The Return of the Legendary All-Master

Chapter 176

Chapter 176

The key, obtained from a hidden quest no less.

In the past, when he first saw this key, he thought it was a disappointing reward. But the box that could only be opened with this key contained items that would amaze even traitors.

‘Wow… Rease had such rare rewards?’

‘This is amazing…’

‘If I had found this while playing the game, I could have boosted my specs significantly.’

Even at a high level, these were incredibly good items. If he had obtained them between levels 201 and 250, they would have been tremendously helpful.

Jeong-Hoon, knowing the future, was determined to acquire these items.

‘Altair said he didn’t know how to use this key, but…’

There was an indentation on the key. When Jeong-Hoon placed his hand on it, a hologram appeared above it.

[Restoring the key.]

[Tracking the location of the box.]

It was inevitable that Altair didn’t know how to use the key.

This key only revealed its true value when it fell into the hands of a user.

Moreover, the key, which seemed worn out and difficult to use, was now perfectly restored.

[The location of the box will be revealed if you hold the key.]

As he held the key, another hologram appeared.

It was a map.

There was an X mark on the map, indicating the location where the box was hidden.

‘As expected…’

But the X marked the Rogue Sanctuary.

Specifically, the leader’s residence.

In the end, to obtain the box, he had to enter the leader’s residence.

‘The problem is that the leader of the Rogue City hates outsiders.’

In the cases of Verd and Altair, he could somehow break through, but Markus, the leader of the Rogue City, was impossible.

That’s why he intended to acquire the box during the war.


Just in time, his mother arrived at the City of Peace.

Since he had deactivated the Disguise Potion’s buff, Jeong-Hoon’s face was back to normal.


[Player Information]

-Nickname: Yeona

-Level: 202

-Class: Genesis Sniper (3rd Class)


His mother didn’t hide the fact that she had a hidden class with a blindfold.

“Wow… What’s that?”

“Did that class even exist?”

“It’s a hidden class!”

The users coming and going in the City of Peace turned their heads towards his mother.

It was rare to see a hidden class up close while playing the game, so it was natural for them to be curious.

But his mother didn’t pay any attention to their gazes.

“You’re here?”

“Yes. So this is Rease. It’s amazing.”

His mother was engrossed in sightseeing in the City of Peace.

“Yes. This is a zone without dungeons or monsters.”

Jang Ha-Jin arrived first among the two. It seemed like it had been a long time since they met after the Bone Lord Wyvern raid, so he was very happy.

“You’re here?”

“Yes. Hello, Auntie!”

Ha-Jin politely greeted Jeong-Hoon’s mother.

“Yes, Ha-Jin, it’s been a while, hasn’t it?”

“Yes! How have you been? Wow! You’re a higher level than me…?”

Ha-Jin’s level was 201.

On the other hand, his mother was 202.

Not only had she caught up to him, but she had even surpassed him by one level, so it was no wonder he was surprised.

“That’s not all. She’s even been appointed as the next Tower Master.”

Jeong-Hoon proudly shared the news, and Ha-Jin was shocked.

“Is that really true?!”

“I was lucky.”

“Wow… Auntie, that’s amazing.”

Ha-Jin gave a thumbs-up to Jeong-Hoon’s mother.

“You don’t have to praise me so much.”

His mother smiled.

Meanwhile, Yeo Min-Ji’s gaze was fixed on Ha-Jin’s information.

Her face was filled with astonishment.

“A hi-hidden class…?”


[Player Information]

-Nickname: zl-Zone-Ha-Jin12

-Level: 201

-Class: Dark Lord (3rd Class)


Ha-Jin’s shoulders lifted at her reaction.

Jeong-Hoon had instructed Ha-Jin to turn off his blindfold system if he was using it before coming here.

It was to show Yeo Min-Ji the title of his hidden class.

“What happened to your guild?”

“Of course, I left. I’m guildless now.”

Shortly after completing his 3rd class advancement, Jeong-Hoon had contacted him.

It was an offer to join the Ho-Yeong guild.

Naturally, Ha-Jin accepted without hesitation.

It had been his dream to join a renowned guild while playing New World.

There was no reason to refuse when he could fulfill that dream.

“So, what do you say?”

Jeong-Hoon looked at Yeo Min-Ji.

“…Please join Ho-Yeong. I promise you’ll be treated well.”

“Yes, I’d be glad to.”

Ha-Jin readily agreed.

Yeo Min-Ji’s face brightened.

She had thought he was a decent player, maybe around Epic grade, but he turned out to have a hidden class.

‘This is totally awesome!’



Kim Bong-Goo was standing in front of the portal, ready to head to Rease.

“Wow… Specter at 3rd class?”

“Specter is a Unique grade, right?”

The users waiting nearby were briefly impressed as they looked at Kim Bong-Goo with his Unique grade class.

‘Hehe, you guys. Never seen a Specter before?’

Kim Bong-Goo’s lips curled into a smirk.

Being able to advance to a Unique grade class at the 3rd class advancement was definitely something to be admired.

“Excuse me, are you in a guild?”

Some even tried to recruit him into their guilds.

“Are you a famous guild?”

“Excuse me? Ah, not a famous one, but a mid-sized guild called Space.”

“What? You’re not even a famous guild, and you’re trying to recruit me? I’m a Specter, you know?”

“…You seem to be mistaken. Famous guilds don’t recruit like this.”

The man spoke in a disbelieving tone.

Kim Bong-Goo smirked.

“Huh, really? That’s great.”


If that guy knew what kind of offer he had received, he would surely faint from surprise.

‘You finished your 3rd class advancement? Then it’s time to join a guild.’

‘A guild? Don’t tell me…’

‘Yes, Ho-Yeong. You should be able to join now that you’re a Specter.’

‘Brother! I love you!’

He had been grinning from ear to ear all day yesterday after hearing that he could join Ho-Yeong.

‘Mom, he’s finally lost it.’

Usually, he would have wanted to poke those eyes that were staring at him creepily, but today, even his sister’s gaze seemed lovely.

‘Sister, I can forgive you for anything today.’

He approached his sister with a benevolent smile.


But that damn girl screamed and ran to hide in another room.

His parents exchanged serious glances at his behavior and then cautiously approached him and sat down in front of him.

‘What on earth did you do… If you tell us honestly, we’ll forgive you.’

‘Did you do something bad…? You didn’t get sued for assault or anything, did you?’

‘…Is it serious enough to require a settlement?’

His parents treated him like a criminal, but even that made him think they were worried because they loved him.

‘Dad, Mom. I love you!’

Kim Bong-Goo hugged his parents.

Along with the words “I love you.”

His parents’ eyes trembled uncontrollably.

Their son had definitely gone crazy.

When they confirmed that their son hadn’t caused any trouble, they were somewhat relieved, but at the same time, a new worry arose.

His sudden 180-degree change in behavior could indicate a mental health issue.

‘Bong-Goo, if you’re going through something tough, don’t hesitate to tell us.’

‘We’re always on your side.’

His father took out two 50,000 won bills from his wallet and placed them in Kim Bong-Goo’s hand.

‘Why are you giving me this?’

‘So you can buy something delicious.’

Kim Bong-Goo felt like he was on cloud nine.

He had become a Specter and even got some extra cash.

[Whisper/Hoon -> SaltySoup4Mom: If you’re not here in 10 minutes, you’re dead.]

Just then, a chilling whisper arrived.

Kim Bong-Goo’s cheerful expression instantly froze.

‘What the hell…? How can I get there in 10 minutes?’

He looked at the people in front of him.

There were currently three people in the queue.

If he hurried to Rease, he might be able to make it within 10 minutes…

Kim Bong-Goo trembled with anxiety.

‘Damn it, why are they so slow? Hurry up and move!’

He inwardly cursed at the NPC in front of him, and soon it was his turn.

Kim Bong-Goo hurriedly boarded the portal.

“Rease, quickly!”

“Stop rushing me.”

“Shut up and send me already!”

“Alright, alright, watch your language.”

Kim Bong-Goo’s body was sucked into the portal.


With Ha-Jin’s recruitment finalized, only Kim Bong-Goo remained.

But Kim Bong-Goo still hadn’t shown up.

“Is one person running a bit late?”

“Yes, please wait a little longer.”

Kim Bong-Goo would arrive soon.

[Whisper/SaltySoup4Mom -> Hoon: I’ve arrived in Rease! I’ll be there right away!]

Because Kim Bong-Goo had arrived in Rease.

Not long after, Kim Bong-Goo arrived, and everyone was gathered.

“Vroom vroom! The perfectly upgraded Bong-Go truck has arrived! I’m ready to take my beloved brother anywhere!”

Yeo Min-Ji stepped back slightly, seemingly a bit overwhelmed by his boisterous entrance.

His mother also had a look that said, “What’s with this guy?”

Kim Bong-Goo finally noticed his mother and Yeo Min-Ji, and his face turned beet red.

“Is this him…?”

Yeo Min-Ji whispered in Jeong-Hoon’s ear.

“Yes, it is.”

“Oh my…”


[Player Information]

-Nickname: SaltySoup4Mom

-Level: 201

-Class: Specter (3rd Class)


A Unique grade at 3rd class was very attractive, but the problem was his nickname.


“He may seem strange on the outside, but he’s a pretty decent guy.”

“Hmm… If you say so.”

Well, if Jeong-Hoon was vouching for him like this, he must be a decent person despite his appearance.

And so, Jang Ha-Jin and Kim Bong-Goo’s entry into Ho-Yeong was decided.


The admission process was completed quickly.

Normally, the procedure would have been much more complicated, but it was possible because everything had already been arranged.

With this, both Ha-Jin and Kim Bong-Goo became members of Ho-Yeong.

“I can’t believe I’m in a renowned guild… Is this real?”

“This is crazy… It’s not a dream…”

The two of them, their faces brimming with emotion, checked the name of the guild they belonged to over and over again.

No matter how many times they rubbed their eyes, the words “Ho-Yeong” didn’t disappear.

“Alright, now’s not the time to be overwhelmed with emotion. I’ll tell you what we need to do next.”


“Joining the guild wasn’t the end, was it…?”

“Nope. First, do you want to see this?”

Jeong-Hoon took out the key he had received from Altair.

“What key is this?”

“It’s a key I received from the leader of the City of Archer. I got it after completing a hidden quest.”


A hidden quest.

If it was a key obtained after completing such a quest, there must be something incredible waiting.

Ha-Jin and Kim Bong-Goo’s eyes sparkled with anticipation.

“So, here’s the thing, we need to go to war.”




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