Contrary to the loud roar, the thick-scaled wyverns opened their huge mouths towards the helicopter, paying no heed to the bullets.

The pilot who was holding the control wheel closed his eyes tightly without realizing it.

Suddenly –

that was the time.

Oh my…!!!

The wyvern that opened its mouth split vertically, and its flesh was torn off and fell to both sides of the helicopter.


The pilot was astonished to see figures made of black smoke slaughtering wyverns around the helicopter.

“This is enough.”

Namgung’s low voice was clearly heard even in the roar.



When I opened the helicopter door, a harsh wind blew in.

“Currently, Lizardman, the secondary monster in the red zone, has been summoned, right? What is the situation?

– According to Captain Kang Ho-jun’s report, the Alliance and Clans are currently confronting demons centered on the three safety bases created on the island.

“How long has it been since they were summoned?”

-The Lizardmen were summoned at 4:30 this morning. It was 3 hours and 20 minutes ago.

Namgung slowly nodded as he heard Park Hyo-joo’s voice coming from the receiver in his ear.

Beep- Beep-

He adjusted his goggles and set a new timer on his watch.

‘After Lizardman is summoned, the boss monster Serpent is summoned 7 hours later.’


I started the timer and the numbers started decreasing.

‘By now, it would have been known that monsters were summoned all over the world, even in the red zone.’

It was highly likely that some of the personnel deployed to the red zone would return to defend the city.

No matter how important it is to conquer the red zone, it will be less important than the disappearance of their own country.

Therefore, the key was whether Alek Traman and the three other revelers would leave the red zone.

‘In the worst case where all three return, the manpower remaining in the red zone is not enough.’

Of course, Namgoong’s group, including Choi Myung-hoon and Kang Ho-jun, were in the red zone.

However, for their small group, it was a daunting task just to find the real boss, Moul, who was hiding somewhere in the red zone.

What if the serpent is also summoned in the meantime?

There was a high possibility that not only the continent but also the red zone would turn into chaos.

3 hours 40 minutes.

That was the time given to Namgung.


Namgoong just threw himself out of the helicopter.


The pilot was astonished at the sight.

“Everything bare?”

At the sight of Namgoong jumping from several kilometers in the air without a parachute, he was speechless and pulled on the control stick with all his might.

* * *


Namgoong, who was falling from the sky, turned his head.


[Kyeah! Wow!! Kyaaa!!]

Dozens of wyverns were flying after him, folding their wings at the same time, as if trying to snatch their prey.


Namgoong pulled his legs toward his chest and began spinning around. As the speed slowed down, the Wyverns quickly closed the distance between him and him.

It was then.


As, who was summoned from behind Namgung, hit the head of the wyvern that was running towards him with all his might with a huge axe.


The guy’s head was split in half.


At the same time, soul soldiers appeared at Nangong’s feet, and he bounced, stepping on their outstretched hands as if they were stepping stones.

pop! pop! pop!!!

Spirit soldiers were repeatedly summoned and disappeared in all directions, and Namgung began to climb zigzagly.


He plunged his sword into the back of the wyvern’s neck, whose head had been blown off, and jumped up onto the wyvern’s body.


Quad deud deuk…!!

The wyvern that was stuck on the ground bounced on the ground a few times and was pushed several meters away, scraping the floor without being able to overcome the shock.


Namgung slowly came down from the top of the wyvern that had become mush. He took off his goggles and stroked his forehead.


The cold air hit his face, but his face was tense and sweaty.

“Is it a bit far from the airport?”

He saw a building made of glass.

It was the POSCO History Museum in Park 1538 near Pohang New Port.

Judging by the fact that the building was not destroyed, it appears that this area has not yet been damaged by the attack.

If it was fortunate, it was fortunate.

Because the summoned monsters were Wyverns, most of them stayed in the sky, so damage on the ground was relatively small.

bang! bang!! Kwaaaang!!

But that didn’t mean it was absolutely safe. The building, which had been fine until a moment ago, collapsed into pieces.


Dozens of wyverns that had been chasing him came down to the ground and were glaring, folding their wings.


However, at that moment, the wyverns walking towards Namgung stopped in the hail of bullets.

-Check the landing point!!

– Let’s start taking cover.

When Namgung turned his head, the tactical vehicles that were rushing towards him, pouring out armored bullets, stopped in front of him.

“Victory! “I will escort you to Pohang New Port.”

The vehicle’s door opened and the sergeant inside extended his hand to salute him.

“Escort is fine. Now let’s withdraw our troops. Protect people’s lives.”

“Troops have already been spread out and are helping citizens evacuate. We are supposed to support Namgung all the way to the port.”

“You are among the lives of the people I am talking about.”

The sergeant’s shoulders froze at Namgung’s words. But soon he spoke in a firm voice.

“That is why we carry out our duties as soldiers. In order to save the lives of more citizens and even the lives of your colleagues, shouldn’t Namgung go through that horde of monsters?”

“You guys can deal with…”

Namgung shook his head in frustration at the sergeant’s words, but soon stopped talking.

Because I was like that too.

Even if you say no anyway, they won’t listen.

A look of determination.

“It would be better to experience it yourself.”


held the sergeant’s hand and muttered in a low voice as he got into the vehicle.

-Each unit secures the range!

-Block all roads leading to the port! Each artillery battalion begins firing at the Wyvern from a designated location!!

bang! bang!! Kwaang!!!

Starting with the flames coming out of the tank, the troops of the 1st Marine Division began to move in perfect order.


The vehicle carrying Namgoong began to speed as fast as it could.


He thought as he saw battles taking place here and there and soldiers desperately resisting.

Doo doo doo doo…!!!

They must have fought fiercely on this day in their past life. But their eyes were different from back then.

Rather than struggling in despair, the will to win the war against monsters was stronger.

And knowing that it was he who believed in that hope, Namgung strengthened the hand holding the sword.


A wyvern came out of the bushes in front of the tactical vehicle that was speeding down the road.


The driver hastily turned the steering wheel.

Great profit!!! Kwaang!!

As if waiting for the vehicle that had barely stopped, the wyvern hit it with its head, causing the tactical vehicle carrying Namgoong to flip over and roll down the road.

“Joe be careful!!”

The sergeant inside stumbled and shouted.


Crackling… Crackling….

A driver who lost consciousness and collapsed in an overturned vehicle.


The sergeant let out a faint groan and hurriedly looked around, not paying attention to the blood flowing from his forehead.


He aimed his rifle.


But surprisingly, the wyverns that attacked him a moment ago were nowhere to be seen.


who was standing over the butchered body of a wyvern, tore off the door of the broken vehicle.

The soul soldiers are now on guard.

“Please come out.”

Gulp –

‘Instead of providing help, I ended up receiving it.’

Only then did the sergeant realize that this battle was incomparable to anything he had experienced so far.

“Now you know. “There is nothing you can do to help me in this situation.”

thud! thud! Coo–!!!

Wyverns began to come down from the sky again.


When he faced the eyes of the gigantic monster, his body stiffened despite the fact that he had undergone rigorous training.

Grumbling –

But facing such a monster in front of him, Namgung calmly aimed his sword.

“This is a fight beyond the human realm.”

“…But I will still be with you!”

The sergeant spoke with a trembling voice.

“You still don’t understand? Rather, you guys are just a burden? “If you want to help me, use the heads you collected to buy a potion from the bag and hand it over.”


The sergeant’s face contorted at Namgung’s harsh words.

“Courage is fleeting, but one life. “If you can’t even protect your own life, it’s right to go back.”

Namgung looked at him.

To be honest, I was glad to see him saying that he would fight together.

In my past life, not only ordinary citizens but even soldiers lost their will to fight due to a sudden attack by monsters.

‘I don’t want to break your will too much, but…’

It’s still too early.

Dealing with monsters with a gun anymore was literally like hitting a rock with an egg.

‘Summoner’s Night is about to open.’

At that time, you will be able to collect more heads and purchase effective weapons.


It was then.

The wyvern’s eyes that were blocking it burst open as if hit by something.

It was a monster with hard scales, but even its eyeballs weren’t hard.


-Go to the collapsed wall on the left.

Unlike the emergency situation, Namgung’s ears heard a drowsy voice that seemed a little weak.

‘This voice…’

Namgung knew right away who the voice was.

The only sniper of Unit 711 in the past.

‘Kim Chang-hwan.’

Clunk –

At that moment, for some reason, the sound of a bullet being loaded seemed to be heard behind the receiver.


With a scream of pain, the wyvern began to run wild.

Piyut-!! Phew–!!!!

However, the remaining bullet that flew at that moment even pierced one of the wyvern’s eyes.

Boom! Cooooooong…!

The blind guys were struggling and bumping into each other and started biting each other.

“I can’t believe it…”

the sergeant muttered, looking at the fallen Wyverns in fascination.

-Human power is not only force.

I heard Changhwan’s voice.

-Isn’t it your older brother who taught you that in 711?

Namgung smiled bitterly at his words.

-We will provide immediate coverage up to Pier 6.

All of the Wyverns around him were suddenly incapacitated and fell.

Only by human power.

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